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Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration

02-06-2014 , 06:06 AM
by the way it's very possible that she had zero in my account, she was pretty much mentally dominating me I think, and I think I was playing for her on my own money at some point

it's possible the 235 was something she convinced me she had in me, the latter part of the stake is really fuzzy in my mind, so she was probably already into my psyche

like i said I'm weak
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 06:20 AM
hey...i chopped with u early this week coz i needed to cash out for rent
I transferred 300 on Jan 10th to a friend because I settled with RJ after the 1200 bink, so she should have gotten 1K I think on or about the same day.

I think I hit something on my own and the 200 is a cashout of my own. Like I said, she was hand picking tourneys at this point, so she prob didn't have action in something that day
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 06:36 AM
bottom line is:

I cashed out 759 total from that period according to my records. RJ did not have action on 2 of the tournaments. So it's possible I had no money of hers at all in my account and she was at some point convincing me I did.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 06:44 AM
Jeff you don't want this settled at all your going round in circles saying '235 or nothing' one min then the next 'i was wrong i owe you 965' then 'oh i have not slept in 5 days i owe you 235'

Get a grip and go see your doctor for help
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
it seems my memory is faulty is some respects
This is the most stunning thing I've read in this thread.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 08:01 AM
I'm stunned that Bennett thinks those he considers bad players are bad for the game and need to leave.

Bad players are GREAT for the game because that is who the better players make their money from!

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-06-2014 at 08:28 AM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 08:24 AM
I am a lurker in the forums for the most part, but Jeff Bennett seems to be delusional. Dude you can't even remember details from what you say 5 days ago much less anything from a stake pre BF. I would gladly give Nicole 900 just so they IP ban your account forever. You deserve everything you've created for yourself in this thread. Seek help immediately, adderall is a helluva drug yo! Oh yeah, Sue me! I am serious about the 900 offer Nicole. Good luck getting some resolution in this mess...

Jeff Bennett poker player is a mentally unstable liar, thief, and scammer!!
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:11 AM
she quit me feb 25

that is when the stake ended

my memory was foggy between feb 25 and up as far as our account is concerned. I sent her stake money back on Feb 25 and bought players in the MP with the rest of her money, that's why there is no email correspondence between us after that date

she is an evil manipulator and I'm a spineless jelly fish, she quit totally on FEB 25 and I shipped her the stake money

after that I coached her a little and she eventually brainwashed me to think she still had money on my account the 235 is her number
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:17 AM
But i thought you said you couldn't quit the stake while in make up and black friday hit which stopped you getting out of makeup and you were trying to get your makeup with her transferred to other backers .
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Well, old AIM logs can't be recovered unless you run specific programs to save them. Ah well.

However, PS apparently does keep transaction logs for this long, so I have a complete transaction history for the stake. My sending him money (obviously) indicates the original stake or a resupply. Him sending me money indicates he is back out of MU and we are profit splitting at that time.

I'm not going to lie and claim I'm 100% sure, but I think the last $200 was after the conversation we had reference the money he "borrowed". I recall a fairly long convo about specific games he wanted to play where he was +EV but the roll wasn't really big enough to handle at that time. IIRC, I didn't take a profit split around that time to give him the additional $250 to bump the roll to $750, and send him the $200 to cover the "loan" as it were.

Also I think the first transaction wasn't the full $500 because I kept running up against PS person to person transfer limits at the time. I remember wanting to get him the money before year's end but I needed my limits increased.

