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05-05-2011 , 04:08 AM
tell ya what if this "backer" is real there has to be no doubt he has logged into your account before just to check the balance, have LOCK poker confirm this IP has logged into your account with no play before and that may solve this issue.

For some reason I have to believe your gonna say this is the first time he has bankroll checked you, and that will be funny imo,.
05-05-2011 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by Zaitsev
I have talked to Jose for a little while now, and he's a very humble and genuine person as other people have reiterated in this thread. He has been very helpful to me from answering hand history questions to helping me with questions about lock poker and really one of the nicest people I have ever encountered. I believe the explanation he gave in his apology, and if you know Jose he really is not the type to lie or deceive.
How many times in this thread has this exact statement been made verbatim? As a parallel though it reminds me of the place I work. I can get away with so much crap there because I'm a nicer person than most of the employees lol.

Originally Posted by Zaitsev
Also lock poker could have easily brushed this under the rug as to not create drama with their lead pro
Really? there was already a thread about it on Two Plus Two it did look pretty suspect.
05-05-2011 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by girah

[screenshot from my backer]

[screenshot of ALL MY HANDS on LockPoker]

Just out of interest. Why do you have this SN set up as an Alias in HEM in the first shot? The only reason to do this is to group a number of SN's together to see collective results.

But then its a single merge SN in the second shot
05-05-2011 , 08:59 AM
I'm pretty surprised that some of you are trying to find lies within Jose's post. I don't know him very well but we talk from time to time and I've always felt Jose to be a very mature and driven individual. The way he carries himself, the way he writes...I'm pretty sure he's one of the good guys, no manipulative ******* writes like he does, what would it accomplish exactly?

It's pretty unfortunate to see him take so much **** since making his thread.
05-05-2011 , 09:12 AM
cliffs please ?
05-05-2011 , 09:27 AM
kid's a lying scumbag, no reason to have respect for him
05-05-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
Just out of interest. Why do you have this SN set up as an Alias in HEM in the first shot? The only reason to do this is to group a number of SN's together to see collective results.

But then its a single merge SN in the second shot
Interesting. Can anyone confirm the statement about the "alias" setting on the HEM screenshot?
05-05-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
Interesting. Can anyone confirm the statement about the "alias" setting on the HEM screenshot?
On HEM you can create 'alias' as being a group of your specific SN's. And of course you can name the 'alias' whatever you want.

I dont know the SN changing policy on Merge, but what that first screenshot proves, is that the so called 'backer' did ONLY play on certain SN, which is different than every other SN's Girah used. (on 1st SS shows ALL HANDS and NO FILTER)

So, unless you can change your SN on Merge whenever and the 'backer' did change it right before and after he played his session, I would say the 'backer' stroy is full of crap.
05-05-2011 , 10:46 AM
Why Hawaii when you have Madeira?!
05-05-2011 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
Just out of interest. Why do you have this SN set up as an Alias in HEM in the first shot? The only reason to do this is to group a number of SN's together to see collective results.

But then its a single merge SN in the second shot
This is a very good point. Basically the HEM alias in the first screenshot makes it so Girahh could have included anyone who lost at PLO with it. Like Backerelite2009 loses 32k on any site, it can be lumped into the Alias. It doesn't even have to be on Merge.

It's also kind of fishy how the second screenshot shows the HH's but the first one is cut off.

I thought the story seemed legit but after this I think something is being hidden.
05-05-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by jjyykk
This is a very good point. Basically the HEM alias in the first screenshot makes it so Girahh could have included anyone who lost at PLO with it. Like Backerelite2009 loses 32k on any site, it can be lumped into the Alias. It doesn't even have to be on Merge.

It's also kind of fishy how the second screenshot shows the HH's but the first one is cut off.

I thought the story seemed legit but after this I think something is being hidden.
The plo screenshot is from the backer. Girah doesn't even have the hh's in his db.
05-05-2011 , 11:07 AM
this fraud jose has probably never even played a single hand on his name over $1/$2
05-05-2011 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by gball
The plo screenshot is from the backer. Girah doesn't even have the hh's in his db.
It's "from his backer." But if I was a backer who was providing a screenshot to prove Girah's innocence, why would I construct a HEM Alias, add his SN to it, and create doubt rather than simply search for his name in my database so it pops up as Girahh (MER) with all of the hands he (the backer) played on the account.

It's far more likely the alias was created to include some non-Girahh sn to make it look like Girahh (along with naming the alias Girahh) to trick people into thinking it was valid.

But fivetypes caught it. The only question is the motive, I guess.

p.s: I think Girah is a cool dude and never doubted his legitimacy or his story. I also believed his backer story when I read it on the blog.
05-05-2011 , 11:29 AM
There is absolutely no way that this guy is Spanish.

