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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-12-2014 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by sonnyalbo
Off with his head. And burn the body to be safe.
Is that really considered to be a spoiler? I'm positive I read that earlier in this thread. My bad if it is.
05-12-2014 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by STA654
If cersei picks first and picks the mountain oberyn could volunteer before tyrion makes his selection.
this is how I believe it is going down.

On a separate note: I am starting to understand the hatred so many peeps had for Shae now .... and how many bookreaders post itt

Holy cow Stannis is such a weak ruler/loser. Lucky for him that pirate is on his side.

Dany was WOAT again. But her scenes give me a chance to go to the bathroom or go smoke something.

Dinklage was superb.
05-12-2014 , 02:04 AM
Hoping shae finally dies before the end of the season.
05-12-2014 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by deucedeuces
Is that really considered to be a spoiler? I'm positive I read that earlier in this thread. My bad if it is.
Dude im just being funny. Im only an amateur thread contributor anyway.
05-12-2014 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
It seems likely since Bronn is still alive and hanging around King's Landing. He was evasive when Tyrion was questioning him about Shae's escape.

This possible connection between Cersei and Shae strengthens the possibility that Bronn will be chosen to represent the Realm.
Does it really though? Your original theory had Cersei/Tywin picking Bronn because he's loyal to Tyrion. If he's not loyal to Tyrion there's no longer any reason to pick him.

No way it's gonna be Meryn Trant, who the **** is that guy anyway.
05-12-2014 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Michael888
Popped in here after the episode and instantly reminded why I don't read it.
Next time, leave without making a dumb-ass comment.
05-12-2014 , 02:49 AM
No way anyone picks Meryn Trant for anything other than maybe a hot dog eating contest.

Yara's scene really disappointed me. So she went with 50 of her best fighters, 3 boats left her ship (so she took only 15-20 to the actual rescue mission).... and her hand picked guys weren't even that good??

Yeah I know the scene was mean to show her brother is fully changed but still, kinda weak.
05-12-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
There was already a scene this season making that exact point.
What scene?
05-12-2014 , 02:50 AM
I thought it would be Thyrion vs Jamie.. Tywin will lose 100%.
05-12-2014 , 02:53 AM
ok, sorry to ask another dumb question, but wtf is mountain?
05-12-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
the thing about the oberyn vs. mountain theory is that i'm not sure tyrion knows 1) that the mountain would be named cersei's champion and 2) that oberyn wants him so badly that he will risk his place on the council, etc. i would expect tyrion to have a champion for himself in mind already when he demands trial by combat - and the two logical candidates are bronn and jamie. it's possible that he could put it together that oberyn would want a chance to kill the mountain, but it would still require him to be certain that the mountain would be named champion, and he hasn't even been in KL right?
1) Yeah that's a problem. To my understanding Tyrion will pick first (like in Eyrie) which means Oberyn wouldn't know who he's fighting. The Mountain is considered a GOAT sword fighter though so maybe it can be assumed or maybe Oberyn will hear Tywin/Cersei discuss their pick and know it'll be him. Maybe Oberyn will even approach Tyrion and tell him to pick him, so that the day of the fight Tywin/Cersei will bring the Mountain and be SHOCKED to find out Oberyn is fighting.

2) I think the answer to this is hell yeah.

I'm leaning towards a Mountain vs Oberyn duel. Oberyn was introduced in this season and while being awesome, he's served no purpose so far. He wants revenge on the Mountain and that's the main thing we know of him, it just makes sense.

I have Bronn vs Jaime as a dark horse.
05-12-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by STA654
aww how did ramsay live?

he's a better fighter than spec ops ironborn, apparently.
If there's one complaint I have about the episode it's this. At no point in time have we seen Ramsey being presented or thought of as some sort of awesome trained fighter and these are supposedly the best of the best the Iron Islands has to offer. Legitimate fighting hasn't been his MO, being a crazy sadistic sneaky loon, it would have been much more fitting for his character to sneak in during the fight and unleash the dogs on everybody. Him gettting all up in the fight was very made for tv, but it's a minor complaint.
05-12-2014 , 03:00 AM
My theory on the trial by combat:

Tyrion only has two people would possibly agree to fight for him, Bronn and Jamie. Bronn will be his first choice but we will find out that he was paid off by Cersei and betrays Tyrion. Jamie can't fight for him because lol left hand so he would lose to whoever he had to fight against. Tyrion is forced to fight for himself. After seeing this, Jamie pleads with his father that he be allowed to fight against Tyrion. Something about giving him a clean death, and possibly making the same deal with his father that he will return to Casterly Rock and father sons. Tywin agrees because even a left-handed Jamie could never lose to a dwarf. Jamie throws the fight and lets Tyrion kill him, seeing it as his last noble act.

