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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-03-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Totally different scenario - this mod scammed me for info(gave me a fake story like I do at airports so I would give him casino host personal info in email. He then called host and said whatever to convince the host to pull the invitation at the last minute. That is a scam, plain and simple.
You’re an idiot. Sounds like you got what you deserve and you’re annoyed. If what you say did happen then it doesn’t make him a scammer. By your logic every police department or government agency are liars, thiefs, scumbags and scammers for using tactics to catch out scumbags. You wanted to make $50 so gave him the info. But yeah of course he’s the bad guy..
08-03-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
You'll only pay him back, if you do, because you got outted, you degenerate criminal. What about all the others you scammed who don't have friends who post on 2+2 and aren't internet savvy enough to track you down online. You going to pay them back too?
Sorry, I don't answer trolls and you are at the top of the list. Ever since your 1st post in the thread that I am a skilled player(when that had nothing to do with Gzesh's post) you are a troll. Nothing you write in here will be answered by me, nothing. Heck I would much rather interact with Yapping Yoda(who is near your level) than answer anything you have to say and he never told me his real name.
08-03-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
No what I meant is - Allen will be holding MY MONEY and giving me some of that money for expenses, food, hotels, etc... He won't be giving me his own money.
Is Allen getting a cut or making any money off this arrangement? Because if so, he's complicit in your criminal behavior.
08-03-2014 , 09:28 PM
Well, I've been out all day with family stuff and just saw all the updates on this thread..…I'm guessing no one still thinks Mike and I are one in the same anymore…

Sorry to hear Mike had a relapse. I'm still rooting for him to turn his life around. Stay Stronger Mike.

also, The mod's can do an IP check and confirm Mike and I are different people…FWIW
08-03-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
I lit $50 on fire and Mike was telling the truth. My apologies to Mike for doubting the nonsensical, terrible grammar that was that e-mail.

Just spoke to Mario and Mike is, in fact, invited to participate in the freeroll
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
When I spoke to Mario at the Borgata he said that perhaps he should rescind the invitation given the recent development. I really hope that phone call prevented you from participating.

It's unbelievable that you think that as long as you repay in the future with juice you're not a huge scumbag. This girl wants to do something nice for a stranger and gets scammed.

You are a bottom-of-the-barrel person with nothing charming about your story whatsoever.
Playing devil's advocate here, Jamie did kind of lie in the first quote.
08-03-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
Well, I've been out all day with family stuff and just saw all the updates on this thread..…I'm guessing no one still thinks Mike and I are one in the same anymore…
lol good one
08-03-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008

also, The mod's can do an IP check and confirm Mike and I are different people…FWIW
sick bluff mike
08-03-2014 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I spent all day at the airport the day after I left Borgata - was there 10 hours and asked a lot of people. That's the truth. I have not scammed "many" people as you put it since the inception of this thread. I hate doing it and I wish I had the willpower to stop. When I have a few thousand on me and I am eating 3 meals a day, sleeping regularly, exercising etc.. I don't even think about going to airports. Unfortunately, when I am broke, have nowhere to stay, haven't eaten all day etc... I go back to old behaviors because it is a quick fix. Same routine. It is a vicious cycle and you'd have to be in my shoes to understand.
This is obviously not the truth. You just don't want to publically admit to any scamming that you haven't been caught for because you know it's illegal and anything you admit to in this thread can get you into legal trouble down the road. You're smart enough to know that at least. This is why you're not posting the number of people you've scammed, the dollar amounts, etc. You'll admit to the scamming where you've been "caught" so to speak... like in this recent case at the airport... but we all know that there's a lot of recent scamming that you're not telling us about because you're afriad of the legal consequences.

Even in this recent reply, you think that you're being so clever with how you word everything so that you can still claim to be telling the truth.

For example, you say: "I spent all day at the airport the day after I left Borgata - was there 10 hours and asked a lot of people. That's the truth." It's true that this is a true statement. But you're not telling us about all the other days when you've been out scamming. Your post is disingenuous because it implies that you were only out scamming for this one day in the past month or so when that clearly isn't the case.

Then you say: "I have not scammed "many" people as you put it since the inception of this thread." So in reality, maybe you've scammed something like 10 people for $200 on average for a total of $2000 (just a random guess). And I bet you're thinking to yourself something along the lines of: well... 10 people isn't that many ... so now i can post that I haven't scammed "many" people since my definition of "many" might be different from other peoples' definition. Maybe since you're scamming a little bit less than normal, you can claim to not have scammed "many" people and still trick yourself into thinking that you're telling the truth and that you're a good and honest guy at the end of the day. But of course, you're not going to tell us exactly how many people you've scammed since this thread started and you're not going to give us dollar amounts.

