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Register advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers

01-29-2014 , 12:14 PM
As many of you are aware Card Player continues to advertises Lock poker. It is time we the players take a stand together a say enough is enough. What I am hoping for is to get enough people to agree to not purchase any products that are advertised in CP until CP stops advertising Lock. If we can get the legit companies that advertise in CP to put enough pressure on them maybe then our voices will be heard. Thanks for you support. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:24 PM
I agree cardplayer should get tons of heat. I was posting in the lock thread in August of last year wondering why cardplayer was getting a pass. However problem with your idea is some companies have contracts with cardplayer they legitimately can not get out of, unlike the cardplayer/lock argument. They could have signed these well before the lock issues blew up. They may not even know fully about the lock issues. It would be unfair to punish these businesses that initiated advertising contracts before it was common knowledge that cardplayer is a thieving unethical publication. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
I agree cardplayer should get tons of heat. I was posting in the lock thread in August of last year wondering why cardplayer was getting a pass. However problem with your idea is some companies have contracts with cardplayer they legitimately can not get out of, unlike the cardplayer/lock argument. They could have signed these well before the lock issues blew up. They may not even know fully about the lock issues. It would be unfair to punish these businesses that initiated advertising contracts before it was common knowledge that cardplayer is a thieving unethical publication.
I agree with what you are saying. I forgot to post that I encourage everyone, DO go checkout the current issue of Card Player and contact as many companies as you can. Tell them that if CP does not pull Lock ads you will not support them. If there is enough companies putting pressure on CP they will have no choice but to pull the Lock ads. The idea is to punish Lock, not the honest companies that advertise in CP. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:35 PM
We don't actually know what the cardplayer/lock agreement is.

Oh there's been a lot of assertions but unless we have a copy of the contract they're just assertions.

Not saying we shouldn't pressure CP of course. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:51 PM
even if there was some sort of agreement/contract... i'm sure that CP could break it without running into any legal problems. i don't think that a judge would be very sympathetic to Lock's case if they took CP to court for breaking a contract. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:53 PM
signed advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 01:04 PM
They won't even do the simple courtesy and post a statement if they feel they are hand strung legally then they need to say something to that effect rather then outright ignoring the players and deleting their twitter/facebook post.
This stick their heads in the sand and hope it goes away tactic isn't going to work, the longer they wait the worse it will get. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
even if there was some sort of agreement/contract... i'm sure that CP could break it without running into any legal problems. i don't think that a judge would be very sympathetic to Lock's case if they took CP to court for breaking a contract.
Choice: Small mag company run by idiots choice to give up revenue and spend big money on attorneys or just keep getting a check to stuff their faces with cheeseburgers for another year.... what do you think they will decide advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
even if there was some sort of agreement/contract... i'm sure that CP could break it without running into any legal problems. i don't think that a judge would be very sympathetic to Lock's case if they took CP to court for breaking a contract.
I think the lock/cardplayer contract is irrelevant. Cardplayer can void the contract because there is overwhelming evidence that Lock is a Ponzi scheme. I would guarantee that if cardplayer just threatens to do this unless lock withdraws their ads lock would have to reluctantly accept. What is lock going to do? They would not sue cardplayer because the press would be a disaster for the little life the lock site has left. Also cardplayer is an American company how could lock even come to the United States to sue cardplayer? Wouldn't Jen Larson be arrested for circumventing US law regarding internet poker??

Cardplayer has an EASY out here but they feel the revenue is more important.

I do agree with your idea chopsy if we can fine tune it. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
I think the lock/cardplayer contract is irrelevant. Cardplayer can void the contract because there is overwhelming evidence that Lock is a Ponzi scheme. I would guarantee that if cardplayer just threatens to do this unless lock withdraws their ads lock would have to reluctantly accept. What is lock going to do? They would not sue cardplayer because the press would be a disaster for the little life the lock site has left. Also cardplayer is an American company how could lock even come to the United States to sue cardplayer? Wouldn't Jen Larson be arrested for circumventing US law regarding internet poker??

Cardplayer has an EASY out here but they feel the revenue is more important.

I do agree with your idea chopsy if we can fine tune it.

Overwhelming evidence is kind of strong don't you think? It's more speculation than anything else and speculation does not translate into a good case for court.

I'm sure there are plenty of ways for lock to sue Cardplayer and we shouldn't be under the presumption that they wouldn't be able too.

I don't think it's an EASY out by any means. If Cardplayer has a contract with Lock to advertise there site they should honour it, simply to avoid lengthy and expensive court dealings that would probably take longer to solve than the contract for the advertising actually mandates. Also, Lock if it truly is desperate could put everything they have into a lawsuit against Cardplayer in a last ditch effort to try and get some money and gtfo. At the end of the day I believe it's just a tad bit irresponsible to think that this is a very easy situation to address.

Maybe Cardplayer could run an interview article with some of the people that are being affected by Lock's actions in order to detract some of the readers from the Lock adverts. Even if Lock decides to sue them for it, it is something "easy" to hold up against in court and gets the message to stay away from Lock much more effectively then removing the ads altogether.

I am not an expert though, just my opinion with little knowledge of the situation itself. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
I think the lock/cardplayer contract is irrelevant. Cardplayer can void the contract because there is overwhelming evidence that Lock is a Ponzi scheme. I would guarantee that if cardplayer just threatens to do this unless lock withdraws their ads lock would have to reluctantly accept. What is lock going to do? They would not sue cardplayer because the press would be a disaster for the little life the lock site has left. Also cardplayer is an American company how could lock even come to the United States to sue cardplayer? Wouldn't Jen Larson be arrested for circumventing US law regarding internet poker??

