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FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW!

04-13-2011 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
Y'know, not to get into the tinfoil hat realm here but an earlier post got me to thinking...

Suppose FT lost a lot of transaction information in the processor seizures so that they now have no idea of which deposits were processed by the processor that was closed down and that money was then confiscated by the govt., now FT is stuck for that money so they decide that they HAVE to get the money that is owed to them but they simply don't know what was already debited from customers banks and what wasn't. In order to get the monies owed FT reconstructs to the best of their ability a list of possible deposits that might not have been processed and seized but they worry that they might accidentally charge someone twice for a cleared deposit... what to do? Well they decide to contract with a 3rd party to go ahead and process/reprocess those suspect transactions so that they can say later, sorry, not our fault and order the processor to IMMEDIATELY return any double debits which are caught by customers. What they DIDN'T count on was someone like Palimax who is conscientious about other people getting hurt and he breaks the story.

I'm not saying that this is what happened but I DO think something like this might be possible, it would explain a lot (the deafening silence from FT mostly). IMO it IS a plausible scenario. If it turns out that something like this IS what happened it's almost worse than a straight up security breach or rogue payment processor.

Speculation about things like this wouldn't be necessary if FT would just release what they know and keep us updated regularly.
Listening to this thread is like being a fly on the wall of an asylum for paranoid schizophrenics where the inmates haven't taken their meds for a couple weeks.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Grunch
Listening to this thread is like being a fly on the wall of an asylum for paranoid schizophrenics where the inmates haven't taken their meds for a couple weeks.
paging nurse ratchet
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Grunch
Listening to this thread is like being a fly on the wall of an asylum for paranoid schizophrenics where the inmates haven't taken their meds for a couple weeks.
Yeah, cause we all KNOW that a major ipoker site wouldn't do anything shady (*cough* UB *cough*). Maybe you can get us a response on this with your 14k posts, does that make a difference to FT's reps (Oh right, they seem to be MIA).

Edit: Your previous posts prove to be interesting reading too, here's one of them:

OP, please post the 5 hands. Let us know how well FTP is doing their jobs.

I'm one of the old jaded ones who always assume the OP is guilty when a thread like this pops up. It comes from experience. They always are guilty. But you were different in that you were more respectful and I believe you really did just make a mistake. I've been playing on FTP since they opened, never transfer, never let anyone play on my PC and always try to win. And I'm not what you'd call a newbie 2p2 poster.

Although I always believe the OP is guilty until proved innocent if it comes far enough to create a new account and post about it on 2p2, I am still a bit nervous about playing on FTP. I'm concerned that they might overreact, ban people when a warning would be more appropriate, and ban people with little or no evidence. They don't reveal their methods, which I can understand, but they also don't reveal the evidence used to come to conclusions, provide little customer support, and provide no avenue for appeals in case FTP does actually make a mistake. This all has me a little bit worried. Although I like playing on FTP and am reticent to move to Stars, I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind.

From this thread: Full Tilt closed account - Boycott FTP

And recently you just stop by itt to defend FT or troll other's posts (which you seem to do a lot anyway). Odd.

Might want to take some lithium like the rest of us.

Edit2: Sorry to Palimax and the rest for this little divergence.

Last edited by SpaceGhost; 04-13-2011 at 03:39 AM.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Grunch
Listening to this thread is like being a fly on the wall of an asylum for paranoid schizophrenics where the inmates haven't taken their meds for a couple weeks.
Yup. Complete paranoid delusions about the 47 Two Plus Two forum members who had fraudulent transactions from PMI, all of whom used Full Tilt Poker, and many of whom who had fraudulent transactions matching actual Full Tilt deposits, and some of whom who had bank accounts solely for Full Tilt Poker transactions.

Where's FTPSean and how long until "soon?"
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Where's FTPSean and how long until "soon?"
I'm not Sean, but I did want to drop in here to say that "soon" is hopefully today. We definitely aren't ignoring anything, but because of the sensitivity of the issue the people looking into it needed to be sure of what is said before saying it.