This part of your post I think is somewhat truthful (but not really):
"When I have a few thousand on me and I am eating 3 meals a day, sleeping regularly, exercising etc.. I don't even think about going to airports."

Of course you're not thinking about going to the airport... you're thinking about how you can run that money up by gambling in a casino. When you've got money, you're either gambling (probably at pai gow), or you're resting up in a hotel/motel & eating and thinking about how you're going to gamble the money you have. When you inevitably lose that money, that's when you start thinking about the airport scam again. We all know that when you have a few thousand dollars on you, it doesn't last long.... then it's back to running your scam to repeat the cycle.

When you've got a few thousand dollars on you... you're spending most of your time gambling in the casino.

Last edited by TheGreenMagi; 08-03-2014 at 09:41 PM.
08-03-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
lol good one

This thread isn't about me….but, feel free to check IP's

Stay strong Mike.
08-03-2014 , 09:37 PM
What the mod did was actually pretty messed up
08-03-2014 , 09:41 PM
As it is obvious Mike continues to scam people for money despite his protestations that he doesn't do it much or want to do it, to prevent any chance he'd attempt to work over some people on 2p2 his account has been banned.

This can be reevaluated if things change in the future but I think the odds of that are slim to none.

Get help Mike. And I find it distasteful in the extreme that you would attempt to portray your life of degeneracy and lying to goodhearted (albeit incredibly naive) strangers for money as something people would want to pay you money to read/watch. You are a run of the mill addict and scumbag who doesn't even have the insight or courage necessary to start fixing your life.
08-03-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
his account has been banned.
08-03-2014 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Wow - so mod who scammed me Jamie Platinum doesn't like 1 of my posts about what the thread title should be called and deleted it. Yeah I used your real name - why not?? Nice censorship going there bud. You scammed me plain and simple - you acted so shocked about a casual email by my host and you told me lies to get me to send it to you(kinda like what I do at the airport huh???)

Now you get home and delete the post so no one will know and you have the audacity to call me out??? I might be a scumbag but so are you and you should have your mod privileges revoked. I'm sure that won't happen though as you will try and justify YOUR scamming actions like they were no big deal. What a hypocrite you are.
Mike, something we finally agree on. You're a scumbag! See, I knew with time we'd finally reach an understanding.
08-03-2014 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Totally different scenario - this mod scammed me for info(gave me a fake story like I do at airports so I would give him casino host personal info in email. He then called host and said whatever to convince the host to pull the invitation at the last minute. That is a scam, plain and simple.

The airport police at many different airports know about me - remember I have been doing this on and off since 2001. I have had long talks with a lot of officers. They have tried to get me help some of them but I never follow through with it. 1 officer back in 2006 I will never forget it - she started crying after I told her up to that point what my life has turned into. She told me about her kids and their problems and for 20 minutes or so she kept hugging me and crying. It's like anything addictive, over time it becomes second nature and it's been my "quick fix" to get money to gamble with. I'm not living any kind of great life by any means. I have been to jail numerous times for trespassing, panhandling, prison as I mentioned earlier - have been homeless for 14 years and counting, living in hotels/motels - not eating properly, depressed.
You now are saying you are addicted to criminal behavior itself, as a means to get money, however you may describe the reason you need money. Crime is your "quick fix" means to an end, getting money. (It seems that even with gambling absent from the equation, you would still be addicted to scamming to get your money.)

Have you ever been given a statutory trespass warning from any of the casinos in Las Vegas or from McCarran Airport ?

Have you considered a formal self-exclusion from Caesars, MGM Stations, Boyd and any related properties or operations ?
08-03-2014 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
As it is obvious Mike continues to scam people for money despite his protestations that he doesn't do it much or want to do it, to prevent any chance he'd attempt to work over some people on 2p2 his account has been banned.
There goes any chance at the pai gow strat discussion
08-03-2014 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
This thread isn't about me….but, feel free to check IP's

Stay strong Mike.
Confirmed not the same IP/Location.
08-03-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
By the way, I was among those who felt it should be closed, but with the option of reopening it in the event of any new and interesting developments. This is precisely that.

Serious question for everyone: specifically speaking of this most recent incident [emphasis added], and assuming Mike doesn't pay back his mark, what law(s) has been broken? What he has done is scummy, for sure. But is it a crime per se? (A few people have suggested fraud, but always in an IANAL kind of way.) And if it is, is there not enough here to allow the most recent victim to report this to authorities and press charges?

