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06-25-2011 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
How much action was Jungleman getting over the last year or so in HU NLH on FTP? It seemed whenever he was playing it was PLO. Now maybe I missed a lot but he really didn't seem to play NLH often on FTP. He did play some NLH on Stars, but that didn't always run so often. So with the potential to play covertly where he'll get action is that not a big enough incentive?
with that logic i could accuse durrrr of having 20 accounts on fulltilt. your a troll gtfo
06-25-2011 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
oh hey guys, please read the OP before hijacking this thread with yet another discussion of whether or not girah is cheating scum. I mean, the other thread is at the top of NVG, so it's not like it's hard to find where to keep debating this without having to hijack another thread.
With all due respect but any thread concerning him will always come back to the same jam we are at in the main thread.

Girah has been outted by his sponsor as a cheat. They didn't explain the full details but they said one of the allegation was some1 was playing on his account. That was one of the violations they have discovered. As long as the full truth isn't known ppl will keep on attacking him.
06-25-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
The only one that seems unquestionably true is that someone else played some PLO hands on his account during the rake race
Actually the only unquestionably true part is that someone else played on his account from another location, in addition to other unspecified misconduct discoveries from Lock. The PLO hands part was from Jose's response, not from Lock directly, and one of the weird things about that is why those hands were on his HEM database if they were supposedly played from a different location.

Anyway sorry, I do agree that there's no need to add this kind of thing to every thread as the main one is sufficient for that, just felt I had to pick up on this one point
06-25-2011 , 03:32 PM
Girah has been outted by his sponsor as a cheat. They didn't explain the full details but they said one of the allegation was some1 was playing on his account. That was one of the violations they have discovered. As long as the full truth isn't known ppl will keep on attacking him.
I haven't read much of the other thread, but it does seem to be in the guy's best interest to explain what his sponsor meant given the above. Plenty of people have admitted this or that and moved on. Saying nothing is crazy - just ask full tilt.
06-25-2011 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Also from what I remember that wasn't really the attitude towards Hastings and CTS. IIRC it was one side saying 'this is disgusting they shared a database and owe isildur millions' and the other side saying 'yeah they shared hh's but everyone does that you guys are ******ed'. Correct me if I'm wrong though, I probably didn't read the entire thread that thing was ****ing long.
No you're 100% correct here - in the same way as people didn't actually say 'no way would AP/UB do this, it would ruin their reputation'. I was merely coming up with examples of irrelevant defences of the sort being used in this thread in order to show how invalid they are. If some kind of cheating is going on, then proof of guilt or innocence is valid if and only if it relates to the actual cheating. Saying someone is really good, or a nice guy, or that it would be stupid of them to risk cheating etc. - these don't constitute proof.
06-25-2011 , 03:42 PM
Someone please give me cliffs on these 2 issues:

1. a) Is there more than one allegation about someone playing on Girah's account, or
b) just the one allegation and
i) people don't believe Girah's response that it was his backer? or,
ii) Lock has confirmed that Girah's account is untrue?

2. Is there any evidence (not proof, but evidence) that anyone is ghosting him, or is it just speculation based on his results being too good, some HS regs know him, therefor they must be ghosting him?

I stopped following this thread around the time he explained his DQ from the rake race, and am just wondering if there has been anything other than specualtion since then.

Personally I find it very difficult to believe that jungle or haseeb would be ghosting him, but that's based on nothing but my own personal opinion (I also would never have believed Stox was cheating, but clearly I was wrong about that). I'm curious if people who say he is being ghosted are basing that on anything other than their own personal opinion.

Last edited by gregorio; 06-25-2011 at 04:07 PM.
06-25-2011 , 03:43 PM
Lets all re-cofus on the point here. It's not Girah, sorry to hurt your feelings Jose, that anyone is really interested in.

