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05-04-2011 , 07:08 PM
you've got to understand that at a young age it's pretty easy to make mistakes - especially in the poker world. if he has trust in his backer for ages then of course its unlikely that he's going to think his backer would play on his acc. - but it happened and Jose has stepped up and apologised/forfeited, even though it wasn't in any way his fault. In a lot of situations it's pretty common practice to have that trust factor with your backer but I guess that's the standard of NVG to flame instantly and obv means he's colluding.

I respect the fact that it's taken him no time at all to come out with an apology and it's pretty clear that he had no intention of colluding or anything, I've spoken to him on numerous occasions and it's not within his nature in any way at all.

He's been disqualified from the challenge for no fault of his own but has stepped up and taken the blame, move on.

And for all those doubting he's real, what more evidence do you really want to see to prove that he's the real deal? He signed with Lock - you really think that a site is going to pay $xx,xxx in sponsorship to someone who is a fake or they've never met/spoken to? He signed with Poker Royalty who are the largest agency in the world - you really think the same with that too? He plays high stakes against a decent amount of regs, has called out for the durrrr challenge on more than one occasion, has done radio/print/online interviews, theres not much else he can do to prove he's real - if anything
05-04-2011 , 07:08 PM

It would be impossible for Jose to be bull****ting 30 very good HU players in strat convos, DAILY. HE IS 100% WHO HE SAYS HE IS. I would bet every $ I have Jose is 100% legit and who he claims.
05-04-2011 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
I liked your 2nd post better. Go Jose, **** the haters
oh hai teddy
05-04-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Jose really didnt do anything wrong. Ummm, yes he did.Its not really his fault that his BACKER logged on to his account and played people...I mean what should he have done differently? Found a backer that doesn't multi account?Not given his Backer his account info? I mean ok, but w/e, its fairly common practice that Backers have login access. Im sure if Jose knew that his Backer was going to play ppl on his account he would have stopped that. Thats clearly not ok, and Jose clearly wouldnt have allowed it, he has nothing to gain, and lots to lose.

Anyways, Ive talked to Jose for a few months now and he's very active in our HU skype chat group. He seems like a really genuine, nice, and honest kid. And is seriously good at poker. So dont hold this against him.Seeming like a nice person and being seriously good at poker doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong
You are responsible for your own account. If he gave his account info to some one that isn't trustworthy than that's a mistake. He even admitted to it being a mistake. How can you say he didn't do anything wrong?
05-04-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Noobie Newbertson
You are responsible for your own account. If he gave his account info to some one that isn't trustworthy than that's a mistake. He even admitted to it being a mistake. How can you say he didn't do anything wrong?
lol, your argument is like saying, "oh well you shouldnt have gotten into that lane of traffic!, you should have known ahead of time that old lady sitting at the stop sign 100 yards ahead was going to pull out and hit your car because she didnt look both ways. So yeah, its your fault."

WTF was Jose supposes to do? Have his backer sign a contract that said he wouldnt play on Jose's account, he would just look at the balance? I mean give me a goddamn break. Ok, so lets say Jose did make his backer sign said contract. What if the backer still played on the account? Would Jose have done anything wrong then, in your eyes? PLEASE say no, or hell, please say yes, either way you look extremely stupid.

Its perfectly ****ing obvious and clear the backer did the wrong thing. Its so obvious there doesnt need to be some talk or agreement about it upfront/beforehand. Should they talk about how the backer shouldnt log in and steal Jose's money too? No? Well why not? Why should the backer have signed a contract about how he wouldnt use Jose's account to play ppl, but he doesnt about stealing Jose's money? That seems realistic right? BOTH are so obviously wrong, that its common ****ing sense that that shouldnt happen, as in the backer shouldnt use Jose's account to play on.

Next time you borrow your mom's car, do you think she'll make you sign a contract saying you wont use the car to commit a crime? Or is that something so obvious you dont need to talk about upfront? Please elaborate, eagerly awaiting your response.