475477757 12/4/2010 11:32:58 AM USD -400.00 Unreal_Zeal
479598646 12/13/2010 5:15:12 AM USD 150.50 Unreal_Zeal
483375089 12/20/2010 8:06:35 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
487434116 12/29/2010 10:16:28 AM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
493580665 1/10/2011 6:31:01 AM USD 1,083.74 Unreal_Zeal
497173340 1/17/2011 7:10:21 AM USD 52.00 Unreal_Zeal
500287941 1/23/2011 10:31:38 AM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
504539942 1/31/2011 11:20:08 AM USD 78.31 Unreal_Zeal
506188628 2/3/2011 2:21:27 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
507442154 2/6/2011 1:21:32 AM USD 500.00 Unreal_Zeal
508040526 2/7/2011 8:32:57 AM USD 288.54 Unreal_Zeal
510826968 2/12/2011 8:46:48 PM USD 212.00 Unreal_Zeal
510827697 2/12/2011 8:47:56 PM USD 16.49 Unreal_Zeal
513679297 2/18/2011 5:23:06 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
517224463 2/25/2011 10:42:54 PM USD 250.00 Unreal_Zeal
518298412 2/28/2011 3:00:01 AM USD 425.00 Unreal_Zeal
521214953 3/5/2011 6:28:46 PM USD -485.00 Unreal_Zeal
521928187 3/6/2011 10:43:57 PM USD 49.09 Unreal_Zeal
531517662 3/26/2011 11:25:43 PM USD -200.00 Unreal_Zeal

I also recall talking to him the week of BF, or at the latest late the week before. To my recollection, the stake was even at that time. I certainly don't recall him being in MU, nor do any of the emails from late May of that year reference him being in MU, from me or him.

I'm not really sure what these prove other than that the stake existed - without the attendant conversations I don't really remember what was going on each time.

Finally, we met once in person, and IIRC, it was while the stake was still ongoing. I don't recall any money changing hands at that time, but as I said, I did consider him a friend.
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
she quit me feb 25

that is when the stake ended

first she convinced me she still had 235

my memory is foggy between feb 25 and up as far as our account is concerned butI sent her stake money back on Feb 25 and bought players in the MP with the rest of her money

she is an evil manipulator and I'm a spineless jelly fish, she quit totally on FEB 25 and I shipped her the stake money

after that I coached her a little and she eventually brainwashed me to think she still had money on my account the 235 is her number

Whoever asked, the $200 "loan" was sent 3/26, meaning he probably actually withdrew the $200 without asking first somewhere in the preceding couple of weeks.

Also, and probably everyone already assumed this but I'll state it anyway, but the stake was not quit on Feb. 25th, nor was he running MP action ON the stake. He should have been running any MP action (meaning whatever left he needed to buy in after shares were sold) with his own money. Whether that actually happened or not, who knows.

But it seems highly likely that he was lying to me throughout the entire course of the stake. It's not outside the realm of possibility there are, essentially, three sets of numbers - what he told me (and the basis of the funds flowing back and forth between our two accounts - if he told me he had busted the roll, I sent him money; if he told me he was now out of MU and in profit, we split), what was actually happening, and some alternate set of numbers he had to use to keep 1 & 2 close enough together that I wouldn't grow suspicious.

It is very obvious, and I have never denied, that I was entirely too trusting in running this stake. As someone who would never steal $5, let alone $500, it simply did not occur to me to really question what I was being told. I recall checking OPR on occasion, especially after the issues with him exceeding the agreed buy-in limits, but I never asked for a daily accounting of every SNG/MTT played. As such I am not innocent in this, in the sense that had I known even rudimentary backer procedures, I would have discovered any lies/discrepancies and things would not have reached this point.

He told me around BF that he had either $937 or $927 in the account (and I was willing to accept that for the entire amount owed). He then told me during those recent emails that he actually had over $1k and didn't receive it until 12/12. Both of these were, according to recent posts in this thread, completely false (but hey, who hasn't confused their role but a factor of 10? I know when I had $100 in my account I was totally prone to assuming I actually had $1000).

It is further clear, and should be to everyone by now, that he has no intention of ever paying me back. Not the $950 I believe I am owed, nor any of the imaginary numbers he has thrown out.

Given all this, I consider myself quite fortunate that the damage was not more extensive.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:35 AM
What if Jeff turns out to be right in all of this? We all have a lot of apologising to do.

