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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-19-2015 , 07:03 PM
Seems like Cersei basically signed her own death warrant as that was KL last real ally. Now there is just the illusion of the Vale as an ally. Cant wait!!1

Also anyone else more angered by the religious trial then the Ramsay/Sansa rape scene? All the **** from a stupid christian upbringing just came rushing back wanting to see a Joffrey type moment from Tomen.
05-19-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
sent his dick to his daddy greyjoy...
Castration: What does it mean?
05-19-2015 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
So did Cersei achieve anything by getting Margaery locked up? An extra hostage against the Tyrells, in return for really burning bridges with them? Or is she trying to forestall a popular revolt in Kings Landing, because the people would rally round Margaery?

It's not really clear to me how this furthers Cersei's aims (which presumably should be to hold on to power in KL and squash whoever comes to power in the North). Seems maybe she is acting out of spite towards Olenna and Margaery, rather than playing a chess game where locking away two Tyrells is the first step to taking over some other kingdom. Stopping a revolution in KL is the only logical reason I can see, but I don't think we've been given enough hints that that was likely. Another possibility is that she thought she needed Margaery out of the scene to control Tommen, but this episode and their last one should show that Tommen is still under her thumb.
The point is that Cersei never thinks more than one move ahead. The Tyrells are being mean to her and she's losing her control over Tommen so she arms the faith militant and has them go after the Tyrells. She has put zero thought into what happens next.

Just think about her at the Battle of the Blackwater - Tyrion was the only person doing anything of value to save the city (before Tywin showed up) yet she still tried to have him killed due to personal issues.
05-19-2015 , 07:23 PM
Cersei's endgame seems to just be trying to stop the passage of time, and retain as much power as she can, for as long as she can.
05-19-2015 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Guy gets his head melted with gold? Apparently fine.
Dozens of babies get butchered by soldiers? Apparently fine.
Guy gets his dick chopped off and systematically tortured over years? Apparently fine.
Girl gets hunted down and eaten by dogs as a game? Apparently fine.

But OH NOES a rape?? How outrageous!

Faux internet outrage from the faux internet outrage industry.

Ignore it, they'll find something else to be OUTRAGED! about in a few days, some comedian will tell some bad joke, some commercial will include some non-PC character, etc.
Was going to make a similar post - can't believe this "outrage". So much worse brutality in the show. And it wasn't even a graphic scene.

Here's Sophie Turner's reaction to the scene:

"When I got the scripts, it was bit like, dude, I felt so bad for her. But I also felt excited because it was so sick, and being reunited with Theon too, and seeing how their relationship plays out. "
05-19-2015 , 08:27 PM
It wasn't even the worst rape scene in the show. Dany got raped worse in season 1, Sansa at least kind of knew what she was getting into and what she would have to sacrifice. Dany was basically just a slave.
05-19-2015 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Airraid
It wasn't even the worst rape scene in the show. Dany got raped worse in season 1, Sansa at least kind of knew what she was getting into and what she would have to sacrifice. Dany was basically just a slave.
I was going to post something about Dany's rape, as well. She is crying before and during. I guess the outrage is because Sansa was a 12 or 13-year-old when the show started, and people feel like they've watched her grow up.
05-19-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Mr Ecko
THANK you! I was like where do I know him from?
05-20-2015 , 12:51 AM
So is incest ok to the faith militant?
05-20-2015 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Castration: What does it mean?
Do they take it all? The pillar and the stones?
05-20-2015 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
Seems like Cersei basically signed her own death warrant as that was KL last real ally. Now there is just the illusion of the Vale as an ally. Cant wait!!1
The Lannisters position was actually quite tenuous and Tywin was the only one holding it all together. They've done a good job with the writing on the wall so far this season about Cersei going to F it all up majorly. Unlike Tywin she thinks about what's best superficially for her and that drives all her decision making.
05-20-2015 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by evildeadalive
So is incest ok to the faith militant?
No, that's kind of what got cousin lannister to go all crazy religious in the first place. He felt guilt for sleeping with Cersei
05-20-2015 , 01:09 PM
Pretty safe to say either Cersei or Margery doesn't survive this season.
05-20-2015 , 03:02 PM
I quite liked the Arya/Jaquen scenes. Arya: "He asked me to kill him but I refused because I hated him [the Hound]." Jaquen: Lies! (whips her across the face).
05-20-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kamikam
Pretty safe to say either Cersei or Margery doesn't survive this season.
I'm hoping Tommen kills Cersei, and then Tommen gets killed by the sparrows or whatever.
05-20-2015 , 04:50 PM
Just found this thread.

Couple of thoughts so far...

Pretty shocked more people haven't commented on the fact that the person to kill Ramsey. If/when will probably be Brienne with that whole "light a candle" thing. Although given how this show likes to throw red herrings it wouldn't surprise me if Theon or someone.

Seriously hope Bronn doesn't die, best character for humor/badassary. Although it does feel like his arc is kinda done last season and they just dragged him back into the story because he was an awesome character.

Sansa's passivity really annoys me. She just goes along and does whatever she's told, even if it's an insanely stupid idea. Her agreeing to go back to the people who killed Rob seemed seriously unrealistic even by her standards.

