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06-26-2011 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by kleverkat
obv most US regs play on euro accounts using a vpn, but none of them create elaborate aliases hiring a random portuguese kid to make a 300k view thread just to level NVG and draw attention to their crime...
Notwithstanding the 300k view thread part drawing attention - I agree with that (although there aren't many such threads to conclude from tbh!) - actually it is a common method to have/hire a person from a Euro country to set up the account to be used:

"Best way is to find somebody oversees and play under their name. Then you just need to work out some arrangement for them to transfer you the money. It's not uncommon"

"Yes, you can play risk free on overseas sites, if you can have someone to help you get money on and off "
06-26-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by kleverkat
obv most US regs play on euro accounts using a vpn, but none of them create elaborate aliases hiring a random portuguese kid to make a 300k view thread just to level NVG and draw attention to their crime...
The fact that this is 'obv' speaks volumes. The situation in the US is in my mind a travesty of democracy, but the fact that seemingly so many people have no issue with circumventing the rules to gain an advantage only serves to reinforce the doubts that many people have regarding this situation.
06-26-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
The fact that this is 'obv' speaks volumes. The situation in the US is in my mind a travesty of democracy, but the fact that seemingly so many people have no issue with circumventing the rules to gain an advantage only serves to reinforce the doubts that many people have regarding this situation.
Agree with the 'obv' part lol, definitely says a lot! I certainly didn't imagine that so many HS players went to such efforts to get onto Euro sites.

And yes, I also believe the US approach to everything is ridiculous, and it's an outrage to ban US players from playing online poker. But the point is people do find dubious methods to get around the law / regulations - hell, even the sites did it with the whole golf ball invoice thing lol... that was the only reason I posted those quotes, because people were saying it was a ridiculous idea for successful high stakes players to go to any lengths to get action on Euro sites, that it wasn't worth their time. But it seems it's not ridic at all, it is in fact obv.
06-26-2011 , 10:31 AM
It's just ridiculously fishy. The fact that he can own all of the conspiracy theorists so easily by simply dispelling some pretty standard straight forward accusations but chooses not to is just weird. I have no vested interest in this either way and know no-one concerned.. From the outside looking in, it all seems really bizarre. I'm almost tempted to put down the 100k just to watch the back tracking.
06-26-2011 , 01:01 PM
Just noticed something interesting in the HEM screenshot Jose posted of all his NL hands on Merge (i.e. excluding the 'rogue backer' PLO hands).

91% of all those hands were at 10/20 and below. Just to re-state this, the vast majority of the hands he played were 10/20 and below. For those 91% of all his hands played on Merge, he lost £8,717.66. For over 90% of his play on Merge, he was losing money. Not quite what you'd expect from someone whose average bb/100 for 10/20 & below over the previous year, over hundreds of thousands of hands, and when he was presumably not as good as he is now, was in the double digits.

By contrast, 9% of his total hands were played at 25/50, 50/100 and 100/200. For this 9% of hands that he played on Merge, he won $167,163.60.

Obviously this is a small sample overall, only 28k hands. And the $167k at 25/50+ can easily just be a heater. It just seems strange for someone with ostensibly excellent BRM to play a couple of thousand hands at such high stakes compared to normal, especially when that player was losing, down over $8k, at the stakes below. And surely the backer wouldn't have been happy with this shot-taking while down at lower stakes. Actually, maybe the backer was so angry at this shot taking that he decided to punish him by losing a bunch of PLO hands on his account while Jose was asleep...? Who knows.

Also I know that this insane run has been noted before of course, but it's interesting to juxtapose that epic run with the other 91% of hands - exclude that 9% of higher stakes hands, and he was losing money overall.

06-26-2011 , 01:41 PM
06-26-2011 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
lol I know... just pointing out a bit of weirdness

Also... what would Ockham's Razor suggest for someone refusing to respond to straightforward questions for over 2 months?

Last edited by RangeyMcTriplmerge; 06-26-2011 at 02:00 PM.
06-26-2011 , 01:44 PM
i invite any of u guys that think his progres is impossible to talk to him on the pm or on skype about poker, it will become clear very quickly how ***** good he is. ask any twoplustwo mid to high stakes reg whos talked to him b4, im willing to take action 80% of them will agree wit me
06-26-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
i invite any of u guys that think his progres is impossible to talk to him on the pm or on skype about poker, it will become clear very quickly how ***** good he is. ask any twoplustwo mid to high stakes reg whos talked to him b4, im willing to take action 80% of them will agree wit me
I didn't say it was impossible, just insane I had a look at Jungleman's Well earlier, and it took him longer than Jose to beat 10/20 from when he started playing cash. Jungle's a phenom, so I don't think anybody can argue that Jose's progress from when he first started playing isn't insane. Mental even!

