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Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011]

05-10-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Fear My All-In

If I called customer support at Real Deal Poker, it would have taken me 5 years to get a response that in-depth. RDP should hire you to answer the phones and do live chat.
Pretty sure Josem would pass on that.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by McSeafield
No this would be very scrubby. I consider it as follows. Gene is CPA (no marketing guy) and each CPA shoulders some very high professional ethics. He has spent reportedly almost 5 years to develop his system and applied for patent registration. Therefore I am relatively sure that this system is no humbug.

I think the procedure works basically (with some intelligent and appropriate modifications) as follows:

1. Shuffling of cards -> (secure digital video data for possible audits) -> huge variations in the DeckMatrix (each deck in the DeckMatrix System is true random and has a fixed index number, but nobody can know the cards)

2. Dealing of cards according to the fixed index no (nobody can know the hole cards - the button may cut the cards for additional security purposes)

3. GameCheck Sytems certifies that the hand was accurately dealt and played.

The independent auditor made already a due diligence audit and/or knows every details of the hole system and the due diligence audit report. Only on this basis he will be able to reconstruct the hand from the beginning and judge that the hand was dealt and played accurately. If he suspects anything then he can determine nothing and has to repeat the due diligence audit for the hole system again. I think Gene will never risk such a situation and if he did he would be nuttier than a normal cheating pokersite owner and all his patents would be worthless immediately. It seems to me that the current system has some (normal) leaks and they try to fix this now.
Gene is a forer IRS field agent, that conveys the exact oppsite about his ethics to a lot of people. You don't know him, or maybe you do becuase you sure are shilling for him but you shouldn't speak of what you don't know and promote someones personal credibility.

Shuffling of cards - data is constantly gathered from connected clients mouse (and possibly other) inputs, this data along with thermal noise is used to generate a value used to seed to a RNG. This # is stored along with the hand # and there is no need for the ******ed use of digital video, the exact same deal can be pulled up and audited just the same without wasting server space/network bandwith.

Real Deal Poker offers nothing that PS or FT the games can be audited just as well. It is my understanding that FT is constantly reshuffling the remaining deck which I personally do not like but it has nothing to do with rigging. PS generates a random deck and it is static from that point forward for the current game.

I don't have a problem with what RDP is doing, I think they are all a bunch of idiots that are catering to like minded idiots but that doesn't impact me.
I don't like that they hint that there is something inherently wrong with what PS and FT do to generate a random deck because it simply isn't true. In fact having a deck that is created as they do put into a matrix and 'exploding' that deck into multiple unique decks with an algorithm is the way that has a greater potential to be exploited and or tampered with.

And feel free to call me a shill for PS if you feel you must, but not FT because I wouldn't play on that crappy client for 50% rakeback as a prop player, and I think they train their CS reps on how to best use their customers as doormats. That said if the online poker world merged into RDP and FT I'd either quit of go to FT as I believe that their system is more secure/unexplotable.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by siguy6819
Also just to let anyone who wants to know i first saw RDP in my monthly poker mag POKERPLAYER way before their launch and i've been keeping an eye on them ever since. Anything in the mag, say the publishers is reputable.
I just want to be clear I am not questioning their intents credibility/reputability or otherwise.

I just think it is a joke that they are doing what they are doing how they are doing it.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
You know, McSeafield, yet again you have been caught out spewing nonsense that is otherwise ignored because of the volume of dribble that you dispense. You make up a whole series of false claims and nonsensical ideas, and when you actually look at it, it falls apart.

Yet again, you're asking rhetorical questions and getting the wrong answers.
I said it already: I have never seen any RNG System device and how it works.

What I read out from this certification is the following.

- This document was renewed on March 19, 2010. A few weeks ago it was very very old (can't remember how old)
- It was not written by an generally accepted auditor.
- It was written by an leading consultancy which is not approved by the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
- The consultancy was contracted on behalf of PS and the certification has no protective effect in favor of third-party claims.
- A representativ RNG system was tested. It is not stated that this is the same which is used by PS.
- The software was written by PS. I see not certification that PS uses always this software or that the certification matters the other software snippets used by PS.
- The software covers obviously only the use of the RNG and its output. The certification says nothing whether the card distribution is fair for the players and a specific game was dealt and played accurately.
- The sample output was gathered and tested only under controlled conditions at Cigital's labs.
- The certification says nothing which test procedure is accepted by the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission or by any other regulatory body.
- The source code analysis were restricted to a piece of software which was provided by PS.
- The testing does not extend beyond the software and hardware compontents examined.
- The results pertain only to systems composed of the hardware and software that were tested when they are operated in the manner described to Cigital during the evaluation.

