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06-04-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by FuzzyDunflop
Can I get some 90 page cliff notes?

read the OP and thats it

-Elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro site/sites

-Possibly including well known US High Stakes players such as Jungleman, Sauce, and Haseeb.

-Stay tuned, more to come.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Also thanks to RangeyMcTripleMerge for his "artistic impression" here, probably went somethign like this:

Some years ago, post-UIGEA, some high-stakes player in the US - let's call them "Munglejan", "Bashee" and "Cause" were solemnly looking back on the good old days when they could crush at 10bb+/100. It was becoming ever more difficult to maintain a decent edge; the swings could be utterly brutal. They lamented at the enormous pool of European players on other sites on which they were not permitted to play. So many wonderfully ******ed donks... so close, yet so far.

One of the players decided to throw caution to the wind and set up an account on a Euro site using a young friend's information and playing behind seven proxies. In exchange for the use of his information, the youngster would be offered 5% of all profits made.

The first few weeks entailed levels of plunder not witnessed since the Viking era. "You would not ****ing believe the **** these morons will call you down with!!!!", he exclaimed to his buddies. Months went by without a problem.

Eventually the other two were overwhelmed with temptation and decided to join in, sharing the same account and then creating new ones for the various skins the network had to offer. This was beyond their wildest dreams; not for years had making money from poker been so effortless.

A year or two passed. By that time, the plucky trio had amassed a whopping $2 million in profit! The saying goes, however, mo' money, mo' problems. There was a growing concern that their luck would soon run out and they would be caught. Word would surely get around about these accounts the more they cleaned up. It was only a matter of time before people would ask who the mystery millionnaire holdem wizard was...

Rather than wait until questions were asked, why not 'out' the young fellow pre-emptively as some kind of 'poker prodigy', so that the story could be controlled from the very start? The 'outing' would need to be subtly done though, and certainly not by one of the trio themselves. So one had the idea of a fake 2+2 account from Portugal claiming to be someone 'searching' for this young poker prodigy. A young poker player, he claimed, had won over $2 million over the past 2 years, and was willing to pay money in return for information regarding his whereabouts. Of course, this worked like a charm, and the collective balls of NVG gurgled with delight at the prospect of discovering who this child genius was.

Finally, this thread arrived, with a beautifully written biography on José written by Bashee along with screenshots of the trio's epic motherf***ing winrates. But no screennames were provided for obvious reasons. How to explain this omission, he asked? "Say your lawyer has forbidden you or some sh*t, they'll lap it up" was the response. He also asked what to say when people saw he wasn't wallowing in riches despite having apparently won over $2 million. Hmmmm... "just say you don't really buy much stuff, you're not into that consumer crap", one of them suggested. "Hey", said the other, "just tell them you got scammed for a ton of cash! Credibility and sympathy in one stroke, booya!"

It all went smoothly for some time, with José even acquiring a sponsorship deal from Lock Poker! Worrying times were afoot however, when some players had claimed that the player they had seen on the Girah account was an 'average', 'weak' or 'meh' reg at best, who was playing far below the kind of stakes indicated in the initial screenshot, and, moreover, losing substantially. This was, of course, the real José playing at those times. An ok player at those stakes, but certainly no genius prodigy. Fortunately, just in time for the Bluff challenge with a day to spare, Munglejan logged in and tore some dude a new one heads-up, giving the girah account the prize. Some people questioned this sudden amazing last-minute run, indicating that they had not even seen girah play heads up before.

Finally, Lock disqualified José from the competition, citing 'another player using his account from another location' as one of the reasons for the disqualification. They didn't mention the other reasons. José tried to explain what happened but it all seemed a tad unusual, with holes creeping in everywhere. Some posters asked specific questions in order for his name to be cleared.

