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02-27-2011 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by HumanChamp
Someone is being pretty much emo cough ih8money cough.
Don't worry I've got pills, liquid and somethin your location has all over the place which fixes this but the mood swings are fun
02-27-2011 , 11:51 AM
Thanks Stars !

Sure many PLO players will appreciate the changes. At least I do
02-27-2011 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by ih8money
from when you played 20 bb PLO- how hard did you have to think? how many tabls did you play? how many vpp's per hour? compared to playing 30+ bb. I'm betting your having to think a lot more, play a lot less than half the tables than before which = half the vpp pr hour than before... so whatever. thatsmy point
That's a trend that needs and thankfully IS being addressed. Games that allow people to play 100 tables and not think are riddled with problems. I'm LOVING all the changes Stars has made recently:
  • 50bb max NLHE removed ... +1
  • DON's removed ... +1
  • PLO CAP and 20bb min removed ... +1
  • Rathole timer extended to 2 hours ... +1
02-27-2011 , 12:53 PM
Awesome! Now just give a reload bonus to bring ppl back to PS
02-27-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Phatty
That's a trend that needs and thankfully IS being addressed. Games that allow people to play 100 tables and not think are riddled with problems. I'm LOVING all the changes Stars has made recently:
  • 50bb max NLHE removed ... +1
  • DON's removed ... +1
  • PLO CAP and 20bb min removed ... +1
  • Rathole timer extended to 2 hours ... +1

Everyone can get to the point where the plays are automatic, for ANY type of game- but that takes time- time away from the tables!!! - to prepare for the more situations. I didn't plan on having to so spend so much time on that this year.

Its funny if full stack holdem playerrs thought the ss'rs were going to start giving out 40+ bb stacks- with no 20-50 games - most are soo nitty with 20 bb's lol

Just tested out the 20 bb PLO games during their final days- played .98 hours 736 hands earned 1034 vpp!!! Thats accounting for getting set up/waiting lists. +$350ev but lost $142 /standard

So yeah Im pissed about any changes to these games-

Oh yeah 2/4 cap plo 1.36 vpp per hand over 489hands lol

but Ill be spedning 30-40-50+ hours away from the tables having to prepare for 30+bb situations- all because of what???? bunch of crybabies who couldnt adjust to the situation that had been in placed for years.
02-27-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Phatty
That's a trend that needs and thankfully IS being addressed. Games that allow people to play 100 tables and not think are riddled with problems. I'm LOVING all the changes Stars has made recently:
  • 50bb max NLHE removed ... +1
  • DON's removed ... +1
  • PLO CAP and 20bb min removed ... +1
  • Rathole timer extended to 2 hours ... +1
Agreed. The game changes have been great. Glad to see that all the angle shooters are finally being forced to learn how to play.
02-27-2011 , 02:04 PM
I still can't believe pokerstars made this decision by posting 1 thread in Small Stakes PLO. The responses from the first 40 regs: "cap is silly", "terrible", "unbeatable", "for degens", "not real poker", "cap is dumb", "i don't like cap".

Wow, what genius statements from the regs/readers of small stakes PLO on 2+2 said to convince pokerstars to drop the cap tables. That's all it takes pokerstars? A group of fullstacking regs to say they don't like a game for you to drop it? They give no logical reasons other than they don't like it, and find it silly? That's good enough for you pokerstars?


If you are a cap player and want to be able to play 20bb cap plo, please send me a PM. I'd like to organize enough players who do want to play to convince stars to bring the cap games back.

02-27-2011 , 02:42 PM

so awesome to see all the ratholing scumbags pissed... don't even play lolmaha but changes are awesome!

thank u so much stars

02-27-2011 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
I still can't believe pokerstars made this decision by posting 1 thread in Small Stakes PLO. The responses from the first 40 regs: "cap is silly", "terrible", "unbeatable", "for degens", "not real poker", "cap is dumb", "i don't like cap".

