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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-03-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
He then went 1 step further by contacting host.
Do you think that it would be improper for people to send your name, methods and photo to airport security?
08-03-2014 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Um, how about not reading it then??

As for the book/screenplay - the book is 100% - the screenplay(maybe an independent film/Sundance thing if not picked up by a major studio(like Catch Me If You Can) is 70/30.
I can't see any of the large publishing companies ever picking this book up. Self published might as well be the same thing as penning your own book and hawking it on the street. For you to get your book picked up by big company you would need to win a major tournament or at least come second in the world series. So far your results are marginal at best for a "pro".

I know you wont do this but when you are broke why don't you drive a cab. You will get paid cash and can shoot off the money at any casino less the rent money for the cab. If you drive cab you can take any day off you want if you rent a cab on a daily basis. So if you want to enter a tournament that day you can and not worry about a losing a job. You also can be homeless and still drive as long as you bathe on a somewhat regular basis. I don't even think having your criminal record would cause a problem with getting a license as you don't have a violent criminal record. I know when I got my license 20ish years ago during the bad recession of the early 90's I went to cab school with guys that did time but I don't know for what?
08-03-2014 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
Psumike who do you want to play you in the film?
Yea, I'm sure actors will be lining up to play this guy. Screenplay and a book, huh? How delusional. Typical narcissistic/antisocial thought process.
08-03-2014 , 08:58 PM
Michael you are pathetic, anyone who gives a **** about your life story is a sociopath like you.

2+2 mods, two questions: how is this not locked since there is nothing of value here? Why isn't this guy banned for his own good?
08-03-2014 , 08:59 PM

the mod lied to you. ok. sucks right? ok move on now. I am willing to wager the borg made their own decisions. pretty sure - "im a mod at 2p2 so I am kinda a big deal..." does not carry as far as you think it does to a borg pit manager.

Also - your scam does not really affect the person giving you $200. They can probably afford it and at the end of the day it doesnt make a hill of beans of difference to them. It affects the poor guy who is truly stuck and needs help. That poor guy who 99% of the world ignores b/c we all think he is a scammer because of people like you, that is the guy you are screwing.
08-03-2014 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I spent all day at the airport the day after I left Borgata - was there 10 hours and asked a lot of people. That's the truth. I have not scammed "many" people as you put it since the inception of this thread. I hate doing it and I wish I had the willpower to stop. When I have a few thousand on me and I am eating 3 meals a day, sleeping regularly, exercising etc.. I don't even think about going to airports. Unfortunately, when I am broke, have nowhere to stay, haven't eaten all day etc... I go back to old behaviors because it is a quick fix. Same routine. It is a vicious cycle and you'd have to be in my shoes to understand.
I doubt they're even your shoes.
08-03-2014 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
As for the book/screenplay - the book is 100% - the screenplay(maybe an independent film/Sundance thing if not picked up by a major studio(like Catch Me If You Can) is 70/30.
In before BenTaylor1988 starts booking action for and against either of these two things happening.
08-03-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Yes, had a relapse last week - did go to Borgata for the BlackJack freeroll. Unfortunately when I was there the host told me it was only for people who played 25k or more. I told him my last 2 trips 7 months ago I lost 70k but he said it had to be this trip. So after checking in and being told I couldn't play the freeroll for a chance to win 75k I was pissed and lost all my money playing pai-gow tiles.

I left last Sunday and did go to the airport the next day. Again, I've been doing this for 14 years and it's definitely hard to change overnight. It is a process. Once I start playing a few tournaments and winning some money(which I'll let Allen hold) I'm hoping the airport thing will be done forever.

Got a text about the update in this thread so that's why I posted. When I log into my account now I just do it to check for pm's for a minute(haven't read the thread until this afternoon for a while).


08-03-2014 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Allen has known me for 10 years, he has definitely thought things through.

When I am playing poker I am focused on that, not pai-gow. Allen will give me some money for hotel/food/expenses and I can focus on poker, just like Little Man was doing and it was working well.

Allen is a friend and will help me out.
Allen. If you give this scammer any money, you will be throwing money away.