The trio let out a collective "fffuuuuu" and told José never to post in the thread again. And he never did...
06-04-2011 , 12:31 PM
This is just random gossip and I know nothing of the situation, but I did find it odd that viffer said like 2-3 months back before this outing of girah (viffer being a person who I am quite confident knows nothing about online poker especially euro sites) said there is some portugese stud out there who is killing it online. Connections to ashman (friendly with viffer) and to jungleman (roomate of ashman) would not be a hard connection to find.

edit: I could obviously have that all wrong though as I don't have the best of memories.
06-04-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by FuzzyDunflop
Can I get some 90 page cliff notes?

read the OP and thats it
Since DublingUp's cliffs were ridiculous I figured I'll give you more accurate cliffe. These are short, but there are longer ones posted before so if you want more details you'll have to look around:

-Jose comes in, confirms he is 'Portugese Poker Prodigy'
-People start to question his authenticity since his English is apparently far too good. He has an interview on Pokerstatic, some people continue to think it's fake.
-Skip forward a while, Jose becomes a pro for Lock (a skin on the Merge network)
-Jose (Girahh) wins a Merge competition/promotion by playing a big HU session at nosebleeds vs a new opponent on the last day of the challenge (and winning a lot, obv). He was playing much lower stakes like 1knl (I think) pretty much the whole challenge before this, and multiple people who have played with him report that in their opinion he is an average 1knl reg at best
-Someone makes a thread about how its suspicious, it gets locked
-Merge disqualifies Jose from winning the competition
-Jose comes in with an explanation saying that it was because of multiple people using his account. He says that he has a backer and the backer logged in to play a few hands of PLO and that's it. Shows a few screenshots
-Things don't add up with the post, people become very suspicious.
-He makes another post clearing a few things up, but many things left up in the air. For example, the fact that no Lock rep or his backer have posted ITT to verify his statements.
-Since then the thread has been haters saying he's a filthy cheater and anyone who believes otherwise is a ******, fanbois calling the haters ******ed and a few reputable people offering bets that Jose and his story are legit. Those bets have not been taken, and no new information has come to light so really everyone's just guessing at this point.

Although I'm a believer of Jose (or just a fanboi) I tried to be objective in this, but I may have missed a lot. If I have then just find the other cliffs buried in this massive thread.
06-04-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
For sure. I don't know off the top of my head the timing of when jungleman was playing what stakes, but as a guess I'd say that in the last 18 months or so he went from playing 25/50 to nosebleeds and the last 9 months (?? very rough estimate) has been him waiting around to play the durrrr challenge. It's relatively well documented that jungleman spent pretty much his entire career at 1knl+ seeking out anyone he could play. For that reason alone I'd imagine he was too busy reg-hunting to cook up some story that allows him to play euro sites.

In fact I can't really think of a timeline for this to happen that would fit well with jungleman's poker career, unless it was when durrrr was being a woman about the challenge (it wasn't) but even then he was taking shots at PLO anyway. Haseeb seems (to me) to be the only person who would fit that story since he was taking a break for a long time from poker, and IIRC that break was a really long time. For the sake of conversation, obv.
All valid thoughts. I would say that it doesn't follow necessarily that if someone is playing on one site that they're too busy to play on another, lots of people do that. And if you're busy hunting then you're not playing. And if you're hunting regs, that seems to imply that action isn't very forthcoming - I don't think I'm being too controversial when I say even the most ego-driven poker players would prefer to play fish than regs Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Jungleman has no dodgy input into this whatsoever. But the holes in the official story are too large, and too pervasive, so it understandably invites speculation (plausible or otherwise).

Whoever the agents might be here, the fact is that the notion of someone else playing on the girah accounts, with Jose being the official account-holder, explains most if not all the unanswered questions & holes in this story. And this is bolstered by the fact that Lock disqualified him from the competition precisely because they found someone else playing on his account from a different ip address. The more a theory can explain empirical data, the more credibility it possesses over alternative ones. At present, imo, the conspiracy theory of some US players using Jose as a front to play on Euro sites is not at all established and not even close to being rock solid - it's speculation of course. But it makes more sense than the official story, which just has too many unanswered questions - and we've been here so many times before in the poker world, something looks out of place, more stuff comes out, then more, then finally it's clear that there's some dodgy sh*t going down...
06-04-2011 , 12:55 PM
Pretty decent cliffs actually, nice one.

Would just like to add on my part that I think Jose is a really, really likeable kid, very intelligent and well-spoken and obviously a solid player based on how he converses about the game. The world would be a much, much better place if more people were like him. The thing is, if the conspiracy theory turns out to be true, then if anything he'll have been a pawn rather than a mastermind so to speak.

