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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-03-2014 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
Dany is my new most disliked character. I never cared much for the speculation that Jorah's pardon would become an issue again because it shouldn't. He spied on her back when she was a nobody and he was a known pseudo-Westerosi. Then before she suffered any consequences, he chose to side with her and has proven he meant it. If it wasn't for him, she would be dead. He has been unfailingly loyal

People are allowed to make mistakes and they're allowed to redeem themselves. I hope that Dany not understanding this is her undoing. I hope Daario betrays her and kills everybody and the last thing she thinks is how incredibly stupid it was for her to reject the single most important person that has ever happened to her

Actually I don't hope those things, but her naivete is irritating. I don't think it's a coincidence that in the ep where she made her dumbest decision, Sansa, the previously hugely naive girl, made her wisest
Agree with this.

It also makes me think of Stannis' "a bad doesn't cancel out a good and vice versa" philosophy. Davos saves him from starving and gets knighted, but also has 4 fingers chopped off for smuggling. Dany doesn't show any of that, she's kind of struggling in a Ned kind of way.
06-03-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
I think getting rid of Jorah is the plan. At the Small Council meeting, it was emphasized a few times that Dany had two knights advising her, when Cersei tried to dismiss her importance. I think Twyin's plan is to divide her camp and getting rid of Jorah is the first step.

I also don't think Selmy is part of the plot. It seemed like he wasn't expecting the pardon, but once he saw it, he had no choice but to share it. I don't think we've seen anything to indicate that he would support the Lannisters, and that he's over being dismissed by Cersei.
Oh right, I forgot about this. Selmy being in on it makes no sense now.

What happened is likely that Tywin sent a copy of the pardon to his contact, the contact gave it to Selmy and Selmy's only play is to give it to Dany because he's Ned-level honorable. He might've realized it was a play by Tywin but that wouldn't change his action. Granted, Selmy may have legitimate concerns with Jorah given that he doesn't know him or his motives. Dany otoh should have known better.
06-03-2014 , 08:00 AM
"spoiler" from the promo photo shoot a few weeks back! (safe to click if you've seen this week's episode, and if you haven't wtf are you doing in this thread already!)


Last edited by Dynasty; 06-03-2014 at 10:24 AM.
06-03-2014 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
but god that would have sucked and it's so awesome to read witout fear of spoilage (or suspicions thereof)!
Its nice but alot of people just enjoy theorycrafting about the plot and this can easily be correct sometimes ...

And yeah Sansa getting hotter each episode it seems, now massively cock teasing LF aswell
06-03-2014 , 09:12 AM
That vid of people's reactions made me realize I may not be as emotionally invested in this as some
06-03-2014 , 09:17 AM
Why didn't he just finish him? That's always been the problem with those flamboyant continental types.

06-03-2014 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
Fans reactions. Guy at 1:48 for some reason is amazing

Is it a draw?

No, he's ****ing dead.
06-03-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate
Great episode. I thought the scene's with both Bronn and Oberyn with Tyrion were both fantastic. They captured the dynamic between Bronn and Tyrion quite well. Bronn just vanishing or "can't trust a sell sword" would have been too simplistic. They were friends, but Bronn isn't the type to risk a likely death for a friend who could never return the favor.

One worry I do have with all the allusions to Oberyn's knowledge of poisons is a situation where he nicks the Mountain but is killed himself before it takes hold, similar to Drogo's death. This would definitely fit with the power in chaos theme of the show, leaving a opportunity for each side to claim victory. It would also serve to complete Oberyn's arc.

I just really hope it doesn't play out this way as 1.) Oberyn has developed in to a rich character with potential down the road and would like him to be a continued player 2.) GOT has done well without using this sort of device.
Ugghhh, really hate to have gotten this mostly right as Oberyn was awesome. LOL, one time? Once Oberyn drove his spear in to his chest I was sure he had finished him and the twist was going to come from another source before the credits. Doesn't look like Tyrion has any claim to innocence now. Obviously, every viewer hopes he doesn't die. But couple of things are making me think that he does die:

1.) Tyrion's story has been him navigating the world of a noble birth with nothing else that would be deemed "noble". If he were to escape, he'd be stripped of all this. What capacity for maneuvering does he really have as a disgraced, murderous dwarf with no practical connection to the Lannister name. He'd be like an investment banker on a deserted island.

2.) Its episode 9.

Other random thoughts from the ep:

-Thought the actress who played Cersei did an awesome job during the fight. You could see her going from spiteful to worried to smug while barely even moving her lips

-I actually really liked the Arya laugh. I think it showed her harding in other aspects of her life.

-Someone a page or so back alluded to this, but if Tyrion goes, who is our next protagonist? Jon Snow and Dany have been way too one dimensional to carry that role for me. Stannis is a religious nut case. I guess Little Finger if they can make him a little less creepy or Davos if they are going to bring him in to fold more
06-03-2014 , 12:04 PM
People who just laugh at that scene are weird.
06-03-2014 , 12:16 PM
good call on the Cersei subtlety in that scene.

thought another great scene not really mentioned yet was the guy who axed the dude is given his options and then it cuts to flayed him. buhrutal.
06-03-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
People who just laugh at that scene are weird.

