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05-31-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
This is 100% an elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro sites.
And Lock Poker obv!
05-31-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
This entire thread epitomizes the exact reason online poker needs to be regulated, and U.S Legislation is needed in order to move forward!

This is 100% an elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro sites.

Just literally F*****g disgusted by this entire thread, and the people/peoples who, only you know who you are, behind this.

P.S- I hope you all go to Jail!
This is just woooooot?
Anyone can play on the euro sites it's not like they need to out themselves, do a pokercast interview and start an NVG thread.
Anyone with the cash can sit down at 5/10+ and play.
Why the **** would someone trying to do this bring so much attention to themselves.
05-31-2011 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Reframer
Anyone can play on the euro sites it's not like they need to out themselves, do a pokercast interview and start an NVG thread.
Anyone with the cash can sit down at 5/10+ and play.
Why the **** would someone trying to do this bring so much attention to themselves.
Well not anyone, ask the people in america about playing on these sites...

There's very good incentive if you think about it but i'll let you fill in the blanks with your expert assumptions.
06-01-2011 , 11:23 AM
I mean anyone European obv.
Obviously high stakes players can play on other people's accounts.
If you intend to do this though why aim for all the attention?
06-01-2011 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Reframer
I mean anyone European obv.
But that was his whole point, the theory being that Girah's accounts are being used for some US players to trim up the eurofish. Much like when a local business starts struggling, it looks to set up shop overseas to access additional markets, and of course take advantage of the cheap foreign labour

I'm not agreeing with this theory obv but it's definitely an intriguing one given everything that's happened.
06-01-2011 , 11:59 AM
100% an elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro sites.

06-01-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
100% an elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro sites.

This is pretty much what happened with the PeachyMer scandal (although Jose can actually converse with credibility on poker theory whereas the woman front for peachy literally had no clue about poker whatsoever when interviewed, it was absurd). Definitely a possible explanation behind all the weirdness / unanswered questions tbh, and I can see the temptation for some US players to 'hire' a euro account in order to take advantage of the drooling euro player market.

If I were Jose I'd be providing the information requested earlier in the thread in order to clear my name - some people say he doesn't owe it to us, which is absolutely true - but you'd think/hope that someone would want to do whatever they can to clear their name in the midst of accusations left, right and centre.

Originally Posted by WouldYouWakeUp?
The only way for Girah to clear his name is to
1. Send his hand histories data file to someone who has experience uncovering soft play or chip dumping. Anyone who helped during the STox cheating scandal comes to mind.
2. Reveal who his backer is. It is probable that it has to be someone from the poker world since they played 25-50 plo.
3. Have Merge NOT Lock confirm that the PLO hands were played under a different IP address and only those PLO hands were played under that IP.
4. If it was THE Sam Chauhan, contact him and ask him to confirm it was he who played Girah on LOCK and did so without any soft play or chip dumping.

The story put out by Girah and Lock seem sketchy at best. Why would anyone agree to forfeit an awesome prize when they were disqualified on some technicality through no fault of their own? Wouldn't you at least put up some protest if you truly didn't do anything wrong and had won enough money to win the challenge without including some PLO hands a backer played, especially where he lost? I know I would.
Lock didn't waste a second disqualifying him only AFTER accusations of cheating were posted. I don't understand why they would disqualify him even though they claim he had won enough money on his own to win the challenge.

Everyone vigorously defending Girah needs to step back for a second and think. This wouldn't be the first time someone well respected in the poker community was caught doing something shady. Names like Brian Towndsend, Cole South, Stinger88, StoxPoker and others come to mind.

Some of the replies here are just ridiculous. Just because he's a nice guy and you talk to him doesn't automatically render him innocent. If he truly wants to prove that he is innocent, he will have no problem clearing his name utilizing the 4 points I've made above.
Originally Posted by raidalot
Your explanation is plausible and hopefully is correct. The kind of swing you had at the end of the month is not unheard of at those stakes. However, it would help to clear up doubts if you would do 3 things:

(1) Say who your backer is and ask him to give his version of events.