I see no special quality characteristic in this certification. Any rigged pokersite could use a similar certifiation. For me this certification says to less because PS has restricted the audit contract. I understand only that PS wants me to believe everything and that I have to prove myself that my hand distribution on PS is true random and no unnormal action flops happen. I will not doubt the credibility of PS. But can't you see my point when I say this cannot be an accepted standard. It is much to less. Under such circumstances I'm not willing to risk money. I whish the US government will introduce better audit standards and certifications.

Btw: Personally I believe u more than this certification says, but this can't be a longterm solution and now good model for other situations or other pokersites.

Last edited by McSeafield; 05-10-2010 at 08:42 PM.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 09:54 PM
This guy is priceless. My new favorite company representative.

We already have

Anybody want to set up

Again, I do not own Real Deal Poker - Real Deal is in a testing phase. Tell me.. Is there anything you like about Real Deal? Why are you here if it makes you so upset? It's simple math really. Let the players decide. (you included) Take it or leave it... Many people will choose Real Deal - all these posts here and on 2+2 only bring more attention to us. Thanks for that by the way.. And for the record. I'm not been on 2+2 posting for years now. It's garbage.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 11:26 PM
I like PS and also FTP because of their wide range of different games and also because of the much higher traffic. However, the cleaner all poker sites the higher the chance that poker can be leagalized. Currently I risk a penalty like a drug dealer if the police snap me as an illegal online poker player and in addition I'm faced with the risk to be cheated. Looks not really logical and like +EV for me. This is the real reason why I like the RD concept and consider it as a hope for improvement.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by fix9
40 years old gotnutz! Man, you really do need to get out a bit more!
I'm trying to understand this post. Are you saying that it would be more acceptable if he was 25 and spending a lot of time in the house on the computer?

Not that making a few posts a day requires much time in the house, it just seems to be what you're driving at.

Originally Posted by LastDyingCreed
I would much rather stick to what i know and use the full tilt and ub like i usually do.
You might want to read some of the recent threads about them. I'd play at Real Deal long before I'd play at UB. Cereusly.

Originally Posted by McSeafield
I didn't know that RD commissioned iTechLabs for testing the Shuffling/DeckMatrix System. I noticed this first when I opened the poker client Saturday. Then I browsed through this list "Our Clients" and ditn't find RDP, but Pitbull Poker and also some other names like T6Poker.
I'm wondering if you even understand yet why Josem has picked out T6 and Pitbull, becuase you haven't acknowledged it in any way. Are you aware they both shut down after screwing their customers?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-10-2010 , 11:33 PM
Yes I know this and I know also quite a number of other cases. Looks like endless for me.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 05:21 AM
Oh Tom O'Dwyer.... how'd I ever miss this gem... but nope, they never said the major sites are rigged. Nope!

I have about 10 real "quality" players and 40 or so "so so" players that have seen and reported the same for years.. (In many cases these action hands were verified by me or people I trust)

So what does all this tell us? Anyone?

I'll keep saying it. I do not think RNGS are random at all.. I'll also ad, I feel the RNG programs only pull the turn and river cards OR, mostly pull from cards "in remainder of the deck" - "that just also happen to be in play in that particular hand" Hmmmm RANDOM? (It's as if they take the blanks out of the deck) (Blanks being - cards that will not improve a players hands) - When it get's that any time a player is playing - and they can call the next card(s) (Over and over and over again) - Man.. oh man.. We have a problem.

A true random event I'd like to see with the RNG sites is a major winning night. but it's never going to happen - It's not in their program. Even a blind squirrel (lol) gets the nut at times... (I could suck and should still be able to have a great night - if all the stars line up right.) Problem is - Online, they always line up for the ones taking my pots (especially when it counts..) The BIG POTS always seem to hit that 2 outter.. Hmmmm (Can anyone say SUCKERS????)

This is why I spent the last 3+ years helping Mr. Gioia. - (All that BS.. All the players that reported the same outcomes - time and time again.)

John. Cmon.. Sadly, you were not playing a real game of poker, you were playing a shell game the whole 8-9 hours. "OMG! 9 hours of you life, GONE! FOREVER!" (I feel for you buddy!) ALL THEY SELL is entertainment - "a rush" a fake game. (All real players know this.. It matters not what they call you) For your deposit and tourney fees they give you RUSH hand after RUSH hand of poker a bonus, you get the best "water cooler talk material" at work for anyone that loves poker... Good talk "for the next few years with **** hands like that hand posted above.." It's a hell of a story John, but online with the rng's it's not a BAD BEAT. Sorry, Bad beats were named BAD BEATS for a reason.. They don't happen all the time.. Rarley actually, (That's why they are so B A AA D) NO NO - It's what I call an expected beat when it happens online. (Especially when it's getting close to the 12K payoff) Log on any day and hour and you will see all hands have multi-way possibilities and all parties in action "hitting something." Insulting really.

