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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-20-2014 , 06:39 PM
A good reality show would be where Mike teaches his scams to contestants (maybe down on their luck people to make it more interesting such as high school drop-out kid and recently homeless lady...) and then they go to the airport or whatever and each contestant works a different terminal and given a set amount of time the person who nets the most $$ goes to the next level. Between levels the contestants have to live under a bridge and stuff and Mike shows them the ropes.
07-20-2014 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kalrex
A good reality show would be where Mike teaches his scams to contestants (maybe down on their luck people to make it more interesting such as high school drop-out kid and recently homeless lady...) and then they go to the airport or whatever and each contestant works a different terminal and given a set amount of time the person who nets the most $$ goes to the next level. Between levels the contestants have to live under a bridge and stuff and Mike shows them the ropes.
mike needs to go to donald trump and show him how much hustle he really has. mike has 10x as much hustle as anybody that was on the apprentice, including celebrity apprentice.
07-20-2014 , 07:19 PM
A child stole a candy bar from a store.

Puts things into perspective, doesn't it.

No? Thought not.
07-20-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Great Job on your book cover Mike.

Last edited by odiggity; 07-20-2014 at 08:36 PM.
07-20-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by pokervangelist
Pretty obvious 2+2 wont end this thread due to the amount of views and posts. This thread is bringing in advertising revenue with clicks throughs because a person that is sick is playing the forum; have to say well played Mason your ad revenue must be doing well from this. You should pay PSU to keep it going
Mason the new Jerry Springer of Poker
As a defender/supporter of Mike ( about 2,000 posts ago ) I'm honestly perplexed why this thread is still going.
07-20-2014 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Slam254
As a defender/supporter of Mike ( about 2,000 posts ago ) I'm honestly perplexed why this thread is still going.
The thread is still going because PSUMike keeps posting new raw material in it, that is sufficient.

No one else could come up with posts like his, no one.

That, and the repeated dramatic exits he makes.

Maybe you are honestly perplexed because you don't grasp how Mike is using the thread, in part, to craft a new con, from amongst his "defender/supporters" who buy in.

Caveat emptor.
07-20-2014 , 10:49 PM
I have followed this thread from the beginning. Now that I saw you relapsed after only one week (if that?), I am going to move on to something else. I am sad to say, I think you will justify your abstinence from gambling with your GA compadres, but I think it is just a temporary fix until your BR runs low again and you need to get "relieved" by going and getting lucky and making some money. Then back to GA. Low BR, back to casino, busto, back to begging/crime.

Whoever said that your journey will end with death or jail hit the nail on the head. I've seen addictions in all forms, drugs, gambling, and alcoholism. You are simply past the point of no return. If you really wanted to stop you would 86 yourself from any casino within 100s of miles and go to a remote area to get help.

I am hoping you recover, but I think the naysayers are going to be victorious over those rooting for you.
07-20-2014 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by TwoMoos
PSU needs to stop posting and is ignoring friends and critics who have suggested he stop posting. Maybe a temp-ban since he can't stop himself.
Can someone explain why "banning" does anything? It takes 2 minutes to make a new email and account on any forum... Plus you could just view the forum without registering anyways.
07-21-2014 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
1 of the worst humans you have ever encountered at the poker tables huh?? Really. So because I blame the dealers for bad beats/bad hands and get angry and frustrated(which I realize is wrong but I am so superstitious and have gambled for so long that I have bought into that belief) no one in this whole 2750+ posts thread should have any compassion for me. Wonderful.

You do realize that the vast majority of tournaments I have played over the years there have been no issues at all with me and dealers don't you?? You probably don't.

You do realize there are plenty of dealers that I have seen on a regular basis over the years and say hello to and chat with, joke with and am very friendly with right??? Nah I'm sure you don't realize that either.

Wait, I know you must realize there are A LOT OF WORSE guys at a poker table than your description of me(players cursing at dealers, ripping cards and throwing them at dealers, threatening dealers, punching dealers, etc..)

