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03-05-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by superjeff24
I'll take action on your bet...

1) he hasnt posted a screen shot of any of the money
2) lawyers arent going to tell you not to post usernames because it doesnt have any effect nor would it be harmful in any way
3) you say he got cheated out of 250k and its a fact, prove it.
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
How much? I'll be nice and give you 10-1
wow imfromsweden you either know something none of us do, or you really like to gamble

If he hasn't in fact posted a shot of money, poker acct. etc or anything else...well this and also a 17 yr old kid from portugal w/ nearperfect english....I dont buy it.
03-05-2011 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by mad_mardigan
wow imfromsweden you either know something none of us do, or you really like to gamble

If he hasn't in fact posted a shot of money, poker acct. etc or anything else...well this and also a 17 yr old kid from portugal w/ nearperfect english....I dont buy it.
I just like to gamble of course bet is open for you too!
03-05-2011 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by MarcoAntonio
Gentleman, greetings.

My name is Marco, José's little brother. If I may be so bold, please permit me to offer a few words in defense of my brother to those who may question his authenticity, or even his passion and dedication in the pursuit of holdem excellence.

Under what epistemological premise dare you suggest that his heretofore struggles and successes be some cruel and elaborate hoax for the collective amusement of a few high stakes regulars? Ye gods, if I weren't but fourteen years of age and slight in build, I assure you I would inflict rapid and accurate blows upon your cheeks with my fists.

I shan't continue further; my anger has brought sweat upon my brow and I cannot be seen like this for my show and tell performance at school this morning. Suffice it to say that I pity the cynical lens through which you interpret this wonderful, but flawed world of ours. You may never share the joys that José, father and I experience when one of your own blood reaps the rewards of persistence and determination in chasing a noble dream.


A+ gimmick
03-05-2011 , 09:40 PM
Can this thread be locked please.

Can jungleboy and his bff get a life please.
03-05-2011 , 09:54 PM
Fellow flamers...

OP was kind enough to send a few PMs back and forth. I sure as hell wouldn't bet against OP now. If he's not for real he's done his homework and at the very least knows Jose.

Assuming the name of this Portugese phenom is definitely Jose Macedo...I believe. Gulp

Last edited by AceSweaty; 03-05-2011 at 10:00 PM.
03-05-2011 , 10:56 PM
IFS wanna split action? Teach this tards a lesson
03-05-2011 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by superjeff24
I'll take action on your bet...

1) he hasnt posted a screen shot of any of the money
2) lawyers arent going to tell you not to post usernames because it doesnt have any effect nor would it be harmful in any way
3) you say he got cheated out of 250k and its a fact, prove it.
How much are you looking to bet? Can we do 6 figures?
03-06-2011 , 12:53 AM
just read this for the first time pretty amazing read by 2+2s standards
...and i do believe it all
03-06-2011 , 01:54 AM
I have no idea whether this is a level or not, just here to make one point:

The high level of English displayed in the first post(s) of this thread is very plausible for a Portugese person who studied with English as their primary language.

I am an Israeli who went to an International School in Germany, and my English is better than 90+% of native English speakers I meet (both American and British).

It is very possible to do GCSEs without living in the UK (although they are then IGCSEs (I = International)).

I don't know (or care, really) whether this is a level but seriously all the people suggesting it is - simply based on the language in the posts - are stupid.

Last edited by JimyJamonas; 03-06-2011 at 02:01 AM.
03-06-2011 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
I just like to gamble of course bet is open for you too!

I will bet 200$ at 10 to 1 (my 200$ to win 2k) that José Macedo aka "Portuguese Poker Prodigy" didn't make 1.6kk in his last 800k hands as stated in the OP. PM me.
03-06-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by JimyJamonas
The high level of English displayed in the first post(s) of this thread are very possibly written by a Portugese person.

I am an Israeli who went to an International School in Germany, and my English is better than 90+% of native English speakers I meet (both American and British).
Whatever dude. The native speakers of English would not make the simple grammatical error you made (highlighted above)
03-06-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Kittens
Whatever dude. The native speakers of English would not make the simple grammatical error you made (highlighted above)
Yes, you're right. It's not like its 7am here and I'm recovering from a heavy night. Not to mention that I'm posting on a forum on the interwebs, so I don't much care for the quality of my English.

Oh, and I have a Masters in Literature from a British University.