(2) Confirm that neither your backer nor anyone else has played on any of your accounts apart from this one occasion.

(3) Explain what other violations Lock poker were referring to in their statement ...
06-01-2011 , 12:29 PM
He had weeks now to defend himself. Isn't it obvious?!?

btw wasn't Jungleboy one of the hs players that started all of this? Just saying...
06-01-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by J.K.Wins
He had weeks now to defend himself. Isn't it obvious?!?

btw wasn't Jungleboy one of the hs players that started all of this? Just saying...
You don't have to just say, we all think it.


Those three are all implicated imo.
06-01-2011 , 12:37 PM
Jungleman would be my #1 suspect in all honesty
06-01-2011 , 01:23 PM
it is all so shady...
06-01-2011 , 01:33 PM
Isn't Haseeb's role in all of this one of the biggest red flags?

He purchases the domain for Girah. Fine.

He, like many others, clarifies that Girah has great English, yet to cover all bases, he claims that he "edited" the OP before posting it. Why would he feel the need to edit the OP when Girah clearly has perfectly good English, and why does he play an active role in marketing Girah to the point of setting up a website for him and editing/improving his writing?

Couldn't he have just started the thread himself and said "Hey I want to introduce all of you to Girah" instead of pretending he played no role in any of this until he was caught?
06-01-2011 , 01:35 PM
And couldn't he envision that editing Girah's writing would only lead to skepticism over his superb command of the language (whether it's justifiable skepticism or not)?

Edit: It just seems odd that Haseeb is doing grunt work for Girah that Girah is obviously capable of doing himself (buying a domain name, writing in coherent English, posting on 2p2, etc.)

Last edited by MonsterJMcgee; 06-01-2011 at 01:49 PM. Reason: etc
06-01-2011 , 01:38 PM
06-01-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by hehateme315
-Elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro site/sites

-Possibly including well known US High Stakes players such as Jungleman, Sauce, and Haseeb.

-Stay tuned, more to come.
06-01-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
-Stay tuned, more to come.
There is no more to come, they'll never admit it.

I just feel sorry for anyone that paid him for coaching (although I don't know if he actually ever took money for the coaching he gave - just put his rate up but didn't charge.)
06-01-2011 , 03:02 PM
Ok, here's my 'artistic impression' of how it all happened. Please note it is a work of fiction only based on a true story - any resemblance to real people, and any plausible explanatory power in relation to the holes in the official story, are entirely coincidental.

Some years ago, post-UIGEA, some high-stakes player in the US - let's call them "Munglejan", "Bashee" and "Cause" were solemnly looking back on the good old days when they could crush at 10bb+/100. It was becoming ever more difficult to maintain a decent edge; the swings could be utterly brutal. They lamented at the enormous pool of European players on other sites on which they were not permitted to play. So many wonderfully ******ed donks... so close, yet so far.

One of the players decided to throw caution to the wind and set up an account on a Euro site using a young friend's information and playing behind seven proxies. In exchange for the use of his information, the youngster would be offered 5% of all profits made.

The first few weeks entailed levels of plunder not witnessed since the Viking era. "You would not ****ing believe the **** these morons will call you down with!!!!", he exclaimed to his buddies. Months went by without a problem.

Eventually the other two were overwhelmed with temptation and decided to join in, sharing the same account and then creating new ones for the various skins the network had to offer. This was beyond their wildest dreams; not for years had making money from poker been so effortless.

A year or two passed. By that time, the plucky trio had amassed a whopping $2 million in profit! The saying goes, however, mo' money, mo' problems. There was a growing concern that their luck would soon run out and they would be caught. Word would surely get around about these accounts the more they cleaned up. It was only a matter of time before people would ask who the mystery millionnaire holdem wizard was...

Rather than wait until questions were asked, why not 'out' the young fellow pre-emptively as some kind of 'poker prodigy', so that the story could be controlled from the very start? The 'outing' would need to be subtly done though, and certainly not by one of the trio themselves. So one had the idea of a fake 2+2 account from Portugal claiming to be someone 'searching' for this young poker prodigy. A young poker player, he claimed, had won over $2 million over the past 2 years, and was willing to pay money in return for information regarding his whereabouts. Of course, this worked like a charm, and the collective balls of NVG gurgled with delight at the prospect of discovering who this child genius was.

