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02-26-2011 , 03:05 AM
I think it is time to redo the software interface now. All of the buttons seem to have a bit of lag and alway have. This would also increase the number of hands dealt each hour. If this issue is addressed Stars would definitely be my site of choice.
02-26-2011 , 03:24 AM
very nice, thank you Steve.
02-26-2011 , 04:07 AM
02-26-2011 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by checkmate36
Maybe consider lowering the rake on the LHE games?
good god yes please
02-26-2011 , 04:17 AM
As someone who got SNE last year primarily shortstacking and ratholing PLO.. I approve of these changes.

Ty Stars.


Learn to play deeper. It's not that different playing a 30bb stack as it is playing a 20bb stack, I'm sure you'll be fine. Also, If you had SNE plans you should have known these changes have been on the cards for months. GL though -- will see you at the tables
02-26-2011 , 04:17 AM
reload bonus please
02-26-2011 , 04:25 AM
Time for reload bonus imho...
02-26-2011 , 04:27 AM
I'm glad to see Stars catering to the wants of the players so much. This type of service has never been available at FTP.

As to the changes, I'm kind of split. I wish a few levels of CAP would have been left open. Even though shallow PLO games seem strange, there is a real element of game theory in them that is a lot of fun. There is also money to be made in them, as there are multiple regs in the 400PLO Cap pool (5k+ hands/day) that make very fundamental mistakes.
02-26-2011 , 04:33 AM
Pretty sure every reg in the entire 2/4 CAP PLO pool sucked.

They either played too many tables and made mistakes because of that or just made ridiculously huge fundamental blunders and had put very little thought/math into their plays. It was ridiculous, really. Whenever I played a session I saw 100 mistakes an hour by even the supposed "best" of the regs.

I think having CAP games at a few stakes would be a +EV decision for everyone. I suggest a 40 or 50bb cap at 1/2, 5/10 and 25/50.
02-26-2011 , 05:37 AM
Thanks Steve.
02-26-2011 , 06:20 AM
i enjoyed the 20bb cap at 2/4, maybe shoulda kjust kept the cap at that level
02-26-2011 , 06:44 AM
woot woot woot
Can't wait to see all the cap and 50bb players on my tables !!!!
02-26-2011 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by MaxRaises
WTF is this? This is horrible. I have been playing 20bb and CAP PLO all year while chasing SNE. How could you cut this huge player base off?

It's simple: Make CAP PLO at all levels!
Sir, please estimate the number of SNE PLO grinders give or take 100.

Very unlikely it's close to being h00ge.

Thanks Stars, merging the player pool is great and increasing rat-hole timer is so logical.
02-26-2011 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Roy

Learn to play deeper. It's not that different playing a 30bb stack as it is playing a 20bb stack, I'm sure you'll be fine. Also, If you had SNE plans you should have known these changes have been on the cards for months. GL though -- will see you at the tables
All changes up to this point in structures (beside removal of DONs) were made this way, that it DIDN´T take away buy in options for players. So Stars did a good job to let all players play the game they want.

Cutting off PLO 20bb poker is the only change that is not letting all players have the option to play the game they want any more, so yeah I didnt expect that. My fault I guess.

I honestly dont know if I will go play 100-250bb PLO again or take the 30bb route. Also I have no idea at this point if I will still go for SNE or not. Maybe I will leave Stars after 7 years and try a new room, who knows?

Still sucks to put in a lot of work into 20bb CAP strategy the last 5 months and having to adjust now while grinding it out for SNE. Also sucks that I will not get back my 16k in the longrun on the CAP tables that I ran below EV

Even with the fact that I prefer some fish at the tables I will also looking forward to play some more hands with you Roy
02-26-2011 , 07:58 AM
now change to contributed rakeback and Stars will be a great site again
02-26-2011 , 09:41 AM
reload bonus plzzz
02-26-2011 , 10:12 AM
OMG thank you!

finally all my emails pleading for change have been answered!

(primarily plo8 player)
02-26-2011 , 10:28 AM
Is the 2 hour Rathole time only exclusive to PLO or all games on the site?
02-26-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gerrit2002
[x] Playing CAP PLO tables for close to 5 month now
[x] Making plans for the year, including SNE
[x] Playing acording to plans for 2 month into the year now

[ ] Having the option to play 20bb PLO in the future at Stars

Thx Stars! 20bb Poker was part of Stars for ages and is still in NL Holdem. Bigger differences in Buy In amounts is even not that big of a deal in PLO than in other forms of Poker. So yeah, great decision to screw a specific player type / pool and not offering 20bb PLO anymore...

I guess NL Holdem shortstackers are welcomed customers and even good players for getting online pros, PLO shortstackers are somehow not welcomed at Stars anymore. Seeing the numbers of 2/4 CAP PLO tables running the number of people wanting to play that kind of game can´t be that small but PLO players are not treated well anyway so why should Stars care about that...
Originally Posted by MaxRaises
WTF is this? This is horrible. I have been playing 20bb and CAP PLO all year while chasing SNE. How could you cut this huge player base off?

It's simple: Make CAP PLO at all levels!
Originally Posted by Gerrit2002
All changes up to this point in structures (beside removal of DONs) were made this way, that it DIDN´T take away buy in options for players. So Stars did a good job to let all players play the game they want.

Cutting off PLO 20bb poker is the only change that is not letting all players have the option to play the game they want any more, so yeah I didnt expect that. My fault I guess.

I honestly dont know if I will go play 100-250bb PLO again or take the 30bb route. Also I have no idea at this point if I will still go for SNE or not. Maybe I will leave Stars after 7 years and try a new room, who knows?

Still sucks to put in a lot of work into 20bb CAP strategy the last 5 months and having to adjust now while grinding it out for SNE. Also sucks that I will not get back my 16k in the longrun on the CAP tables that I ran below EV

Even with the fact that I prefer some fish at the tables I will also looking forward to play some more hands with you Roy

02-26-2011 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by CPT OBVIOUS
Is the 2 hour Rathole time only exclusive to PLO or all games on the site?
My interpretation was that it is for all NL and PL Hold’em and Omaha games.
02-26-2011 , 10:57 AM
how am i gonna shortstack with the increased timer and no cap tables?
02-26-2011 , 12:27 PM
WP Stars, bravo!
02-26-2011 , 01:02 PM
Nice changes, time for a reload bonus now.

02-26-2011 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by ohlawds
how am i gonna shortstack with the increased timer and no cap tables?
You can shortstack fine with 30bb's ... if you mean "rathole", you can't.
02-26-2011 , 01:34 PM
