They sure knew how to set the brand name in flames which can't be good.
Looking at the competition I get at least some of their moves (after all it's just business), but they went too much berserk imo.
Also not informing our player rep about these changes was just completely unnecessary.
It might/probably will still play out well for them but I think they missplayed it in multiple ways.
They could have gotten away with a lot without really messing with Stars 'good' name.
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
When I was in college I played in a band and we offered to play at this one bar that was dead and about to close down. We played every Friday night and brought our following there. We made all the money from the door and the bar was jamming every Friday and making a ton of money at register. It was a great relationship. But then they told us we couldn't play Fridays because they didn't need us to bring in crowds anymore but we could play Mondays because they were dead. We told them thanks but no thanks. One of my favorite memories is going in there with my band mate on a Friday night a couple of months later. We sat at the bar and had a beer. The place was completely empty. A few months later the owners got busted burning the place down in an insurance scam.
Haha nice story.
I can imagine the Stars HQ being burned down as a last desperate act