His English is way too good, the way he formulates sentences is very native. Only other way it could be true would be if he was Swedish or Finnish. Outside of those countries, it is always easy to spot a non native English speaker.
05-05-2011 , 11:33 AM
"I was asleep and there was a problem with my computer : it couldn't accept any incoming private VPN access from all my backers or shills behind this whole mess. So they didn't realize it since I am just a computer prodigy and they were connecting from their own IP hence the flag raised by Lock poker".
05-05-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by ok?
There is absolutely no way that this guy is Spanish.

His English is way too good, the way he formulates sentences is very native. Only other way it could be true would be if he was Swedish or Finnish. Outside of those countries, it is always easy to spot a non native English speaker.
No, he's not Spanish - that's why he is the 'so-called Portuguese Poker Prodigy'.

As for the quality of his English, what if he went to an International school where the lessons are taught in English and the exams taken are the iGCSE (the international equivalent of the exams that 16 year olds sit in England) and the IB (look it up). Would that explain it?
05-05-2011 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by ok?
There is absolutely no way that this guy is Spanish.

His English is way too good, the way he formulates sentences is very native. Only other way it could be true would be if he was Swedish or Finnish. Outside of those countries, it is always easy to spot a non native English speaker.
And I guess the interviews he did doesn't convince you his english is actually good?
05-05-2011 , 11:59 AM
You guys are looking for a scandal where there isn't one.

You'll find posts from me where I was in doubt on whether his story was true when this topic first was written, but as I said earlier, I've spoken quite alot with Jose lately on skype and he's the real deal. With big names like Daniel Cates, Saheeb, etc also confirming, why are you guys so adamant on trying to come up with suspicious theories on him being someone else than who he says he is?

He's gone to an international school, which is why his English is better than most you native speakers'. His backer broke his trust and lost money on his account. There's nothing more to it. Move along and get off Jose's back.
05-05-2011 , 12:00 PM
05-05-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by kjemmy
You guys are looking for a scandal where there isn't one.

You'll find posts from me where I was in doubt on whether his story was true when this topic first was written, but as I said earlier, I've spoken quite alot with Jose lately on skype and he's the real deal. With big names like Daniel Cates, Saheeb, etc also confirming, why are you guys so adamant on trying to come up with suspicious theories on him being someone else than who he says he is?

He's gone to an international school, which is why his English is better than most you native speakers'. His backer broke his trust and lost money on his account. There's nothing more to it. Move along and get off Jose's back.

What does him being who he is have to do with the reported Lock scandal?
05-05-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by ok?
There is absolutely no way that this guy is Spanish.

His English is way too good, the way he formulates sentences is very native. Only other way it could be true would be if he was Swedish or Finnish. Outside of those countries, it is always easy to spot a non native English speaker.
Are you one of those people who don't know the difference from Portugal and Spain?

Why are people creating false accounts just to mock and hit on José? Something is really wrong with this game.
05-05-2011 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
So someone else logs into his account, and he's busted for "multi-accounting"? How did the site know it wasn't Jose?

If I log into my account from my 2nd computer, am I going to be busted for mult-accounting by Lock Poker (hint: no).

What if I play, then travel to vegas, and log in from a friends computer at a entirely different geographical location? (hint: no).
Dude, come on. Obviously most people who play at separate locations don't get an inquiry into their activity because it's not high profile enough (i.e management is probably not even aware for most players). When someone wins a huge promotion then their account will obviously be scrutinized to a much higher degree.

Also, I apologise if I missed him saying anything that renders this false, but it's not like the only possible way this could have happened is they saw a second IP address and instantly released some statement saying he was disqualified from winning the tournament. What if they asked him about it and he admitted it wasn't him? Doesn't seem like a stretch to me.

I dunno, colour me dumb but I believe him. In every single post/interview/whatever he's come off as extremely humble, genuine and overall just a nice dude. I'd be sad if news came out that he was shady but I really don't think he is.

Oh yeah and anyone still doubting his authenticity is obviously ******ed. Not only does he have a 40 minute video interview, but he has participated in strategy group discussions regularly where hes shown he knows what he's talking about. Not to mention reaching out to members of 2p2 (including me) offering them help, and multiple high stakes players have confirmed his identity! So what, they hired some random kid for the interviews and pictures on his website, and they have a high stakes player posing as him in skype groups multiple times a week? And they convinced multiple HSNLers (including Jungleman who obviously cares a lot about his reputation) to join the deception. What for exactly?

