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Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table! Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table!

01-13-2013 , 02:59 PM
I will be responding and updating in the next day or so. A lot going on. Have been running $1-3 PLO and $1-3 Holdem. Real good results.
01-13-2013 , 05:43 PM
How many hands/hr is this getting?
01-13-2013 , 06:49 PM
I was at the Aria last week and saw it in action for a bit. It seems like it works okay. The only problem is that any EV you may gain by playing 2 hands is lost by the fact that only good players are going to be in this game.
01-13-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tim frazin
I will be responding and updating in the next day or so. A lot going on. Have been running $1-3 PLO and $1-3 Holdem. Real good results.
Might would slow the game down a bit, I'd guess, but this sounds like a real interesting variation. Hope this is going when I come to LV for WSOP, though hopefully a little higher blinds.
01-13-2013 , 11:32 PM
Tried it out the other night. Pretty damn confusing at first. Seemed to go fairly slow, too, as most players had to continually figure out when it was their turn and where each button was.

It was okay...don't think I'd play it again, tho.
01-14-2013 , 07:13 PM
Awesome idea. Glad to see it is going well initially. Kudos to the Aria poker room for addressing the biggest problem many online players have with live poker. I will def play next time I'm in Vegas.
For the people who played and said they won't again you got to remember the game will speed up as the players and especially the dealers get more used to it.

Would also like to see some of the initial results on hands per hour?
01-15-2013 , 12:16 AM
Any chance of spreading green or black limit games?
01-20-2013 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by z4reio
Any chance of spreading green or black limit games?
They will spread whatever players want
01-20-2013 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bercules
(1) I see, dollars/square foot is completely different from dollars/table. Yeah, my judgment was mistaken.

(2) hmmm, surprised I didn't understand that after 15 years in gaming. Seems like it would be more relevant to the topic if we were discussing whether or not to add/remove a poker room from a casino. For some reason, I thought I was addressing the "twice the hands, twice the rake" argument. My apologies.

(3) let's see how "MAP" goes before we try out "MOP", but as a poker enthusiast I'm always eager for new ideas that can stimulate business or the industry as a whole. I guess it depends on one's definition of "working". The game does appear to be "feasible" to actually spread. The advantages seem debatable. And I have no doubt that other poker room managers around town (and elsewhere, tbh) are watching "this experiment at Aria" with great interest, as well they should be.

(*) I applaud the innovation of Tim Frazin, and the courage of Aria to attempt to showcase this new version of poker. Great change rarely comes about without taking risks. That being said, I'm still unclear of what advantages people think these tables will bring, if successful: higher revenue, more players/traffic, new player base. We've addressed revenue; the room at Aria is nearly always full - so converting a 9-handed table to one which accommodates 8 players seems counterproductive; and I think it's virtually impossible to imagine a player trying out MAP poker before traditional poker, so any MAP players already exist as "player base".

That being said, many of the people trying MAP seem to enjoy playing it, while others don't. It's good to have variety and new things to offer. I don't want to come across as critical of the game/concept. Merely countering some statements that I believe are far from factual, but being thrown about as such.
6 posts in 18 months and you're already insulting the guy who runs the place and knows far more about what goes on in casinos than you ever will.

You're gonna do well here kid.
01-20-2013 , 07:53 AM
I played tonight, 2 games of 1/3 nl the table remained full for the 3 hrs I was there. Things were run very well I was surprised/impressed. It was fun, makes me miss online poker though.
01-20-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
I played tonight, 2 games of 1/3 nl the table remained full for the 3 hrs I was there. Things were run very well I was surprised/impressed. It was fun, makes me miss online poker though.
Good to here
01-21-2013 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by knircky

Can you elaborate on the testing process and when we have a chance to see this in action.

I.e. when will aria have more tables like this?
Currently discussing the addition of tables. Will keep people posted as soon as I know.