Wow, what genius statements from the regs/readers of small stakes PLO on 2+2 said to convince pokerstars to drop the cap tables. That's all it takes pokerstars? A group of fullstacking regs to say they don't like a game for you to drop it? They give no logical reasons other than they don't like it, and find it silly? That's good enough for you pokerstars?


If you are a cap player and want to be able to play 20bb cap plo, please send me a PM. I'd like to organize enough players who do want to play to convince stars to bring the cap games back.

Do you think a bunch of nits playing .25/.50 Cap 20BB PLO is the best way for stars to max profits?
02-27-2011 , 02:56 PM
20 BB cap is really silly
02-27-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by SparkMan
Do you think a bunch of nits playing .25/.50 Cap 20BB PLO is the best way for stars to max profits?
I was earning .35vpp/hand at the .25/.50 plo cap games and 1.55vpp/hand at the 2/4 cap games. I'm not sure exactly how that compares to the other plo games, but I believe stars earns more.

Oh and the cap tables vpip has been much higher than normal tables.

Last edited by NuklearWinter; 02-27-2011 at 03:22 PM.
02-27-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone

so awesome to see all the ratholing scumbags pissed... don't even play lolmaha but changes are awesome!

thank u so much stars
See, now I'm just going to shortstack the 30bb-100bb games and piss off the fullstackers.

If I had the option to play 20bb poker all day I would. But now I'm just going to have to ruin the 30bb games and piss off fullstackers. I don't want to do that, but now I'm forced to.

It's not about ratholing, it's just about playing a different game - 20bb poker. When you play a cap table, you know what to expect. Everyone is on the same level playing field - 20bb stacks. When you play 20-50bb or 30-100bb you have to deal with the "scumbags" as you put it. Leave open the cap tables and you don't even have to play with shortstackers.
02-27-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone

so awesome to see all the ratholing scumbags pissed... don't even play lolmaha but changes are awesome!

thank u so much stars
You know that people who want to play CAP can't be ratholers by definition dont you?

Its good that your day got better (I like it when people are happy) but still I find it strange to be happy about people beeing sad when not having an advantage out of it since you even dont play PLO.

Anyway enjoy your good feelings and life...
02-27-2011 , 04:35 PM
I've chatted with two pokerstars team pros, and both were upset about the removal of cap tables.

PokerStars Game #58384372182: Omaha Pot Limit ($2/$4 - $80 Cap - USD) - 2011/02/27
Tom McEvoy said, "I love the CAP games"
Tom McEvoy said, "everybody that likes the CAP games should email support and tell them"

Seems like pokerstars made this decision a bit hastily and perhaps they could reconsider this aspect of the changes. Many players are going to be upset about the removal of plo cap.
02-27-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
I've chatted with two pokerstars team pros, and both were upset about the removal of cap tables.

PokerStars Game #58384372182: Omaha Pot Limit ($2/$4 - $80 Cap - USD) - 2011/02/27
Tom McEvoy said, "I love the CAP games"
Tom McEvoy said, "everybody that likes the CAP games should email support and tell them"

Seems like pokerstars made this decision a bit hastily and perhaps they could reconsider this aspect of the changes. Many players are going to be upset about the removal of plo cap.
I still cant see why having CAP tables on some levels (like 0,25/0,5, 2/4 and maybe 10/20) would do harm to the other games. After the removal of 20-50 tables there should be plenty of action on the 30-100 tables.

I think it's good for everybody having shortstacker playing CAP instead of ratholing the 30-100 tables. Shortstacker get more hands, dont have to change tables, and fullstacker have less people playing short on the 30-100 tables making it a better playing experience.

Only valid argument against that is the splitting of pkayer pools but I can't see that some CAP tables are that big of a problem after combining the 20-50 and 40-100 player pool.
02-27-2011 , 05:06 PM
meh cap may make sense to OMaha hi players, but makes ZERO sense for Omaha 8 players
i really hope stars doesn't group both omahas together
02-27-2011 , 06:17 PM
Great job PokerStars!
02-27-2011 , 06:41 PM
Like the changes, thanks Steve.
02-27-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gerrit2002
I still cant see why having CAP tables on some levels (like 0,25/0,5, 2/4 and maybe 10/20) would do harm to the other games. After the removal of 20-50 tables there should be plenty of action on the 30-100 tables.