And to be fair, he could explain why a 1.5xpot check-raise turn bluff would work in a particular spot against a particular player and I may very well jizz my pants at the insight and clarity of his explanation. It still wouldn't answer the questions that have been asked...

Actually, this reminds me of a debate I had with a muslim friend of mine a few years ago. He said that the proof that Allah had written the Koran was that no human could have written such masterful and elegant text. In fact he said that a challenge was issued for any human on the planet to be able to write something as beautiful as the text of the Koran, and no human had yet managed it. Somewhat flawed reasoning, don't you think?

Last edited by RangeyMcTriplmerge; 06-26-2011 at 02:07 PM.
06-26-2011 , 05:07 PM
I'm Syous, heads up NL professional, I've made videos for DC etc.

I've never met Jose, I've spoken to him a couple of times on skype. He's broken down 2 highstakes hands for me that he's played, and I don't really know why I'm posting because it's very clear in my eyes that he's

A) a real boy!
B) brilliant at poker

He's very talented. He broke it down using hud #s, post flop reads, everything about his analysis and theories for both hands were very well thought out, it's not something you can fake.
06-26-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
I wouldn't recommend trying to complete with me in the English language arena tbh.
Oh no you didn't
06-26-2011 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
lol I know... just pointing out a bit of weirdness

Also... what would Ockham's Razor suggest for someone refusing to respond to straightforward questions for over 2 months?
Occam's razor would support the hypothesis which requires less further evidence to substantiate. So.. Actually it sides with girah imo.
06-26-2011 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Syous
I'm Syous, heads up NL professional, I've made videos for DC etc.

I've never met Jose, I've spoken to him a couple of times on skype. He's broken down 2 highstakes hands for me that he's played, and I don't really know why I'm posting because it's very clear in my eyes that he's

A) a real boy!
B) brilliant at poker

He's very talented. He broke it down using hud #s, post flop reads, everything about his analysis and theories for both hands were very well thought out, it's not something you can fake.
you are very good at hu too if u are who i think u are on PS
06-26-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Syous
I'm Syous, heads up NL professional, I've made videos for DC etc.

I've never met Jose, I've spoken to him a couple of times on skype. He's broken down 2 highstakes hands for me that he's played, and I don't really know why I'm posting because it's very clear in my eyes that he's

A) a real boy!
B) brilliant at poker

He's very talented. He broke it down using hud #s, post flop reads, everything about his analysis and theories for both hands were very well thought out, it's not something you can fake.
For a fellow pro this is the dumbest **** i have ever had the pleasure to read.
06-26-2011 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
lol I know... just pointing out a bit of weirdness

Also... what would Ockham's Razor suggest for someone refusing to respond to straightforward questions for over 2 months?
What would Ockham's Razor suggest?

1. Girah is Jose Macedo, who moved up to HS games very quickly and has had great success at a young age. When asked why he was DQ from rake race for violating Lock Poker's T&Cs, he explained his backer was caught playing on his account without his knowledge.

2. Girah is indeed a Portugese person, but he is merely a puppet for a cabal of high stakes poker players who made a fake webpage to represent him, devised a fake bio for him, ghost wrote extended posts attributed to him, and coached him how to answer poker-related question in extended live interviews.

When he was caught with someone else playing on his account and explained it was his backer who has access to his account as part of their staking agreement, he was clearly lying because he has copies of the hand histories from that session, plus Lock Poker did not come out and explicitly state that he was telling the truth, and have made no public comment on what rules he violated, providing even more evidence that his story is concocted.

We don't know what really happened, but since he has refused to really tell us, and insists on sticking to his original story, he is even shadier, because why wouldn't he tell us the truth unless he has something dastardly to hide. Instead, he continues to claim he was telling the truth all along, and instead of proving it, merely offers to put up a few measly $100k to back his side of the story.

