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NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT)
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most $ (two weeks)?
Tom Dwan
146 37.73%
Patrik Antonius
59 15.25%
Howard Lederer
56 14.47%
Eli Elezra
11 2.84%
Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies
17 4.39%
Phil Ivey
98 25.32%

09-19-2009 , 09:35 AM
u can now tell how ziggy makes his money. this kind of domination is a lot easier at plo then holdem though
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by ChristianT
Yeah exactly, like when Howard took 2 minutes on numerous hands in this cashgame and the one with Doyle on PAD ... tatata.

Thing is just that Dwan isn't that slow at all, Doyle is just a grumpy old man (like him anyways).

HSP edits all the **** out, which is good.
Howard and Tom take the most time, and PA takes quite a bit of time. Phil and Eli pretty much just throw it in immediately or muck. DVR makes it all watchable.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:37 AM
You do realise that the show is heavily edited.

Try watching season three of the million dollor cash game if you can find it.

Dwan takes ages. It's like torture. I'm sure he is doing it just to put people on tilt. I don't blame doyle for mentioning it.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseWanMiryon
that 76 hand from ziigmund was delicious!
yeah sick hand. would have loved to see durrrr barrel the turn. i think the main reason ziig called the flop was because toms raise was too small
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by ChristianT
Yeah exactly, like when Howard took 2 minutes on numerous hands in this cashgame and the one with Doyle on PAD ... tatata.

Thing is just that Dwan isn't that slow at all, Doyle is just a grumpy old man (like him anyways).

HSP edits all the **** out, which is good.
Ali nejad admitted on one of the PAD shows that they edit the hands. thats why i said "i know for a fact"

it was when andrew robl had KQ vs tom dwans set of 3s, and grumpy johnny chan made a comment on how it was the longest hand in poker history. Ali nejad then said, "It may not be the longest hand in poker history, but the unedited version of this hand is probably the longest hand in poker after dark history."
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:21 AM
on pokertube episode 69 4/4 is messed up, not the correct clip.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:17 PM
Man ziigmund was pwning
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Le Alexandre
Ok I can't take this anymore.
Does anyone know who the female dealer w/ glasses is/name? She is the last dealer in thursdays show, she regular appears on PAD and HSP. You can't really see her full face since the cameras is behind her but she looks pretty smoking imo.

you dont get out much do you. she actually looks like shes been smoking 2 packs/day her full 50 years on the planet
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:33 PM
i didnt mind the prop bets so much the first week but now im all for the ban. ivey not paying attention, eli stuck 340k via props makes a joke of the poker being played.

and wtf with ziggy and PA and their dutch speaking at the table...
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by grabber
i didnt mind the prop bets so much the first week but now im all for the ban. ivey not paying attention, eli stuck 340k via props makes a joke of the poker being played.

and wtf with ziggy and PA and their dutch speaking at the table...
[ ] Dutch and Finnish are the same thing
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by grabber
and wtf with ziggy and PA and their dutch speaking at the table...
dutch speaking was fun to watch them talk finnish..maeby not so if you don't understand the language..
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by tayskala
dutch speaking was fun to watch them talk finnish..maeby not so if you don't understand the language..
did they say anything worth noting?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:58 PM
Great comeback by Ziigy! Fun to see. Shouldn't have spewed to Ivey though.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Koshur
Great comeback by Ziigy! Fun to see. Shouldn't have spewed to Ivey though.
I actually liked that raise, he just happened to run into an overpair.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 01:09 PM
Howards thought process

"I will fold JT Suited UTG and Push with AJ offsuit so the world knows im a loose unpredictable player"
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 02:36 PM
Did Howie just flat AQ from LP against Ziggy's PF raise?


Verrrrrrrry tricky you are!!!

[ ] Howard won that hand
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by LOLNHDONKWP
If ilari didn't win that pot with the nines full against Durrr I think Ivey would have called.
I was thinking the same thing, especially had llari shown the 9's full.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 02:53 PM coen in part 4/4 of the latest episode the ali says ilari is stuck 300k..but he made it back to like - 75k no? wtf? am i ******ed?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:09 PM
lmao @

Illari: "I had Jacks"
Howard: "Really? Ace Jack or King Jack?"
Dwan: "LOL jack jack"
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:11 PM
Well, maybe not ******ed, but you didn't listen well. He was stuck 350k earlier in the week, but was actually ahead in the last session until he gave some back to Ivey. He didn't make the rebound all in one show.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by §437 Nr. 3 coen in part 4/4 of the latest episode the ali says ilari is stuck 300k..but he made it back to like - 75k no? wtf? am i ******ed?
See what MikeGotNuts posted above

It's part 4 of an earlier episode
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:29 PM
Ziggy's Ivey impression, extended edition!
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Lim
did they say anything worth noting?
naah, not really. basically talking just random **** and asking how much they are up/down and something about the hands also. but not often you hear finnish on those shows so it was fun to watch it.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 04:11 PM
is this extending another week? the tournament format of PAD sucks now that ive watched the cash game a few times
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
is this extending another week? the tournament format of PAD sucks now that ive watched the cash game a few times
No, two weeks of freezeouts upcoming (Magnificent Six and USA vs. Italy).
Season 6 concludes with two weeks of cash game Railbird Heaven (Dwan, Ivey, Hansen, Negreanu, Antonius, Hellmuth) sometime in November.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