I get the whole Oberyn/Mountain matchup idea, but I kind of see it as anti-climactic because no one really has any emotional attachment to either character. Tyrion vs Jamie ftw.
05-12-2014 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
What scene?
The scene where Theon shaves Ramsey.

The Mountain is a big dude and the brother of The Hound.
05-12-2014 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
ok, sorry to ask another dumb question, but wtf is mountain?
The Clegane brothers are called by their nicknames, the Mountain (older) and the Hound (younger).

We've seen a lot more of the Hound than the Mountain.

They're both physically huge and well known bad asses, the Mountain has been shown to be an unstable sort, having committed a host of horrible war crimes over the years.
05-12-2014 , 03:02 AM
Tywin forcing Jamie to fight for the realm would put tyrion in a sick spot.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 05-12-2014 at 03:03 AM. Reason: doubt Tywin would do that though.
05-12-2014 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by matrat
My theory on the trial by combat:

Tyrion only has two people would possibly agree to fight for him, Bronn and Jamie. Bronn will be his first choice but we will find out that he was paid off by Cersei and betrays Tyrion. Jamie can't fight for him because lol left hand so he would lose to whoever he had to fight against. Tyrion is forced to fight for himself. After seeing this, Jamie pleads with his father that he be allowed to fight against Tyrion. Something about giving him a clean death, and possibly making the same deal with his father that he will return to Casterly Rock and father sons. Tywin agrees because even a left-handed Jamie could never lose to a dwarf. Jamie throws the fight and lets Tyrion kill him, seeing it as his last noble act.

I get the whole Oberyn/Mountain matchup idea, but I kind of see it as anti-climactic because no one really has any emotional attachment to either character. Tyrion vs Jamie ftw.
Well that's a long shot.

For the second part, a lot of people already love Oberyn but that doesn't even matter. It'll be a battle between two of the greatest fighters in Westeros and Tyrion's life will be on the line, he's the most popular character in the entire show.
05-12-2014 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Ahh, knew I recognized the Iron Bank guy from somewhere.. Mark Gattis (Mycroft Holmes on Sherlock)
Thanks. I knew I recognized that face.
05-12-2014 , 03:09 AM
i wish tyrion got to say more in his "confession" but he absolutely nailed it.
05-12-2014 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I just thought they were saying he is ruthless/vicious/cruel, I mean one can be ruthless without being amazing in 1 on 1 combat.

edit: I guess he would be fighting wit a purpose, which may propel him into ownage mode.
Pretty sure it's been mentioned that he's a kick-ass fighter.
05-12-2014 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
I think anyone might have that choice as long as the court OKs it. And you're not "pawning off" anything. The person you choose doesn't have to accept.
Good point. I jumped to conclusions and assumed whoever Tyrion names will say yes.

Originally Posted by deucedeuces
Is that really considered to be a spoiler? I'm positive I read that earlier in this thread. My bad if it is.
Even if the guy wasn't joking, there's a picture of the actor on page 5 of this thread specifically pointing out the new guy so fair game imo.

Originally Posted by Showtimez

Holy cow Stannis is such a weak ruler/loser. Lucky for him that pirate is on his side.
Stannis isn't a weak ruler nor a loser. He just has a very bland, cold personality. He's all seriousness and his only desire is to be king. He's a winner, imo, particularly in battle, and everything Davos said about him is accurate.

Originally Posted by goofball
What scene?
The scene where Reek/Theon has the chance to kill Ramsay while shaving his beard but opts not to. This is what showed the audience that he was completely beaten down and lost. The scene in last night's episode was just for Yara's benefit (as said by a previous poster).

Originally Posted by goofball
ok, sorry to ask another dumb question, but wtf is mountain?
Gregor Clegane, the Hound's brother, Tywin's right-hand man, the guy destroying the Riverlands and the guy who raped and killed Oberyn's sister Elia.
05-12-2014 , 03:19 AM
Too many spoilers in this thread
05-12-2014 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
The scene where Theon shaves Ramsey.

The Mountain is a big dude and the brother of The Hound.
I didn't think that demonstrated loyalty. Certainly it demonstrated that reek was broken, but loyalty? Just because slash the dude's throat and sign up for guranteed death himself?
05-12-2014 , 03:23 AM
How do you know whatever you're whining about (don't specify) is a spoiler unless you yourself are a bookreader and are adding to the spoiling? gtfo.

Trial by combat was a great final twist and callback to tyrion's trial in what i now know to be the eyrie!
05-12-2014 , 03:28 AM
I see Oberon is the new Reyland