I loved the kings landing chess game that was taking place but can't believe Margery will be in prison for long. She's ****ing the king for god sake, even if he is a giant pussy. I think Cersi V Margery using Tommen as a pawn will some how end up with little king dying somehow.
05-20-2015 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
Oh and "guess again" is top 5 Tyrion lines

And adebisi in this MOFO, i knew i recognized him from somewhere but he seemed way slimmer than in oz daaayum

Sansa just showing she's nothing more than a little girl, similar to Cersei in that she doesn't think more than 1 move ahead (albeit Cersei does have tons more...balls as it were). It's like...yeah, plan is to get married to this guy and do something to get revenge in time...and get constantly raped in the meantime. errr wut? bath scene with Myranda summed it up excellently, she puts up a strong mask but starts crying as soon as Myranda leaves the room. Seems like both Sansa and the rest of the (up in arms) internet are in denial about what it means to be a woman in olden times (or in GoT universe which is about 10x worse at least)
05-20-2015 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
Pretty shocked more people haven't commented on the fact that the person to kill Ramsey. If/when will probably be Brienne with that whole "light a candle" thing. Although given how this show likes to throw red herrings it wouldn't surprise me if Theon or someone.
Brienne killing Ramsey seems reasonably likely, but afaik she has no idea about the "light a candle" signal so I have no idea how it would be a red herring if she doesn't.
05-20-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
This is fantastic
05-20-2015 , 06:37 PM
What the **** do you want Sansa to do?

Put Arya in her place, what the **** do you think she would have done? Fly away w the ghost of Syrio and take the North, cuz they never forget?

Ramsay was able to completely break Theon, who whatever else he was, was also tougher than the average dude. Sansa is a young woman raised as a proper lady, who's seen nothing buy horrors throughout her teens, and the only person who's helped her in ages is Baelish.

Im not referring to the above poster, but to the general idea that Sansa is nothing but a punching bag. She is, But lets be real, she never stood a chance. Naive teenage girls put in harm's way never do.
05-20-2015 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion

And adebisi in this MOFO, i knew i recognized him from somewhere but he seemed way slimmer than in oz daaayum

Sansa just showing she's nothing more than a little girl, similar to Cersei in that she doesn't think more than 1 move ahead (albeit Cersei does have tons more...balls as it were). It's like...yeah, plan is to get married to this guy and do something to get revenge in time...and get constantly raped in the meantime. errr wut? bath scene with Myranda summed it up excellently, she puts up a strong mask but starts crying as soon as Myranda leaves the room. Seems like both Sansa and the rest of the (up in arms) internet are in denial about what it means to be a woman in olden times (or in GoT universe which is about 10x worse at least)
I think there are two levels of stupid to the whole rape thing, and then a third group who is rightfully pissed off.

The first is the people so outraged by the rape that they decide they are done with the show, as if this is the first time somebody has been raped on the show. It's an incredibly dark and depressing show and being outraged at one rape scene over another is ridiculous.

The second are the people outraged at those who are outraged. Those idiots who come along spouting "it couldn't be rape, they were married, she belongs to him now ahuyck hyuck hyuck." This group is most likely on an even level of stupid as the first group, but most certainly more misogynistic.

The third group are those who are rightly exasperated by both of the first two. It was clearly a depiction of rape, so the second group is idiotic, but it's also a scene that exists in a show that can be horrendously brutal, and singling the scene out as "the worst thing to ever happen on tv" makes the first group idiotic.

She was raped, it was awful, and as a whole, people who watch the show should feel for the character because she doesn't deserve it, but it happens because Ramsay is ****ing brutal and lives to torture. We should collectively want the character's head on a platter, and this is only one reason why.
05-20-2015 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
I was kind of anticipating something a little different than the obvious from either Sansa or Theon. But that's what is good about this show, you don't always get the good guys conquerng the bad guys.

Although, the scene where Tyrion talked himself out of death with the pirates at the last minute seemed like a cheap tactic and not GOT-like.
I disagree about Tyrion. This is his MO. He didn't the same thing demanding a trial by combat when he was supposed to fly . He also did it when attacked by homeless people who eventually fought for Tywin.
05-20-2015 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
I'm hoping Tommen kills Cersei, and then Tommen gets killed by the sparrows or whatever.
Tommen couldn't kill a flie.

Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Brienne killing Ramsey seems reasonably likely, but afaik she has no idea about the "light a candle" signal so I have no idea how it would be a red herring if she doesn't.
She's the reason the signal exists IMO. She was talking to the guy that was around where she's staying, and then the woman tells Sansa to do the candle thing. Seems reasonable that the candle is for Brienne, even if Sansa doesn't realize it.
05-20-2015 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
I just can't imagine a 15? year old king letting his hot wife, the Queen (and his first f*** for crying out loud) be arrested. Even if he realizes it's a losing battle right there when she's taken, why he doesn't have the entire Kingsguard go get her out of jail 10 minutes later is just so LOL.
When I was 15 i woulda killed anyone that messed with the 1st girl to ever jerk me off . That was sex and she was ugly. tommen = BPOAT. Why have a kings guard if u are going to let our wife be jailed?
05-20-2015 , 09:00 PM
Can't believe LF has not extracted revenge against the Faith Militant for closing his brothels