Obviously the fact that he is a liar will always stand, but besides that...
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:40 AM
why did I ship you 425 on feb 25 nicole and buy players in the MP for you nicole?

you quit me on that date

the data tells the whole story, I was continuously settling with you throughout, I never had 900 of your in my account. If I did I settled with you to keep it no more than 500

eventually you quit me, the date was feb 25

there was never 900 in my account the whole time

this audit proves that your 950 can't even be close
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Doofus Krondelly
What if Jeff turns out to be right in all of this? We all have a lot of apologising to do.

Obviously the fact that he is a liar will always stand, but besides that...
I don't lie to hurt people, I lie to avoid confrontation, coz I'm a spineless jelly

that makes me a compulsive liar

nicole lies to hurt ppl and get what she wants, she is a pathological liar

I'm definitely right and the audit will prove it and Nicole will be held liable
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Given all this, I consider myself quite fortunate that the damage was not more extensive.
Just curious, were you aware that you were staking a known multi-accounter?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:43 AM
Actually, I think it's time I finally came clean.

*deep breath...*

I am a member of the Fraternal Order Of Fish (FOOF).

The goal of our organization is the destruction of poker. For we, as fish, cannot abide the fact that there are people out there who can make money at this game while we cannot. We cannot abide the constant sneers and whispers of "donkey" when we decide to play any two suited cards, or when we crack aces by chasing a backdoor flush draw. Our methods are clearly superior, but instead we are labeled as donkeys, as idiots, as the dregs of the poker universe, and this is clearly intolerable. If not for luck we would win every hand, for everyone knows that any poker hand is 50/50.

I was assigned to infiltrate 2p2. The plan was simple. Find and destroy the credibility of some winning players. But how? No one respects the opinions of low count posters, and as a FOOF, my understanding of the brand of soulless, math based poker these so called "good" players used was nil.

Jeff was not even on our radar when I joined the forums. We had never heard of him. But when I forwarded reports of his unorthodox style and win rate, FOOF superiors were intrigued. I befriended him, and when I learned of his personal conflicts with others on the forum and his lack of funds, the pieces fell into place.

It was an intricate plan. It took years to establish a reputation solid enough where my superiors thought it was safe to accuse such a dominant poker powerhouse with petty theft. My gaining the coveted power of the green name helped our cause, to be sure. A FOOF member now one of the power brokers on 2p2, capable of infracting and banning the keenest poker minds of our age at a whim? Inconceivable!

It is clear now that I have failed. Soon I will disappear without a trace. As is our tradition, I will be executed via throwing cards, a la Jesus (and by Jesus, I mean Chris Ferguson, ldo). Granted, our members are no better at throwing cards than they are at poker, so death actually occurs from a combination of dehydration and boredom, but some of those card paper cuts sting.

I leave a final message for my compatriots. The red hawk is rising. Fibble the chucklepants. 1849389259308501.

Long live FOOF!
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:45 AM
why would I ship you 425 on feb 25. there is no reason, after every bink or week I settled up to make sure I had no more than 500 of your money in my account. I didn't want more than that.

this data is sweet it tells the whole story all your testimony will bury you, shows I never had more than 900 in the account at any one time

you should stfu now before you do more damage

I will pay you the 200 loan. But I hope you go to jail where you belong after that.

Last edited by attentionnoone; 02-06-2014 at 09:52 AM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by justAnobody
Just curious, were you aware that you were staking a known multi-accounter?
We had discussed it before, yes.

I didn't enter the poker world until '09. I was aware, at least tangentially, that MAing used to be a pretty huge deal, and that even major players used to do it. I understand/understood the reasons for the rules prohibiting it (and still do, and agree with them), but given that he was hardly alone in using multiple accounts, I saw it as a fairly "minor" crime at the time.

Obviously just another red flag I ignored.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 09:49 AM
This new claim that the stake ended in February is pretty funny, considering I shipped him another $685 after that date and this is literally the first time it's coming up.

