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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-13-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by fairplayJAY
Funny enough, i was the one to ask if Tyrion is allowed trial by combat.

You have no legitimate reason to pick mountain vs oberyn (other than oberyn hates mountain) yet some of you act like its gonna happen for sure (in GOT anything can happen and noone can be sure of anything) even though there are many possible outcomes.
Dude, welcome to the internet, the land of overconfidence and the home of hyperboles. People express opinions in absolute terms all the ****ing time.
05-13-2014 , 04:48 PM

Who the F is... Illyrio(?) - you guys keep talking about him/her. I don't remember that character at all. I'm pretty sure they haven't mentioned that character this season, but, every week posters seem to talk about them. Who dat be? Our House, enlighten me....
05-13-2014 , 04:49 PM
1. Recasting.

2. He has been mentioned like 5 times already this season.

3. The new prominent character's sole reason for being there is for revenge against him.

So we know he's going to play a role at some point. Seems pretty logical for him to be thought of when a trial by combat is on the table.

But yeah, no legitimate reasons at all

Fwiw, some of things mentioned since the initial speculation like they wouldn't wait for him to travel there, Twyin trying to intervene and that sort of thing have me less confident of it happening, but it def seems the most likely still.
05-13-2014 , 04:49 PM
For some reason SE seems to have reached a different conclusion than the majority itt. Do SE have better spoiler moderation? I don't even know what duel you think makes the most sense, but your attempt to explain why The Mountain vs Oberyn doesn't make sense was pathetic and you didn't respond to the critique.

Last edited by Nick Royale; 05-13-2014 at 04:49 PM. Reason: @jay
05-13-2014 , 04:51 PM
SE has a GoT thread too?
05-13-2014 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Well for me personally, its the recasting news that led me to that conclusion more than anything else ITT.
Or maybe the fact that he's the only warrior on the Lannister payroll who can decapitate a horse's head with just one swing.
05-13-2014 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ahutz

Who the F is... Illyrio(?) - you guys keep talking about him/her. I don't remember that character at all. I'm pretty sure they haven't mentioned that character this season, but, everyone week people seem to talk about them. Who dat be? Our House, enlighten me....
He's in the first season. Dany and Viscerys live at Illyrio's place in the beginning of the show, when Dany is sold to Khal Drogo. He gives Dany the dragon eggs and he's later shown in KL having a cryptic conversation with Varys.
05-13-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Well for me personally, its the recasting news that led me to that conclusion more than anything else ITT.
Well yeah, this means he's definitely going to be in this season. He probably was anyway considering the Oberyn drama, but it still gives Oberyn vs The Mountain a bit better odds.
05-13-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ahutz

Who the F is... Illyrio(?) - you guys keep talking about him/her. I don't remember that character at all. I'm pretty sure they haven't mentioned that character this season, but, every week posters seem to talk about them. Who dat be? Our House, enlighten me....
If you remember season 1 episode 1, he was the guy playing host to the Targaryen bother and sister in Pentos. Dany and Viserys stayed there until Dany was married off to Khal Drogo. When the day came, Illyrio gave Dany her 3 dragon eggs as a wedding gift.

Then, we saw him again for a 2nd time in season 1 episode 5 when Arya was chasing a cat in the dungeons below the red keep in King's Landing. She overheard a very significant conversation between Illyrio and Varys at that time.
05-13-2014 , 05:01 PM
Apologies to everyone for butchering how odds work. I'm an idiot.
05-13-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ahutz
Why I suddenly like the idea of Meryn Trant(?) vs. Jamie.

I think we can assume that the shows creators don't like wasting time on air. You only get what, 450 minutes a season, to cover like a thousand+ pages of that old perverts novels. So if you're a show-runner I'd like to assume they aren't going to include dialogue about characters that aren't relevant or that won't pay off at some point whether it's this season or in the future.

A few episodes ago there was a scene with The Hound and Arya where The Big Show basically called Meryn Trant a lousy fighter (they were discussing the flamboyant sword-fighting teacher Arya had). Coupled with the two or more Jamie sword-fighting training montages.

Not too mention why even have Meryn Trant testify at all, surely the evidence was damning enough. OR they could have spent that 60 seconds with testimony from other prominent characters. But instead we get Trant and even a refresher on his history of wrongdoings. He def. got the villian edit this past episode.

Jamie vs. him seems possible. There are a lot of ways to rationalize that fight happening and a reference to Trant in last episode and having him testify in this one. Seems more than coincidental.

Hmmmmm.... Changing my vote to Jamie vs. Meryn instead of Mt. vs. Oberon.

However, all that logic could just as easily be used to suggest the mountain v. oberon battle. There have certainly been more talk of the mountain than Meryn Trant in recent episodes. Who knows.

Yet, I just can't help thinking about Arya's storyline. She wants to kill the Hound and the Mountain. They're brothers. The Hound hates his bro the Mountain too. They're both in the same neck of Westeros too, at least they were (they talked about in the chicken eating scene). I'd have to think bro vs. bro is a better showdown thematically, especially when you factor in Arya and how she wants both dead. Also, lets be real, there is no chance she's getting to the Vale. Poor girl can't catch a break.