If you're so sure about this, all you doubters should take up TooCurioso on his bet. I'm sure he'll offer you odds! You could set it up so the bet is void if no evidence comes out that makes it 100% conclusive either way....

Keep on truckin Jose, no matter who the player there are going to be doubters and haters in NVG. You can never please everyone here so don't take it personally people are just idiots.

edit: the language thing isn't even a bit deal. I went to an international school when I was younger and I knew plenty of people with very, very good English when it wasn't their first language.

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 05-05-2011 at 12:17 PM.
05-05-2011 , 12:19 PM
Jose I'm sure you've thought of this already, but I'm guessing it would help a lot if you could get a Lock Poker rep to confirm in this thread that only those PLO hands were played from the second IP address. Oh and obviously get your backer to post in this thread.

edit: and probably post another screenshot without the 'Alias' to clear any uncertainty regarding that

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 05-05-2011 at 12:27 PM.
05-05-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
lol, your argument is like saying, "oh well you shouldnt have gotten into that lane of traffic!, you should have known ahead of time that old lady sitting at the stop sign 100 yards ahead was going to pull out and hit your car because she didnt look both ways. So yeah, its your fault."

I've never been involved in backing but you're saying that backers playing on their horses' accounts is as common as a traffic accident and that the backers do it accidentally? Wonder if Bax and Sheets or any other long time backers would want to comment on that?

WTF was Jose supposes to do? Find a backer that he can trust? Or not enter into a backing deal with somebody that isn't trustworthy?Have his backer sign a contract that said he wouldnt play on Jose's account, he would just look at the balance? I mean give me a goddamn break. Ok, so lets say Jose did make his backer sign said contract. What if the backer still played on the account? Would Jose have done anything wrong then, in your eyes? PLEASE say no, or hell, please say yes, either way you look extremely stupid.

Its perfectly ****ing obvious and clear the backer did the wrong thing. Its so obvious there doesnt need to be some talk or agreement about it upfront/beforehand. Should they talk about how the backer shouldnt log in and steal Jose's money too? No? Well why not? Why should the backer have signed a contract about how he wouldnt use Jose's account to play ppl, but he doesnt about stealing Jose's money? That seems realistic right? BOTH are so obviously wrong, that its common ****ing sense that that shouldnt happen, as in the backer shouldnt use Jose's account to play on.

Next time you borrow your mom's car, do you think she'll make you sign a contract saying you wont use the car to commit a crime? Or is that something so obvious you dont need to talk about upfront? Please elaborate, eagerly awaiting your response.
OK, take a breath, calm down. No need to start swearing and name calling. I don't know this kid, I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything. I'm simply saying that he did make a mistake. He admitted that he made a mistake, why are you arguing that he didn't?

To use your 2nd analogy (and really first of all, some of us are grown adults, I haven't borrowed my mom's car in 15 years but I understand that you're 16 so we'll just go with that example), your mom would be responsible if you took her car out and ran somebody over with it. It's her car, she gave you permission to use her vehicle, so lending it to some idiot who's gonna go out and run people over with it is a mistake. Since she's your mom she should know if you're the type of person who's going to run people over with it. If she doesn't know you well enough to know whether or not you're going to run people over with said car then guess what she should do???? (This is where you use logic instead of turning into a huffy little teenager looking to prove yourself right) SHE SHOULDN'T LEND YOU THE CAR.

Now if your mom lent you her car and you went out and get in an accident then that's one thing, that happens. BUT if she lent you her car and you went out and INTENTIONALLY ran somebody over with it, that's something else. So if his backer accidentally logged on and played 1k hands of PLO or whatever on his account that would be one thing but I doubt that happened.

Do you see the difference? You should be responsible for who you lend your car to. If some stranger asks your mom to borrow her car then maybe she should say no.

The mistake that this kid made is trusting the wrong people. That doesn't make him a bad person, or an immoral person, it simply makes him a naive person. But that does mean that he made a mistake. Again, he admitted to making a mistake. I don't see how you're arguing this. Maybe you should go borrow your mom's car, go for a drive in the country, get some fresh air, and think about it. It's pretty obvious. He made a mistake, he owned up to it, he's dealing with the consequences like a mature adult. He doesn't need you yelling and screaming like a child saying that he didn't do anything wrong. People make mistakes, adults admit to them and grow because of them.
05-05-2011 , 01:41 PM
Based off the information at hand, I'm struggling to see exactly where Jose even made a mistake or was even naive. Saying that his mistake was trusting the wrong person is being results orientated. He's the victim of his backer, who he presumably had all the reason in the world to trust with access to his account.

Hats off to Jose and Lock for both accepting that sponsored pro's should be held to a higher standard and for coming forward, when it would have been very easy to sit on this information.
