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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-03-2014 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Wow - so mod who scammed me Jamie Platinum doesn't like 1 of my posts about what the thread title should be called and deleted it. Yeah I used your real name - why not?? Nice censorship going there bud. You scammed me plain and simple - you acted so shocked about a casual email by my host and you told me lies to get me to send it to you(kinda like what I do at the airport huh???)

Now you get home and delete the post so no one will know and you have the audacity to call me out??? I might be a scumbag but so are you and you should have your mod privileges revoked. I'm sure that won't happen though as you will try and justify YOUR scamming actions like they were no big deal. What a hypocrite you are.
Big deal. You got taken once.

How many people have you scanned over the years? 5000?

You need to stay out of casinos, and he was helping you do that. You should be thankful.
08-03-2014 , 11:31 PM
Nothing is going to change until Mike wants it to change, and it's going to be very hard for that because he's dug himself quite a hole.

Mike needs a job or something to do besides playing pai gow and hanging out in airports; but it's going to be very difficult with his history of bailing on jobs and stealing money.

Maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or somewhere regularly so you can do something, give something back, and maybe eventually be able to make friends/connections with someone that can give Mike a job.
08-03-2014 , 11:32 PM
I love how he keeps saying jp scammed him. sure he scammed a scumbag scammer to get him punished for him scamming innocent people, what a horrible person. The irony of him getting butt hurt about it is so awesome.

Jp should change his avatar to omar from the wire.
08-03-2014 , 11:36 PM
Before a person (a mod here in this case) decides Mikes scamming should disqualify Mike from a Borg free roll would you not need to understand the back ground of all those others who also qualified? What if a guy robbed banks to qualify for the free roll? He played. convicted Child Molester? he played…..

I'm also guessing if Mike showed up to play at the Borg the day before the free roll with 5K and wanted to play Pai Gow Tiles he'd be more than welcomed by the Borg….

Seems a little vigilante justice to me...
08-03-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Jamie Platinum, What you did was far greater than "messed up"...You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Mike scams because he has to; in order to eat. You scammed him for no apparent reason. Why would you try to chop block him from winning money in a freeroll? It makes no sense unless you are a colossal prick. Also, you possibly caused numerous people to get scammed by getting him put out of the freeroll and on tilt. If he had won money in the freeroll, he would have been good for a month or two for sure.
Also, jman (I believe you are really Inspector Clouseau)(I need to verify IP address) I have explained several times there would be no way to prosecute Mike for these alleged crimes. You would have to follow mike to verify he did not use the money as intended. Then you would have to give him time to pay the money back. The fact that he is asking for money to stay at the Ramada AND has a receipt from the Ramada makes his defense even stronger. Can you imagine a witness travelling to and from NY or Las Vegas to testify against Mike. No prosecutor could be that stupid, so I assume you are trolling.
Mike has admitted his faults and is asking for help. Why are you poker people continually kicking him when he is down. It tells me a lot about the character of the poker community.(Not Good)
Also, Johnny Chan thought his behavior was amusing, not criminal. Why can't you other poker donks think on his level. Forgive and forget. try to help a fellow poker donk in trouble.

As far as who I am, I have no problem having an admin verify with me that I am who I say I am, I just keep my personal information secret from the forums for obvious reasons. Mat Sklansky already knows my real name anyway from the days when I was a mod.

As far as the behavior, it is criminal, and it is not difficult to prove that Mike was intentionally scamming, since he's posted his intentions in this thread. It would be a simple matter for 2+2 records to be subpoena'd for a case, and not too hard to corroborate (via IP records tied to the cell phone Mike is posting from, or any number of other ways to corroborate that it really is Mike Borovetz posting here). Whether police in NY will do that, is of course an open question, like I said, it really just depends on the police officer taking the complaint and how motivated/intelligent he is.



