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Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011]

05-23-2010 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rek
Get a lobotomy done first.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by DockDD
WP . I'm glad you hit that ball I tossed you.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:44 AM
Newest developments at RDP:

The riggies' complaints have spread from the chat box to the forum and have been developing into full blown disputes complete with moved/deleted posts, banned members, incoherent posts, conspiracy accusations, and indignant forum members threatening never to post again. (repeatedly).
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by spilari
Newest developments at RDP:

The riggies' complaints have spread from the chat box to the forum and have been developing into full blown disputes complete with moved/deleted posts, banned members, incoherent posts, conspiracy accusations, and indignant forum members threatening never to post again. (repeatedly).
A site created for rigtards has full blown disputes complete with moved/deleted posts, banned members, incoherent posts, conspiracy accusations, and indignant forum members threatening never to post again.

So, no surprises there, then.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by spilari
Newest developments at RDP:

The riggies' complaints have spread from the chat box to the forum and have been developing into full blown disputes complete with moved/deleted posts, banned members, incoherent posts, conspiracy accusations, and indignant forum members threatening never to post again. (repeatedly).
Although I thought it was cool they were trying to appeal to the riggie demographic, this is the downside.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by DockDD
I want to be a shill for real deal. I'll do it for free. Tell me how it works.
You need to get a good degree in shilling and then spend three years working as an apprentice under the tutelage of a master shill.

Then you need to get a licence from the KGC.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 06:15 AM
lol it's been a few days since I scanned their forums but wow... yeah all hell is breaking loose. Is there anybody on that site that isn't a rigtard? It's a bunch of rigtards arguing with each other about whether or not RealDeal is rigged. And then to top it all off you have Tom Dwyer, king of the rigtards AND forum mod getting into fights with their players and moving their posts.

You'd think maybe, just mayyyyyybe once it became clear that RealDeal plays like all the other sites when it comes to the deal, some of these muppets would just realize that the games have all been fair all along.

Nope! They're still convinced that everything is rigged, including RealDeal. How's that for some logic.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tom O'Dwyer
You just can't beat a Real Deal.

Notice how many of the rngenious players/lovers answered "all the questions" in my "RNG what if's thread." ANSWER - "0"

This will all take root and then it's over. Give it one year and everyone will be dealing their games this way.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by subs

I can't even begin to understand what went through his brain when he made that thread. It's a big long list of "what if" questions, all basically asking "what if online poker is rigged" in a bunch of different ways. And he'll accept no replies unless they answer every "what if" in detail???

I can't imagine what kind of detailed answer one would be able to give.

"What if online poker is rigged?"

"That would suck" OR

"I wouldn't play any more" OR

"I don't care because I win"

What is he looking for here?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 09:14 PM
This Tom O'Dwyer guy is not helping RDP succeed, and the company should tell him to stop representing them. The image he has created is of a company run by fools. Oh wait...
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 09:28 PM
They are being talked about quite a bit more than any other dinky skin that has 10 players. Not entirely sure that will ever produce actual money, but in theory that is better than merely existing with nobody knowing or caring about you.

Obviously I still think their whole plan was flawed in terms of long term success, but I do give them credit for the gimmick that they have created. Next time they should pick something without millions needed in investments.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-23-2010 , 09:28 PM
This was posted by Stephen Smears but got deleted:
What if you got a tattoo of some **** run company , then it goes out of business?

What if I liked you ideas but you are such jackasses I do not want any part of your system or crew?

What if all the idiots play each other and some of them lose?

What if you came over to our poker forum posting stupid **** pissing us off?

What if your mom is a whore?

What if you use an RNG and told your customers you didn't?

What if this board sucked ass?

What if You and your clients just do not understand poker, and will always lose?

What if you left me alone and I quit coming here stirring up ****? (I am not kidding)
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-24-2010 , 03:58 PM
This is getting sad.

Now every game is rolled back with a "game certification check failure".