In a word BULL****! So..Anyone wonder like I do - where the 12K for first prize went? (Where all the BIG prizes go?) Anyone care to guess how much is out there to steal if you could somehow program the games to deliver the 12k wins (All the huge wins to some special account?) AND lets not forget the games fees.. (yes.. they want it all!) That's pretty good work if you can find it. (It's not fair or honest poker) But it's a great payday that's for sure.

I've been writing about hands like the one you mention here in this post for years now John. - I posted countless images "screen shots"w/suck outs, like in your example here - All of them playing out like your post above. My take, RNG sites are somehow programmed for INTENSE. ACTION. I always say to my pals that care about learning - if you can keep your cool playing a quality game on Full Tilt and not go tilt. Ur going to do well in live games when that one card.. does what it's supposed to do.. "NOT SHOW up on the river" (So - These RNG sites are not a total waste.)

When beat like yours here are expected and cards can be called before they hit the turn and river.. It's not random. Truth is.. I don't know what the hell it is.. but it's nothing close to LIVE poker. It's not even POKER to me. It's a slot machine that will never pay out..

And.. YES. Beats happen live. And yes.. I know more hands per hour and all that crap, I got it all down and I still feel this way... Online, poker, the programming just keeps that money swirling in a circle around the table and into the RAKE drain. Rake is fine.. (I have nothing against a fair rake) As long as your quality hands have a real chance.. at holding up. I'm totally cool with rake. Me and my friends over the years - have not found any of our online poker action, to be even close to true. The math is way off and something weather it's a computer that just can't seem to deal a true random hand, as in it's not possible to program OR.. well.. You take a guess.


5 years to design - Real Deal! Let the players give it a crack and let the players decide.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Oh Tom O'Dwyer.... how'd I ever miss this gem... but nope, they never said the major sites are rigged. Nope!
What I love about this guy's posts is the way he refers to his boss as 'Mr. Gioia.'

It creates an image a big fat 'minder', wearing dark sunglasses indoors, guarding the door to his mafia boss's office.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 05:55 AM
That guy is a moran.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by IcyFlops
I just want to be clear I am not questioning their intents credibility/reputability or otherwise.

I just think it is a joke that they are doing what they are doing how they are doing it.
The statement was just to show where i was coming from, that i'm not a shill, rigtard, just a winning pokerplayer looking to try what i thought was something closer to B&M poker online.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 07:19 AM
The more Tom Dywer post articles about his online play, the more he shows what a loser he is, not in life, but in the strategy of online poker. He is one of those players that cant see the difference between online play and live. He plays the same style live as he would on the internet, even though you find more maniacs and LAGS online.

Taking aside my Real Deal Poker satire and jokes, I would really like to hear Tom Dywer live poker strategy and his past online poker strategy. Something tells me he is that type of person to use the same game plan against 5 TAG players in a 10/20 NL game in Vegas as he would against 5 LAG in a 10/20 NL game in LA or Romania.

Edit: He also demonstrating first hand people problems with Real Deal Poker. It not so much the site and their past blunders, as it is their affiliates and their unfounded theories.

Last edited by Fear My All-In; 05-11-2010 at 07:27 AM. Reason: No Satire Intended
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by siguy6819
The statement was just to show where i was coming from, that i'm not a shill, rigtard, just a winning pokerplayer looking to try what i thought was something closer to B&M poker online.
But in what significant way is it closer to B&M?

This is what may give people the impression that you are a rigtard or a shill.

You have a site that presents you with a set of cards on the screen. Whether those cards are the result of a random deal - not matter how it's generated - is something you have to take on trust.

It's the same for RD as for any other site.

So, how is it significantly different to B&M?
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by siguy6819
The statement was just to show where i was coming from, that i'm not a shill, rigtard, just a winning pokerplayer looking to try what i thought was something closer to B&M poker online.
You will never, and I do mean NEVER, get that experience. The player pool, players objectives, and style of play is to different online compared to live. This has nothing to do with cards being dealt, but is a people thing. Not to mention the blind levels and the time between blind increases promote looser play. In short each game involves to types of gameplans. Real Deal Poker can create a new system of shuffling and dealing but they cant change LAG players stragety in online poker.

Last edited by Fear My All-In; 05-11-2010 at 07:39 AM. Reason: No Satire Intended
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 08:31 AM
That Tom guy running the RDP forum just makes them look like a joke. He's a PR disaster. Blatantly saying that all other online sites are rigged and cheat their players is not the way to build a competitive business. Promoting whatever benefits they think they are providing is one thing, but for the main promoter of the company to be a flaming rigtard, and an irrational and ignorant one at that, is a big, big mistake.