Bold prediction: Hound + Arya v. Mountain = Hound loses, Arya on the run alone again or runs into that Band of Brothers again. Mountain vs. Oberon will be in later seasons when Mountain eventually gets back to Kings Landing. Jamie vs. Trant for the trial by combat. Jamie wins and gets his swag back.

Who knows. Obviously we're getting a mountain battle of some sort this season and personally I'd rather see two giants battle and we'd still get to see Jamie fight too.

I think Oberon is too valuable as an outside observer to Kings Landing, his scenes provide a new perspective for the narrative. I think it would be a waste to have him battle the mountain, a slow burn is probably better with his storyline. Unless of course he would beat the Mountain. However, then where does that leave the Hound and Arya, I think they have to run into the Mountain.

My biggest gripe, I don't know where in the world half the characters are in relation to each other or the distance apart places are. For instance, Sansa got to the Vale in an episode. Arya and Hound have been trying to get there for much longer. So confusing at times.

Excited for next week, sorry for calling all you *******s the other day in my post
Some good points wrt Meryn. It doesn't seem as unlikely as I first thought.

Also some good points wrt The Mountain and The Hound. It would be weird if we didn't get to seem them settle their dispute, which means either it will happen before the TbC (very unlikely) or The Mountain will win (which will means both Tyrion and Oberyn dies, assuming Oberyn vs The Mountain).
05-13-2014 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Or maybe the fact that he's the only warrior on the Lannister payroll who can decapitate a horse's head with just one swing.
Did he do it in one? I thought I recall a 2nd chop needed? Or am I thinking of a different decapitation (there's been so many!)?
05-13-2014 , 05:31 PM
Theon needed 400 chops and a kick to decapitate the old fat guy.
05-13-2014 , 05:36 PM
That's what I was thinking of.
05-13-2014 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
Any spoilers we see ITT are likely to be mild since the mods are keen on cutting at spoilers to such a point that people who are merely good at analyzing plot construction get labeled as bookreaders

Even if the TbC isn't Mountain vs Oberyn, every astute watcher already knows that the duel MUST happen. The writers have foreshadowed it like crazy. It's to the point that the only real reason Oberyn exists in this season is to get vengeance for his sister's rape and murder. Tywin went so far as to explicitly tell Oberyn that he'll get a meeting with Mountain where he can settle this dispute

I suspect there are several TV-only people who don't post speculation because the bookreader-accusers jump on any analysis that isn't half braindead
Originally Posted by Our House
I'm glad the three smart people agree.

05-13-2014 , 06:16 PM
I want to talk about Shea for a moment.


Why did she do a complete 180 on Tyrion? Did she even love him at all, or was it for the money? Well, she IS a whore, so I doubt love had much, if anything, to do with it.

Did Cersei or someone else pay her to give false testimony? I highly doubt she'd just show up to see Tyrion die. What's her game here?
05-13-2014 , 06:18 PM
She must've been paid/threatened/otherwise coerced to do that. I'm sure a little bit of it was from spite but no way that drove her to say all that.
05-13-2014 , 06:19 PM
Spy the hole time or butt hurt from believing her send off was anything else but to save her.

Or she got forced or payed...

One thing is undisputed. She's by far the WOAT anything and everything eva.
05-13-2014 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Something unrelated, possibly stupid and probably irrelevant: Littlefinger claims to have lost the dagger in bet with Tyrion, where Tyrion supposedly bet against Jaime in a duel vs Loras. Seems odd that Tyrion would bet against his kick-ass brother in a duel.
I also thought this was odd, but he does specify it was in the jousting competition, so maybe that's Loras's specialty. Though apparently LF likes to fade him (he lost to Renly betting on the Mountain in their joust).
05-13-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by santy312
wtf, how the **** u know its oberyn vs the mountain, BOOKREADERS

Originally Posted by Our House
Oh STFU already Jay.

P.S. Have you even contributed anything else to this thread other than accusations?
05-13-2014 , 06:40 PM
I'm guessing Shae is just spiteful. When Tyrion kept sensibly trying to save her life, she kept accusing him of thinking of her as nothing but a whore. No matter how many times he told her it isn't true, she never believed it, and her suspicions were confirmed when the way he finally got her to "safety" was by telling her she's just a whore

So basically it looks like Shae is a nutlow doofus. For the longest time I thought she had to have some magical power or something, because there was little other reason why she got so much screen time, but now it's obvious her role was just to help ruin Tyrion. That love story was the worst of the show, and that's saying a lot since every love story so far has sucked
05-13-2014 , 07:38 PM
They made a point of showing Oberyn's skill with a knife in close combat with his run in with the Lannister soldiers. I wonder if that will come into play if he goes against the Mountain. Maybe stab him through the eye hole of his helmet.
05-13-2014 , 08:18 PM
Yeah right, "maybe". Get the hell out of here, bookreader.

05-13-2014 , 08:19 PM
Seeing as they were in this thread, are we allowed talking about the previews from before this season even started?

We saw Oberyn fighting someone, I'm not sure who, in front of a decent sized crowd..
05-13-2014 , 08:23 PM
no and stfu with the bookreader accusations.

the word bookreader doesn't even belong in this thread.

if you suspect someone is a bookreader, ****ing pm me.