Finally, this thread arrived, with a beautifully written biography on José written by Bashee along with screenshots of the trio's epic motherf***ing winrates. But no screennames were provided for obvious reasons. How to explain this omission, he asked? "Say your lawyer has forbidden you or some sh*t, they'll lap it up" was the response. He also asked what to say when people saw he wasn't wallowing in riches despite having apparently won over $2 million. Hmmmm... "just say you don't really buy much stuff, you're not into that consumer crap", one of them suggested. "Hey", said the other, "just tell them you got scammed for a ton of cash! Credibility and sympathy in one stroke, booya!"

It all went smoothly for some time, with José even acquiring a sponsorship deal from Lock Poker! Worrying times were afoot however, when some players had claimed that the player they had seen on the Girah account was an 'average', 'weak' or 'meh' reg at best, who was playing far below the kind of stakes indicated in the initial screenshot, and, moreover, losing substantially. This was, of course, the real José playing at those times. An ok player at those stakes, but certainly no genius prodigy. Fortunately, just in time for the Bluff challenge with a day to spare, Munglejan logged in and tore some dude a new one heads-up, giving the girah account the prize. Some people questioned this sudden amazing last-minute run, indicating that they had not even seen girah play heads up before.

Finally, Lock disqualified José from the competition, citing 'another player using his account from another location' as one of the reasons for the disqualification. They didn't mention the other reasons. José tried to explain what happened but it all seemed a tad unusual, with holes creeping in everywhere. Some posters asked specific questions in order for his name to be cleared.

The trio let out a collective "fffuuuuu" and told José never to post in the thread again. And he never did...

06-01-2011 , 03:23 PM
^^^ Absolutely brilliant Mr McTriplemerge, and probably stunningly accurate in alot of ways.
06-01-2011 , 03:28 PM
Haha nh rangey

Wp sir
06-01-2011 , 03:28 PM
A succinct set of cliffs for this thread would go down a treat. edit lol missed rangeys summary.

Last edited by timeforheroes; 06-01-2011 at 03:34 PM.
06-01-2011 , 03:53 PM
wp rangey nice one

Lock has openly outted girah and his crew as cheaters, surely they can give all the information that is needed to get all the answers for our questions. I will send them an email asking for further explaination on how he cheated.

Last edited by J.K.Wins; 06-01-2011 at 03:55 PM. Reason: I have like 10% hope for getting anything out of them (since girah is still one of their pros)
06-01-2011 , 03:58 PM
Havent been on forumns for months but am so confused!?? Did my leveling that kept the speculaiton of this kids credibility really lead to him being found as a fraud? Or is everyone still leveling as a joke? WTF is going on here this is so weird??!??
06-01-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by maximose
Havent been on forumns for months but am so confused!?? Did my leveling that kept the speculaiton of this kids credibility really lead to him being found as a fraud?
Not to rain on your parade, but actually it was primarily Lock catching him having someone else playing on his account from a different location (among other undisclosed reasons) that led to him being found as a fraud which resulted in his disqualification.
06-01-2011 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
Not to rain on your parade, but actually it was primarily Lock catching him having someone else playing on his account from a different location (among other undisclosed reasons) that led to him being found as a fraud which resulted in his disqualification.
Not to rain on your parade but you don't read well. I was totally leveling very very early in the thread when I was hastily calling out this kid to bet he didn't exist. Idiots jumped on my stupid logic and its funny cuz he actually turned out to be fake. Im not giving myself credit or anything. PS nice sn.
06-01-2011 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by maximose
Not to rain on your parade but you don't read well. I was totally leveling very very early in the thread when I was hastily calling out this kid to bet he didn't exist. Idiots jumped on my stupid logic and its funny cuz he actually turned out to be fake. Im not giving myself credit or anything. PS nice sn.
ah ok gotcha - I knew you weren't really suggesting it was your levelling skillz causing anything, but yeah I misread what you meant. and cheers, thank you for the inspiration