Edit: D'oh! I've allowed myself to be drawn in to an argument in NVG...what has become of me :S
03-06-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by girah
I look up from my desk, and there’s a board suspended on the wall. I made it a year ago when I was 17, when reaching the top of the poker world was still just a silly fantasy. On this board there are four pictures cut out and pasted… a crisp green million dollar bill, a picture of a WSOP bracelet, a screenshot of Durrrr sitting at Rail Heaven, and a photo of a little house in Hawaii. And as I’m looking at this silly little board I made, my mind wanders to where I started my journey. I remember standing at the foot of this mountain, a 16 year old boy, looking up with dreamlike wonder. Imagining what it would be like to scale its peak. I’m not at the foot of the mountain anymore, but my story has just begun. And although sometimes this mountain can seem dauntingly tall… I’m ready for it. And I’m grateful for this chance to climb it.

Thank you everyone so much for reading, and good luck
No h o m o?
03-06-2011 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by bakamor
I will bet 200$ at 10 to 1 (my 200$ to win 2k) that José Macedo aka "Portuguese Poker Prodigy" didn't make 1.6kk in his last 800k hands as stated in the OP. PM me.
lol IFS and myself are looking to bet 5-6 figures that this is all true....not 2 figures rofl
03-06-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by J.K.Wins
Can this thread be locked please.

Can jungleboy and his bff get a life please.
You 'Sir', are a pillock.

No charge.
03-06-2011 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
lol IFS and myself are looking to bet 5-6 figures that this is all true....not 2 figures rofl
I don't think it takes more than 5minutes to prove it to me. Good hourly imo. And why not take easy 200$?

3figures btw, sorry I'm a smallstakes player.
03-06-2011 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by bakamor
I don't think it takes more than 5minutes to prove it to me. Good hourly imo. And why not take easy 200$?

3figures btw, sorry I'm a smallstakes player.
For what everyone wants as proof it would take more than 5 minutes. I've talked to Jose alot recently and hes as real as it gets and a really nice humble kid so you guys shouldnt bash him in anyways. If anyone actually wants to bet anything significant let me know
03-06-2011 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
For what everyone wants as proof it would take more than 5 minutes. I've talked to Jose alot recently and hes as real as it gets and a really nice humble kid so you guys shouldnt bash him in anyways. If anyone actually wants to bet anything significant let me know
Haha. I'm not bashing him in anyway. I just think this whole story is some sick propbet between Jungleman and somebody else. I will bet 1k at 10 to 1 that José Macedo didn't make 1.6kk in his last 800k hands as stated in the op.
It won't take long to verify his identity. I'm half-portuguese, if I can talk 5minutes with him + see a video of him playing on betfair (I'm sure he has loads after all he must have studied his own play) I will be happy enough.
I'm not ********ting in anyway, I've had coaching with JM before if you want I can just ship him first.
03-06-2011 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by bakamor
Haha. I'm not bashing him in anyway. I just think this whole story is some sick propbet between Jungleman and somebody else. I will bet 1k at 10 to 1 that José Macedo didn't make 1.6kk in his last 800k hands as stated in the op.
It won't take long to verify his identity. I'm half-portuguese, if I can talk 5minutes with him + see a video of him playing on betfair (I'm sure he has loads after all he must have studied his own play) I will be happy enough.
I'm not ********ting in anyway, I've had coaching with JM before if you want I can just ship him first.
I will talk to him tomorrow and see if we can make this happen. I dont know what seeing him play has to do with anything but you are welcome to talk to him all you want as he's a really smart player and you will see that he is the real deal
03-06-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
I will talk to him tomorrow and see if we can make this happen. I dont know what seeing him play has to do with anything but you are welcome to talk to him all you want as he's a really smart player and you will see that he is the real deal
I would also like to see his cashier and he has to be playing highstakes on the video obv. I'm sure if he's the real deal this won't matter. I obviously won't show it to anybody else.
03-06-2011 , 03:14 AM
Jose is definitely real. I've been talking with him via pm and skype quite a bit. He's a real nice guy and even offered to sweat me and give me some tips. I guess haters gonna hate.
03-06-2011 , 04:04 AM
03-06-2011 , 04:09 AM
Oh yes, there is still someone who believe in that bs.
03-06-2011 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by ka1z0ku

Haseeb Qureshi United States


Domain servers in listed order:

For complete domain details go to:
shhhhhh why did you post that? You do know it is not allowed to make new websites in Portugal. That's why hassan made one for our Portuguese Prodigy.
I'll bet you that they'll bet you 50 to 1 now that good ol José is real, just so they can outlevel you again.

Freaky **** my man
03-06-2011 , 04:43 AM
This is gay but whatever I'm taking my bet away. Can't bet half of my roll on this and I feel I'm being free-rolled. If there is a José he will just show it to me if there isn't he will just say José doesn't agree with doing this.
