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NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT)
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most $ (two weeks)?
Tom Dwan
146 37.73%
Patrik Antonius
59 15.25%
Howard Lederer
56 14.47%
Eli Elezra
11 2.84%
Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies
17 4.39%
Phil Ivey
98 25.32%

09-19-2009 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Conan O'Brien
It's ironic how Lederer is giving someone else e-mailing tips. "Just hit F to foward and R to reply" LOL
He was talking about TEXTING, but whatever.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Vermillion
yeah sick hand. would have loved to see durrrr barrel the turn. i think the main reason ziig called the flop was because toms raise was too small
There was very few hands that Tom was repping there. Very dry board.

Maybe Tom is leveling and raising some big hands there sometimes but it looked like a bluff cause ziig was not repping much either.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 05:13 PM
I dont know how to write a hand in these forums manually so if some1 does it much appreciated, just that the way it was played is really interesting to me, ilari checked tp on a board with a fd in a 4way pot and dwan checks mid pair right behind him, when hilari hit trips and bets dwan raises then ilari flats and when the board hits another of dwans 7s filling them both up ilari check-raises dwan on the river.

I know It's really hard to put ilari on a fh here but why would dwan check mid pair with a fd 4way pot? why did ilari check tp there? y checkraise river? the whole way it was played is kinda funky to me...

can some1 who is a more experienced player give a good analysis on this one?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 05:26 PM
Durrrr is basically repping only sets when he 3-bet the flop against Patrik and Ilari. he almost never has QQ. Ilari has one six so 66 is of course possible but unlikely.. In Ilari's mind it has to be 22, sometimes 66, or a bluff. Also no draws in there so his range is extremely polarized to 22,66 and bluffs. It's very hard to make sets, and it's durrrr who is capable of doing anything so Ilari might have thought he is good here quite often actually. Q6s might also be one, but it's kinda unlikely he call with that crap pf.

To me it was funny to listen Patrik and Ilari speak finnish. They didnt speak anything worth mentioning, but after Ilari raised to 90k with T7, after the hand Patrik asks "What did you have" and Ilari instantly answers "nothing". I thought it was funny, dont know why
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 05:35 PM
I was surprised to see Patrik toss KQ so fast when durrrr is only is basically only repping sets, but I spose there's not much he can do after Ziig c/r.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 05:45 PM
it was phil in the hand btw
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 05:49 PM
Agreed, thought he should have given it some thought at least.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
No, two weeks of freezeouts upcoming (Magnificent Six and USA vs. Italy).
Season 6 concludes with two weeks of cash game Railbird Heaven (Dwan, Ivey, Hansen, Negreanu, Antonius, Hellmuth) sometime in November.
Now thats the line up i want to see.
Only person there i dont like is antonius but everyone has there own preferences.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Snipa
Now thats the line up i want to see.
Only person there i dont like is antonius but everyone has there own preferences.
You're pretty much alone with your preference there, methinks.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by grabber
you dont get out much do you. she actually looks like shes been smoking 2 packs/day her full 50 years on the planet
I played with her at the mirage once when my buddy were playing 1-2nl for fun getting hammered we were just having a good time and she ended up being a really big b**** and she is not hot at all so get those classes checked!
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Why do these players always truthfully tell their opponents what they had after the hand, especially when they have monsters. When Ivey folds his flush, Zig should say nothing, and let Ivey go through that "folder's pain" where you don't get to find out if you had it or not. Then you might get that big call out of someone later.

It just seems so incredible -EV.
Telling someone you had JJ, even when you had JJ, doesn't mean that you actually had JJ. It just means JJ is a hand that you think they think you could reasonably had. If he had air there, he might say he had JJ as well.

Originally Posted by FINTEX
LOL Howard is just so clueless what's going on in every hand "Hmmm.. Check-check river" and a stupid look to Ivey. Before that he starts reasoning his AQs pf call against Ziig the maniac, what a joke. FU Professor.