But yeah, just to compare - I'm a fanboi of Antonius but that doesn't mean I don't consider him dodgy as hell for his epic MA'ing at FTP...
06-04-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
All valid thoughts. I would say that it doesn't follow necessarily that if someone is playing on one site that they're too busy to play on another, lots of people do that. And if you're busy hunting then you're not playing. And if you're hunting regs, that seems to imply that action isn't very forthcoming - I don't think I'm being too controversial when I say even the most ego-driven poker players would prefer to play fish than regs
Good post, since the rest is more of a statement than discussion I'll just focus on this bit. You are right that being busy on one site doesn't mean a player isn't looking to play on another site. What I meant with jungleman specifically is that there never seemed to be a time (before everyone thought he was the best and he was waiting at nosebleeds all day) where he wasn't just constantly battling regs. He's actually said there's not a single person he's ever sat out below 5/10 too so I can't imagine he was waiting around for action much then, and also that he actively sought out the best reg at most levels before moving up. When he was moving up the NL games weren't as dead as they are now, so I can't imagine huge gaps in the action tbh.

After he was playing 25/50 it seemed to be a pretty quick progression from getting his ass beat ---> crushing everyone ---> getting crushed by isildur ----> crushing everyone again ----> durrrr challenge. Doesn't leave much time to mastermind a level like this, and anything after that was too recent for him to be implicated in this business (imo).

He's also said a few times he's in poker for the glory (infamy) and not really for the money. His career reflects that, he has practised almost 0 game selection. Not that I doubt he has money on his mind but I can't really see someone who approaches poker like that doing something like this.

Basically what I'm saying is that Jungleman doesn't seem like the kinda player to do something like this, and the timing doesn't fit imo.

edit: I forgot to say that I agree 100% with your second paragraph, no doubt

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 06-04-2011 at 01:31 PM.
06-04-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Since DublingUp's cliffs were ridiculous I figured I'll give you more accurate cliffe. These are short, but there are longer ones posted before so if you want more details you'll have to look around:

-Jose comes in, confirms he is 'Portugese Poker Prodigy'
-People start to question his authenticity since his English is apparently far too good. He has an interview on Pokerstatic, some people continue to think it's fake.
-Skip forward a while, Jose becomes a pro for Lock (a skin on the Merge network)
-Jose (Girahh) wins a Merge competition/promotion by playing a big HU session at nosebleeds vs a new opponent on the last day of the challenge (and winning a lot, obv). He was playing much lower stakes like 1knl (I think) pretty much the whole challenge before this, and multiple people who have played with him report that in their opinion he is an average 1knl reg at best
-Someone makes a thread about how its suspicious, it gets locked
-Merge disqualifies Jose from winning the competition
-Jose comes in with an explanation saying that it was because of multiple people using his account. He says that he has a backer and the backer logged in to play a few hands of PLO and that's it. Shows a few screenshots
-Things don't add up with the post, people become very suspicious.
-He makes another post clearing a few things up, but many things left up in the air. For example, the fact that no Lock rep or his backer have posted ITT to verify his statements.
-Since then the thread has been haters saying he's a filthy cheater and anyone who believes otherwise is a ******, fanbois calling the haters ******ed and a few reputable people offering bets that Jose and his story are legit. Those bets have not been taken, and no new information has come to light so really everyone's just guessing at this point.

Although I'm a believer of Jose (or just a fanboi) I tried to be objective in this, but I may have missed a lot. If I have then just find the other cliffs buried in this massive thread.
06-04-2011 , 02:07 PM
Havent seen him play anyone higher than 10-20 since the Lock Poker challenge.
06-04-2011 , 02:13 PM
Some Cliffs please... What made people think that jungleman haseeb and sauce where trying to fraud??
06-04-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by entim
I'm guessing this is aimed at the people who stated that ITT? As I said I was giving a cliffs of the thread, so that includes opinions people have posted that contribute towards the doubt. If so the facepalm below is an addition to your thoughts, if not the facepalm is directed at you. Either way I gotta post it, ripped fresh from an ep of Death Note I literally just watched

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 06-04-2011 at 02:47 PM.
06-04-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp

-Elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro site/sites

-Possibly including well known US High Stakes players such as Jungleman, Sauce, and Haseeb.