And to answer the question, I assume that $425 is a profit split, or what you told me was what I was due in profit. It's obvious that you were lying during the entire stake if you had as little in your account on BF as $122.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:02 AM
Jeff Bennett is a liar and a thief and probably has a small penis.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:07 AM
We have transferred USD 75.00 from your account to 'HammerU173' as per your request.
We have transferred USD 80.21 from your account to 'NeverScaredB' as per your request.
We have transferred USD 250.00 from your account to 'SGT RJ' as per your request.
on Feb 25 I shipped back the stake money that I had left of hers and bought two players in the MP for her

she wanted to do a few more MTTs that day and close the account, I didn't want to, so I convinced her to just buy some MP action

after that I never had more than 300 or so in there the whole time, my ending balance was 122

I think I just switched to coaching her at that point,that's why we were on the phone so much

thats where she started her extortion racket

no wonder you didn't want to see the magic math

If there is anything it's because hammer or NSB shipped something back and I forgot to forward it
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
This new claim that the stake ended in February is pretty funny, considering I shipped him another $685 after that date and this is literally the first time it's coming up.

And to answer the question, I assume that $425 is a profit split, or what you told me was what I was due in profit. It's obvious that you were lying during the entire stake if you had as little in your account on BF as $122.
Fair enough.

After reading through the Girah stuff it was obvious you have integrity, but perhaps you staking him was a huge error in judgement. There's a good chance he was still multi-accounting under your stake (he states he made cashouts to a "friend") and that (unknown to you) you assisted him to cheat the community.

I don't say that with any malice, and considering the guy is mentally unstable and a scumbag, for $950 you got a fairly cheap lesson.

Last edited by justAnobody; 02-06-2014 at 10:34 AM. Reason: wrong quote
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by justAnobody
Fair enough.

After reading through the Girah stuff it was obvious you have integrity, but perhaps you staking him was a huge error in judgement. There's a good chance he was still multi-accounting under your stake (he states he made cashouts to a "friend") and that (unknown to you) you assisted him to cheat the community.

I don't say that with any malice, and considering the guy is mentally unstable and a scumbag, for $950 you got a fairly cheap lesson.
I could not agree with the bolded more.

I understand no insult is intended. Your point is valid. I never should have trusted him with a sandwich, let alone a poker stake. I have many faults, and being somewhat naive is one of them.

Live and learn.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:13 AM
forgot to add:

Jeff Bennett is a liar and a thief who you cannot trust...not even with a sandwich!!!
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:14 AM
I know you quit me at that date and we may have started anew or something. I dunno. Haven't gotten that far yet.

Funny how you have this number of 950 when it can't even be close and the numbers prove it without a shadow of a doubt that you made up a number off the top of your head

the money doesn't go anywhere, it's not cashed out anywhere except when you and I both settle, it's not transferred out anywhere so your number can't be correct and you didn't hit one with me because I didn't settle with you, even though I'd settled 3 days earlier.

I settle with you on Jan 10 but then I bink 3 days later and don't settle with you, so that is clearly on my own with the 150 we chopped to start the stake

the first stake was just a week, you wanted to try me out, we chopped 150, that money was now mine, I used it to bink for 933. that was not yours because you opted out prob coz it was a rb, too bad oh well

the audit is going to show exactly how much money you had in my account on every day and it will show you are FOS if you think I'd keep that much money of yours in my account ever

funny coz you could have put this to bed a week ago and gotten paid

now you might go to jail

Last edited by attentionnoone; 02-06-2014 at 10:27 AM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-06-2014 , 10:15 AM
Also, I transferred 80.31 to NeverScaredB on 2/25 myself.

The full transaction log. I didn't think it was relevant before but I have no problem with people knowing everyone I transferred money with. Some of this is my own stake to play STTs, some MP action, and what I think is some selling of Amazon gift cards or something similar (the consecutive $100 transfers).

I told everyone I redacted the other transactions when I posted the log the first time.

