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New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment)

08-20-2010 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by ben wb

this has some good uses of the c word
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 06:33 AM
In my experience if you do it with a cheeky smile on your face girls love being called a ****.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by vega66

this has some good uses of the c word
Class video.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Odds Bodkins
I know it seems weird to Americans. But Brits, at least, are far more comfortable throwing around the c-word than we are. Whether it's "standard," I'd say no. But it's considered unusually offensive in America, and just another swear word in England. For comparison, in America, "motherf*****" gets thrown around fairly easily. I've visited friends in other countries where the term for "sisterf****" is basically the worst thing you can call somebody, and its ill-advised use has gotten people killed.

Of course, Negreanu is Canadian. Somebody needs to ask him whether he meant to use it like a Brit, or like an American.
Er not really - you can use the word c**t for men and inanimate objects all you like - but applying it to a woman is pretty much out of bounds...
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by vega66

this has some good uses of the c word imo
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:36 AM
so this thread is now a discussion about ****s, right ?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by WutRUTryin2Hit
Calling her a f***** c*** does not seem to be a normal DN thing to do, can we agree on that? I would NOT be shocked to find they published it wrong whatsoever.
"From: "daniel negreanu" <>

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:41 AM

Subject: Stop your whining

You got a lot of nerve you dizzy ****. If someone asks me if you

are Puke, that's exactly what I'll tell them. You talk all kinds of

**** about me and I could care less. You are entitled to say what you want
about me, I don't care in the least.

You trying to censor me? Ah naw, that ain't gonna happen. I'll say

what the **** I want to say about you. You think "I" start those

discussions? Bitch please, I'm not the only one who has witnessed you

be your pukey self.

Wait till you read McManus' new book... what- are you going to try

to have it cleared from the shelves too! lol.

People SEEK me out to tell me how much they hate you. As for me

sayin' **** about you? Deal with it. I ain't goin' anywhere."
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Gelin1
I think this has a lot to do with attitudes and what are considered taboos. The U.S. is fundamentally a lot more religious country than a lot of the European countries, especially when comparing to us Northern European idiots. And thus sex and language connected to sex are looked upon completely different.

In Sweden or Denmark for instance, it is completely standard that young people (<18) are having sex and it's ok to talk about both the problems and the good things that it brings. We still wouldn't go around calling each other cnt or whatever--it is indeed offensive--it is not, however, considered offensive to the degree where it would harmful to hear and it would never ever be censored in any written or spoken media.

Whereas in the U.S. teen sex and sex before marriage in general are the problem (obviously generalizing to an insane degree).
[ ] Big difference in attitudes towards sex in Sweden and the USA
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 09:04 AM
Let's get back on topic here... Amanda Leatherman?? Really???
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:20 AM
I love Daniel but :

a/ He should not have called Annie THAT. ( if he really did ).

b/ Please Daniel, be true to yourself, what's all that crap with "marketing" girlfriends ? You are a very successful man, no need for more marketing. If you don't want to talk about your personal life great ! Really, no need to pretend.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:40 AM
There are some things that may be true, but you should still not say out loud. Calling Annie Duke a ****ing **** is one of them.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by ben wb
yay derek and clive.

poker and c***?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:52 AM
lol mods asleep
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:05 AM
Daniel's right dammit!
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by wallacengrommit
Ever been to Canada?
As mentioned above, c*** 100% not standard in Canada. I WISH.

Also I love that the general sentiment in this thread is basically "DN should not have said that extremely true thing about AD".
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Schmiggs
I would think Amanda Leatherman would have much better taste...
on what basis?

do you feel you have extensive knowledge with respect to what women are attracted to romantically?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 12:56 PM
Interesting view is that DN was so off base in so many ways. To many (yes, may be a US thing) using the C word is the equivalent of using the N word. If you wanted to think of the very most insulting/degrading thing you can say to/about someone you would use one of those words.

Daniel knew exactly what he was doing.... Somehow many of you think it was okay because it was directed at someone you is the very same if someone used the same venom and used the N word directed at Obama or Ivey....whether you like the person or not, it is the same thing. It was meant to degrade and humiliate another human being.

