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Register advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers

01-31-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by sapol
I cant really decide what other companies do, only the one I work for.
I could direct people from CP Media towards this thread but I'd be shocked if they haven't read it yet.
Thanks Brian, anything that helps get the word out and draw attention to the Lock/CP situation will help. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-31-2014 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816


Thank you for posting. We appreciate you letting us know CardplayerLA is not a subsidiary of Cardplayer. That being said you do pay them a licensing fee because you felt the Cardplayer brand had enough name recognition and a strong enough reputation for you to pay to be the Latin American brand of Cardplayer. Since you are paying for the benefits of being associated with the Cardplayer brand doesn't it bother you that Mr. Shulman is dramatically cheapening the value of the Cardplayer brand in the poker community? Obviously Mr. Shulman has decided that the ad revenue from Lock more then offsets the negative impact on Cardplayers reputation. You however receive no benefit from these unethical decisions by Mr. Shulman, but you are directly affected by the Cardplayer brand being diminished.

You mention you are following this thread. Since you posted ITT I assume you will continue to do so. I hope you will answer my question although I understand why you may not, you are in a tough position because of Cardplayers decisions in respect to Lock. Best of luck to you in the future.
I understand what you are saying, you make very valid points but we may be derailing a bit. That fact that the value of our brand is diminished or not isn't really important to this thread.
Again, I can only speak for our decisions and hope someone from CP Media will come to the thread to clear things up if they feel they should. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-31-2014 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by sapol
I understand what you are saying, you make very valid points but we may be derailing a bit. That fact that the value of our brand is diminished or not isn't really important to this thread.
Again, I can only speak for our decisions and hope someone from CP Media will come to the thread to clear things up if they feel they should.
The fact they feel they don't need to, and in addition, are deleting Facebook Posts from the Poker Player Community inquiring about this subject, is an insult.

It's as if they don't value our opinions, questions, or concerns. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
The fact they feel they don't need to, and in addition, are deleting Facebook Posts from the Poker Player Community inquiring about this subject, is an insult.

It's as if they don't value our opinions, questions, or concerns.
CardplayerLA sounds like a far more ethical operation then Cardplayer media. Brian's presence here also shows they care far more about their standing in the poker community. Cardplayer media has been ignoring the Lock issue for a year. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:57 AM
So here we go again.

Where is the Poker "Media" on this issue ?

Card Player accepting advertising money from a company that clearly can only screw over it's customer base, and NO ONE in the Poker "Media" even DISCUSSING it ?

Card Player deleting every Facebook post pertaining to the issue, as if the question has no merit ?????

The Poker World seems to be a place where those "in the know" or perhaps more accurately "those w/the money" seem to think they can screw everyone else over with impunity.

So far, they seem to be correct.

Not one Poker "Media" outlet feels the question is even worth a tweet ?

What (or who) are they afraid of ? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by sapol
Hi guys.
I'm Brian Saslavchik, General Coordinator for CardPlayer Latin America (CardPlayerLA).
I've been following this thread and the time has come to set things straight.
We are not affiliated to CardPlayer Media (the company the Shulman's own) other than paying them a licensing fee, as many other people do with CardPlayer magazines all over the world. We are a different company located in Argentina and we publish magazines in Argentina, Chile, Perú, Colombia and México.

As it was mentioned in this thread we don't advertise Lock, never have and never will except things change radically (as in PokerStars buys them or something like that which won't happen anyways).

I would appreciate if the people who have posted stuff about us either delete or modify their posts as we have nothing to do with this.

I'll answer questions about CardPlayerLA if you have any.

I just want to say thank you for coming on here, explaining your position, and explaining your relationship with CP. When your not doing anything shady/immoral its as easy as 1 post to clear the slate. GL to you and CPLA in the future. And anything you can do to draw CP's attention to this issue is greatly appreciated by all parties affected by this scam. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:01 AM
As long as us as a community will sit back idley while ledderer and Hamilton and xyz walk all over us were gonna keep getting the D advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:30 AM
The problem here is they believe we have no control over their "distribution" #'s. They are attractive to advertisers because their Magazine sits on the shelf of every Poker Room.......not because they have a large # of "paid" subscribers.

That's why they delete Poker Player FB posts with impunity in this matter.

Card Player doesn't care about the individual Poker Player.

The only thing that would make them acknowledge this issue would be a sudden inability to put their magazine on these Poker Room Shelves.

An inability to "claim" they reach us.

As long as they can say they "distribute" X # of Publications, they will be attractive to advertisers.

This is the distribution method of Card Player.

This is what's attractive to their Advertisers.

