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08-10-2011 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
Nothing really worthy of noting at this point imo. Alot of peopel are caught up because Sauce, vaguely insinuated he had a conversation with Haseeb, and told Haseeb if Haseeb doesnt reveal "x", then he would. So now everyones waiting for Sauce to legitimize what most everyone speculating in this thread for months on end, already know. Sauce meets there burden of proof obv, so thats understandable. Problem is, since hanging the carrot in front of everyone about revealing "x", he has now been silent.

Hes just going to spill the beans, look like the hero, bc his name has been mentioned in the whole debacle, so pretty good PR move on Sauces part if he does come out and just tells what he does know. Hasn't happened yet though, and thats what everyones talking about "x", and seemingly all are waiting for.
Horrible read, please just shut up.
08-10-2011 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by 2DMB2LIV
Horrible read, please just shut up.
Great screen name, sorry your butthurt i put your girl in check. In time you will see. No need to digress in this any further not fair to the thread. You have a problem with my oppinion send me a PM.
08-10-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
08-10-2011 , 12:37 PM

LOL Haseeb, you are nothing more than a 2-bit low life criminal. Congrats on your latest bust:

José "Girah" Macedo, the so-called "Portuguese Poker Prodigy"
08-10-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Confirmed that I invented Jose so I can multi-account and chipdump to myself in ring games... given that I'm a heads up player.

NVGers, always there to bring me back to earth when my scams get too big for my britches
08-10-2011 , 01:26 PM
Just reading some of the old comments.

LOL @ everyone who criticised the skeptics. Complete morons.

I'm glad IFS got scammed. Dude comes across like an absolute tube anyway.
08-10-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
And so it begins...

post #7, very interesting considering the present situation???
08-10-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by shawnhunter
On the front page of a potentially epic thread.
you sir were correct. epic fail thread.
08-10-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beleriand
LOL I cannot believe that people think it's fake because of the ENGLISH.

Do you pathetic losers realize that the average 18 year old who attended an international school in Europe will be able to express himself more eloquently than 99.999999% of you broke American losers who can't even spell grammar let alone use it at the 6th grade level?

The fact that you question the legitimacy of the post is the reason why you'll never be 1% as successful as he claims to be. You are THAT fail.
Oh boy this gave me a good laugh. Stick it to them.
08-11-2011 , 10:52 AM
ImFromSweden, BreakyaNeck, Dogishead- you were always willing to bet on Jose, you first 2 repeatedly made several offers.

After reading the whole thread, there was at least 1 guy who accepted and sent you, IFS,( who seemed to be one of Girah's biggest allies)a PM. No matter what conditions this guy had, and no matter if you accepted the bet or not, PAY the man.

Girah and Haseeb already admitted to chip dumping, yet Girah stated that he actually won the Bluff challenge fair and square.
08-11-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
and no matter if you accepted the bet or not, PAY the man.
That's funny.
08-11-2011 , 10:59 AM
Apparently, no one can verify Girah's original claims of making 1.6 mil in one year.

All that can be verified are Girah's current stats.

(Rangey has broken them down and they look " very solid")

Yet, we know that Girah was chip dumped at least 100k.

How are we ever really to know just how much of Girah's stats were fabricated by chip dumps?

Haseeb clearly mentions in his lame excuse for chip dumping that it would make Girah " look good."

So just how many ****ing times did they need to make Girah "Look Good"?
08-11-2011 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
Haseeb clearly mentions in his lame excuse for chip dumping that it would make Girah " look good."

So just how many ****ing times did they need to make Girah "Look Good"?
Good point. This is so sad.
08-11-2011 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
A while back the people commenting in this thread would remember Gregorio bombarded the thread and people posting in it with his prescence, and was handing out infractions and warnings to people "speculating" the oppinion that opposed his own. Was I the only one who recieved warnings/pts from him? Did he actually infract and warn anyone else, along with PMs? Just curious....

As I already had like 50+ infraction pts , I was genuinely afraid to ask this, untill now of course. Seems there is now an "all clear" of Gregorio.
I didn't get any infraction, just sarcasm. To be fair to gregorio (who can't defend himself as he is self-banned) there were posters who were just making allegations against jungleman without any support. I was okay with him reigning that in (you can't have a sensible forum if people are just allowed to make any random claims against others) but agree he went a little to far with attacking the more legit questioning of the inconsistencies etc.
08-11-2011 , 11:22 AM
I'm really late coming in with this, but I just heard about the scandal and have been reading through the different related threads to catch up. After reading the 'apology' from Girah as well as his 'intro story', I have to say I'm surprised by how many people think the intro story was well written. True, the English is at a high standard for a non-native speaker, but the story itself is full of cliches (as is the trite apology which is as un-heartfelt as they come) and seems far more created than truthful. The bits about his mum and his friends, as well as about his motivation come across as contrived. I am saddened that this is what is now thought of as powerful writing; standards have been falling for way, way too long.
Kudos to those who were suspicious and said so from the very beginning.
08-11-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by czechraiser
I'm really late coming in with this, but I just heard about the scandal and have been reading through the different related threads to catch up. After reading the 'apology' from Girah as well as his 'intro story', I have to say I'm surprised by how many people think the intro story was well written. True, the English is at a high standard for a non-native speaker, but the story itself is full of cliches (as is the trite apology which is as un-heartfelt as they come) and seems far more created than truthful. The bits about his mum and his friends, as well as about his motivation come across as contrived. I am saddened that this is what is now thought of as powerful writing; standards have been falling for way, way too long.
Kudos to those who were suspicious and said so from the very beginning.
I don't think anybody thought it was beautiful writing or anything like that - just that the quality of sentence construction (combined with spelling/grammar/punctuation) was far better than you would expect for a Portuguese high school kid, with turns of phrase that second-language speakers are unlikely to use. If anybody's heart actually skipped a beat at how exquisitely the words were woven together, they probably need to read a bit more lol
08-11-2011 , 12:56 PM
Good riddance. One less loser posing as a winner.
08-11-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp View Post
A while back the people commenting in this thread would remember Gregorio bombarded the thread and people posting in it with his prescence, and was handing out infractions and warnings to people "speculating" the oppinion that opposed his own. Was I the only one who recieved warnings/pts from him? Did he actually infract and warn anyone else, along with PMs? Just curious....

As I already had like 50+ infraction pts , I was genuinely afraid to ask this, untill now of course. Seems there is now an "all clear" of Gregorio
confirmed, gregorio who should never have been a mod in the first place, gave me several infractions for questioning joses story and saying i thought he was full of it. dont know how someone ever trusted gregorio with that power but hes takin it way too far many times and its a relief that gary johnson stepped into 2+2 and sent him packing
08-12-2011 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
thread is level by haseeb to win propbet to recoup losses from running prop.
08-12-2011 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by sl8a
This levels getting out of control.
Excellent call on the very first page of this thread. LOL!!
08-12-2011 , 11:53 AM
Now your notorious "SCUM" who goes crying to mommy.
08-12-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
Great screen name, sorry your butthurt i put your girl in check. In time you will see. No need to digress in this any further not fair to the thread. You have a problem with my oppinion send me a PM.
[ ] in check
08-12-2011 , 01:05 PM
I fold.
08-12-2011 , 01:11 PM
so jose isnt a poker prodigy??
08-12-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by hehateme315
so jose isnt a poker prodigy??
haters back in force I see