Last edited by TooCuriousso1; 05-04-2011 at 07:44 PM.
05-04-2011 , 07:27 PM
Why do I think there is a lot more to this story than Jose makes it to be???
05-04-2011 , 07:28 PM
Maybe because there are lots of similar situations in the last few years that never ended well, and stories never stayed consistent with the original way they were told ...
05-04-2011 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Biscuits33
Yea, I think I'm with Sketchy...

How does he write so well for an 18-year old poker player whose first language is not english? If he is fully transparent maybe he could explain who is helping him write these pristine posts...

The whole thing is just too unbelievable.
Probably because people outside of the USA learn english at a young age.
Not sure about Portugal but a lot of countries start to teach english at the first year of elementary school.
05-04-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
LOL at believing his explination
This. Some of you are so incredibly stupid.
05-04-2011 , 08:01 PM
Good lord, does my level still have steam itt? Or was this guy really fake LOL wtf?
05-04-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by kk405
Why do I think there is a lot more to this story than Jose makes it to be???

jose reminds me of some random dude with one post who comes on here and goes "my full tilt account was frozen and i can't get my funds out. i didn't do anything wrong. HELP"

and of course, FTP comes in and says "there's way more to this guy's situation than he's leading on to believe."

anyone taking his story just as is, is just plain dumb. he might as well just have said he wasn't "multiaccounting" but his grandma's account was doing really well at 25-50 PLO and he took over midway through the session.
05-04-2011 , 09:13 PM
So someone else logs into his account, and he's busted for "multi-accounting"? How did the site know it wasn't Jose?

If I log into my account from my 2nd computer, am I going to be busted for mult-accounting by Lock Poker (hint: no).

What if I play, then travel to vegas, and log in from a friends computer at a entirely different geographical location? (hint: no).

What if Jose, like every other caught multi-accounter, is not telling the full truth? (hint: hmmmmmmmm)
05-04-2011 , 09:16 PM
from what i can see Girah is stupid? [ ]

backer is a Grade A idiot [X]

very interested who the backer is?
05-04-2011 , 09:28 PM
cheeters gonna cheet. greasy move bro. stop cheeting plz, we have enough cheeting scnadal happen in poker world already bro
05-04-2011 , 09:30 PM
DesertCat made a point there. I can play at two, three different computers - hell, I can play on a different country - and still it's me playing and I should not get thrown out of any contest or whatever challenge I'm in.

Does Lock have any strict playing at one computer only policy kind of weird thing?

@donkey: yes, we in Portugal have our first contact with english sometimes at 1st grade (age 6 or so). Sometimes sooner, but thats more uncommon.

José stood up to this situation and for what it's worth, he didn't cry nor try to apologize with the "it's not my fault" kind of things. He just assumed the situation and explained it the best way he could.

I can find an agree stance with you doubtful guys regarding the fishy story but sometimes things are what they seem: a strange and simply just plain old misfortune situation.

I would put my money on that. Go José.

Foste homem, pá! Agora arranja outro gajo que te dê massa que esse já te tramou o suficiente!!
05-04-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by the muslim
cheeters gonna cheet. greasy move bro. stop cheeting plz, we have enough cheeting scnadal happen in poker world already bro
I like your location
05-04-2011 , 10:30 PM
dump your backer
05-04-2011 , 11:20 PM
it`s all so ****ing shady and depressing lately.

too bad this happened and too bad that lock is going down too.
05-04-2011 , 11:30 PM

I don't understand why Jose would multi-account or chip dump or anything like that. He has $ and he has been beating the game (NL) for ages, and will continue to I'm sure.

I want to believe his story, but like some have said, these situations generally turn out to be very non-innocent, but just have to see if anything develops.

Not sure it means much that he's active in a HU skype group. He can still be a great HUNL players and multi-account, and it's easy to come across as a nice person.

@Desert Cat
I'm also confused as to how this resulted in a ban. Like you said, I could play at home, fly somewhere and play in another country and thats not breaking the rules. This weird "reason" for Jose being banned, does make me suspicious that something more dodgy went on.