The last time this happened , the site was out for a week.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-24-2010 , 04:21 PM
they ban my posts about me supporting lower raking sites then allow this guy to spam about Real Deal Poker.. which i'm sure rakes very high everyone and makes u look dumb by taking all ur money long term in rake.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-24-2010 , 04:42 PM
lol I got a new forum to browse when bored. I like this quote about the RNG

we want you guys to do is get an "X" number of hands(at least 500-750) and compare those hands on RDP to ones played on RNG sites. If you don't have time to go through each hand, feel free to send me a file of the hand histories and I'll do it for you to help you out and it will give people an idea of how it compares.
"Well you see here the RNG spit out a 4c but since we CUT the deck it's.......oh wait, we gotta rollback the hand was used before."
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-24-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by prana
lol I got a new forum to browse when bored. I like this quote about the RNG
we want you guys to do is get an "X" number of hands(at least 500-750) and compare those hands on RDP to ones played on RNG sites. If you don't have time to go through each hand, feel free to send me a file of the hand histories and I'll do it for you to help you out and it will give people an idea of how it compares.
This is kind of like saying "roll one dice 3 or 4 times" and then we'll compare the rolls to this other dice and decide which one is fair.


Last edited by spadebidder; 05-24-2010 at 05:08 PM. Reason: .
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-24-2010 , 07:54 PM
High Card
Join Date:Apr 2010
Location:Courtenay BC Canada


Real deal is not rng poker.

I've played on line for the past four years.
I've played at Real Deal Poker for two weeks.
I now play poker with full confidence.
I know some of my good hands will lose,I also know I have a fair chance of winning
every time I play. You can't compare RDP to any RNG site,RDP is different.


I'd like to catch an update from this asshat after a few more weeks and a downswing, but it won't happen he will give up there and go to another site and repeat the process until he has exhausted all sites then instead of just admitting that he sucks at poker he will wait for the next site...

In all actuality these people are great for the poker community.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-25-2010 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by prana
"Well you see here the RNG spit out a 4c but since we CUT the deck it's.......oh wait, we gotta rollback the hand was used before."
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-25-2010 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
This is kind of like saying "roll one dice 3 or 4 times" and then we'll compare the rolls to this other dice and decide which one is fair.
That works well if one of the die comes up with a seven.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 02:09 PM
Stay away from this site one of the guys running the place is a total jerk. The slightest negative about the poker site has Tom who runs it banning people, telling them they are on drugs and deleting or moving posts to the black hole of obscurity at the forum site to be out of site out of mind. Its his way of saying he is not a censor.

Hey Tom hope your real deal forum site crashes and burns, you fat cow. Change your picture dude or lose some weight. More people will visit 2 + 2 in five minutes than will visit your pathetic site in a year.

Real Deal you screwed up big time. You failed to come through with what you said you were so you will lose customers in that regard. You alienated yourself from the large number of online players who come to sites such as 2 + 2 so thats more customers you will never get. You are not available to the biggest market there is, The United States of America. And you have total jerks running a forum site who live to berate posters for giving their opinion.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 02:11 PM
LOL, good post. But alas, I think it will get buried in the other thread after the Merge.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by vile_1
You are not available to the biggest market there is, The United States of America.
Bigger than the rest of the world?

I would not play at RDP because of the terrible way they have tried to promote themselves here but your post is dreadful on so many levels.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 02:49 PM
Guys, I got you. Real deal poker is one big level. I set it up for the laugh.

Got ya
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rek
Bigger than the rest of the world?

I would not play at RDP because of the terrible way they have tried to promote themselves here but your post is dreadful on so many levels.
Didnt say rest of the world, but as a single country with poker players the U.S. is the biggest market in the world. I guess you could make China the biggest if you want players who's pay is about $2 a day.

And your post is the typical one liner of drek. Excuse me you exceeded yourself its three lines of drek. Btw whats the population of England?, is it even close to the population of say California?!

Be nice to us here in the States or the next time Germany decides to kick your ass we may not show up keep you from losing your own country.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-26-2010 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by vile_1
Btw whats the population of England?, is it even close to the population of say California?!
Very nearly double.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