What were truely wanting to know is WHO is behind the Girah account.
06-25-2011 , 03:51 PM
Has anyone ever offered any evidence other than their own speculation that anyone other than Jose is behind the Girah account? If so please point me to the evidence and respond to my questions above.
06-25-2011 , 03:52 PM

People like you are what turned these forums into a sewerage. (not gregorio, the ****** above that)
06-25-2011 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Someone please give me cliffs on these 2 issues:

1. Is there more than one allegation about someone playing on Girah's account, or jus the one allegation and
a) people don't believe Girah's response that it was his backer? or,
b) Lock has confirmed that Girah's account is untrue?

2. Is there any evidence (not proof, but evidence) that anyone is ghosting him, or is it just speculation based on his results being too good, some HS regs know him, therefor they must be ghosting him?

I stopped following this thread around the time he explained his DQ from the rake race, and am just wondering if there has been anything other than specualtion since then.

Personally I find it very difficult to believe that jungle or hasib would be ghosting him, but that's based on nothing but my own personal opinion (I also would never have believed Stox was cheating, but clearly I was wrong about that). I'm curious if people who say he is being ghosted are basing that on anything other than their own personal opinion.
1. There's one confirmation (not technically an allegation any more) from Lock of someone else playing on his account from a different location. However, Lock also confirmed other cases of misconduct but didn't specify them. Lots of people have asked what these are.

The backer story is extremely fishy and seems like a rushed cover story. He was asked why, if these hands were played from a different location, he has them on his HEM database. There was also some suspicion raised about the alias used in the screenshot for those hands but I can't remember what the actual issue with that was.

2. No there's no evidence of serial ghosting beyond the confirmed report from Lock (also Lock didn't say it was just one occasion - Jose was the one who said that - they just said his account was logged into and played from another location, among other terms of use infringements). This is purely a theory based on everything that is known - it just happens to be a theory which explains all the holes in the official story, and makes a lot more sense overall than the official story. The incredible run from first time micronoob to crushing 10/20 within 6 months is insane, and potentially suspicious, but it's certainly not proof of anything. So the answer to your question is no there's no proof of ghosting beyond what Lock has confirmed - but well... that's kinda the point of all the questions that have been asked and have subsequently been ignored - in principle Jose should easily be able to prove himself completely by answering those questions.

Regarding the stuff about Jungleman, Sauce & Haseeb - again there's no 'proof' but there's a major link between them, a lot of it rather suspicious, e.g.

- Haseeb being the registered domain holder of the girah website and admitting to re-writing the OP despite Jose actually having an excellent command of the English language anyway
- Sauce saying he gave him a ton of free coaching - and he said he never coached anyone
- Jose asked for a $20k transfer from Jungleman's full tilt account to a party poker account

Nothing overwhelmingly damning, but when all's combined it's a bit fishy...
06-25-2011 , 03:54 PM
never mind - but regarding the HEM database, obviously you can import hand histories you collate from anywhere, and can license HEM to more than one computer.
06-25-2011 , 04:00 PM
Thanks for the link triple, will def have a look at that! You're right about the irrelevant defences, I guess I just felt that example didn't belong since there didn't seem to be any speculation on if the 'offense' actually occured and the argument was more about whether what happened was actually considered cheating or not.

Originally Posted by gregorio
Someone please give me cliffs on these 2 issues:

1. a) Is there more than one allegation about someone playing on Girah's account, or
b) just the one allegation and
i) people don't believe Girah's response that it was his backer? or,
ii) Lock has confirmed that Girah's account is untrue?

2. Is there any evidence (not proof, but evidence) that anyone is ghosting him, or is it just speculation based on his results being too good, some HS regs know him, therefor they must be ghosting him?

I stopped following this thread around the time he explained his DQ from the rake race, and am just wondering if there has been anything other than specualtion since then.

Personally I find it very difficult to believe that jungle or hasib would be ghosting him, but that's based on nothing but my own personal opinion (I also would never have believed Stox was cheating, but clearly I was wrong about that). I'm curious if people who say he is being ghosted are basing that on anything other than their own personal opinion.
1 - b and i). 2 - Nothing new has come up since you stopped reading the thread, just a bunch of speculation and Jose making a final post without actually answering any questions. The ghosting accusations are purely theories based on opinion.
06-25-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Someone please give me cliffs on these 2 issues:

1. a) Is there more than one allegation about someone playing on Girah's account, or
b) just the one allegation and
i) people don't believe Girah's response that it was his backer? or,
ii) Lock has confirmed that Girah's account is untrue?