I'll leave my judgement reserved for now. If Jose's story is true, then his backer is the most ****ing ******ed guy on Earth, and Jose is very stupid for "thinking nothing of it".
05-04-2011 , 11:58 PM
No nosebleed games since? Taking a break? Yeah Yeah Yeah...
05-05-2011 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
lol, your argument is like saying, "oh well you shouldnt have gotten into that lane of traffic!, you should have known ahead of time that old lady sitting at the stop sign 100 yards ahead was going to pull out and hit your car because she didnt look both ways. So yeah, its your fault."

WTF was Jose supposes to do? Have his backer sign a contract that said he wouldnt play on Jose's account, he would just look at the balance? I mean give me a goddamn break. Ok, so lets say Jose did make his backer sign said contract. What if the backer still played on the account? Would Jose have done anything wrong then, in your eyes? PLEASE say no, or hell, please say yes, either way you look extremely stupid.

Its perfectly ****ing obvious and clear the backer did the wrong thing. Its so obvious there doesnt need to be some talk or agreement about it upfront/beforehand. Should they talk about how the backer shouldnt log in and steal Jose's money too? No? Well why not? Why should the backer have signed a contract about how he wouldnt use Jose's account to play ppl, but he doesnt about stealing Jose's money? That seems realistic right? BOTH are so obviously wrong, that its common ****ing sense that that shouldnt happen, as in the backer shouldnt use Jose's account to play on.

Next time you borrow your mom's car, do you think she'll make you sign a contract saying you wont use the car to commit a crime? Or is that something so obvious you dont need to talk about upfront? Please elaborate, eagerly awaiting your response.
Quite obvious lock poker is dodging the real issue with a "smaller issue," so stop cursing and have a legitimate conversation with the people who actually see a problem with this. Thanks
05-05-2011 , 12:18 AM
I gotta say the whole situation does sound a little suspicious. I'm not one to be a conspiracy theorist, but from the way all this played out, it sounds quite fishy. There was a thread on here a few days ago about how girah was down in the challenge and then all of a sudden is up 100k and wins it. The OP in that thread was discussing how suspicious that was...I mean I'm sure girah is a very good player, but to go on a 100k run at the exact timing to win the challenge is a pretty big coincidence. Also, interestingly, that thread was deleted pretty soon after it was made. My take on the situation...not saying it's true, but it sounds like someone could have chip dumped so girah would win the challenge. Who would do that and why? Well it could just be girah and a friend or two, wanting to win the challenge and the money/publicity. Lock found out and wanted to save face for their pro by allowing him to use that backer story. A more conspiracy theorist explanation is that Lock set up girah to chip dump so he would win the challenge and they could promote their star, but once things started to get public and people started commenting on it, they panicked and asked girah to take one for the team on a smaller scale.

Anyways, not saying any of these are true, but from the way things played out, not out of the realm of possibility.
05-05-2011 , 12:33 AM
@jlevu: I think the versions of events that you came up with are actually pretty plausible.

Whilst I want to believe Jose, it feels like there's something bigger behind it all.

As far as the heater to win the challenge goes, I know he played a 100/200 NLHU match days before the end, and think he won about $60k just from that. Unlikely that was shady, because he advertised it ITT, but you never know (he advertised a match which is actually a chip dump sesh so he doesn't arouse suspicion??? lol).

If Lock or Jose were involved in something far more controversial than a backer playing his account, I'm pretty sure it'll come out sooner or later!
05-05-2011 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
from what i can see Girah is stupid? [ ]

backer is a Grade A idiot [X]

very interested who the backer is?
I'm gonna assume the worst until said backer comes out of the closet.
05-05-2011 , 03:06 AM
I have talked to Jose for a little while now, and he's a very humble and genuine person as other people have reiterated in this thread. He has been very helpful to me from answering hand history questions to helping me with questions about lock poker and really one of the nicest people I have ever encountered. I believe the explanation he gave in his apology, and if you know Jose he really is not the type to lie or deceive.

Also lock poker could have easily brushed this under the rug as to not create drama with their lead pro, but they decided that they wanted their brand to represent trust and integrity, which I think says a lot about their site. I definitely think they did the right thing to make sure that no one feels cheated in this and I think Jose and Lock poker have handled this situation well. It's a tough spot to be in and **** happens. Hopefully we can move forward from this and see that it was a mistake that was handled appropriately.
