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Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011]

05-12-2010 , 11:48 AM
The RDP servers are back online as of a few minutes ago.

They are having a fairly juicy freeroll in about 5 hours, it's $500 and they are all afraid that it won't meet the minimum number of players (100), if you're busto.

Last edited by NoMeansNo; 05-12-2010 at 11:59 AM.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Got Nutz?
No No NO this thread will never die. Tooooooo epic of a fail. You guys will never burry the thread.
How much do you loose at roulette ? WHALE!!!!!!lol
LOL, who are 'you guys', MIB, you are one paranoid SOB. The weed must be good in your part of the world, but with good weed also come the side effects.

* Trouble remembering things
* Slowed reaction time
* Difficulty concentrating
* Sleepiness
* Anxiety
* Paranoia (feeling that people are "out to get you")
* Altered time perception
* Red, bloodshot eyes
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 12:05 PM
You avoid questions almost as good as Real Deal, BWWWHAHAHAHAH
How much .......whale? Com'on Man. You can tell us. I could buy some reeeeallly good bud for that chunk of change.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Got Nutz?
You avoid questions almost as good as Real Deal, BWWWHAHAHAHAH
How much .......whale? Com'on Man. You can tell us. I could buy some reeeeallly good bud for that chunk of change.
So you have the giggles now, paranoia earlier, come on man you can get all the side effects. I bet you'd love some cake.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by pooflinger
so real deal site crashed 5 days ago and isnt runing yet?
hahahaahah this is so awesome...
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:53 PM
The site has been back up for a couple of hours, there is 21 people at the smallest cash tables right now.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 02:21 PM
Do they save hands you have played as hand histories or anecdotes?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by McSeafield
Best soccer players come from Germany. Bayern Munich will win the UEFA Champions League and +++ HSV runners up in the Web +++
With your Dutch star powering you past Man Utd and your second best player being French?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Scandinit
Do they save hands you have played as hand histories or anecdotes?
lol obv no bad beat stories tho
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 03:23 PM
Ok so they are supposedly back up I was able to login in and a freeroll was starting in 7 mins si I registered and sat at a play money table, first hand dealt I had 89 offsuit 3 allins before me I call the flop came 834 turn Q river 9 lol 2 players said bs place is rigged like all of them.

Freeroll started and couldnt connect to table it ran for 13 mins with only 5 tables of the 13 showing in lobby seated. They are going to fail in an epic fashion for sure.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 03:28 PM
Striiiiiiiiiiiike 2!!!!!!!
Oh, swing and a miss.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 04:21 PM
It is pretty funny, the "BIG" $500 (big lol) freeroll is in less than 1 hour I registered for it too I'll let ya know if it has problems too.

I must say that if I were going to venture into starting up a poker site first I'd make sure the GD thing could handle 100 or so people before making it live and then the first freerolls would certainly be juicier than $50,$100 and $500 (yeah I know it's euros but I don't know the ASCII code for the symbol and for the purposes of RDP I don't think it is worth the bother to look it up.

I guess that is fine for their target audience.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 04:26 PM

or &euro or &#128

Last edited by spadebidder; 05-12-2010 at 04:32 PM.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 05:04 PM
lol I wish I could sit down just for a little while to pick off some of these fish.... in the one table that was actually being played for something slightly more than pennies, there were just 3 fish battling it out. We saw preflop all ins with 22 v AJ, as well as a flop all in with A8 against K7 on a 87 high board (which was obv rigged for action).

Oh but look what happens when boards are rigged for action... people go busto and the table breaks.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 05:21 PM
Well the second freeroll started up fine I busted on second hand AK<77 I tried to on first hand with 39 off but they all folded.

I had a real money table open watching the hilarity there thought and all of a sudden this popped up...

Seems they still don't quite have things together.

oh and thanks spadebidder I feel a bit embarassed at the &euro (I am a programmer/web dev) didn't even consider it being that simple, or didn't care alltogether.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by siguy6819
Well I suppose that's this thread finished. Maybe it's time for a new thread ‘RDP will it ever re-open’
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 05:52 PM
Had time to sit in some freerolls and interestingly enough on the hands I witnessed I didn't see one AA v KK or AA v QQ or QQ v KK which is very rare. FT is pure gold for that sort of big hand set up.