Originally Posted by rodgethat
Dono if this was said already but I was told for map you get 3x the comp points

Really hope this takes off, was a lot of fun
Yes you get 3x comp

Originally Posted by synth_floyd
I was at the Aria last week and saw it in action for a bit. It seems like it works okay. The only problem is that any EV you may gain by playing 2 hands is lost by the fact that only good players are going to be in this game.
I disagree that only the good players play. The game is being fed off of people who do not want to wait for a regular game. They are not regulars. They seem to be people here for the weekend and want to play as many hands as possible.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Tried it out the other night. Pretty damn confusing at first. Seemed to go fairly slow, too, as most players had to continually figure out when it was their turn and where each button was.

It was okay...don't think I'd play it again, tho.
Yes, it is confusing the first 5 minutes. Then after 20 minutes players seem to get it but a little slow. After 1 hour, the play is fast and it becomes natural. If you play or watch the game, you will see the first 20 to 30 minutes is choppy. However, if you watch a group of players that have been playing for a couple hours, the play is smooth and fast.

Originally Posted by z4reio
Any chance of spreading green or black limit games?
We are doing a lot of $1-3 no limit to introduce the game. We will run any game if the players want it. Last night a group of 3 was trying to get 1 more player to run $2-5 PLO and open face Chinese at $5 a point. It did not go, but would have been interesting.

Also, I regularly update the twitter with the games that are going. the tag is realmappoker.
01-22-2013 , 12:21 AM
spread it
01-22-2013 , 12:39 AM
Someone should take action on another MAP table ever being introduced at the Aria.

There's no reason to take up more space with a concept game that runs 4 hours a night 3x a week.

Multiple times people have said they actually went to play it and it was slow and confusing, but you continually come back saying.....oh no its smooth and fast and the idea is really taking off.
01-22-2013 , 02:34 AM
Introducing multi action Monopoly.

01-22-2013 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Daliman
6 posts in 18 months and you're already insulting the guy who runs the place and knows far more about what goes on in casinos than you ever will.

You're gonna do well here kid.
(1) more posts = more knowledge... got it, thanks (or perhaps your diplomacy explains my zero posts the first 17 months - never really seemed like a worthwhile use of my time)

(2) insulted no one - I was quite clear about merely disputing facts being bandied about, and/or rebutting false statements contradicting my previous points

(3) "knows far more about what goes on in casinos" than I ever will... have we met? You've clearly researched my knowledge of poker and poker rooms, sorry to let you down.

(4) Awesome, thanks for the ringing endorsement. #SF

(*) I've read all of Mason's books on poker. They were well written, informative, educational, and ahead of their time, in my opinion. In the "old days" - when I was still playing mid-stakes limit holdem - they were quite valuable. They're still on my bookshelves, but I no longer have much use for them. However, to put it delicately, I don't believe he is "world class" at his usual stakes of 2/5 NL, and believe any other winning players would agree.
I do think he's been instrumental in helping create and sustain the most popular poker forum in existence, but don't recall that being a "talking point."
01-22-2013 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by rodgethat
Dono if this was said already but I was told for map you get 3x the comp points
The MAP table actually gets 1.5x comp dollars, compared to the regular poker tables at Aria, except if the game happens to run from 5am-10am, in which case you would get 1x (identical) comp dollars, I believe.

All Aria poker players receive $2/hour in comps, which increases to $3/hour between 5am-10am. The MAP table players receive $3/hour at all times. (I confess I'm not positive they don't receive a boost from 5am-10am, but I'm not sure it's ever been running that late/early.

Not a big deal, I'm sure comps isn't a driving force between which type of game players choose, just clarifying - as the 3x was "confirmed" above and could be misconstrued as MAP players receiving triple (3x) the comps of regular non-MAP players.
01-22-2013 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Bercules

(3) let's see how "MAP" goes before we try out "MOP", but ..
(1) more posts = more knowledge... got it, thanks (or perhaps your diplomacy explains my zero posts the first 17 months - never really seemed like a worthwhile use of my time)

(2) insulted no one -
Speaking of using diplomacy, what's your excuse for being a spell-nazi? Everyone saw the MOP thing, but you felt compelled to mention it. And doing so was a direct, intentional insult... and a cheap shot.

