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Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table! Aria Announce "Multi Action Poker"-Two Dealers/Simultaneous Games Per Table!

12-01-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by nimbus
I'm assuming the color of the backs will be different. In fact I think they'll need to have 4 different colored decks in play. Yes checking the backs will solve most problems. The point is that there will be lots of cards flying around.

Will you get a new hand as soon as one is over or will you always start two hands at the same time?

People think this will be as simple as playing two tables online and I just don't think the mechanics will translate that easily live.
Instead of having white borders on the faces, I think they should either have a red or a blue border so that no one gets the boards confused.
12-01-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by OJsBludyNife
How's that hold em plus thing working out. Gimmicks dont stick around to long in the poker world.
Wasn't hold em a gimmick when compared to stud and draw??
12-01-2012 , 05:27 PM
It's a great idea. I personally know the inventor. The issues you guys are bringing up have all been addressed. Different color card backs and fronts. Separate buyins for each dealer etc. give this a chance.
12-01-2012 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by luckofficial
that sounds really complicated

maybe special seats between some tbls could be a simple way for a lil bit more action

-player on special seat may feel dizzy after a couple of hours
-other plrs must wait for his action at the other tbl

I think you're on to something. How about using multiple table levels. For instance, one game could be dealt/played at 18 to 24inches high. The second game would be dealt/played at 48 to 55 inches high. Chairs would have switches to pop up and down between levels. This relieves much of the confusion and also prevents dizziness issues (albeit, lots of people moving up and down often). Each dealer would stay at one level.

To keep the game going you could put a rule in that players must cover their card with a card protector if they want to play it (otherwise it instafolds when it gets to them), and even with card protector they will be put on a clock to get back up/down to the table to play their hand.
12-01-2012 , 05:45 PM
Also, i've never played an electronic table and I realize it never took off, but what about a combo electronic/live table where you play one hand with cards and one hand electronically? Only one dealer needed, and impossible to mix up chips/cards etc.
12-01-2012 , 06:11 PM
there is a ms paint thread somewhere on 2+2 that deals with post #47.

now i really want to go find it. some excellent ideas/trolling/paintwork.
12-01-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
Also, i've never played an electronic table and I realize it never took off, but what about a combo electronic/live table where you play one hand with cards and one hand electronically? Only one dealer needed, and impossible to mix up chips/cards etc.
well I didnt know Tom Dwan had a son, so we're even

we user tested a version where you played in a cash game on pokerpro, and simultaenously played a virtual sit-n-go against other players in the room on other tables.

sounded great on paper. made my head explode to play. way different than multi'ing online because you also have 9 other humans in front of you to interact with. try playing online with 6 of your friends talking to you about different things.

but, your comment is astute and def on the right track, we just havent figured out the right combo of game play / UI.
12-01-2012 , 06:30 PM
doubling the drop much
12-01-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
It's a great idea. I personally know the inventor. The issues you guys are bringing up have all been addressed. Different color card backs and fronts. Separate buyins for each dealer etc. give this a chance.
Are the chips for each stack different? Pretty sure I'd accidentally move chips around from one stack to another constantly with this format, not to mention all the angle possibilities.
12-01-2012 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by luckofficial
that sounds really complicated

maybe special seats between some tbls could be a simple way for a lil bit more action

-player on special seat may feel dizzy after a couple of hours
-other plrs must wait for his action at the other tbl

12-01-2012 , 08:05 PM
I might be interested, if they allow HUDs.
12-01-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
It's a great idea. I personally know the inventor. The issues you guys are bringing up have all been addressed. Different color card backs and fronts. Separate buyins for each dealer etc. give this a chance.
Does Aria have new differently colored casino chips to make chip-switching from one stack to another impossible?
12-01-2012 , 08:21 PM
Different color chips are in the original plan. Not sure if they are in place for this test run though
12-01-2012 , 08:23 PM
this is the first time ive been kinda excited to try out some live poker in a long, long time. i would just hope that not only nerdy online kids would play but also the slower in the brain type people could cope
12-01-2012 , 08:37 PM
Jesus Christ I can just see the dealer and player errors going up about 1000%... can you say FOOT?
12-01-2012 , 08:45 PM
Good idea in theory, I really hope it's a good idea in practice.
12-01-2012 , 09:02 PM
Live poker is god awful, I have no idea if this would make it better or worse, i can see it going either way.

Very interesting none the less
12-01-2012 , 09:20 PM
" I meant the other hand...FOLD the first hand...I mean the second hand"
12-01-2012 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by luckofficial
that sounds really complicated

maybe special seats between some tbls could be a simple way for a lil bit more action

-player on special seat may feel dizzy after a couple of hours
-other plrs must wait for his action at the other tbl

I've done this at a home game. We had to many people for 1 table and 2 tables was too short. 2 of us played both tables. It worked for me because I really payed attention, but it took a lot of energy. I would not want to do it all the time. The other player was talking to much and not very good at it.
12-01-2012 , 09:38 PM
Degen: "I'm All In"
TAG: "I call"
Degen: "Oh...ummmm...I meant All In on my OTHER hand"

Nit: "Well then I call"
Degen: "Oh no...ummmm...I mean I have 83off, I would never go all-in with this hand. My verbal is binding on the first hand right dealer?"
12-01-2012 , 09:44 PM
Dealer would have to use an all-in button and place it on the proper color in front of player.

Players will really have to pay attention. 1 drunk idiot and this is a nightmare. It would make an awesome WSOP event because people would pay attention. It's like having 1 rebuy but you play them both at the same time.
12-01-2012 , 10:35 PM
Wouldn't work in a tourney because after you busted one hand you're only playing the other one for the rest of the tourney .
12-01-2012 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Wouldn't work in a tourney because after you busted one hand you're only playing the other one for the rest of the tourney .
Thats fine. When you bust 1 hand you get moved to a table of players with only 1 hand left. There are payouts for 2 hands left and 1 hand left. Last player with 2 hands wins that format and continues playing with his other hand.
12-01-2012 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
I can see it all now..

"Sir, the action is on you. You've mixed up your cards. All-in. For which game? The raise is 250. No, he folded. I fold. Oops! That came off the wrong stack. Fold. Call. Where are my cards?? Which of you dealt me these bluish ones? Call. That's a raise. Did he raise in this game or the other one? Fold. That's a raise. Neither sir, he hasn't acted yet. Who folded and which game was it? Re-raise. OK... OK! I'm probably folding this one, but I gotta think about this other one.. gimme a minute.

this is how i see it
12-01-2012 , 11:37 PM
anybody that likes drinks or headphones or any kind of distraction at the table will fail terribly at this. recreationals will hate it, hands down, because of how often they will lose track of everything

people that got into poker from mtg (like myself) will enjoy it because it will be a mental puzzle challenge

i'm imagining there will be one button with 2 hands going on at the same time - after both hands are dealt, UTG acts on his red hand, then UTG acts on his blue hand, then UTG+1 acts on his red hand, then UTG+1 acts on his blue hand, and so forth.