Last edited by fxwacgesvrhdtf; 08-03-2014 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Grammar
08-03-2014 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Jamie Platinum, What you did was far greater than "messed up"...You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Mike scams because he has to; in order to eat. You scammed him for no apparent reason. Why would you try to chop block him from winning money in a freeroll? It makes no sense unless you are a colossal prick. Also, you possibly caused numerous people to get scammed by getting him put out of the freeroll and on tilt. If he had won money in the freeroll, he would have been good for a month or two for sure.
Also, jman (I believe you are really Inspector Clouseau)(I need to verify IP address) I have explained several times there would be no way to prosecute Mike for these alleged crimes. You would have to follow mike to verify he did not use the money as intended. Then you would have to give him time to pay the money back. The fact that he is asking for money to stay at the Ramada AND has a receipt from the Ramada makes his defense even stronger. Can you imagine a witness travelling to and from NY or Las Vegas to testify against Mike. No prosecutor could be that stupid, so I assume you are trolling.
Mike has admitted his faults and is asking for help. Why are you poker people continually kicking him when he is down. It tells me a lot about the character of the poker community.(Not Good)
Also, Johnny Chan thought his behavior was amusing, not criminal. Why can't you other poker donks think on his level. Forgive and forget. try to help a fellow poker donk in trouble.
Also I find it amusing that we are using Johnny Chan as the barometer of what is criminal versus what is amusing.
08-03-2014 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Thank you, sir.

Then is anything in this thread material for local law enforcement? i.e. could the most recent victim use it to press charges?

Everything in this thread is hearsay.
08-03-2014 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
Before a person (a mod here in this case) decides Mikes scamming should disqualify Mike from a Borg free roll would you not need to understand the back ground of all those others who also qualified? What if a guy robbed banks to qualify for the free roll? He played. convicted Child Molester? he played…..

I'm also guessing if Mike showed up to play at the Borg the day before the free roll with 5K and wanted to play Pai Gow Tiles he'd be more than welcomed by the Borg….

Seems a little vigilante justice to me...
No decision was made by a mod here to "disqualify" PScammer Mike from the freeroll. All the mod did was alert the borgata to the existence of this thread, which was certainly a responsible thing to do, and kudos to him for doing it. The borgata made the decision to disqualify him; and who knows if it even had anything to do with this thread, but if it did, then kudos to them as well.
08-03-2014 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
Before a person (a mod here in this case) decides Mikes scamming should disqualify Mike from a Borg free roll would you not need to understand the back ground of all those others who also qualified? What if a guy robbed banks to qualify for the free roll? He played. convicted Child Molester? he played…..

Seems a little vigilante justice to me...
If it was proven (and admitted) that they did it, They wouldnt play....they would be in jail. Sadly its been proven and he did admit that he stole money from innocent people and yet the scumbag still gets to walk around after breaking the law and admitting to it. So yes it was justice.

now quick go post something as mchine disagreeing.
08-03-2014 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw

Everything in this thread is hearsay.
The things that Mike has posted himself are certainly not hearsay, they are admissions by him; also known as the "admission by party-opponent" exception to the hearsay rule. The challenge of course is just corroborating that the PSUMike posting in this thread actually is "Michael Borovetz," but there are a number of ways to do that. Facebook admissions are used against criminals all the time, do you think that is hearsay as well?

Last edited by fxwacgesvrhdtf; 08-03-2014 at 11:46 PM. Reason: Elaborated
08-03-2014 , 11:49 PM
Also, guys. I didn't go all Detective Gadget over here. Mike gave me Mario's information and encouraged me to contact him so he could collect the $50.

Mike PM'd me daily looking for updates.
08-03-2014 , 11:50 PM
Honest question to mike (answer on w/e account you want) do you think its ok that you have gotten away with the crimes you have recently committed?
08-03-2014 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Also, guys. I didn't go all Detective Gadget over here. Mike gave me Mario's information and encouraged me to contact him so he could collect the $50.

Mike PM'd me daily looking for updates.
Don't worry omar the streets got yo back dawg.
08-03-2014 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
Honest question to mike (answer on w/e account you want) do you think its ok that you have gotten away with the crimes you have recently committed?
He clearly doesn't see them as crimes.
08-03-2014 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
Honest question to mike (answer on w/e account you want) do you think its ok that you have gotten away with the crimes you have recently committed?

I'm just kidding, we all could use some comic relief...
08-04-2014 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Sorry, I don't answer trolls and you are at the top of the list. Ever since your 1st post in the thread that I am a skilled player(when that had nothing to do with Gzesh's post) you are a troll. Nothing you write in here will be answered by me, nothing. Heck I would much rather interact with Yapping Yoda(who is near your level) than answer anything you have to say and he never told me his real name.
The truth always hurts, doesn't it Mike?
08-04-2014 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
The things that Mike has posted himself are certainly not hearsay, they are admissions by him; also known as the "admission by party-opponent" exception to the hearsay rule. The challenge of course is just corroborating that the PSUMike posting in this thread actually is "Michael Borovetz," but there are a number of ways to do that. Facebook admissions are used against criminals all the time, do you think that is hearsay as well?
How can you prove that the individual in question was using the smart phone computer or other device to make such posts? This is a burden that you must overcome to prove your point.
08-04-2014 , 12:39 AM
Weird that so many people think PokerFan2008 is PSUMike in disguise, given how long he has been posting here and how much of his posting history is simply not compatible with that belief. Weird that none of these people suspect ronduck to be PSUMike.