It might be different if he questioned things rationally and intelligently and put forth some evidence-based debate. Then he could say, "look how we remove those doubts by our audited deal" and explain how that actually works. But instead he has to post the most ignorant nonsense I've seen, even compared to our latest crop of tards in the giant rigged thread here. The quotes above on this page, and on his blog, make some of those guys look smart.

Last edited by spadebidder; 05-11-2010 at 08:52 AM.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Oh Tom O'Dwyer.... how'd I ever miss this gem... but nope, they never said the major sites are rigged. Nope!
The fact that they let a clown like this guy rep them is all you really need to know about Real Deal. WTF are they thinking allowing somebody to run around their forums making statements like this. The way he talks it sounds like they worked on perfecting these machines for five years because they somehow convinced themselves that it is impossible for computers to generate anything in a random manner. That's so loltastically ****ing dumb that I'm amazed that somebody who holds that belief is capable of building a shuffling machine.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 08:44 AM
Have to say I think what has been said and inferring the sites are rigged is the right way to go, as they aren't aiming for the internet kids market. They are aiming for the live players who want something closer to a live game, or the ones who have left online poker, because they don't consider the odds play out. Therefore what has been said about online is more likely to appeal to that market.

It may not go down well with the regulars here, but that doesn't matter much, as it is how it all appears to the observers who read this forum. They will weigh up what has been said on both sides, and the way it has been said.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
Have to say I think what has been said and inferring the sites are rigged is the right way to go, as they aren't aiming for the internet kids market.
That's exactly who they're aiming at.

Dopey kids (whether qualifying as kids by chronological or mental age) who won't take responsibility for their own poor poker skill and somehow expect a site like this to magically turn them into the poker gods they obviously believe they are.

It'll all end in tears.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
Have to say I think what has been said and inferring the sites are rigged is the right way to go, as they aren't aiming for the internet kids market. They are aiming for the live players who want something closer to a live game, or the ones who have left online poker, because they don't consider the odds play out. Therefore what has been said about online is more likely to appeal to that market.
Perhaps to get people to try it, but once players discover that the game isn't different then they have no reason to stay on a site with limited traffic and a questionable dealing method that hasn't yet been disclosed. And those who do try it expecting something different, are going to have a preconceived notion that biases their observation and makes the normal bad beats and bad luck look that much worse. Since none of the tracking programs work there, nobody can compile unbiased stats over time (which will show normal variance assuming their "matrix" is actually done randomly and unpredictably).
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 09:00 AM
Is RealDeal hiring any RealDealers? I have 12 years experience dealing cards. I can pick up most games pretty easy.

[Drug testing is against my religious practices]
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 09:04 AM
I agree with Spacebidder. Selective memory can do strange things. It's why I always believe players should take stats about how the odds play out. My favourite is the dominating hands heads up all in or the big ace v pair heads up all in. I have always recommended that for seeing how the odds play out online, and there is no reason that Real Deal should be any different. There are lots of other stats you can take, but that is just an example.

I think RD should be compared to others by seeing how the odds play for you personally. As always, it isn't about proving it to anyone else. What they think is relatively unimportant. It's all about proving to yourself or satisfying yourself about the site you are playing on. Other opinions can be considered, but at the end of the day it's your money, so you have to be confident that the site is an honest one.

Anyone who is happy with online of course doesn't need to do this. It's just the ones who have doubts about the way odds play out online. It is more likely that RD will have those sort of players, so comparing odds and stats between RD and other sites would be a good way to see what is happening.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
"The bottom line is they figured out they couldn't create enough decks by machine (duh). So they use some bizarre algorithm to create more virtual decks..... by computer!!! On a site built on the promise of dealing a real deck."

This serves as excellent cliff notes for the entire thread, IMO.

Lock it down, mods, lock it down.
That is Real Deal Poker in a nut shell. QFT rakemeplz. QFT
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 09:51 AM
this whole thing is a huge waste of money and time. so dumb. lol at working at this for 5yrs+
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
05-11-2010 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Wiki
But in what significant way is it closer to B&M?

This is what may give people the impression that you are a rigtard or a shill.

You have a site that presents you with a set of cards on the screen. Whether those cards are the result of a random deal - not matter how it's generated - is something you have to take on trust.

It's the same for RD as for any other site.

So, how is it significantly different to B&M?
eRR! The use of real cards even though i thought surely not in real time, was the original reason + a cut function and burn cards etc... , but obviously not as slow as the real B&M game which you seem to suggest it has to be.
Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011] Quote