-Stay tuned, more to come.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Also thanks to RangeyMcTripleMerge for his "artistic impression" here, probably went somethign like this:

Some years ago, post-UIGEA, some high-stakes player in the US - let's call them "Munglejan", "Bashee" and "Cause" were solemnly looking back on the good old days when they could crush at 10bb+/100. It was becoming ever more difficult to maintain a decent edge; the swings could be utterly brutal. They lamented at the enormous pool of European players on other sites on which they were not permitted to play. So many wonderfully ******ed donks... so close, yet so far.


The trio let out a collective "fffuuuuu" and told José never to post in the thread again. And he never did...
I am new to this site, and I have just made this account because i readed the complete threat and this is the pretty clear truth. It is so obvious that is embarrasing to hear people who say the believe that portuguese guy.

It was funny too to see how that ugly mother****er was trying to convince everyone that he did just help the poor portuguese to made the page, write the first post, etc...
06-04-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerjunkieXL
Some Cliffs please... What made people think that jungleman haseeb and sauce where trying to fraud??
I forgot to include this in my cliffs, so just read that a few posts above and then: Haseeb's name comes into it because he was the one who wrote/edited Jose's OP and some site of Jose's was registered in his name (again, I think). Sauce and Jungleman were the first HSNLers to 'confirm' his existence in the first thread about him and talk about how dedicated he is etc. I think that's the extent of it, but someone can add more if that's wrong.
06-04-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I forgot to include this in my cliffs, so just read that a few posts above and then: Haseeb's name comes into it because he was the one who wrote/edited Jose's OP and some site of Jose's was registered in his name (again, I think). Sauce and Jungleman were the first HSNLers to 'confirm' his existence and talk about how dedicated he is etc. I think that's the extent of it, but someone can add more if that's wrong.
Are you saying that you really believe that he ("Bashee") made the page, and he edited the first post just to help? are you serious?
06-04-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by The Boot Room
Are you saying that you really believe that he ("Bashee") made the page, and he edited the first post just to help? are you serious?
What? Jesus christ, where do you ******s come from? I wasn't even sharing an opinion of whether Haseeb is involved or not, I'm telling somebody that's why people are connecting Haseeb to Jose. l

As for what I actually believe, tbh I don't know anymore. Partly because I can't remember that well (especially in regards to what Haseeb said about his involvement with this thread/the site), partly because things are looking more shady every day the people in question don't post and partly because I don't give a **** anymore. Fk this, I've posted way too much ITT today, back to Death Note.
06-04-2011 , 02:51 PM
I can't believe that someone who just said this:
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ

Although I'm a believer of Jose (or just a fanboi)
is callling me ******.

I come from Spain btw, if you are interested.
06-04-2011 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by maximose
I will bet 10k this Lock Poker explanation does not check out. Am dead serious, pm me for more details.
06-04-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I forgot to include this in my cliffs, so just read that a few posts above and then: Haseeb's name comes into it because he was the one who wrote/edited Jose's OP and some site of Jose's was registered in his name (again, I think). Sauce and Jungleman were the first HSNLers to 'confirm' his existence in the first thread about him and talk about how dedicated he is etc. I think that's the extent of it, but someone can add more if that's wrong.
Haseeb said ITT that he edited the OP, and it was also confirmed ITT that he purchased the domain name, which he never denied. So yeah all of that is correct according to this thread.
06-04-2011 , 03:17 PM
Federal Legislation in the United States is neccesary, and moving forward, stories like this should serve as prime examples as to why.

Use this thread/story as a microcosm, of everything that was wrong with online poker prior to Black Friday, and why it needed to happen.
06-04-2011 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I forgot to include this in my cliffs, so just read that a few posts above and then: Haseeb's name comes into it because he was the one who wrote/edited Jose's OP and some site of Jose's was registered in his name (again, I think). Sauce and Jungleman were the first HSNLers to 'confirm' his existence in the first thread about him and talk about how dedicated he is etc. I think that's the extent of it, but someone can add more if that's wrong.
Ok but are these all speculations? Or is there any real proof?
06-04-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I'm guessing this is aimed at the people who stated that ITT?
No, not really. Your cliffs come from another jealous haters perspective.