Sorry for the delay.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:12 AM
hey ftpdoug, can u plz respond to my PM about ID verification?

there is a thread about it on NVG...

its about ftp customer service not responding to their ID verification emails and suspending the account forever
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by Omniheart
hey ftpdoug, can u plz respond to my PM about ID verification?

there is a thread about it on NVG...

its about ftp customer service not responding to their ID verification emails and suspending the account forever
Nice move, hijack and important thread like this with a completely unrelated problem just because you saw that one of the reps posted here... ffs.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
Nice move, hijack and important thread like this with a completely unrelated problem just because you saw that one of the reps posted here... ffs.
i dont nec agree this is the case.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by AEPpoker
i dont nec agree this is the case.
Are you kidding?? What does I.D. verification have to do with PMI double charging FT players?
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
Are you kidding?? What does I.D. verification have to do with PMI double charging FT players?
I think you were sort of on the right track with the "FTP needs the money" thing.

ns if youve been following hte id verification threads, but the MO thus far has been:

1. Someone requests a wd
2. FTP emails them and asks for id.
3. They dont hear anything from FTP for months.
4. Sometimes, if they make an issue of it on the forums, FTP sean helps them out. Otherwise, ftp doesnt respond to their emails or the information they sent.

kind of a similar MO to pmi. Not addressing the problem until someone becomes a squeaky wheel.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
I'm not Sean, but I did want to drop in here to say that "soon" is hopefully today. We definitely aren't ignoring anything, but because of the sensitivity of the issue the people looking into it needed to be sure of what is said before saying it.

Sorry for the delay.
I think I speak for the majority ITT when I say we are anxiously awaiting your response.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 11:44 AM
if FTP isnt guilty of anything then they should be able to just come out and say that. The fact that they have to take the time to find the best way to word things shows they are guilty of something.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
You probably just got your account locked... FT has been having other 'processor issues' since last November delaying the debiting of deposits they took into players accounts, meaning that they credited players with funds online but were unable to process the withdrawals from players bank accounts until just recently, this is probably what happened to you and now that you've disputed the charge FT won't get their money AND your bank might now be wise to the e-check being from an online poker site which they will block from now on... you should have come on 2+2 and did a simple search before disputing the charge, now you might just be screwed, at least as far as using e-checks goes.
Yeah I'm a reactionary idiot. I cancelled the dispute and emailed FT. Thank you.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
I discussed this possiblity with a friend recently. It's possible that PMI simply set the recurring bit by accident when processing mistaken outdated transactions, but if so, Full Tilt Poker and PMI would have fixed it by now - and we wouldn't be calling them to get our money back.
I'd say almost impossible. First of all, poker transactions aren't recurring, and it's not just a "bit" that is set, it's a bunch of ancillary information.

I did credit card transactions for a startup I was helping with the last few years, and many of the transactions were recurring. But the actual payment processor I worked with had different data entry fields and reports for recurring vs. one time transactions, and there are controls to make sure you don't accidentally enter one in the wrong screen.

For example, a recurring transaction has to have the date of recurrence, how long between recurrences, total number of recurring transactions, etc. And it is entered as a delayed transaction that doesn't provide an immediate completion code.

Now obviously PMI probably uses a different software system they used/licensed, so I can't say it's not a possibility with their system. But I'd bet it's extremely unlikely, given the data checking/management requirements needed to do high volumes of transactions.

From all the descriptions here, the most likely answer is that the owners of PMI are using player's account info to try to skim money from their accounts, and are suddenly "finding the mistake" only if caught, and refunding to the squeaky wheels in order to keep their scheme going with the unaware.

Which hopefully, thanks to Palimax's efforts, there will be fewer of each day.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
Nice move, hijack and important thread like this with a completely unrelated problem just because you saw that one of the reps posted here... ffs.
Bah, we'd likely do the same thing...
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
I'm not Sean, but I did want to drop in here to say that "soon" is hopefully today. We definitely aren't ignoring anything, but because of the sensitivity of the issue the people looking into it needed to be sure of what is said before saying it.

Sorry for the delay.
Thanks for the update.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:17 PM
Full Tilt is kidding itself if it says it has no liability. It's a clearly established principle of law that Full Tilt is liable for the acts of it's agents and PMI clearly fall into that category. The problem is finding someone with the time and means to bring a tort action for damages and finding the appropriate court of competent jurisdiction.

Best bet would be if enough players filed complaints with the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, which licenses Full Tilt. They could bring enough pressure to force Full Tilt to get off their lazy asses and do something about the problem.