Not too many suckouts. Big pairs held up without the online suckout ace rag hitting most of the time. Of course that was just a few hands, and I had to sit some out, but it looks encouraging.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
Had time to sit in some freerolls and interestingly enough on the hands I witnessed I didn't see one AA v KK or AA v QQ or QQ v KK which is very rare. FT is pure gold for that sort of big hand set up.

Not too many suckouts. Big pairs held up without the online suckout ace rag hitting most of the time. Of course that was just a few hands, and I had to sit some out, but it looks encouraging.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 06:16 PM
Here are some other classics provided by Tom.
Tom O'Dwyer
Join Date
Mar 2010
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I'm with you sorta. I won't come flat out and say any rng site is rigged - but I will say that they are just not right.. (So what is that?) Either way - I'll pass.

A multi table games. (WTF 20 tabels) That's a scratch off lottery "numbers only game" game.

Tom O'Tool
Co Founder Real Deal Poker News.

I really like how he compares 20 Tabling to the lottery. Ya just scratch and win Tom, just scratch and win.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
Had time to sit in some freerolls and interestingly enough on the hands I witnessed I didn't see one AA v KK or AA v QQ or QQ v KK which is very rare. FT is pure gold for that sort of big hand set up.

Not too many suckouts. Big pairs held up without the online suckout ace rag hitting most of the time. Of course that was just a few hands, and I had to sit some out, but it looks encouraging.
What is actually encouraging is that people like you, who clearly have no idea of even the basic concepts of probability, continue to play poker. They say the games are getting tighter and tighter, but as long as there are players like this around online poker will continue to be profitable.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 06:50 PM
lol that was a good one Nutz, but don't forget the countless gems that the posters provide.

l think its really funny people complaining about how the site should be up and running, remember people it was call a soft lauch for a reason.

l for one dont care how long it take, because once its up l will never have to play on jokerstars ever again.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 07:37 PM
Considering the statement from the owner that it could take 6 weeks to get the place absolutely right, I am surprised there is any traffic on there at all tonight. 1/2 cent holdem table is full, 5/10 cent holdem table is nearly full, 6 seater 5/10 cent holdem table is full. Sadly no one on stud or omaha or stt's. Players seem reasonably happy. Seen one comment of "donk" but that was about all. I was one of the observers who said they should wait until everything was absolutely right but I guess they're gonna take a chance. Good luck to em.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 11:07 PM
Look who showed up @ Real Deal!!
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-12-2010 , 11:19 PM
omg the RDP forums are too much.

tom o dwyer started a thread as an april fools joke. pretty funny imo !

Tom O'Dwyer

Administrator Tom O'Dwyer's Avatar

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Mar 2010
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FREE $10,000.00 ENTRY to 2010 W.S.O.P. to the LUCKY WINNER here on Real Deal Forums


And you thought you were not going to get to play..

ha ha!

You were right AFTER ALL! You're NOT! (no worries .. neither are we unless we win our way in!)


We don't have that kind of scratch yet.. But come back and see us NEXT year this time!

While you are here! Sign up in the Real Deal Poker forums! FREE!

and USE BONUS PROMO CODE "STORM" when signing up at REALDEAL <-- CLICK HERE to sign up.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-13-2010 , 03:02 AM
Well this has been a blast.

Thank you Gene, and 2+2.

I needed to kill a couple hours on something brainless and fun, and did this thread ever fit the bill!

Among the great hilariously spectacular poker business venture failures, Real Deal is all set to join the likes of California Holdem and 2-11 Poker in the upper tiers of the Hall of Fame.

It's becoming a rule that only Rush Poker seems to have evaded: anytime there are patents involved... look out below.

Online poker sites have been capsizing on arrival for nearly a decade now, but this one has a certain special charm. It really went the extra mile to elicit laughter in the process.

And keep it up Squirrel! 17 posts and exactly all of them about this topic. They've got you shilling your cute li'l heart out, don't they?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