2. Is there any evidence (not proof, but evidence) that anyone is ghosting him, or is it just speculation based on his results being too good, some HS regs know him, therefor they must be ghosting him?

I stopped following this thread around the time he explained his DQ from the rake race, and am just wondering if there has been anything other than specualtion since then.

Personally I find it very difficult to believe that jungle or hasib would be ghosting him, but that's based on nothing but my own personal opinion (I also would never have believed Stox was cheating, but clearly I was wrong about that). I'm curious if people who say he is being ghosted are basing that on anything other than their own personal opinion.
ill spare you reading through the whole thing. there has been absolutely 0 evidence of anything shady, jose offered to bet up to 600k that EVERYTHING he said in every single post/interview was true and ofc no one took it. these ******s actually think jungleman and haseeb spend their time playing on joses account and posting on joses twoplustwo account and talking to good players on his skype just to create this super elaborate level lol. its pathetic
06-25-2011 , 04:02 PM
Why is going from the micro's to 10/20 in 6 months "completely insane"?

With all the information available nowadays, I think it's standard for someone very smart who works really hard to make it that high over such a period of time.

Again, very smart and working very hard, either factor by itself taking out 99% of the 2+2 population and both together taking out 99% of the remainder.

Obviously the guy is very intelligent, as much is clear from his interviews, and very mature as well, making it easy to believe that he would have on top of the smarts/hard work combo an ability to control his emotions that puts him way above the average player's ability not to tilt.

Perhaps if the droolers on this forum were busier working on their game than envying those who succeed, they wouldn't find his rise to be "completely insane".
06-25-2011 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
ill spare you reading through the whole thing. there has been absolutely 0 evidence of anything shady, jose offered to bet up to 600k that EVERYTHING he said in every single post/interview was true and ofc no one took it. these ******s actually think jungleman and haseeb spend their time playing on joses account and posting on joses twoplustwo account and talking to good players on his skype just to create this super elaborate level lol. its pathetic
Lock disqualified him because someone else logged on and played from his account from another location. That's pretty shady in my book.

Also nobody is suggesting that Jose's posts or skype conversations aren't his own...
06-25-2011 , 04:07 PM
^^I'd say any rise in stakes that represented 1% of 1% of 2p2ers (your numbers) can be accurately classified as 'completely insane'. There is a ridic amount of information available nowadays but obviously everyone is much better because of that so you rarely ever find people going from micro's to 10/20 in 6 months. I didn't even know it was 6 months wtf, I'd definitely say thats insane.

Obviously the rise in stakes alone doesn't implicate cheating, but yeah I don't see anything wrong with being awed by his run.

edit: include the fact that he was also in school when it happened and yeah it's pretty ****ing monstrous imo

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 06-25-2011 at 04:13 PM.
06-25-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
1. There's one confirmation (not technically an allegation any more) from Lock of someone else playing on his account from a different location. However, Lock also confirmed other cases of misconduct but didn't specify them. Lots of people have asked what these are.

The backer story is extremely fishy and seems like a rushed cover story. He was asked why, if these hands were played from a different location, he has them on his HEM database. There was also some suspicion raised about the alias used in the screenshot for those hands but I can't remember what the actual issue with that was.

2. No there's no evidence of serial ghosting beyond the confirmed report from Lock (also Lock didn't say it was just one occasion - Jose was the one who said that - they just said his account was logged into and played from another location, among other terms of use infringements). This is purely a theory based on everything that is known - it just happens to be a theory which explains all the holes in the official story, and makes a lot more sense overall than the official story. The incredible run from first time micronoob to crushing 10/20 within 6 months is insane, and potentially suspicious, but it's certainly not proof of anything. So the answer to your question is no there's no proof of ghosting beyond what Lock has confirmed - but well... that's kinda the point of all the questions that have been asked and have subsequently been ignored - in principle Jose should easily be able to prove himself completely by answering those questions.