With all the hopes that the long arm of the law will ultimately stop Mike, I'm starting to fear that there is no legal/criminal means for that to happen. After all, he gives him his real name AND allows his photo to be taken. Mike seems to know that his actions still manage to fall within legal boundaries.
He did it at JFK in New York, it is definitely a crime, Larceny by false pretenses, See N.Y. P.L. 155.25 which reads:

A person is guilty of petit larceny when he steals property.

Petit larceny is a class A misdemeanor.

And P.L. 155.05(2)(d), which defines the various forms of larceny, either larceny by false pretenses, larceny by trick, or larceny by false promise would work:

(a) By conduct heretofore defined or known as common law larceny by trespassory taking, common law larceny by trick, embezzlement, or obtaining property by false pretenses

(d) By false promise.

A person obtains property by false promise when, pursuant to a scheme to defraud, he obtains property of another by means of a representation, express or implied, that he or a third person will in the future engage in particular conduct, and when he does not intend to engage in such conduct or, as the case may be, does not believe that the third person intends to engage in such conduct.

In any prosecution for larceny based upon a false promise, the defendant's intention or belief that the promise would not be performed may not be established by or inferred from the fact alone that such promise was not performed. Such a finding may be based only upon evidence establishing that the facts and circumstances of the case are wholly consistent with guilty intent or belief and wholly inconsistent with innocent intent or belief, and excluding to a moral certainty every hypothesis except that of the defendant's intention or belief that the promise would not be performed;

Here's the New York Criminal Jury Instructions for the various forms of larceny that would fit here:

A person [also] wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds property from an owner when that person engages in some trick, fraudulent device, or artifice, and thereby obtains possession of the property, and exercises possession over that property for a period of time, however temporary, in a manner inconsistent with the continued rights of the owner.2

A person [also] wrongfully takes, obtains or withholds property from an owner when that person makes a false representation of a past or existing fact while aware that such representation is false, and obtains possession and title to the property as a result of the owner's reliance upon such representation. 3

A person [also] wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds property when, pursuant to a scheme to defraud, he obtains property of another by means of a representation, express or implied, that he or she or a third person will in the future engage in particular conduct, and when he does not intend to engage in such conduct or, as the case may be, does not believe that the third person intends to engage in such conduct. The defendant's intention or belief that the promise would not be performed may not be established by or inferred from the fact alone that such promise was not performed. Such a finding may be based only upon evidence establishing that the facts and circumstances of the case are wholly consistent with guilty intent or belief and wholly inconsistent with innocent intent or belief, and excluding to
08-03-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
By the way, I was among those who felt it should be closed, but with the option of reopening it in the event of any new and interesting developments. This is precisely that.

Serious question for everyone: specifically speaking of this most recent incident [emphasis added], and assuming Mike doesn't pay back his mark, what law(s) has been broken? What he has done is scummy, for sure. But is it a crime per se? (A few people have suggested fraud, but always in an IANAL kind of way.) And if it is, is there not enough here to allow the most recent victim to report this to authorities and press charges?

With all the hopes that the long arm of the law will ultimately stop Mike, I'm starting to fear that there is no legal/criminal means for that to happen. After all, he gives him his real name AND allows his photo to be taken. Mike seems to know that his actions still manage to fall within legal boundaries.
Also, as far as the IANAL comment, I am a lawyer, and a prosecutor, and these actions are definitely criminal.
08-03-2014 , 09:56 PM
Mods, if you're gonna ban Mike, then ban PokerFan2008, that's also Mike.
08-03-2014 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
This thread isn't about me….but, feel free to check IP's

Stay strong Mike.
Hey Mike, I think if someone accurately told your host that you received the funds to play table games through deceitful means and linked them to this thread they should have the right to not let you partake in the freeroll.

Is what it is, Mike. You got what you deserved. You did not have to go to the airport.

And i assume you maybe could have one computer where you post as Mike and post as PokerFan2008 from your phone or something (or the hotel's computer.)

Have a good day, Mike.
08-03-2014 , 09:59 PM
Well before he was banned today Mike PMed me asking for my friends contact info because he said he lost the business card. Now I can't give him that info. Any suggestions? If a mod or somebody can PM me it'd help.

I know the 2+2 community will make his poker life hell regardless of whether he gets prosecuted for anything. That's part of the reason I posted the story. It's a punishment in itself to not be trusted when you're trying to make a living at poker. It'll be up to him whether he can eventually mend that. Also I wanted to expose it so it hopefully doesn't happen again.

But at this point I'd just like to try to get my friend's money back.
08-03-2014 , 10:01 PM
Just PM Allen, he'll pay him when Mike wins a tournament.
08-03-2014 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Confirmed not the same IP/Location.

There you go…….
08-03-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
There you go…….
you could have a vpn.
08-03-2014 , 10:07 PM
Question: If you ban Mike, why leave this thread open?