The imitation was priceless, seems to me that Ziigmund took some alcohol to ease himself up.
There is nothing wrong with flating AQs ip there, especially with Howard's image. Ziig probably does calls with worse a good amount though, but he's probably capable of 4betting air and Howard getting it in with AQs would be pretty bad.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 07:59 PM
Howard doesn't belong in a cash game, Dwan's face was priceless when he found out that Howard FCed with AQs
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by LOLNHDONKWP
Tom was saying his largest downswing was 2.4 million.

According to highstakesdb he was down 4 million this year, I'm guessing he had live wins during that period as well?
Sorry if this was answered earlier. The way I took what he said (and mayb e I didn't hear everything) was that his biggest losing session was 2.4.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
[ ] Dutch and Finnish are the same thing
they arent? oops
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 08:53 PM
I think a durrr impression should go something like:

Nice hand o_O

(no offence, but he says that a lot, with the eyes rolling :-)
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:19 PM
Didn't he do the same thing to Doyle on HSP, when he value bet his KJ into Doyle's A6s
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 10:32 PM
He pretty much does it after every 100k+ pot that he lost.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
[ ] Dutch and Finnish are the same thing
Originally Posted by grabber
they arent? oops
Nah, Dutch is the same as Norwegish obv.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dude-Bun
I dont know how to write a hand in these forums manually so if some1 does it much appreciated, just that the way it was played is really interesting to me, ilari checked tp on a board with a fd in a 4way pot and dwan checks mid pair right behind him, when hilari hit trips and bets dwan raises then ilari flats and when the board hits another of dwans 7s filling them both up ilari check-raises dwan on the river.

I know It's really hard to put ilari on a fh here but why would dwan check mid pair with a fd 4way pot? why did ilari check tp there? y checkraise river? the whole way it was played is kinda funky to me...

can some1 who is a more experienced player give a good analysis on this one?
Because it's a 4way pot, you need a stronger hand to bet. 2nd pair and even top pair aren't necessarily strong enough to bet for value multiway.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:50 AM
pokertube uploaded the wrong video for the last episode
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:53 AM
Am I not getting something, or did Ali totally mess up his explanation of who had position on who at the beginning of the director's cut episode?

He says: "Last week, Patrik had position on durrr. This week the tables were turned, and now durrr would act after Patrik in most situations."

wtf is he talking about? It's a 6-handed table, and there are two players between them in either direction. That means they'll have position on each other equally. Does Ali not get the concept of a circle?

Right before that, he made another similar mistake. He said: "Last week, durrr had position on Ivey. This week, neither had the advantage." But Ivey only has Howard between him and durrr. He will have position on durrr more than durrr will have position on him.

I'm guessing he just mixed up his notes or whatever, but it seems someone should have caught it. Am I missing something here?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Am I not getting something, or did Ali totally mess up his explanation of who had position on who at the beginning of the director's cut episode?

He says: "Last week, Patrik had position on durrr. This week the tables were turned, and now durrr would act after Patrik in most situations."

wtf is he talking about? It's a 6-handed table, and there are two players between them in either direction. That means they'll have position on each other equally. Does Ali not get the concept of a circle?

Right before that, he made another similar mistake. He said: "Last week, durrr had position on Ivey. This week, neither had the advantage." But Ivey only has Howard between him and durrr. He will have position on durrr more than durrr will have position on him.

I'm guessing he just mixed up his notes or whatever, but it seems someone should have caught it. Am I missing something here?
i was thinking same on how bad he messed the concept of position, but i ignored because ali is an idiot when it comes to poker.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 06:24 AM
How can you say Ali is a idiot when it comes to poker?? He might be little annoying but he does few mistakes when he analyzes hands.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 06:52 AM
I like how with mediocre holdings like 107s or even A2s and a raise in front, Durrrr doesn't even consider folding. The only options are raise or call. LoL
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-20-2009 , 09:17 AM
isn't there supposed to be music in the directors cut oO
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