This actually says way more about Daniel's character than AD....whether you like her or not, she is a contributing member of society. She is a mom, daughter, sister, does more than her fair share for charity and political issues that benefit the poker community.

Poker Stars is starting a woman's league and reaching out to the female side of poker......and yet their "star" player is showing total disrespect for women. He has done the same with his "spoofs" and comments about non white persons.

Looks like to me that Danny Boy has a lot more problems and might be good for him to look inside himself.

Annie and I had some Twitter exchanges during the Ladies event controversay at the WSOP. We disagreed on the was a rational discussion and cordial. There were many pros and non-pros on both sides of this but Daniel has chosen to take this and a statement on Annie's website to make this personal and has done nothing more than show his ass.

It is funny that there is a lot of dislike for Daniel here unless it pits him against Annie.. Neither of these people are folks I would care to hang out with......but Daniel clearly crossed the line and I think Poker Stars should do something about it.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 01:12 PM
One thing I don't agree with in the post above is where you say DN disrespected all women. He called ONE women a name, and did not say he felt this way about anyone else. I'm pretty positive he only meant to disrespect Annie Duke.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 01:17 PM
"From: "daniel negreanu" <>

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:41 AM

Subject: Stop your whining

You got a lot of nerve you dizzy ****. If someone asks me if you

are Puke, that's exactly what I'll tell them. You talk all kinds of

**** about me and I could care less. You are entitled to say what you want
about me, I don't care in the least.

You trying to censor me? Ah naw, that ain't gonna happen. I'll say

what the **** I want to say
about you. You think "I" start those

discussions? Bitch please, I'm not the only one who has witnessed you

be your pukey self.

Wait till you read McManus' new book... what- are you going to try

to have it cleared from the shelves too! lol.

People SEEK me out to tell me how much they hate you. As for me

sayin' **** about you? Deal with it. I ain't goin' anywhere."
this must be fgake. if it aint, then **** u daniel u ****ing ****...i thot that i had cointed the annie puke thingy.
and **** u 2 ce1ka for diggin it up or fakin it...*******. oh, and howard ur a ****ing **** too.


ps evidences:

06-27-2008, 03:59 PM #554
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 610
Re: UB Press Release! UB Admits to 20+ months of cheating.Continues to cover up the t
Originally Posted by Kevmath
John Caldwell of Pokernews has an interview with Annie Duke regarding the scandal here.
Makes me wanna Puke. UB revenue has not declined. Bax, Lynch and 3 more to sign up soon. Annie Puke (AP) was gonna leave last fall because of superuser/management???

Big thanks to datamining though!

Thanks for the link Kev.

Last edited by GaryTheGoat; 06-27-2008 at 04:01 PM. Reason: sp
pps this entire incident is a ****ing fiasco and udderly disgusting.

Last edited by GaryTheGoat; 08-20-2010 at 01:39 PM. Reason: nvgtard 4 lyfe and ps and p
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Speel Posher
lol the c word is so insulting. with all of my girl friends, that is the unanimous most insulting thing you can call a woman.
interesting... you'd think it was b*tch. How is c*nt worse than b*tch? Makes no sense really.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeysAlwaysDrw
interesting... you'd think it was b*tch. How is c*nt worse than b*tch? Makes no sense really.

[x] b*tch over-used and lost most of its punch
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 02:09 PM
oh big deal he called her a **** lets kill ourselves because we never used that word on anyone and our lives are over now
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by artisan
It is completely standard in the UK he is right. Man, I use it in front of my mum without her batting an eyelid. No woman who is any fun at all would give a **** about using it as an insult. As a word for vag granted, it is more offensive.
I'm English. . . my Mrs, classy girl that she is, *only* ever refers to her minnie moon as "Mike 'unt".

I agree with previous posters though. . . whilst I'm no douche, "C***!" is a large part of my daily vocabulary.

PS, to continue with the Peter Cook references, I'm the chap behind The Establishment. It used to be, but I somehow managed to loose that URL. If anyone could help me get it back, please PM me, I'd be most grateful.

I don't mean financially grateful. Sorry. I'm not expecting money, either way.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
