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05-04-2011 , 03:04 PM
Your backer is a douche.
05-04-2011 , 03:05 PM
well done lock poker

other room would have just sya nothing about it
05-04-2011 , 03:15 PM
what was ur backer thinking.. anyways keep the good work o/..
05-04-2011 , 03:18 PM
congrats on being called a "poker prodigy"

also congrats on proving you're a douchebag for cheating!
05-04-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
congrats on being called a "poker prodigy"

also congrats on proving you're a douchebag for cheating!
I don't understand how this makes him a douchebag...for passing out and having his backer play on his account without him knowing?

He forfeited the prize which was a 10k prize with a bluff mag cover. I think that's a pretty big loss considering what really happened.
05-04-2011 , 03:49 PM
that's a really horrible situation

though it sounds kind of unbelievable to me that you'd be disqualified yet did nothing wrong and that your backer would play on your account in the middle of your Bluff Poker Challenge. your backer should come forward and admit how much of an idiot he is and take the blame.
05-04-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Duralast
I don't understand how this makes him a douchebag...for passing out and having his backer play on his account without him knowing?

He forfeited the prize which was a 10k prize with a bluff mag cover. I think that's a pretty big loss considering what really happened.
LOL at believing his explination
05-04-2011 , 04:09 PM
Yea, I think I'm with Sketchy...

How does he write so well for an 18-year old poker player whose first language is not english? If he is fully transparent maybe he could explain who is helping him write these pristine posts...

The whole thing is just too unbelievable.
05-04-2011 , 04:34 PM
hahahaha he got caught for cheating ?!?

How am I not surprised.

Jose, Lock has no right disqualifying you in the challenge if you didn't do anything wrong. Clearly you did more than just letting your backer play for you.
Watch out for the web of lies you're getting yourself into. You just went from so called prodigy to a cheating idiot. The fact that Lock outted you is very interesting and needs to be applauded. I don't think any other website would risk doing that after signing a so called superstar.
05-04-2011 , 04:37 PM
too perfect obv this whole storm was created by lock to gain attention make them seem reputable for outing there own player for cheating in the most minor way which in turn makes them seem super trustworthy. never even heard of them before this whole jose story crap.
05-04-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by JPE23

You still don't believe he's legit?
Ha, I guess. LOL wat indeed. I guess you were leveling?

I say again, online poker continues its not-so-slow death because the majority of players are so tolerant of illegal and unethical activity.

I play live quite a bit. The average reg in that card room is an overaged, pasty slob who would angle-shoot you in a second. And almost all of them look down on online poker as if it's a disease. You can argue against that and insult them, but if you can't even convince players like that it should be mainstream then you have no chance with the greater public.

Anyone who believes Jose whatever the *** is a real person playing poker at a sick level is pretty damn stupid.
05-04-2011 , 04:57 PM
I think Jose comes out of this looking like an extremely mature and well balanced individual. He is 18 years old but behaves in a far more appropriate and mature manner than many of those people in this thread, who are by far his senior, who criticise him.

It seems he got disqualified from this competition through no fault of his own, yet accepts this with grace and class. Well done to him I say, and a big FU to the jealous whiners in the thread.
05-04-2011 , 04:58 PM
i dono, its a coincidinc that ppl think he cheats and he gets dq for cheating (with the excuse that it wasnt rly cheating)

hmmm coincidinccc
05-04-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by WAtR
It seems he got disqualified from this competition through no fault of his own, yet accepts this with grace and class.
Why on earth would u believe "no fault of his own?" do u rly think that lock poker isnt capable of determining if someone besides jose logged into the account from another pc? Because i guarantee they can. He clearly was disqualified for multiaccounting and in no way does his explanation come close to washing his hands of this ordeal. Believing what he says is assinine.
05-04-2011 , 05:05 PM
LOL at those defending a made up poker pro.

Why would a sick prodigy making money hand over fist need a backer. What smart backer of such a smart prodigy be stupid enough to play on the prodigy's account.

Spare us any more "explanations."
05-04-2011 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
Why on earth would u believe "no fault of his own?" do u rly think that lock poker isnt capable of determining if someone besides jose logged into the account from another pc?
If he has the password then what information does the site have apart from the IP?
05-04-2011 , 05:32 PM
I am sorry, but this whole "Portuguese Poker Prodigy" story seems like a Sidd Finch-style hoax.