Regarding the stuff about Jungleman, Sauce & Haseeb - again there's no 'proof' but there's a major link between them, a lot of it rather suspicious, e.g.

- Haseeb being the registered domain holder of the girah website and admitting to re-writing the OP despite Jose actually having an excellent command of the English language anyway
- Sauce saying he gave him a ton of free coaching - and he said he never coached anyone
- Jose asked for a $20k transfer from Jungleman's full tilt account to a party poker account

Nothing overwhelmingly damning, but when all's combined it's a bit fishy...
also youre a reasonable guy and im sry i offended u before. but most of ur point are just so silly and speculative. its obvious the backer sent him the hands, thats why he has them on his DB. also the alias issue he posted a new screenshot explaining that which everyone conviniently ignored.
06-25-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by 2DMB2LIV
Why is going from the micro's to 10/20 in 6 months "completely insane"?

With all the information available nowadays, I think it's standard for someone very smart who works really hard to make it that high over such a period of time.

Again, very smart and working very hard, either factor by itself taking out 99% of the 2+2 population and both together taking out 99% of the remainder.

Obviously the guy is very intelligent, as much is clear from his interviews, and very mature as well, making it easy to believe that he would have on top of the smarts/hard work combo an ability to control his emotions that puts him way above the average player's ability not to tilt.

Perhaps if the droolers on this forum were busier working on their game than envying those who succeed, they wouldn't find his rise to be "completely insane".
lol I said it doesn't constitute proof of anything. But 6 months from total noob to 10/20 rapist, while being at school is insane. Nobody can argue with that, whether they believe it or not.

I'm not going to bother with the jealous hater thing again lol, it's such a non-argument...
06-25-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by 2DMB2LIV
Why is going from the micro's to 10/20 in 6 months "completely insane"?

With all the information available nowadays, I think it's standard for someone very smart who works really hard to make it that high over such a period of time.

Again, very smart and working very hard, either factor by itself taking out 99% of the 2+2 population and both together taking out 99% of the remainder.

Obviously the guy is very intelligent, as much is clear from his interviews, and very mature as well, making it easy to believe that he would have on top of the smarts/hard work combo an ability to control his emotions that puts him way above the average player's ability not to tilt.

Perhaps if the droolers on this forum were busier working on their game than envying those who succeed, they wouldn't find his rise to be "completely insane".
this. great post.

also, where do u all get that it was 6 months ago? my reading of the story suggests it was 8-10 months until 10 20
06-25-2011 , 04:11 PM
lol I said it doesn't constitute proof of anything. But 6 months from total noob to 10/20 rapist is insane. Nobody can argue with that, whether they believe it or not.

I'm not going to bother with the jealous hater thing again lol, it's such a ******ed non-argument...
It was not an "argument", it's just my opinion. Look into the definition of the words you use a little better, imo...
06-25-2011 , 04:13 PM
also, why would jungle/haseeb/sauce ghost him on lock? its a us site, they can make an account there lol, its not even a euro site.
06-25-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
also, where do u all get that it was 6 months ago? my reading of the story suggests it was 8-10 months until 10 20
Dog is Head said "in a matter of six months from when he started poker, he had gone from a micro stakes bankroll to becoming one of the biggest winners at 5/10-10/20 6-max"
06-25-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
Dog is Head said "in a matter of six months from when he started poker, he had gone from a micro stakes bankroll to becoming one of the biggest winners at 5/10-10/20 6-max"
yea but read the story. dogishead has his numbers wrong.
06-25-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
also, why would jungle/haseeb/sauce ghost him on lock? its a us site, they can make an account there lol, its not even a euro site.
he wasn't on lock during his rise... he was on at least betfair & partypoker, can't remember other ones
06-25-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by sdfnsjns
yea but read the story. dogishead has his numbers wrong.
ok fair enough