For one

It seems pretty true that he has played 5/10 as most of his hands, what i'm contesting is the information as you present it.

Why wouldn't you include the fact that action at high stakes nl on merge shouldn't be that common? As far as I am reading, Girah has been very
active in seeking out high stakes action on Merge.

Supposing this true, wouldn't you be itching to play any poker at all after signing for this site? IT is very common for a "high stakes reg" to play
lower if he can not seek action. Many pros open up 3/6 - 25/50
tables when seeking Heads Up Action.

You don't see any reason why a Merge network reg could be possibly
jealous of his success.
If his screen shot showed his stats of 5,000-10,000 hands
of 25/50 (which couldnot happen?) with his 100k+ banked at a super winrate,
would nvg be satisfied?

"Things don't add up with the post". Sure it's cliffnotes, but you have
no information here. You may aswell have stuck with another "things get suspicious" type bullet point.

Why would a lock poker representative or his backer come into this thread to verify anything. What exactly is the information that people are seeking out.

As far as I see it, Girah should perhaps "prove" himself if he is doubted
by a respected member of the poker community, who needs
clarification on clear inconsistencies in his story. This has not been the case.
06-04-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by entim
No, not really. Your cliffs come from another jealous haters perspective.

For one

It seems pretty true that he has played 5/10 as most of his hands, what i'm contesting is the information as you present it.

Why wouldn't you include the fact that action at high stakes nl on merge shouldn't be that common? As far as I am reading, Girah has been very
active in seeking out high stakes action on Merge.

Supposing this true, wouldn't you be itching to play any poker at all after signing for this site? IT is very common for a "high stakes reg" to play
lower if he can not seek action. Many pros open up 3/6 - 25/50
tables when seeking Heads Up Action.

You don't see any reason why a Merge network reg could be possibly
jealous of his success.
If his screen shot showed his stats of 5,000-10,000 hands
of 25/50 (which couldnot happen?) with his 100k+ banked at a super winrate,
would nvg be satisfied?

"Things don't add up with the post". Sure it's cliffnotes, but you have
no information here. You may aswell have stuck with another "things get suspicious" type bullet point.

Why would a lock poker representative or his backer come into this thread to verify anything. What exactly is the information that people are seeking out.

As far as I see it, Girah should perhaps "prove" himself if he is doubted
by a respected member of the poker community, who needs
clarification on clear inconsistencies in his story. This has not been the case.
Why are skeptics considered jealous haters? Isn't NVG comprised almost entirely of fanboys who worship the ground that Ivey, Dwan, Antonius, Isildur et al walk on?

I think people are skeptical purely because they don't trust this story...

Moreover, there are a multitude of reasons that people question this whole thing, and the stakes he plays is not really one of the biggest issues.

Personally I'd rather this story be completely true because it's fun to rail and especially with the US players not online anymore.
06-04-2011 , 04:14 PM
And honestly I don't see how it would be a "waste of time" for him to justify himself in this thread. He should be able to answer most questions fairly quickly and easily. I think the way you're perceived by 2p2 and the general poker community is at least vaguely important to most poker pros. People like to say he doesn't owe it to anyone to communicate in this thread, but it seems like it's in his best interest to do so...
06-04-2011 , 04:26 PM
lol at not responding, he's obviously constructing some new lies
06-04-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by teddy75
lol at not responding, he's obviously constructing some new lies
When you say "he" i guess you mean "Bashee" and his two other friends...
06-04-2011 , 04:41 PM
Ok, here's a 'cliffs' compiliation of quotes on the whole thing - in relation to the more interesting/unusual aspects of the story. Make of them what you will.


From the original poster who was searching for the poker prodigy

Originally Posted by LookingForProdigy
Third this guy defo exists as i got a lot of info from this thread, aparently he played on big well known acc of sum1 else on ftp, and he still crush euro sites. also he got coaching from jungleman or something from what i heard from 2p2 guy, but he had less than 100 posts so idk. i havent got contact info yet so if anyone has tht im now offer 400 dollars... same deal as b4 if ur reputable i send first if i send everything after

portugese comunity doesnt kno him cuz he lays low cuz of what i said b4, i defo know hes portugese cuz i talked to his friend who knows him irl. also he had portugal as location on his 1st acc and the coach said he was portugese wit very good english.

