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Register advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers

05-20-2014 , 09:41 PM
Don't know, but it's interesting how they communicate in no way, shape, or form with their readership. Not here, not Facebook, not anywhere ! advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-20-2014 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Wonder if they received a c&d letter from NJDGE.
They still run ads for other offshore sites. I checked with a friend in NJ...they even run those there. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-21-2014 , 09:43 AM
Banners are down in New Hampshire. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-21-2014 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
I wasn't the one that attacked another poster. I simply posted that Cardplayer was basically stealing out of poker players wallets and another poster elected to inform me it was the worst analogy he had ever heard. If you read the comments I was responding to an attack. It initiating one.

One other point i was the VERY FIRST poster in a lock thread asking why Cardplayer was getting a pass. That was in the "calling out lock pros thread august 5 2013 so I certainly know now as I knew then who all the the enemies of online poker were.

That is great news, the contract could have finally ended. I would not be surprised however if it is strictly due to WSOP coming up. That has happened before with Lock pros leaving lock in may of 2013 and I could see the same scenario playing out here .
My post wasn't directed towards you, it was directed towards the other guy advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Austrian econ
Banners are down in New Hampshire.
Thanks. They've now down everyone. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 03:25 PM
I posted the following on their Facebook page to see if we could get any comment from them on what has happened here....if this is permanent etc...etc...

Hi, I (ZenForest on 2+2 / @NEPTpoker on twitter) am the person who started the 2+2 thread requesting CardPlayer remove all advertising related to Lock Poker. Its great to see them finally absent from your pages, and to know no additional players will be deceived by them thru Card Player Advertisements. Hopefully this is a permanent solution, at least until such time that all players owed money are paid in full. Can card player make any comment on what has gone on here ? Thanks. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 06:07 PM
.........and Card Player deleted the post/comment from their Facebook Page. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 06:10 PM
can someone explain to me why you care more about this than you do about Sheldon Aldeson. it makes me sick when i see someone selling a package for the venetian in the market place. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by p2ryan
can someone explain to me why you care more about this than you do about Sheldon Aldeson. it makes me sick when i see someone selling a package for the venetian in the market place.
For me, its not caring MORE about one vs. the other, as I care about both.

The thing about Card Player tho, was they were accepting money from a company advertising a web site that has been screwing Poker Players out of money. They were giving Lock exposure to new poker players, to defraud them out of money.

Just wrong on so many levels, and I think most would agree.

And this is a thread about Card Player accepting advertising from a fraudulent Poker Site, not a thread about Sheldon Adelson. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by p2ryan
can someone explain to me why you care more about this than you do about Sheldon Aldeson.
This is such a pointless argument.

You can always find something worse than what a thread/debate/argument is about and go "oh why not care about this instead".

Can someone explain to me why you care more about Sheldon Aldeson than you do about the Syrian civil war? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-22-2014 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Thanks. They've now down everyone.
2-3 years of accepting advertising money from a company that was defrauding players out money. The harm has been done and there's no coming back from that imo. Pretty sure hellmuth owns a piece of card player media, pretty sure he was aware of what was going on with lock poker just as he was aware of the nionio incidents on ultimate bet (high stakes pro from New York LOLOLOL). There's truly no excuse for hellmuth acting like an ostrich every time one of his companies is involved in a scam, but we keep seeing that this guy along with many others in the poker community have no morals at all and don't care. I'm so disgusted in the poker community as a whole right now. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-25-2014 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
This is such a pointless argument.

You can always find something worse than what a thread/debate/argument is about and go "oh why not care about this instead".

Can someone explain to me why you care more about Sheldon Aldeson than you do about the Syrian civil war?
Exactly. Sheldon Aldeson could be the cause of the Syria war and we still couldn't do anything about. Getting a magazine to pull an advertiser is well within the realm of potential success. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
05-25-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Thanks. They've now down everyone.
Glad to hear the less informed poker players have one less land mine to avoid.

Originally Posted by JamesD816

Not trying to be cynical here but lock had cashout problems for about a year prior to Brett leaving and Brett quit lock literally 2-3 days before he started playing events at 2013 WSOP. Something I expected some lock pros to do just to avoid harassment at WSOP. .
This post is from exactly two months ago. Cardplayer dropped Lock right before the Shulmans had to face the poker community at the WSOP. Just like we predicted would happen last year with Lock pros and this year with Cardplayer. File this under way too little and way too late.

My bad Chopsy, I thought that post directed at me. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
06-16-2014 , 03:23 PM
AT WSOP last weak, Ari Engel called out Barry Shulman for accepting lock money. Barry got the dealer to issue a warning not to talk to him. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
04-26-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
Iirc someone posted a while back that they got an email response from a bigwig at CardPlayer and that their explanation was that they had a contract with Lock and that they felt like honoring their contract is the proper thing to do. That would make a little bit more sense if their contract wasn't enabling a company to scam people.

Edit: Obv they're not legally obligated to honor that contract.

Congratulations to card player and barry shulman for honoring their contract to lock so they could help lock steal more money from poker players though it was obvious at the time they where running adds for lock that lock was not processing payments to players for a long time. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
04-26-2015 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Congratulations to card player and barry shulman for honoring their contract to lock so they could help lock steal more money from poker players though it was obvious at the time they where running adds for lock that lock was not processing payments to players for a long time.
yep advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
04-27-2015 , 12:12 AM
good, this thread should be bumped on a weekly basis as a reminder. they haven't received nearly enough flak for this. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
AT WSOP last weak, Ari Engel called out Barry Shulman for accepting lock money. Barry got the dealer to issue a warning not to talk to him.
The whole table needs to berate him, they don't need to talk to him directly. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
04-27-2015 , 12:23 PM
You can catch Barry SHILLman with his wife tooling around low buyin tournaments just waiting for someone to recognize them. You can easily spot them from afar because they wear clothing that makes them look like fishing lures. Especially his wife.

SHILLman be all about that Louie the XIV inspired yolo Lock money good life.


Spoiler: advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