(Note: I don't think ronduck is Mike either, but the recent add date and the almost unconditional support of Mike would suggest it far better than PF2008.)
08-04-2014 , 01:27 AM
uh huh you know what it is/mikey Borrows mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

Its not the airport, its mikeys Clearport/time zones in the zone/paigow tiles welcome home

Pimply faced still got swag/Mikey eating out of Allens Micky D's bag/"lost my wallet mommas sick/ help me out don't be a dick"/the King is back! Welcome to the Show/LAX JFK international player HEATHROWWWW!!

Don't got time for bitches (though they love me)/Got to get on my grind/this life is art - we talkin' books, magazines, **** even screenplays - please be kind and rewind

Times is hard for an Airport Don/you try the hustle an' try to quit/ be tougher than them junkies going from that horse to Methadone

E'ery terminal we see him - Mikey Borrows Mikey borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

uh huh you know what it is/Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

Jamie got em/Mikey had/ soundin like Bieber we talking Orlando Bloom mad

The Borg should know better/inviting junkies to their suites looking for some minnows/AC be hurtin - edge sorted to the max by Ivey and the Black Widow

Just binked the monster stack Chainsaw holding bout a milly/ mikey handing in that V card and looking for a fine philly

Nah that was last night/its 715 count time in the pen/ waking up in prison "was it a dream? Who are all these strange men?"/ "Borovetz line up and meet your new cellie/ Says he went to Penn State too - Meet Inmate Sandusky"

Until he makes his score Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

A victim no more when Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

back upstate he goes/ Ass be Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow

devil played that trick played it once more/ thanks to twoplustwo and this thread for promoting me/ Now who's the whore???

uh huh you know what it is Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows Mikey Borrows

(that's right y'all/**** all the haters/Scam Life foreva nicca)

set to Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" for a true homie from PA
08-04-2014 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by el_grande
Well before he was banned today Mike PMed me asking for my friends contact info because he said he lost the business card. Now I can't give him that info. Any suggestions? If a mod or somebody can PM me it'd help.

I know the 2+2 community will make his poker life hell regardless of whether he gets prosecuted for anything. That's part of the reason I posted the story. It's a punishment in itself to not be trusted when you're trying to make a living at poker. It'll be up to him whether he can eventually mend that. Also I wanted to expose it so it hopefully doesn't happen again.

But at this point I'd just like to try to get my friend's money back.
The poker community isn't going to do anything.

Tell your friend to go to the police. **** Mike. He should be in prison.
08-04-2014 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Weird that so many people think PokerFan2008 is PSUMike in disguise, given how long he has been posting here and how much of his posting history is simply not compatible with that belief. Weird that none of these people suspect ronduck to be PSUMike.

(Note: I don't think ronduck is Mike either, but the recent add date and the almost unconditional support of Mike would suggest it far better than PF2008.)
I posted earlier suspecting ronduck of being mike. It was deleted, so I'm assuming a mod ip checked them?
08-04-2014 , 01:56 AM
Lol this thread is legendary!

Last edited by Colin408; 08-04-2014 at 02:02 AM.
08-04-2014 , 01:59 AM
mchine, maybe you can post what Mike is thinking/doing "if you were him" kinda deal. Even though you're clearly not Mike it would be insightful to read what Mike is up to.
08-04-2014 , 02:22 AM
I can't believe anyone would be upset with the mod from preventing this piece of **** from playing the free roll. PSU is a terrible person who preys on the kindness of others. **** him. It's funny that he gets a small taste of his own medicine and he can't handle it. I'm for anything that can be done to make his life worse (I'm not advocating violence, he is a worthless person and violence against him is not worth the potential consequences). He is never going to change and he is going to continue to steal from others until he dies.
08-04-2014 , 03:13 AM
So let me get this straight-- a mod offers a scammer who freerolls unsuspecting tourists a freeroll, and uses it to prevent him from entering a freeroll? I love it. Mike I hope you know that you were going to take 1st place in that thing, too. What a sick beat..