Fourth im not the irs, just intersted in talking to kid/proposing him something... lets find this guy, hes next big thing in poker maybe!!

Haseeb response in that thread:

Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Haha, interesting thread.

A friend of mine pointed this out to me. I haven't been on 2p2 much lately, but here's what I know.

I know this kid and have been talking to him for a while. His name is José, he approached me a while back for coaching (I'm not the aforementioned coach in this thread). He seemed extremely intelligent and hardworking. He told me that he studied poker 3 hours a day every day, just reviewing hands and breaking down his opponents. He said that in a matter of six months from when he started poker, he had gone from a micro stakes bankroll to becoming one of the biggest winners at 5/10-10/20 6-max and was trying to break his way into the 25/50 games. Now, in 2006 or 2005 you heard those kinds of stories often enough... but in 2010, that's an unbelievable progression up the stakes. And as if that weren't amazing enough, on top of all that - he was 17 years old.

I've talked to José quite a bit and have given him a lot of advice on various things, but since the very first moment I met this him, I knew he was a prodigy. I remember Sauce saying that he was probably on the road to becoming one of the strongest players in poker. AFAIK, he's approached both Sauce and Jungleman for coaching, and has tremendous knowledge and dedication to the game. Right now on American sites he's pretty unknown, but this kid has just turned 18 and is now positioned to take a serious run at the top of the poker world.

It's a pretty ****ing crazy story. I look forward to seeing what this guy can do with his career.

Sauce's response:

Originally Posted by sauce123
Hey, so I hadn't talked to Jose for quite awhile cause of my skype getting hacked and then im f k ing around on 2p2 and see this thread. and im like ... is that jose ?? its gotta be jose, i donno any other portugese prodigies !?! ...

so yea its jose. he's a beast, this kid wants to get better more than anyone. I donno how the *** he did it but ive given the kid a ton of free coaching and advice and i dont coach anyone ever. i think he has mind control or something ...

havent seen his graph but hes smart as hell and competitive as hell and apparently has all of nosebleed nl's best rallied to his standard so expect him to take over the world before he can drink legally.

Comment from same thread re: loads of new 2+2 members confirming his existence:

Originally Posted by raar91
So many first posters know him ;//

Quotes from this thread:

Originally Posted by spooky shadows
guise he also haz a new blog and twitter account, guess he really wants to make himself known

of course, dogishead is linked to the twitter account ldo

Originally Posted by zack1

His domain is registered to: "Haseeb Qureshi"

[x] First

Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Haha, lots of sleuthing in this thread. Let me put it all to rest. Here's the scoop:

José has asked me for a lot of advice about poker and life stuff over the last year. When his thread blew up in NVG, he wanted to write his story on 2p2, but he asked me if I could help him to write it since he was a big fan of my writing. I like the kid a lot so I told him I was fine with that: I told him to write up his story and I'd help him to edit it and make it sound good. And that's what I did. José is a really bright kid and he went to an international school. He speaks stellar English (you wouldn't know that he's Portuguese from speaking to him), but I did help him out with editing his blog post. He also asked me to set up a site for him to link to his blog because he had no idea how to do that. I told him it was no problem, it only cost $10 to set one up - hence, being registered in my name.

Anybody who thinks this is some kind of massive level... must think we have way too much free time on our hands, haha. José is real, and I have no doubt he's going to take the poker world by storm. He's an amazingly humble and genuine kid, and I wish all the best to him. So please put all of the armchair speculation to rest - he's the real deal.

(Btw, anybody who thinks he doesn't exist: I'm willing to take prop bets as to whether he exists or not. I will hereby take any action for any amount of money that he exists and is exactly who he says he is. So put your money where your mouth is, or leave your mouth at the door. )
Originally Posted by Miercoles333
I think that Jose Macedo probably is a real person, and that's why DIH would take prob bets that he exists.

