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FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW!

04-13-2011 , 05:08 PM
[QUOTE=The Palimax;26014841]
PMI was, obviously, scamming us. They lied about the status of your refund when you called, "Oh, we processed it yesterday..." and they billed us THREE TIMES for what was supposed to be on erroneous duplicate charge miss-sent to the wrong processor. ...but they were hard to get to on the telephone because it's likely just one person sitting in an office somewhere answering the phone from time to time because that's what her bosses told her to do for $8 an hour. [Did we all speak to the same professional sounding accent-neutral lady?]

When they say that they processed it yesterday, why not ask for proof that they actually did so?

Or would this be all for nothing, because they could just fake some authorization/paperwork and send that to you if you threw a big enough ****storm?
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:13 PM
I tried counting to ten, but it didn't help.

I have been a proponent of FT for years, but the latest update is so fallable it leaves me questioning my judgement. I harbor no ill will towards Sean or Doug in this matter. It's clear to me that they have a job to do, and they must toe the company line.

As a player, I am the smallest of plankton that feed the fish. The sharks who feed on the fish need people like me to keep depositing and playing. As inconsequential as my total rake would seem, it roughly equates to the weekly salary of a top-level customer service employee. If I and fifty-one others like me stop playing, then FT will have to find another way to fund that person's yearly payroll, or do without their expertise.

I get no comfort in their assurances. Whether by glitch or design, it's abundantly clear that the banking information given to FT has not been kept secure. Because of that, it's prudent for me to sever all ties between my bank and FT. It will be a hassle to reset all my automatic banking, but well worth it considering how weak FT's response is up to now.

I'll keep a close eye on this as it develops. I'm hoping against all hope for full disclosure and resolution.

In the meantime...
This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

Your Player ID: Clamper13
Date and Time: 2011-04-13 17:10:09
Transfer Number: 081C639D
Payment Method: Check
Amount: $125.00 (USD)


Your withdrawal has been approved.

Last edited by Clamper13; 04-13-2011 at 05:19 PM.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
Another meaningless set of platitudes from FTP which says basically:

1) Not our fault (obv. not true)
2) Customer information is secure (obv. not true)
3) The charges were done in error (obv. not true)
4) Everyone affected was automatically refunded (obv. not true)
5) None of our customers bank accounts were ever compromised
(laughably not true)
6) You are safe from this happening again (Oh really, prove it.)

This, I am unaffected by PMI but I sure as hell dont trust FTP with payment information after reading this thread and their responses
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by ih8pocketas
Mine does NOT match, they charged me two $38 transactions, a number that i have never deposited on full tilt. My bank account is still open and they have not charged me again, the 2 unauthorized charged i incurred was in february
PLEASE EMAIL FULL TILT. Copy Dougs response in your email, and write to them asking for an explaination about why you received 2 $38 dollar charges even though you do not have a coresponding amount taken in July. Say that Doug and the "FT Legal Department" claim that these transactions match deposits made in july. Mine do not. Can you account for this...


FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:24 PM
When they say that they processed it yesterday, why not ask for proof that they actually did so?
When I called a few things were on my mind:
  • Hory Sheet! I'm going to get my $600 back.
  • The person I was talking to was clearly a low-level CSR and clearly on a script. I've talked to enough of them to know.
  • Others reported trying to ask other questions and getting stonewalled.
I could have done better. I could have recorded the call, but if they're in California, it's a two-party state, and I'd be breaking the law. I could have asked more questions, but see my first point above. I had called them a dozen times, left multiple messages, I was pretty excited to get through to them.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by omaha8shaun
so because he said the glitch happened to those who deposited in July and it does match deposits you made in July you believe him?

Im not saying Sean is lying but there is another scenerio you might not be thinking of. Perhaps FTP looked at their records and saw that they were using "PMI" as a payment processor only in July. That would make it easy for them to then claim that the error occurred to those who deposited in July.
We need to get as much information as possible. I am taking any information they supply and fact checking. It is a good practice and you should try it sometime. This way we can start to determine if they are being credible, or not, and thus whether or not we can start trusting them...

Rather than attack me, you should think of ways to be constructive.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
So a mistake was made by someone and now it's cleared up. Shuffle up and deal.
How does it feel to be the most useless poster in the whole forum? Even more useless than spaceghost.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by tellindatruth
How does it feel to be the most useless poster in the whole forum? Even more useless than spaceghost.
BBV is that'a'way, son.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Make a decision. It is either to stressful and complicated for you to continue playing because you can't handle deposit and cash out mishaps, or you are willing to fight through the hassle and continue to play a game you enjoy because you are a free man and don't want politicians telling you how to live your life or what to do with your money.
There's an element of truth here, and I'm sure there's not a single US 2p2er who doesn't want politicians to get out of out wallets and stop trying to be our mommy. We should all be regularly on our reps tails to fix this. There are other threads and forums for that, so I won't say more. Certainly I want more US friendly sites as well, not fewer.

So yeah, some hassle is ok. Delays in getting withdrawals? I'm willing to deal. Cumbersome deposits? I'm willing to deal. Third parties making unauthorized withdrawals from player accounts? I'm sorry, I love poker and FT has been my favorite site for years, but I don't love doing business with ANY company in ANY industry enough for that.

One thing that would be nice is being able to block all electronic transfers without prior authorization. It's pretty insane that anybody with your bank info can siphon money out. I'm frankly amazed this doesn't happen more.

FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by poker viceroy
We need to get as much information as possible. I am taking any information they supply and fact checking. It is a good practice and you should try it sometime. This way we can start to determine if they are being credible, or not, and thus whether or not we can start trusting them...

Rather than attack me, you should think of ways to be constructive.
I dont think i attacked you....i asked you a question.

I thought perhaps you hadnt thought of that scenerio and i would point it ut to you.

Are you always so defensive? Show me in my post where i attacked

You dont know what attacking
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
When I called a few things were on my mind:
  • Hory Sheet! I'm going to get my $600 back.
  • The person I was talking to was clearly a low-level CSR and clearly on a script. I've talked to enough of them to know.
  • Others reported trying to ask other questions and getting stonewalled.
I could have done better. I could have recorded the call, but if they're in California, it's a two-party state, and I'd be breaking the law. I could have asked more questions, but see my first point above. I had called them a dozen times, left multiple messages, I was pretty excited to get through to them.
Totally understandable not to rock the boat while you're getting your "hory sheet" $600 back.

That's probably their reasoning with only picking up after you call 10+ times. You're much more likely not to give them a third degree with questions/threats and just acquiesce to receiving your money back b/c of their "mistake".
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by tellindatruth
How does it feel to be the most useless poster in the whole forum? Even more useless than spaceghost.
Go find a bridge to live under and leave the forums to adult humans.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:15 PM
Guys, guys, guys, don't feed the trolls. Ignore their remarks, hell report them if you feel so inclined. Let's keep this on topic.

Hopefully others are PM-ing FTP Doug and Sean expressing our complete dissatisfaction with their companies response, and request for a new one.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:27 PM
i owe them a small amount of money from uncleared deposits, around 150$. I'm going to close my bank account to insure this doesnt happens to me and simply email them telling them my actions and that I would be happy to pay them by any reasonable means they have avalible. I thinks that the action that I need to take to ensure my money is safe and still honor my debt
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by johnw
i owe them a small amount of money from uncleared deposits, around 150$. I'm going to close my bank account to insure this doesnt happens to me and simply email them telling them my actions and that I would be happy to pay them by any reasonable means they have avalible. I thinks that the action that I need to take to ensure my money is safe and still honor my debt
+1, an honest poker player who pays what he owes AND protects himself at the same time, good for you.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Clamper13

Sean, I suggest sending a mass email to all your customers telling them to examine their bank statements and contact both FTP and PMI if any of these charges are shown.

You will taking a huge hit in your already thin customer service department, but it's the right thing to do.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:57 PM
Just wondering how many of you upset people who got charged mistakenly have quit FTP this month? Are you mad enough to sacrifice the upcoming IM mid year bonus?
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Just wondering how many of you upset people who got charged mistakenly have quit FTP this month? Are you mad enough to sacrifice the upcoming IM mid year bonus?
I DIDN'T get charged by PMI in this and I personally quit FT, requested (not received yet) a full withdrawal and am keeping all of my play at PS now (top notch CS and they handled the 'processor delay' issue properly by debiting poker accounts for the transactions and allowing players to re-deposit if necessary). Nope, FT will NEVER see another dime of my play. I'm sure that has them scared since I'm a little tiny fishy but I vote with my wallet.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Just wondering how many of you upset people who got charged mistakenly have quit FTP this month? Are you mad enough to sacrifice the upcoming IM mid year bonus?
Mean you jackass. Just leave this is a serious problem.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 07:44 PM
What I don't understand is how any bank could be giving people a hard time about reversing these. Anyone who sees the face of one of your checks has all the information they would need to make an unauthorized ACH transfer. Getting away with it is a different story, but at least there should be a way to reverse these, and without your bank having to eat it.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:05 PM
One big question unasked is where did the money go?

Presumably the company DBA "PMI" is a payment processing company. They take money from account (a) and put it in account (b) in exchange for taking a percentage of it.

To what account did the money go to? Did PMI keep it, or did the forward it along. If they were processing FTP transactions accidentally, did my $600 go on vacation over at FTP and did PMI just take their cut? If they were just completely rogue, did they keep them?

Inquiring minds...
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by TimM
What I don't understand is how any bank could be giving people a hard time about reversing these. Anyone who sees the face of one of your checks has all the information they would need to make an unauthorized ACH transfer. Getting away with it is a different story, but at least there should be a way to reverse these, and without your bank having to eat it.
Although one should be able to file a dispute in 60 days, some banks are better about reversing these transactions than others.

My bank, for example, was very difficult to dispute these with.
Others, however, had great success.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:11 PM
I'm assuming the money is at FTP covering the deposits that have not been taken out yet.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Just wondering how many of you upset people who got charged mistakenly have quit FTP this month? Are you mad enough to sacrifice the upcoming IM mid year bonus?
I personally will keep playing on FTP with money I have avalible on there, but I will never deposit another dime.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:26 PM
I imagine that should FTP provide a sufficient explanation of who, exactly, PMI was and how they're going to make sure this doesn't happen again (and, again, I get that anyone who ever got a check from you has your acct/rout), and the details of this story don't detail gross negligence by FTP -- then I assume that I'll continue to play there.

I get that they can't jeopardize ongoing legal action.
I get that they can't burn existing processors.
I know this might take time.

...but we need a little better from them.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