From the guy coming here looking for the supposed prodigy to the recent "Backer ate my homework" excuses, something seems very fishy here.
05-04-2011 , 05:36 PM
haha, whats the problem guys? why do u all care so much?
05-04-2011 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
Why on earth would u believe "no fault of his own?" do u rly think that lock poker isnt capable of determining if someone besides jose logged into the account from another pc? Because i guarantee they can. He clearly was disqualified for multiaccounting and in no way does his explanation come close to washing his hands of this ordeal. Believing what he says is assinine.
so his genius plan was to share his account with someone who was interested in getting 1200 hands of action at PLO that jose never would've gotten himself? even though he's gotten thousands of hands of action at high and nosebleed NL (a game he's actually very good at, playing under a transparent screen name) and never played PLO himself?

yea that makes a ton more sense
05-04-2011 , 05:50 PM
Jose is obviously ultimately responsible for his backer. Jose made the decision to set himself up in a business arrangement with whomever that is. He made some really difficult and mature decisions reflecting his comments above. He made a post apologizing for what happened. He congratulated the 2nd place, and now winner of the challenge. Jose isn't washing his hands of the situation, he's owning up to and informing everyone of what happened for the sake of transparency.

@Sketchy: Why can't you believe him? He's not creating some ridiculous story to cover his butt. Are you just being a conspiracy theorist for the fun of it?
05-04-2011 , 06:09 PM
Chin up José
Many young poker players have made stupid mistakes most unknown to the public, I applaud your maturity in dealing with this matter.

Its a shame the public forum for chat is here in NVG where members are notorious for their imaginations and unfounded attacks on tall poppys.
05-04-2011 , 06:47 PM
Jose really didnt do anything wrong. Its not really his fault that his BACKER logged on to his account and played people...I mean what should he have done differently? Not given his Backer his account info? I mean ok, but w/e, its fairly common practice that Backers have login access. Im sure if Jose knew that his Backer was going to play ppl on his account he would have stopped that. Thats clearly not ok, and Jose clearly wouldnt have allowed it, he has nothing to gain, and lots to lose.

Anyways, Ive talked to Jose for a few months now and he's very active in our HU skype chat group. He seems like a really genuine, nice, and honest kid. And is seriously good at poker. So dont hold this against him.
05-04-2011 , 06:51 PM
You seem a genuine guy and, unfortunally, a little naive.

Indeed you are 18 but act up as a man, at least more of a man as many 30 year old I know.

Keep it up.

Ps.: Forget about the magazine, nothing you can do about it - but at least you could demand 5k from your baker..fair enough, right?

Ps.: I didn't know Bakers could/would/sometimes play on the accounts of people they give money to. Is this a standard issue?
05-04-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Jose really didnt do anything wrong. Its not really his fault that his BACKER logged on to his account and played people...I mean what should he have done differently? Not given his Backer his account info? I mean ok, but w/e, its fairly common practice that Backers have login access. Im sure if Jose knew that his Backer was going to play ppl on his account he would have stopped that. Thats clearly not ok, and Jose clearly wouldnt have allowed it, he has nothing to gain, and lots to lose.

Anyways, Ive talked to Jose for a few months now and he's very active in our HU skype chat group. He seems like a really genuine, nice, and honest kid. And is seriously good at poker. So dont hold this against him.
I liked your 2nd post better. Go Jose, **** the haters
05-04-2011 , 07:05 PM

My SN at LockPoker is Sweeeeeeet (I finished 3rd in the challange). I think that some of you are being way too hard on José. He's a young kid that made a mistake and apologized for it. I don't think he stole, hurt or took advantage of anyone in the way, so I think we should all chillout and give him a 2nd chance.

I don't know José personally, but I've added him on skype a few weeks ago (because I'm also portuguese and because I liked his story). He stroke me as an humble person that has no problems sharing some of his knowledge and the method that has made him so sucessfull (as you guys have probably also noted by his interviews and blogposts).

Let's not crucify him over this, I'm sure we gonna hear a lot more about him for the good reasons in the future.

André Santos