However, I think that his written story is made up, which doesn't match the personality of Jose Macedo and it is a clear level by DIH, Jungleman etc. Actually, the original post has bits and pieces of the biographies of both Haseeb and Jungleman:

1. The $250K loss to a friend = Haseebs prob bet with the Ashman
2. The board with the 4 pictures = I am pretty sure I heard in a poker interview a while ago with either Jungleman or some other nosebleeds master, that they had such a board in their dorm room with the exact same pictures
Originally Posted by J.K.Wins
This **** puts me on tilt.

Why don't you provide us the ultimate proof that all of this is 100% correct..

You do understand why the majority inhere is sceptical about all of this.

Story just doesn't add up.

We need his screennames. That way we can see how exactly he ran that little up to millions. This is the internets folks, your word and your word only is not going to cut it. Since I know this is a level, I know his sn won't be revealed. Cause the 'lawyers' forbid him. They said it was ok to post his real name though? haha I am such an idiot even replying in this thread but couldn't help myself.
Interesting quote here - why would two separate people need to proof-read Jose's story? especially when Jose's English is clearly excellent anyway?:

Originally Posted by Kenny Craig
(N.B: Haseeb and I both proof read his story. I'm English. Haseeb has already said he proof read it. Not that makes any difference because anyone who has spoken or corresponded with Jose will know his command of English is pretty damn good.)
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Confirmed that I invented Jose so I can multi-account and chipdump to myself in ring games... given that I'm a heads up player.
NVGers, always there to bring me back to earth when my scams get too big for my britches
Originally Posted by girah
Looking for 20k on Party for 20k on FTP, money will be sent my Jungleman12 who will vouch for me. Pm me.

Originally Posted by nikinblinds
he does supposedly, but he's either not that good or letting someone else play the account. The guy is (just imo ofc), a meh 400nl reg who wont play over 1knl and wont start games/play 3 handed unless there is a big fish. ridic achievement, shame its not him
Originally Posted by girah
Lock is disappointed to announce that their new LockPRO ELITE team member, José "Girah" Macedo has been disqualified. Runner up Michael "bigguylegend22" Drummond, who earned over $90,000 in profit during the challenge, will take the prize. In audits of all participants accounts at the close of the competition, violations of BPC rules as well as the Merge Gaming network rules were discovered with Girah account including a computer at a second location logging in and playing on his account.
Originally Posted by BanMoobs
On HEM you can create 'alias' as being a group of your specific SN's. And of course you can name the 'alias' whatever you want.

I dont know the SN changing policy on Merge, but what that first screenshot proves, is that the so called 'backer' did ONLY play on certain SN, which is different than every other SN's Girah used. (on 1st SS shows ALL HANDS and NO FILTER)

So, unless you can change your SN on Merge whenever and the 'backer' did change it right before and after he played his session, I would say the 'backer' stroy is full of crap.
Originally Posted by mart1n
Why are the hands from your backer in your database? Was he playing from your computer? I understand you could request the hands and then import them into your database manually, but why would you? Hmmm.....
Originally Posted by raidalot
Your explanation is plausible and hopefully is correct. The kind of swing you had at the end of the month is not unheard of at those stakes. However, it would help to clear up doubts if you would do 3 things:

(1) Say who your backer is and ask him to give his version of events.

(2) Confirm that neither your backer nor anyone else has played on any of your accounts apart from this one occasion.

(3) Explain what other violations Lock poker were referring to in their statement
Originally Posted by WouldYouWakeUp?
The only way for Girah to clear his name is to
1. Send his hand histories data file to someone who has experience uncovering soft play or chip dumping. Anyone who helped during the STox cheating scandal comes to mind.
2. Reveal who his backer is. It is probable that it has to be someone from the poker world since they played 25-50 plo.
3. Have Merge NOT Lock confirm that the PLO hands were played under a different IP address and only those PLO hands were played under that IP.
4. If it was THE Sam Chauhan, contact him and ask him to confirm it was he who played Girah on LOCK and did so without any soft play or chip dumping.
Originally Posted by Donkered
He never plays any HU or sits at the tables himself. There are people sitting from 1k upto 20k. Only time he played it was to get this Bluff magazine challenge, otherwise he only plays 6max NL1k and losing at a decent bb/100.

Why doesn't he play more HU is what I'm wondering.

Last edited by RangeyMcTriplmerge; 06-04-2011 at 04:53 PM.