Furthermore, he is really young and hasn't been playing poker for very long, so there is no way he could actually be playing the stakes he is playing. He is obviously some sort of front for HS poker players. At first, it was believed that only Haseeb Qureshi behind the whole thing, but now it has become apparant that, in addition to Haseeb, Dan “Jungleman12” Cates and Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky are invovled, and all three of them are likely playing on his account, either through a VPN or by ghosting, as these players are unable to get much action playing on their own accounts, and since Black Friday, have been unable to play online at all (though Ben Sulsky may have some ties to Canada).

However, it seems this cabal is not limited to the three consipirators names above. Other well-known poker players have come out in support of Girah/Jose Macedo, providing further proof that the conspiracy goes much deeper than we ever believed.
06-26-2011 , 08:18 PM
that deserves a BOOM!
06-26-2011 , 08:22 PM
06-26-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
What would Ockham's Razor suggest?

1. Girah is Jose Macedo, who moved up to HS games very quickly and has had great success at a young age. When asked why he was DQ from rake race for violating Lock Poker's T&Cs, he explained his backer was caught playing on his account without his knowledge.

2. Girah is indeed a Portugese person, but he is merely a puppet for a cabal of high stakes poker players who made a fake webpage to represent him, devised a fake bio for him, ghost wrote extended posts attributed to him, and coached him how to answer poker-related question in extended live interviews.

When he was caught with someone else playing on his account and explained it was his backer who has access to his account as part of their staking agreement, he was clearly lying because he has copies of the hand histories from that session, plus Lock Poker did not come out and explicitly state that he was telling the truth, and have made no public comment on what rules he violated, providing even more evidence that his story is concocted.

We don't know what really happened, but since he has refused to really tell us, and insists on sticking to his original story, he is even shadier, because why wouldn't he tell us the truth unless he has something dastardly to hide. Instead, he continues to claim he was telling the truth all along, and instead of proving it, merely offers to put up a few measly $100k to back his side of the story.

Furthermore, he is really young and hasn't been playing poker for very long, so there is no way he could actually be playing the stakes he is playing. He is obviously some sort of front for HS poker players. At first, it was believed that only Haseeb Qureshi behind the whole thing, but now it has become apparant that, in addition to Haseeb, Dan “Jungleman12” Cates and Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky are invovled, and all three of them are likely playing on his account, either through a VPN or by ghosting, as these players are unable to get much action playing on their own accounts, and since Black Friday, have been unable to play online at all (though Ben Sulsky may have some ties to Canada).

However, it seems this cabal is not limited to the three consipirators names above. Other well-known poker players have come out in support of Girah/Jose Macedo, providing further proof that the conspiracy goes much deeper than we ever believed.
haha haters just got served. i hope you all see how rtarded u r
06-26-2011 , 08:45 PM
I'm bored of this thread now. And RangeyMctriplMerge has waayyy too much time on his/her hands!!!
06-26-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
haha haters just got served. i hope you all see how rtarded u r
Again playing devil's advocate, the principle reads: entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

Focus on the last word. It requires that the explanation must be sufficient and only then as simple as possible. At this point there are doubts over whether explanation 1) is sufficient.

I don't think anything has been served just yet, although I agree with the poster above that the whole saga is becoming tiresome.
06-26-2011 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
i hope you all see how rtarded u r
In the presence of your shining intellect, we are all but mere cretins.
06-26-2011 , 10:11 PM
I Outed peachymier for this 3.5years ago on the CR forums..

just wait in 3.5 years rangey you will get your victory.
06-26-2011 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
you are very good at hu too if u are who i think u are on PS
Originally Posted by hitman4hire
For a fellow pro this is the dumbest **** i have ever had the pleasure to read.
I'm Syous on stars. Why don't we agree to play 10-20,000 hands of heads up on a poker site at 5/10 ?

It's in your favor to take this bet. I have no idea who you are and it's pretty easy to search and see who I am. You definitely have the advantage here, no side bet necessary, just good ole' 10-20,000 hands of some 4tabling action.

Why don't you tell me a little about yourself, you don't have to, but I always like playing on an equal grounds. Regardless, the offer still stands.
06-26-2011 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by (._X)0---(^_^)
I Outed peachymier for this 3.5years ago on the CR forums..

just wait in 3.5 years rangey you will get your victory.
this cheat will get his sooner, hopefully in a few days if I can get something confirmed by the merge gaming network.
06-26-2011 , 10:17 PM
Syous is obviously an account run by girah that jungleman/sauce/dih is ghosting because they can't get any action on the girah account anymore now that everyone knows the truth. if you look at his graph you can see that girah took over his account just under a year ago.