Cardplayer has an EASY out here but they feel the revenue is more important.

I do agree with your idea chopsy if we can fine tune it.
Thanks for your support and I agree with the fine tuning part.

Everyone lets not get to wrapped up in the legalities and contracts. If enough people tell the companies that advertise in CP that they will be boycotted until
CP pulls the Lock ads I am sure there will be positive results. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:16 PM
Should the ban extend to all of the Live Card Player Tour as well?

Good luck with this and don't hold your breath waiting for representatives of Card Player to legitimize your concerns. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by 42-2KM
Should the ban extend to all of the Live Card Player Tour as well?

Good luck with this and don't hold your breath waiting for representatives of Card Player to legitimize your concerns.
If more pros came out of the woods and put the twitter and other social media fire under them then maybe they would finally do something about it.

Even if CP did like someone who suggested they just run a big article showing all the facts and player's responses to this big fiasco it would be doing us poker players some justice. But trying to hide from this and going into damage control is just more cowardice that perpetuates everything scummy in poker these days. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:37 PM
signed advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:38 PM
Can we at least change the word "ban" to "boycott?" in the thread title? advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by 42-2KM
Should the ban extend to all of the Live Card Player Tour as well?

Good luck with this and don't hold your breath waiting for representatives of Card Player to legitimize your concerns.
Thanks, the ban can extend as far out as people want, any extra pressure CP feels will be well deserved. And I think mine and everyone else concerns are already legitimate advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:49 PM
Again i feel like these big sites and magazines do underestimate their customer base and especially 2plus2, so kudos to chopsy and others who are actively doing something about it. And even just stirring the pot and getting rec players to understand this and bring all the scummy **** to the surface is very good to keep our game somewhat intact and flowing. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by fiverrr
Overwhelming evidence is kind of strong don't you think? It's more speculation than anything else and speculation does not translate into a good case for court.

I'm sure there are plenty of ways for lock to sue Cardplayer and we shouldn't be under the presumption that they wouldn't be able too.

I don't think it's an EASY out by any means. If Cardplayer has a contract with Lock to advertise there site they should honour it, simply to avoid lengthy and expensive court dealings that would probably take longer to solve than the contract for the advertising actually mandates. Also, Lock if it truly is desperate could put everything they have into a lawsuit against Cardplayer in a last ditch effort to try and get some money and gtfo. At the end of the day I believe it's just a tad bit irresponsible to think that this is a very easy situation to address.

I am not an expert though, just my opinion with little knowledge of the situation itself.
How exactly could Lock poker sue cardplayer magazine? Jen Larson would more then likely be arrested the day she walked into a US court room. In the eyes of the US government her entire enterprise is committing federal crimes on a daily basis. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 08:22 PM
There's no need for there to be a special relationship between CardPlayer and Lock, they've shown in the past they'll advertise pretty much anyone who pays them. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by TONZ
Cardplayer used to be my homepage for my internet browser. Since they have continued advertising for lock poker, I have changed months ago.
Nelson Mandella ladies and gentlemen. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 08:57 PM
Signed. Cardplayer and Barry Shulman have always lacked ethics. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-29-2014 , 10:20 PM
signed, obv advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-30-2014 , 12:55 AM
Lock could not successfully sue Cardplayer, even if there is a contract.

Lock is operating illegally in the United States.

Therefore, Cardplayer could terminate any advertising contract with them at any time. A contract to advertise illegal services is never valid.

Cardplayer WOULD be responsible to give Lock a pro-rated refund for the remaining portion of the contract, but that's it.

This is aside from the fact that Lock is also scamming people, which would be a great second defense as to why they pulled their ads.

In fact, this would be Cardplayer's very valid defense in court, if Lock claimed that they were singled out for termination when other illegal poker rooms still had advertising in Cardplayer.

Finally, Lock would never sue Cardplayer, as this would require Lock representatives to set foot in the United States, and they would then be subject to arrest and civil suits.

Cardplayer is simply being greedy here, and doesn't give a crap about their readers.

Same reason they advertised UB until the bitter end.

It is absolutely absurd for Cardplayer to assert that they are legally required to continue advertising an online gambling site that is both illegally operating and a scam. They are not required to continue this by any state's laws. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-30-2014 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Lock could not successfully sue Cardplayer, even if there is a contract.

Lock is operating illegally in the United States.

Therefore, Cardplayer could terminate any advertising contract with them at any time. A contract to advertise illegal services is never valid.
Your post virtually echos my post (#135) earlier today. The only point I would disagree with is the text I have quoted. Lock is not in an of itself an illegal enterprise. Cardplayer or Lock could argue the advertising is geared to customers outside the USA and therefore completely legitimate. The problem Lock would have as we both have pointed out is they have no viable avenue to sue cardplayer if cardplayer dropped them. A Lock rep would have to sue cardplayer in the USA and no lock rep due to fear of arrest would dare step in the USA to handle those proceedings.

Cardplayer could dump lock and not even refund the money it owes lock for the remainder of the contract. Lock would have no recourse, they prefer instead to keep the financial pipeline from lock pumping. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
01-30-2014 , 02:11 AM
I realize this petition is still new but I am interested to hear if anyone has contacted any of the companies that advertise in CP telling them you will be boycotting their product until CP pulls the Lock ads. advertising Lock Poker; Petition to boycott Card Player and their advertisers Quote