Allen. Cut him off now or he will be your liability forever.
08-03-2014 , 09:05 PM

First, Don't post my real name ITT. Second, when I told you I'm contacting Mario to corroborate your story did you really think he'd not bother asking the basis of the questioning?

Be thankful the $50 donation was the first honest money you've made this decade.
08-03-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Do you think that it would be improper for people to send your name, methods and photo to airport security?
Totally different scenario - this mod scammed me for info(gave me a fake story like I do at airports so I would give him casino host personal info in email. He then called host and said whatever to convince the host to pull the invitation at the last minute. That is a scam, plain and simple.

The airport police at many different airports know about me - remember I have been doing this on and off since 2001. I have had long talks with a lot of officers. They have tried to get me help some of them but I never follow through with it. 1 officer back in 2006 I will never forget it - she started crying after I told her up to that point what my life has turned into. She told me about her kids and their problems and for 20 minutes or so she kept hugging me and crying. It's like anything addictive, over time it becomes second nature and it's been my "quick fix" to get money to gamble with. I'm not living any kind of great life by any means. I have been to jail numerous times for trespassing, panhandling, prison as I mentioned earlier - have been homeless for 14 years and counting, living in hotels/motels - not eating properly, depressed.
08-03-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
I could be wrong but I don't think JP's thread title change will somehow be flattering to PSUMike. If anything, it will make him look worse. He will have gone from an attempted scammer to an outright confirmed one.

Nor do I think it "puts different words in your mouth": the account you wrote in your OP still stands.

That said, I don't think the title needs to change. Everyone interested in or already following this pathetic story knows where to find it. New 2+2ers or lurkers will have found it via others means (e.g. links on other forums, Deadspin story) JP, if you insist on it, maybe simply put PSUMike in parentheses after Michael Borovetz and/or perhaps add an "UPDATE: still scamming as of [date]."
My thoughts, too.

Something more transparent so there's no question of his antics. But if OP feels like that will diminish the integrity then I'll leave it be.
08-03-2014 , 09:09 PM
Living in hotels/motels for 14 years is not what homeless people would call homeless.
08-03-2014 , 09:10 PM
The fact this thread is allowed to continue is an embarrassment for this community & that's saying a lot. Mods need to step in & do the right thing. Lock & permaban.
08-03-2014 , 09:10 PM

Mike has gone full on Troll (that's my guess) in an attempt to feed his delusion that he can somehow cash in on his very sad and uninteresting degen life


he is so far beyond help and this whole topic has gone to new level of disgusting.

08-03-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum

First, Don't post my real name ITT. Second, when I told you I'm contacting Mario to corroborate your story did you really think he'd not bother asking the basis of the questioning?

Be thankful the $50 donation was the first honest money you've made this decade.
Sorry, but you scammed him. That was a low blow. One of the lowest I have seen. Nothing worse than someone with a holier than thou attitude who then uses the same tactics to deprive someone of something that is rightfully his. I have no idea who you are. I guess you are a Mod here. At the end of the day you scammed PSU Mike in a confidence game to get what YOU wanted, and that is for him to be denied the freeroll. Then you use garbage logic that PSU Mike should have known that he was being set up (to get denied his freeroll).

Pretty gross stuff, but that is typical for 99 percent of people in the poker world. Disgusting how you can say that he is be thankful that he made $50 from you. You don't even realize how gross and pathetic your action is. After all, you are right and your views of morality trump all, so as long as you get the result you want, how you get their doesn't matter, even if you use tactics that are the same as PSU Mike uses to scam. Laughable.
08-03-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Totally different scenario - this mod scammed me for info(gave me a fake story like I do at airports so I would give him casino host personal info in email. He then called host and said whatever to convince the host to pull the invitation at the last minute. That is a scam, plain and simple.
Mario was the one that suggested it, not me.

If I wanted to scam you I wouldn't have paid and as I mentioned, if I knew there were still victims who haven't been paid, you wouldn't have seen a dime.
08-03-2014 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Michael you are pathetic, anyone who gives a **** about your life story is a sociopath like you.

