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Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table! Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table!

12-26-2012 , 12:56 AM
When I and playing limit, there was a dealer that was doing a nice job of keeping the game moving announcing something like "red action is on seat 4" ect.
12-26-2012 , 01:15 AM
I don't think I'm reading too much into this.. I can feel it happening..

This red dealer in the vid seemed sympathetic to Player 2's situation, and waits patiently. He sees Player 2 is paying very close attention to Player 1.

I approve of the red dealer not announcing "Red action in seat 2", which might have been.. rude? Or at least, it would interrupt Player 2's concentration.

Player 1 is cutting out chips. Player 2 acts quickly afterwards.

The red dealer is hoping Player 2 didn't forget about folding the rags in his red hand.. but, unfortunately, he did in this case, which is understandable.

If Player 2 were more practiced at MAP, perhaps he would see the red action was on him, muck those red cards, and still be able to pay attention to whatever Player 1 was up to without missing a beat.

Last edited by joeschmoe; 12-26-2012 at 01:22 AM.
12-26-2012 , 01:21 AM
I was in a limit hand that went 7-8 bets on the river. Dealer and players in the other game patiently waited it out, until I realized they were waiting on me to act, so I looked and mucked that hand between one of the later bets.

Last edited by Videopro; 12-26-2012 at 01:22 AM. Reason: nut flush for villain, full house for hero.
12-26-2012 , 01:30 AM
My bottom line question would be: Have you been able to play your best poker, or does this format detract from it?
12-26-2012 , 01:43 AM
Depends on the person. I played right after 10 hours of work switching a live TV show, so I entered the game pretty buzzed. Couple hours later, I realized I was getting tired and losing concentration so I left.

I will state that the game requires more concentration than a standard game.

Last edited by Videopro; 12-26-2012 at 01:50 AM.
12-26-2012 , 03:21 AM
really hope half of the room would become MAP.
12-26-2012 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Depends on the person. I played right after 10 hours of work switching a live TV show, so I entered the game pretty buzzed. Couple hours later, I realized I was getting tired and losing concentration so I left.

I will state that the game requires more concentration than a standard game.
which isn't too hard if you have any online 6-8 tabling experience.
12-26-2012 , 03:22 AM
I honestly think this is a GREAT news for all the online players. Should be table to handle this fairly easily. can't wait to join the action next year during the series.
12-26-2012 , 04:57 AM
I play on iPad pretty often when I play live as well. It's possible to mix online with live, so multi table live should work as well.

Obv. It won't be the same, obv. U will lose info etc, but the added hands will way outweigh these negatives.
12-26-2012 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by knircky
A poker room can double its player base, double the hands played with the same amount of real estate and number of tables. Only need more dealers, which are rather cheap. A the same time for the players it's the same story, twice the action as before.
(1) "double its' player base"... maybe not understanding the concept.
(2) "double the hands played" - may need to revisit the difference between 'theory' and 'execution'.

Dealers are cheap, but you're still paying 2 dealers for approximately the same amount of rake as a single-dealer table.

I like the concept, I just feel the need to chime in when people are throwing around numbers/math that are literally impossible to achieve. Yes, I know what 'literally' means.
12-26-2012 , 05:33 AM
Rake for casino would be higher per table
12-26-2012 , 07:43 AM
Some advice, it's important for players to help their neighbor when necessary (ie: you're utg on red, it's your action on black). Tell dealers to announce seat #'s when announcing actions. Ie: black blinds seat 3 and 4. Be sure to not fold the wrong hand, and I would think this should go without saying but any remotely successful online player is clearly going to have IMO more than twice their normal hourly on this table vs regular table. Reasons include seeing more hands vs villains and not making incorrect adjustments. There are some goofy rules for if you get stacked and transferring, but staff is working to pan it out. There was always at least 1-2 floor watching the game.
12-26-2012 , 11:59 AM
I sincerely doubt the Aria is interested in a few bucks of additional rake, or more efficient use of square footage. Somebody way up high in management loves poker or they wouldn't even have a room. 20 or 30 slot machines would probably put that room's revenue to shame.

I think it was the mid 90's(?) when poker rooms were closing all over Vegas. I still don't know the reason behind it. Probably just a matter of money being tight.

Generally speaking, poker offers an enjoyable, relaxing change of pace for the pit gamblers. Plus, most poker degens also drop a lot of cash in the pits.. That's where the value comes from, imo.

As for online players having a natural advantage, I'd refer back to something Bercules wrote:
"...may need to revisit the difference between 'theory' and 'execution'."
12-26-2012 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
I sincerely doubt the Aria is interested in a few bucks of additional rake, or more efficient use of square footage. "
If you are a good casino manager, that's a big part of the job. If they could only run the one game that's the most profitable, they would do it. However, it wouldn't be a very good product mix or diversification of revenue streams.

Overall, this idea is good for winning players that are used to playing online but it might not be great for the poker economy as the house is taking more $$ off the table hourly.
12-26-2012 , 12:39 PM
Why would anyone expect to play on two (or more) tables and get a rake discount?

and I don't see how the poker economy loses money. The same amount of rake, per pot, will be collected..
12-26-2012 , 12:45 PM
Actually less, as in Aria's current case, they are raking 25% less per hand than their standard games. They still realize a net gain with 50-75% more hands per hour getting dealt. Win-Win.
12-26-2012 , 01:00 PM
yeah.. I knew it was reduced a bit..
This might not be doable, but if I wanted to promote this game in these early stages, I might offer it at half rate, or even zero rake for a while.
There is a learning curve during which new players must sacrifice some "value" of some sort, and reduced rake is an incentive to work through that.
12-26-2012 , 01:07 PM
Besides the 25% rake reduction I believe there is also an additional $1 per hr comp value on that table.
12-26-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Besides the 25% rake reduction I believe there is also an additional $1 per hr comp value on that table.
1 dollar/hr comp really means nothing compares to the amount of rake we're paying.
12-26-2012 , 02:31 PM
So you are complaining about a 25% per hand rake reduction and increased comps?

12-26-2012 , 02:59 PM
checked it out the other night, desperately wanted to play but the waitlist was too long. it looked soooooooooo much fun omg.

i spoke to the manager monitoring the game and he said that there are plans to introduce sit n gos to it as well.

also, to the guy complaining about paying more rake at the table, they were giving out free hats to people who played for 4 it's really not that bad.
12-26-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by djz

also, to the guy complaining about paying more rake at the table, they were giving out free hats to people who played for 4 it's really not that bad.
Lol @ hats. Wgaf? If this gets implemented full-time, the rake goes up and the comps go down. After all, they have another mouth to feed.
12-26-2012 , 03:13 PM
Why are all you professionals griping about one of the fixed costs of doing business? Bring a bagged lunch. That will offset some of it.. and sell the hat on ebay to recover even more..
12-26-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
Why are all you professionals griping about one of the fixed costs of doing business?
Probably for the same reason you likely gripe about the fixed cost of driving your car to work at $4/gal, or maybe that $100 monthly cell phone bill...
12-26-2012 , 03:21 PM
We cracked under the $3.00 a gallon mark in Vegas!