I think it's good for everybody having shortstacker playing CAP instead of ratholing the 30-100 tables. Shortstacker get more hands, dont have to change tables, and fullstacker have less people playing short on the 30-100 tables making it a better playing experience.

Only valid argument against that is the splitting of pkayer pools but I can't see that some CAP tables are that big of a problem after combining the 20-50 and 40-100 player pool.
I completely agree Gerrit. Both stars pros I talked to said they would email stars about the situation. It's good to have some people on our side. All I hear from the other side is the same tired "die shortstacking scum" type rhetoric.
02-27-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
I completely agree Gerrit. Both stars pros I talked to said they would email stars about the situation. It's good to have some people on our side. All I hear from the other side is the same tired "die shortstacking scum" type rhetoric.
Thats not completly true. Most PLO players are quite friendly and constructive. Much of the hating here comes from people who even dont play PLO. So bottom line ist imo that nearlly all PLO players can talk and discuss on a solid basis without the back and forth hating.

I even think that most of the fullstackers would be fine with having some CAP tables or at least would be ok with it. Maybe they are more happy without but I dont think any of them would stop playing or anything especially with games getting better now after 20-50 tables are removed.

On the other hand without the CAP tables maybe most of the PLO players will be a little more pleased but former shortstackers will be really unhappy with it and maybe some will consider stop playing or moving to othe pokersites. At least some will play less tables/hands so they will produce less rake for sure.

So no CAP: Most PLO player 100% happy but some stop playing / playing less

With CAP on some level: Most PLO player 95% happy and still playing and others 100% happy and still playing

Looks like a gimmie to me from Stars perspective but somehow I miss something in their decision making...
02-27-2011 , 08:43 PM
Damn on one hand I love playing cap 2/4 plo. I really wish I could always play it and am angry I won't be able to again.

On the other hand, I'm a huge PLO fish and I lose alot of money while playing it. I guess I should be happy that this vice won't be offered to me any longer.

02-27-2011 , 10:00 PM
ty ty
02-28-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by ih8money

Bottomline- i enjoyed that game- even if it is "unbeatable" because of the rake. This isn just a change its a complete removal of 20 BB PLO so you guys go play your "manly" 30+ bb poker where you use 10 seconds to think every single hand. I'd rather be allin and move on to the next table
do u just want stars to get all the money? this is the first time they have sacrificed their short term profit margin for the long term prospects of poker. it will dry up at some point no matter what, but if 20bb cap is running it is like a black hole and all the money flows out of our pockets and over to the isle of man
02-28-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gerrit2002
I still cant see why having CAP tables on some levels (like 0,25/0,5, 2/4 and maybe 10/20) would do harm to the other games. After the removal of 20-50 tables there should be plenty of action on the 30-100 tables.

I think it's good for everybody having shortstacker playing CAP instead of ratholing the 30-100 tables. Shortstacker get more hands, dont have to change tables, and fullstacker have less people playing short on the 30-100 tables making it a better playing experience.

Only valid argument against that is the splitting of pkayer pools but I can't see that some CAP tables are that big of a problem after combining the 20-50 and 40-100 player pool.
do you really not see why cap is so bad? a game that is pretty much "unbeatable" cause equities are so close coupled with high rake. you push money back and forth while stars profits. there are no winners other than stars and a few mass table sne rakeback guys. game over poker.
02-28-2011 , 03:14 PM
I love the phrase "pretty much unbeatable". That really convinces me you know what you are talking about. Please expand more on how this math game is "pretty much unbeatable". Please, I'd love to know more about how it's "pretty much unbeatable".

Remember, we're talking about poker. Poker is math. Not everyone plays correctly. Some players even play too many hands. Crazy right? But somehow that translates into "pretty much unbeatable" for you. Ok thanks for your opinion pkrtxs. I'm going to have to go ahead and sorta disagree with you there.