I know from personal experience, when Full Tilt tried to get out of paying me a $100 deposit bonus, that merely mentioning that I would file a formal complaint had the disputed $100 in my account in 30 minutes.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
I'd say almost impossible. First of all, poker transactions aren't recurring, and it's not just a "bit" that is set, it's a bunch of ancillary information.
Oh, I agree. I'm just in favor of giving the benefit of the doubt.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:34 PM
Keep it up front so that the FT reps can find it to post today as they said they might.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:46 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for your patience.

As a follow up to my post on April 5th, I can confirm that we have successfully pinned down the source of the problem regarding a former banking provider of FTP.

One of our banking providers erroneously and incorrectly billed a batch of transactions that originated from July of 2010. The bank inadvertently submitted these payments to a processor known as PMI. However, PMI has never been authorized to handle FTP customers.

Our investigation has revealed that this error occurred due to technical issues with the bank. Our investigation has also shown no evidence that any of our customer's bank accounts were ever compromised. We were informed by the bank that only a small group of FTP transactions were incorrectly processed for PMI and that all transactions that were billed incorrectly were refunded. The bank has yet to provide a list of the affected transactions to FTP. If you have been incorrectly billed by the bank with the PMI descriptor and have not received a refund please let us know and we will investigate further.

We assure all of our customers that the personal information (i.e. credit cards, bank accounts, addresses, passwords, etc.) are secure.

We apologize to our customers who have been impacted by this banking error and for the inconvenience this has caused.

FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:52 PM
in after "it was just a glitch"
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:54 PM
Hoo boy. Nobody was given a refund until they contacted PMI directly...NOT ONE PERSON.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:00 PM

Poop Meets Fan

Coming soon to a theater near you.

Originally Posted by FTPSean

Our investigation has also shown no evidence that any of our customer's bank accounts were ever compromised.
Other than being repeatedly charged, that is.

Originally Posted by FTPSean
...and that all transactions that were billed incorrectly were refunded.
Except perhaps for the dozen or two (thousand perhaps) that haven't noticed and called PMI. But we don't really know because...
Originally Posted by FTPSean
The bank has yet to provide a list of the affected transactions to FTP.
Fair warning, get an airline sickness bag ready before reading this part.
Originally Posted by FTPSean
We assure all of our customers that the personal information (i.e. credit cards, bank accounts, addresses, passwords, etc.) are secure.
Sean, I suggest sending a mass email to all your customers telling them to examine their bank statements and contact both FTP and PMI if any of these charges are shown.

You will taking a huge hit in your already thin customer service department, but it's the right thing to do.

Last edited by Clamper13; 04-13-2011 at 03:14 PM.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:04 PM
In after BS FTP response

Edit: Should add that PMI and/or the bank may be BSing FTP and their investigation....lots of B.S going around from everyone in IMO intentionally or not

Last edited by novahunterpa; 04-13-2011 at 03:10 PM.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by FTPSean
Hi all,

Thanks for your patience.

As a follow up to my post on April 5th, I can confirm that we have successfully pinned down the source of the problem regarding a former banking provider of FTP.

One of our banking providers erroneously and incorrectly billed a batch of transactions that originated from July of 2010. The bank inadvertently submitted these payments to a processor known as PMI. However, PMI has never been authorized to handle FTP customers.

Our investigation has revealed that this error occurred due to technical issues with the bank. Our investigation has also shown no evidence that any of our customer's bank accounts were ever compromised. We were informed by the bank that only a small group of FTP transactions were incorrectly processed for PMI and that all transactions that were billed incorrectly were refunded. The bank has yet to provide a list of the affected transactions to FTP. If you have been incorrectly billed by the bank with the PMI descriptor and have not received a refund please let us know and we will investigate further.

We assure all of our customers that the personal information (i.e. credit cards, bank accounts, addresses, passwords, etc.) are secure.

We apologize to our customers who have been impacted by this banking error and for the inconvenience this has caused.

Ohhhhh it was a mistake, you accidently stole thousands of dollars, if it was a mistake its OK!

Yeah, PMI happened to me in February, March and April, and I haven't received ANY funds that match the funds that were deducted. Please, try again.
FTP's Rogue Payment Processor PMI is back again!  Double-Charged?  Check your statements!  NOW! Quote