Didn't get what you meant by this and thought in might be in the reaction vids, but realized it that it was what I wrote. The LOL I wrote was for Lord of Light, meaning hoping for a resurrection like Thoros. Definitely was not laughing there
06-03-2014 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Jamie also seems to oddly not care about finding his son's real killer.
This is one of my problems with this season. *Nobody* cares. As bumbling a detective as Ned was, his trying to figure out the Jon Arynn mystery at least gave us some conventional narrative hooks to drag us along.

I wish we had a side story where someone (Jamie, Bronn, Varys, anyone) was working on solving the Joffrey mystery, giving us one more possibility of a Tyrion acquittal. I know a major theme is that power trumps truth, but that doesn't mean you can't give us something to root for, even if it ultimately falls short.
06-03-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate

-Someone a page or so back alluded to this, but if Tyrion goes, who is our next protagonist? Jon Snow and Dany have been way too one dimensional to carry that role for me. Stannis is a religious nut case. I guess Little Finger if they can make him a little less creepy or Davos if they are going to bring him in to fold more
I think for the general viewing audience, Dany is already one of, if not the main protagonist. She is naive and disliked by OOT, but she is as straight at it comes. She doesn't even have any minor vices like Tyrion. I have to believe that most viewers want to see her and her dragons conquer Westeros.
06-03-2014 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate
-I actually really liked the Arya laugh. I think it showed her harding in other aspects of her life.
I thought it was overdone and tonally off. Hard to blame Maisie Williams because I think she's been a clear top 5 actor in the cast so far, but I would have preferred just a knowing head shake to the Hound with a "dude, that's a bad ****ing beat" smirk and maybe cracking herself up, rather than a wide shot of her guffaw echoing through the canyon.

But nitpick is nitpicky.
06-03-2014 , 01:41 PM
Jorah should have just let Dany drink the poison and die. Take his pardon and go back to his life, no good deed goes unpunished.
06-03-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate
Didn't get what you meant by this and thought in might be in the reaction vids, but realized it that it was what I wrote. The LOL I wrote was for Lord of Light, meaning hoping for a resurrection like Thoros. Definitely was not laughing there
no, I did mean the guy in the reaction video just doubling over laughing - unless its just some nervous laughter because he knows he's being videoed - or just staged.
06-03-2014 , 02:21 PM
Omg of thrones.

Seems like a shady way to win. To pretend your dead then cheap shot.

If I was judge I'd say the price won before he was killed.
06-03-2014 , 02:31 PM
Littlefinger is the biggest player. From nothing to being a contender to the Throne.
06-03-2014 , 02:42 PM
Jorah's attempt to explain/apologise to Dany could hardly have been less enthusiastic. No idea how he stays relevant now, though I suspect he'll appear from nowhere and save the day at some point.

Combat scene tilted the life out of me. I just knew Oberyn was pushing his luck all the way through it and I was kind of pleased when he got his head squished; there's a time and a place for showboating, and a fight to the death vs the most fearsome warrior in the land is not it. What a life fish he turned out to be. Of course, my happiness level went from "Robyn when a bad man flies out of the moon door" to "unsullied thinking what he'd do to Missandrei then realising... d'oh" when I remembered that he'd also just doomed Tyrion

I like the new streetwise Sansa. Hopefully she'll now take over Ned's role (and that of the now presumably doomed Tyrion) as the viewer's rooting interest. Sansa could emerge from all this in pretty good shape for a long-term throne challenge with Littlefinger alongside her to play the Tywin puppet-master role and Arya on board as the resident kickass ninja. I'm assuming the young titty-guzzling prince isn't going to be kept around for any longer than he's of use to Baelish, who I'm sure won't be stupid enough to attempt to control a lunatic monarch, having seen how that turned out for Tyrion.
06-03-2014 , 02:54 PM
Just on the Jorah situation; Didn't he already get pardoned?

In that referenced episode where he saved Dany from getting poisoned, didn't he receive a letter saying he was free to leave but decided to stay anyway?

Maybe I'm not remembering correctly.
06-03-2014 , 02:59 PM
AFAIK, Roose Bolton had no non-basterd children so far. This would mean that the first son he has with his Frey wife would have become his heir. I think the Freys might be pissed-off about Ramsey's new status.
06-03-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
Jorah should have just let Dany drink the poison and die. Take his pardon and go back to his life, no good deed goes unpunished.
this story takes a very, very dim view of any action born of passion
06-03-2014 , 04:29 PM
If Tyrion dies i'm done with got # team Tyrion !!
06-03-2014 , 04:30 PM
I didn't break down with laughter or anything, but I laughed a couple seconds after his head popped after the initial surprise had worn off. It was so over the top. The fact that it was so over the top made me very aware that I was watching a TV show so the sense of disgust just wasn't there for me like it most definitely would be if I saw something like that happen to an actual person. That particular death was almost like cartoon violence which just doesn't bother me like more realistic violence.

I often laugh at horror/gore movies that others find scary for the same reason.
06-03-2014 , 05:01 PM
With Tyrion about to get the axe (pun intended) I wonder who is the moral compass on the show and suggest sir davos is probably my lead.

On to some points and questions, firstly the iron born sure like to hit the leader from behind, first theon gets whacked in the head after his nice speech and now the leader of the fort gets splashed. im staying in the back if im a soldier. the offer theon offered was exactly what ramses offered the iron born back in winterfelll, does that mean ramses flayed them as well? seemed to me they made off just fine but again that was simply implied so who knows??

and its been said many times but the mountain killing oberyn was the most gruesome way to die ive ever seen