Why do Poker Rooms allow this, knowing that Card Player not only charges them for the privilege, but also makes profit by accepting advertising from an unlicensed, unstable, and possibly fraudulent Poker Site ? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:46 AM
Here is the approach I would take with the card rooms carrying Cardplayer:

If you are friendly/close with a manager of one of these rooms, talk to them about it and ask them to remove Cardplayer until the Lock ads are gone.

If you are not close to anyone at the room, do this:

1) Call up and find out who the manager of the entire room is (or alternately, the person in charge of the magazine placement)

2) Explain that Lock Poker is a scam site that takes deposits and does not process withdrawals, and that this situation has been going on for over a year. Explain that millions of dollars have been stolen from players this way.

3) Explain that Lock is Cardplayer's primary sponsor, and that their glossy ads will serve to trick patrons of the card room to deposit their hard earned money there, never to see it again.

4) Mention that the money stolen by Lock Poker probably would have otherwise been used in this live card room!

5) Mention that members of the poker community have personally contacted Cardplayer management, and the situation has been intentionally ignored. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 09:59 AM
^^ And toss them this link, too, for good measure and emphasis. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:40 PM
This is such a waste of energy, totally focused in an absurd direction.

Why don't you focus your energy on efforts to get licensed and regulated poker in the US? If you have so much hate for, and angst over players possibly getting scammed by Lock Poker, then focus your energy on drowning them out with legal sites.

So many spending so much effort on this Lock Poker temper tantrum is disappointing to those players who actually want to see better sites in the US. Focus on the important things, use this as an example of why we need regulation in the US.

You think you are accomplishing something here, but you aren't. The real fight is out there, go to your legislators, your congressmen, and make the case for regulation, and this silly **** will work itself out. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:45 PM
Yeah, guys, why speak out against fraud and unethical practices? Instead you should focus all your time on trying to get the government to oversee things, since the government is so ethical and successful at overseeing programs!!


derp advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Yeah, guys, why speak out against fraud and unethical practices? Instead you should focus all your time on trying to get the government to oversee things, since the government is so ethical and successful at overseeing programs!!
You aren't speaking out. You're speaking in, to each other, in a sort of circle jerk, that makes you feel good, but doesn't accomplish anything. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by curtinsea
You aren't speaking out. You're speaking in, to each other, in a sort of circle jerk, that makes you feel good, but doesn't accomplish anything.
Im pretty sure this whole thread is about accomplishing something...and yes we can also lobby for regulated poker as well.

There are still people with $ tied up to this site and a magazine who brazenly advertises for them while shunning their customer base; the hate and rants are justified and this is why we are in a NVG thread...that being said, things are actually getting done and the word is getting out.

The more that people sweep this kind of thing under the rug, the more it perpetuates why its so hard to get the legislation we need. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by curtinsea
This is such a waste of energy, totally focused in an absurd direction.

Why don't you focus your energy on efforts to get licensed and regulated poker in the US? If you have so much hate for, and angst over players possibly getting scammed by Lock Poker, then focus your energy on drowning them out with legal sites.

So many spending so much effort on this Lock Poker temper tantrum is disappointing to those players who actually want to see better sites in the US. Focus on the important things, use this as an example of why we need regulation in the US.

You think you are accomplishing something here, but you aren't. The real fight is out there, go to your legislators, your congressmen, and make the case for regulation, and this silly **** will work itself out.
I don't want to waste any energy so this will be short and sweet.... your post is garbage. There is nothing wasteful about the poker community standing together and trying to right a wrong. Please go spew somewhere else. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by curtinsea
You aren't speaking out. You're speaking in, to each other, in a sort of circle jerk, that makes you feel good, but doesn't accomplish anything.
You're a fool. Carry on. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by curtinsea
This is such a waste of energy, totally focused in an absurd direction.

Why don't you focus your energy on efforts to get licensed and regulated poker in the US? If you have so much hate for, and angst over players possibly getting scammed by Lock Poker, then focus your energy on drowning them out with legal sites.

So many spending so much effort on this Lock Poker temper tantrum is disappointing to those players who actually want to see better sites in the US. Focus on the important things, use this as an example of why we need regulation in the US.

You think you are accomplishing something here, but you aren't. The real fight is out there, go to your legislators, your congressmen, and make the case for regulation, and this silly **** will work itself out.
LOLZ just lie down and do nothing as another online poker site robs players? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:24 PM
Why focus on chewing gum when you could be walking? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:34 PM
Any time spent fighting thieves and preventing innocent people from getting scammed is not wasted time. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
The problem here is they believe we have no control over their "distribution" #'s. They are attractive to advertisers because their Magazine sits on the shelf of every Poker Room.......not because they have a large # of "paid" subscribers.

