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04-14-2011 , 02:59 PM
he is playing right now nl1k and 600nl fullring on merge
04-14-2011 , 04:08 PM
Not to sound terribly cynical, but what was the deal with the "lookingforprodigy" guy? Was that all just a rouse to garner some attention? If he really exists, what did he want/offer?
04-14-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Priapus1
Not to sound terribly cynical, but what was the deal with the "lookingforprodigy" guy? Was that all just a rouse to garner some attention? If he really exists, what did he want/offer?
He said he wanted to be Girah's agent, though seeing Girah signing with Lock so soon, it could very well be something to get attention.
04-14-2011 , 05:23 PM
Girah, will you play with durrrr or not?
04-15-2011 , 02:29 PM
hard to believe that a kid is buying a house on Hawaii, talking about losing 100K in a day. Damn WTF.
04-15-2011 , 02:31 PM
but seriously, you must be a silly kid for being robbed 250K, unless the guy put a pistol in your head.
04-15-2011 , 02:32 PM
also, this seems to exausthing, studyng 6 hours a day HHs. At least you were rewarded.
04-15-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Priapus1
Not to sound terribly cynical, but what was the deal with the "lookingforprodigy" guy? Was that all just a rouse to garner some attention? If he really exists, what did he want/offer?
Probably has an interest in lockpoker like several others in this epic shill thread.
04-16-2011 , 06:48 AM
Sick soulread signing with a site that wasn't indicted yesterday. Man, you're good!
04-16-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by AceMuncher
[ ] Europeans dream about buying a house in Hawaii.
Proof indeed thats its bull poo
04-16-2011 , 12:41 PM
being a prodigy is overrated.

hard work is underrated.
04-16-2011 , 12:47 PM
congrats on all your success man.. i aspire to reach your level as i have been just learning the game over the last 5 months or so. still have so much to learn!
04-18-2011 , 08:58 PM
Hey guys, is anyone interested in a HU 4-tabling match on Merge at 2000NL or higher? I'll tape it and use the footage for a training video. Post here, PM me, or e-mail me. Thanks a lot in advance.
04-18-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by girah
Hey guys, is anyone interested in a HU 4-tabling match on Merge at 2000NL or higher? I'll tape it and use the footage for a training video. Post here, PM me, or e-mail me. Thanks a lot in advance.
What site is the training vid for?
04-18-2011 , 10:38 PM
The subject line of OP makes me think of a classic line from The Princess Bride movie.

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
04-19-2011 , 12:35 AM
És grande puto nunca deixes que te digam o contrario
04-19-2011 , 01:27 AM
never heard of this guy
04-23-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by girah
Hey guys, is anyone interested in a HU 4-tabling match on Merge at 2000NL or higher? I'll tape it and use the footage for a training video. Post here, PM me, or e-mail me. Thanks a lot in advance.
I want to do this...
04-27-2011 , 09:28 AM
hi José Macedo. nao encontro maneira de falhar ctg directamente...desculpa nao tar a responder ao k propoes, o desafio hu 4 mesas. mas o k gostaria de saber é sobre as aulas k dás, preços etc... ou se me podes dar alguns conselhos...gostava mesmo de poder falar ctg em tempo real. nem k fossem 10 15 minutos...
no teu site nao encontro o teu facebook nao encontro tb...e aki ja tentei falar mas sem sucesso....fico entao agora á espera de melhor sorte desta vez.
04-27-2011 , 09:30 AM
se me puderes dar o teu mail ou facebook agradecia , se nao...e pq nao vejo outra maneira...deixo o meu face ou mail, sao ambos: e enfim....espero desta maneira entao, conseguir falar ctg em tempo real.
04-27-2011 , 10:11 AM
Did the OP ever deny eating babies for breakfast?
04-27-2011 , 12:24 PM
..English only mo fos.
04-27-2011 , 12:35 PM
Detectives ITT Cool story
04-27-2011 , 01:09 PM
Awesome read whether it's true or not
04-27-2011 , 03:40 PM
are u playing on Lock in which stakes? What are the bigger games that run over there?