That aside, I guess you forgot about that pm I sent you months ago apologizing for any improper behavior at the table and trying to clear the air. A horrible, worst human being would always do that right???

In case you have forgotten, here is the pm I sent you Josh Kay(gostatego) back in February of this year:

Hi Josh, I am writing you this pm because I want you to know a couple of things.

1)I'm sorry you were offended at my actions at the Isle last month. I realize that sometimes I get angry at the hands and blame the dealers when I shouldn't. I am superstitious and I definitely go a little overboard at times. Believe it or not, I used to be a lot worse and am trying hard to bite my tongue and not yell at dealers when I lose a "cooler" type hand or any hand for that matter. I hope you will accept my apology and I promise you I will make every effort not to do that again.

2)Not to make excuses but my longtime friend/backer and mentor Mike "Little Man" Sica died in November of lung cancer and it has been very hard on me. I think about him often and my head hasn't always been in the right place since he died.

Anyways, just wanted to say my peace and hope that we can move forward from the incident at the Isle. Good luck in your future tournaments.

Michael B. (psumike1999)

Here is your response back:" fair enough. good luck at the tables"

Sounded to me that you accepted my apology and had a little "COMPASSION".
we had played before in atlantic city before i knew your name where i experienced very crappy behavior.

i also am friends with some AC/northeast regs who tell stories that all pretty much make sense based on my experiences and this thread.

i said 1 of the worst human beings I've ever played with. not the worst, just one of them.

one thing that really stood out to me was i had never seen a table collectively be so genuinely happy that one player busted. like it was similar to the bubble bursting in a satellite. everyone had just won

also what do that pm mean? i said good luck at the tables, i never said i think you are a good person. i also didn't have the knowledge that i do now from this train wreck of a thread.

really should just get this locked and stop posting and reading this. I'm sure you feel 100x more famous than you ever have but its just really sad.

i guess its true any publicity is good publicity
07-21-2014 , 02:38 AM
can someone make cliffs on thread who has read its entirety?

how did it get to 188 pages
07-21-2014 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
can someone make cliffs on thread who has read its entirety?

how did it get to 188 pages
07-21-2014 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I cant get back everyone's money, but I have worked with Mike in the past in getting several people their money back.

Mike genuinely regrets scamming people to stay afloat, and when he makes a huge score will try and pay some victims back.
PokerNews: So Mike, now that you've made the big score, what are you going to do with the money?

Mike: I'm going to pay back some of the people I scammed.

PokerNews: What are you going to do with the rest?

Mike: They'll have to wait.
07-21-2014 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
Can someone explain why "banning" does anything? It takes 2 minutes to make a new email and account on any forum... Plus you could just view the forum without registering anyways.
Because in a manner of mins of logging on and posting itt it will become pretty obvious who mike is - so once his banned he is banned for good.

Sent from my GT-I9507 using 2+2 Forums
07-21-2014 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
can someone make cliffs on thread who has read its entirety?

how did it get to 188 pages

OP: Mike is an airport scammer!

Trolls: Mike is terrible.

Mike: Yes, I admit I am a scammer. And a gambling addict. Here is my story.

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming?

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are all POS. My latest adventure is...

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming?

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are alll POS. My latest adventure is... I'm going to stop posting anymore.

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming?

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are all POS. My latest adventure is... I'm going to stop posting anymore.

rinse, repeat.

Last edited by PokerXanadu; 07-21-2014 at 06:26 AM.
07-21-2014 , 08:55 AM
Oops, left something out.

Revised Cliffs (revisions in bold):


OP: Mike is an airport scammer!

Trolls: Mike is terrible.

Mike: Yes, I admit I am a scammer. And a gambling addict. Here is my story.

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming?

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are all POS. My latest adventure is...

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming? Sympathizers, you are POS.

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice. Trolls, you are POS.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are alll POS. My latest adventure is... I'm going to stop posting anymore.