That's why they delete Poker Player FB posts with impunity in this matter.

Card Player doesn't care about the individual Poker Player.

The only thing that would make them acknowledge this issue would be a sudden inability to put their magazine on these Poker Room Shelves.

An inability to "claim" they reach us.

As long as they can say they "distribute" X # of Publications, they will be attractive to advertisers.

This is the distribution method of Card Player.

This is what's attractive to their Advertisers.

Why do Poker Rooms allow this, knowing that Card Player not only charges them for the privilege, but also makes profit by accepting advertising from an unlicensed, unstable, and possibly fraudulent Poker Site ?
First, I want to be clear that, back in the day, I wasted a ton of money advertising a business on Card Player, I was not happy, but that is a private grievance and I long ago sold my business interest. .....

However, last night I went thru the print edition of Card Player in the current stack at Mandalay Bay.

The Card Player print issue out now does not contain any Lock advertisements.

I would not want this thread to move ahead on incorrect assumptions. What does, I did not check. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 07:46 PM
I tweeted Cardplayer the link to this thread. Hopefully they will see it. Regardless, I haven't looked at their website or magazine for years. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-01-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
First, I want to be clear that, back in the day, I wasted a ton of money advertising a business on Card Player, I was not happy, but that is a private grievance and I long ago sold my business interest. .....

However, last night I went thru the print edition of Card Player in the current stack at Mandalay Bay.

The Card Player print issue out now does not contain any Lock advertisements.

I would not want this thread to move ahead on incorrect assumptions. What does, I did not check.
Ha. I know exactly what business you advertised there, and I believe that's actually how I found your business.

But that was back in 2001, and Cardplayer is a shell of its former self these days, given that most people read the internet in 2014 for poker information and not print magazines.

I will say that I noticed yesterday (forgot to post it) that Lock has been removed somewhat from They are no longer sponsoring the Player of the Year race on the site, nor do they have the permanent top banner spot.

However, Lock is still very present on It appears in rotating ad banners, it's on the side bar (as an affiliate signup thing, presumably), and then it's also here, under "Best Online Poker Sites":

So unless Cardplayer has been really careless in removing Lock from their site completely, they haven't dropped them. The advertising has just been scaled down.

It's possible that this was independent of our grass-roots effort to call attention to this, and perhaps Lock just stopped paying them or canceled the contract on their own.

It's also possible that Cardplayer believes that scaling down the advertising is good enough (hint: it's not).

The fact that Cardplayer won't respond to any of this isn't good. However, it's possible that they will remove the Lock ads without ever making a statement about it, or otherwise they will look incredibly guilty in not doing so earlier. (Remember, I brought this to Jeff Shulman's attention as early as May, 2013.) advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-02-2014 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt

It's possible that this was independent of our grass-roots effort to call attention to this, and perhaps Lock just stopped paying them or canceled the contract on their own.

It's also possible that Cardplayer believes that scaling down the advertising is good enough (hint: it's not).

The fact that Cardplayer won't respond to any of this isn't good. However, it's possible that they will remove the Lock ads without ever making a statement about it, or otherwise they will look incredibly guilty in not doing so earlier. (Remember, I brought this to Jeff Shulman's attention as early as May, 2013.)
Yes. The people and businesses in the poker world have to be held to a higher standard like in the real world and have to know that going into damage control and trying to water down their scumminess won't be lost on their customers.

Like politicians, they feel their constituents are mostly dumb and ignorant (this is true to a certain degree) but this is poker...and in case they haven't noticed, most people who are avid poker players are pretty bright and won't succumb to this kind of bull**** and we'll actually call them out on it.

The efforts we are displaying here and other kinds of scandals being brought to light should very much continue and be put into our poker "pecking order" and be dealt with so it sets a good example of how we aren't going to sit idly by and let them bend us over. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-02-2014 , 12:56 PM
It's like a bandaid just rip it off CP, as you can tell it's only getting worse.
don't think of this as a contest of wills, just do the right thing.
It's not too late, but time is running out. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:36 PM
Well I am glad to see Lock ads have been scaled down regardless of why they have been. But I agree with Kilowatt, until all Lock ads are gone the fight is not over. I must add though I am a little disappointed with the lack of replies to businesses that I contacted. Not sure if they are just to busy or if they just don't care. Hopefully it is the former as apathy towards crooks and scams hurts not just the victims but the poker community as a whole. I mean would anyone really want to start playing if their first thoughts were that they probably were going to get ripped off? Dishonest people will always be around as long as money is involved but if the community is on top of these problems the better off we all will be. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