Your lack of diplomacy, and the backlash it elicits, could be the reason you don't post more often.
01-22-2013 , 01:07 PM
interesting to read the recent reports. When I was there 12/29, 12/30 the game didnt seem to fill up much but there were solid waiting lists for 1/3 and 2/5 (played 2/5 for 20 hours with an insane guy from sweden that opened 90% of hands to $25 and could make the most amazing hero folds...)

Anyway, I plan on being back next sunday-tuesday and I noticed the Aria is sold out, any idea what big deal is going on to sell out a sunday/monday night? And if the game is running I may give it a shot (barring the swede still being there...)

Oh yeah, and I saw Tom Dwan at Naked Fish and he totally checked out my girl... and later I saw him in Ivey's room. Def was fine time.
01-22-2013 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by BillytheKidd
interesting to read the recent reports. When I was there 12/29, 12/30 the game didnt seem to fill up much but there were solid waiting lists for 1/3 and 2/5 (played 2/5 for 20 hours with an insane guy from sweden that opened 90% of hands to $25 and could make the most amazing hero folds...)

Anyway, I plan on being back next sunday-tuesday and I noticed the Aria is sold out, any idea what big deal is going on to sell out a sunday/monday night? And if the game is running I may give it a shot (barring the swede still being there...)

Oh yeah, and I saw Tom Dwan at Naked Fish and he totally checked out my girl... and later I saw him in Ivey's room. Def was fine time.
It's sold out because the interest in MAP is off the charts.
01-22-2013 , 06:00 PM
I'm more interested in the side story in that Bercules and Daliman almost positively know each other irl and don't even realize it.
01-22-2013 , 06:49 PM
How has the game been with regards to regs vs fish.

On one-hand I can see fish loving the faster-paced action, but on the other hand, I can see them being over-whelmed with the action.
01-24-2013 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
Introducing multi action Monopoly.

That actually looks really fun
01-24-2013 , 05:00 PM
I'll be there in a week, hope its still going so I can check it out.
01-25-2013 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bercules
(1) more posts = more knowledge... got it, thanks (or perhaps your diplomacy explains my zero posts the first 17 months - never really seemed like a worthwhile use of my time)

(2) insulted no one - I was quite clear about merely disputing facts being bandied about, and/or rebutting false statements contradicting my previous points

(3) "knows far more about what goes on in casinos" than I ever will... have we met? You've clearly researched my knowledge of poker and poker rooms, sorry to let you down.

(4) Awesome, thanks for the ringing endorsement. #SF

(*) I've read all of Mason's books on poker. They were well written, informative, educational, and ahead of their time, in my opinion. In the "old days" - when I was still playing mid-stakes limit holdem - they were quite valuable. They're still on my bookshelves, but I no longer have much use for them. However, to put it delicately, I don't believe he is "world class" at his usual stakes of 2/5 NL, and believe any other winning players would agree.
I do think he's been instrumental in helping create and sustain the most popular poker forum in existence, but don't recall that being a "talking point."
Your post was most definitely snide, just as this one was. Now, it's possible you happen to be one of the .00001% of people who happen to know more about poker, casinos, and how they work than Mason Malmuth. How good or bad he happens to be at 2-5NL has almost no bearing on that. But at a minimum you should show him a at least a modicum of respect on his own site when he is being polite to you, whether you disagree with him or not.

Originally Posted by Chalupacabra007
I'm more interested in the side story in that Bercules and Daliman almost positively know each other irl and don't even realize it.
This seems likely. Looking back on his other posts, there are a few people I can think of it might be, although I certainly don't know all of Aria's dealers, and likely not many at all that work day shift.

Bercules, by chance do you "never make any mistakes"? If you are who I am guessing, you know what this means, and probably who I am.