2+2 mods, two questions: how is this not locked since there is nothing of value here? Why isn't this guy banned for his own good?
I wouldn't say it has no value. It does make it more likely that he will get caught scamming.
08-03-2014 , 09:13 PM
Maybe this thread needs a poll on whether it should be closed.
I'm sure, for a lot of people, this thread is pure entertainment.
08-03-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Totally different scenario - this mod scammed me for info(gave me a fake story like I do at airports so I would give him casino host personal info in email. He then called host and said whatever to convince the host to pull the invitation at the last minute. That is a scam, plain and simple.

The airport police at many different airports know about me - remember I have been doing this on and off since 2001. I have had long talks with a lot of officers. They have tried to get me help some of them but I never follow through with it. 1 officer back in 2006 I will never forget it - she started crying after I told her up to that point what my life has turned into. She told me about her kids and their problems and for 20 minutes or so she kept hugging me and crying. It's like anything addictive, over time it becomes second nature and it's been my "quick fix" to get money to gamble with. I'm not living any kind of great life by any means. I have been to jail numerous times for trespassing, panhandling, prison as I mentioned earlier - have been homeless for 14 years and counting, living in hotels/motels - not eating properly, depressed.
One thing I don't get is your over weight but not extremely overweight yet you are in the early stages of type 2 diabetes? Considering you are still fairly young for this problem what were your built like before Mcdonalds and other fast food places were your staple diet?
08-03-2014 , 09:15 PM
Wow - so mod who scammed me Jamie Platinum doesn't like 1 of my posts about what the thread title should be called and deleted it. Yeah I used your real name - why not?? Nice censorship going there bud. You scammed me plain and simple - you acted so shocked about a casual email by my host and you told me lies to get me to send it to you(kinda like what I do at the airport huh???)

Now you get home and delete the post so no one will know and you have the audacity to call me out??? I might be a scumbag but so are you and you should have your mod privileges revoked. I'm sure that won't happen though as you will try and justify YOUR scamming actions like they were no big deal. What a hypocrite you are.
08-03-2014 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by ronduck
Sorry, but you scammed him. That was a low blow. One of the lowest I have seen. Nothing worse than someone with a holier than thou attitude who then uses the same tactics to deprive someone of something that is rightfully his. I have no idea who you are. I guess you are a Mod here. At the end of the day you scammed PSU Mike in a confidence game to get what YOU wanted, and that is for him to be denied the freeroll. Then you use garbage logic that PSU Mike should have known that he was being set up (to get denied his freeroll).

Pretty gross stuff, but that is typical for 99 percent of people in the poker world. Disgusting how you can say that he is be thankful that he made $50 from you. You don't even realize how gross and pathetic your action is. After all, you are right and your views of morality trump all, so as long as you get the result you want, how you get their doesn't matter, even if you use tactics that are the same as PSU Mike uses to scam. Laughable.
+ infinity
08-03-2014 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
The fact this thread is allowed to continue is an embarrassment for this community & that's saying a lot. Mods need to step in & do the right thing. Lock & permaban.
This. The fact that 2p2 official twitter is tweeting links to this thread just shows it's all about view whoring.

Embarrassing for everyone involved. This thread remaining open just gives mike a place to fulfill his craving for attention and sympathy and he deserves neither.

If he's gonna pull his **** together, let him do it. Letting him post 'o woe is me, my life sucks' every time he gets caught stealing money from people is useless.
08-03-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I will pay him back. I have paid guys back and given them extra for the hassle. Tell him not to worry.
You'll only pay him back, if you do, because you got outted, you degenerate criminal. What about all the others you scammed who don't have friends who post on 2+2 and aren't internet savvy enough to track you down online. You going to pay them back too?
08-03-2014 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by lefty rosen
One thing I don't get is your over weight but not extremely overweight yet you are in the early stages of type 2 diabetes? Considering you are still fairly young for this problem what were your built like before Mcdonalds and other fast food places were your staple diet?
I have lost 25 pounds in the past 3 months. Those early pictures in this thread of me that people posted were very accurate. I decided to change my diet in early May after getting a physical and being told I have high cholesterol and am prediabetic.

I was always thin until I went to college. I gained about 50 pounds at Penn State and continued to gain weight the past 15 years.