Trolls: Mike is terrible and a sociopath. Are you still scamming? Sympathizers, you are POS.

Sympathizers: Mike you need help. Here is my advice. Trolls, you are POS.

OP: Mike you are a POS.

Mike: I am sorry for my behavior but I am a gambling addict and victim. Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get help, and gambling now only to help fix things. Trolls & OP, you are all POS. My latest adventure is... I'm going to stop posting anymore.

rinse, repeat.
07-21-2014 , 11:25 AM
^^ Nice work on cliffs PX. Sums it up just about right
07-21-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Just released footage of the cops standing around while Big E was dying on the ground in Staten Island. Puts everything into perspective:

Hahaha I'm literally laughing out loud at this.

PSUMike is pissing gasoline on this raging fire of a thread and loving every minute of it. At this point I believe this thread is very important to Mike. As another poster put it, he feels like a celebrity.

This thread needs to wither on the vine, and I feel hypocritical posting in it to give it a bump, but the last post from PSUMike literally had me in stitches. "Nothing to see here" as he's standing behind a raging inferno - lol!!!!

PSUMike, the sooner you stop replying and trying to "put things in perspective, huh?", the sooner this thread will slowly but surely die.
07-21-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by bayoudonk
PokerNews: So Mike, now that you've made the big score, what are you going to do with the money?

Mike: I'm going to pay back some of the people I scammed.

PokerNews: What are you going to do with the rest?

Mike: They'll have to wait.
Eat a cliché.
07-21-2014 , 02:01 PM
Ok so a mod deleted my post because I said Mike deserved to get his ass kicked? He has scammed people out of thousands of dollars. All to feed his addiction. And his sad, low self-esteem actually wants himself to go broke. He has gone too far down the wrong path. And he is too consumed by his inner demon's to change. I don't think there's any chance that he quits gambling for good at this point.
07-21-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by FloridaCracker
Why repeat the Same thing 3 times, and what page did he/Mike post on?

In the poker game of life women are the rake
he repeated 3 times because if you read the thread the same advice is repeated at least that many times. Also, Mike has posted throughout the thread, and admitted that he has not had sex since college.

So in Mike's case, women are not the rake, Pia Gow is the rake.

Cliffs are pretty spot on. Mike has not answered the question; have you scammed anyone since this thread started? I put the over under at 5 scams. I'd bet the over.
07-21-2014 , 03:27 PM
189 pages of posts regarding a small time crook? Amazing.

If a scumbag is caught, there are really only 3 courses of action.

A) Keep silent and hope that time makes the issue go away.
B) Ask for forgiveness because we all have an inclination to forgive (to differing degrees and for varying time horizons) ...
C) Do the reverse of "A" by being as loud as possible and hope that it leads to "B".

Only a dumb person would select "C." But, this guy has already proven to be dumb by the way he leads his life. Thus, we should not be surprised that he has chosen to use this forum to implement "C."

Just close the thread. This is ridiculous.
07-21-2014 , 05:48 PM
Mike, I posted a question a few pages ago in this thread, so I'll try again now:

Have you pulled your airport scam on anyone since this thread began last month?
07-21-2014 , 06:24 PM
Apparently dogishead is involved in the airport scamming business too. Heard this from a reputable source.
07-21-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by riconderoga
Mike, I posted a question a few pages ago in this thread, so I'll try again now:

Have you pulled your airport scam on anyone since this thread began last month?

You're like the little kid that keeps saying Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.
07-21-2014 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by FloridaCracker
Why repeat the Same thing 3 times, and what page did he/Mike post on?

In the poker game of life women are the rake
He didn't really repeat the same thing, Mike had different adventures lined up.

3 times (even with rinse and repeat) doesn't begin to do it justice, so just be happy you got the super-cliffs.

What page did he post on?? I'm going to assume that is some kind of joke.

The cliffs did forget the part about us discovering women are NOT the rake of his life.