475477757 12/4/2010 11:32:58 AM USD -400.00 Unreal_Zeal
479598646 12/13/2010 5:15:12 AM USD 150.50 Unreal_Zeal
483375089 12/20/2010 8:06:35 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
487434116 12/29/2010 10:16:28 AM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
493580665 1/10/2011 6:31:01 AM USD 1,083.74 Unreal_Zeal
497173340 1/17/2011 7:10:21 AM USD 52.00 Unreal_Zeal
500287941 1/23/2011 10:31:38 AM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
504539942 1/31/2011 11:20:08 AM USD 78.31 Unreal_Zeal
506188628 2/3/2011 2:21:27 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
506383128 2/3/2011 9:12:43 PM USD 100.00 hautian
506408124 2/3/2011 11:04:25 PM USD 165.00 WestHam14
507442154 2/6/2011 1:21:32 AM USD 500.00 Unreal_Zeal
508040526 2/7/2011 8:32:57 AM USD 288.54 Unreal_Zeal
509823097 2/10/2011 7:43:34 PM USD -269.65 WestHam14
509823244 2/10/2011 7:44:57 PM USD -33.98 WestHam14
509856849 2/10/2011 9:47:13 PM USD 100.00 gnvsnnkv
509858904 2/10/2011 9:54:38 PM USD 100.00 gnvsnnkv
510006771 2/11/2011 9:24:29 AM USD 100.00 gnvsnnkv
510048707 2/11/2011 11:05:40 AM USD 59.30 WestHam14
510162493 2/11/2011 2:40:45 PM USD 202.50 WestHam14
510169109 2/11/2011 2:57:17 PM USD -11.11 P-Halt
510185498 2/11/2011 3:25:17 PM USD -23.75 WestHam14
510201093 2/11/2011 3:50:52 PM USD -21.00 WestHam14
510826968 2/12/2011 8:46:48 PM USD 212.00 Unreal_Zeal
510827697 2/12/2011 8:47:56 PM USD 16.49 Unreal_Zeal
510872706 2/13/2011 12:10:25 AM USD 2.16 WestHam14
511082587 2/13/2011 12:12:30 PM USD 7.50 WestHam14
511370823 2/13/2011 9:55:46 PM USD 8.64 WestHam14
513268434 2/17/2011 8:24:26 PM USD -67.50 WestHam14
513679297 2/18/2011 5:23:06 PM USD -500.00 Unreal_Zeal
513698051 2/18/2011 6:03:21 PM USD 100.00 yeventry
513701300 2/18/2011 6:12:06 PM USD 200.00 yeventry
513706150 2/18/2011 6:22:08 PM USD 264.00 yeventry
513984607 2/19/2011 10:58:15 AM USD 63.57 WestHam14
514004495 2/19/2011 11:44:03 AM USD -22.50 WestHam14
514252762 2/19/2011 8:32:09 PM USD 7.16 WestHam14
514274805 2/19/2011 9:52:15 PM USD -90.00 WestHam14
514277767 2/19/2011 10:04:37 PM USD -37.50 WestHam14
514316006 2/20/2011 1:34:14 AM USD 5.02 WestHam14
517198457 2/25/2011 9:09:11 PM USD -80.31 NeverScaredB
517224463 2/25/2011 10:42:54 PM USD 250.00 Unreal_Zeal
518293094 2/28/2011 2:20:40 AM USD 34.13 NeverScaredB
518298412 2/28/2011 3:00:01 AM USD 425.00 Unreal_Zeal
518435845 2/28/2011 10:56:30 AM USD -30.00 WestHam14
518539459 2/28/2011 2:03:45 PM USD -34.13 NeverScaredB
518619865 2/28/2011 4:07:10 PM USD 10.80 Silly Skates
518624007 2/28/2011 4:16:02 PM USD 27.00 THENEWCS
518659347 2/28/2011 5:18:56 PM USD 13.50 AxelRodrig
518662415 2/28/2011 5:23:02 PM USD 5.40 CALLMECAESAR
518662808 2/28/2011 5:20:29 PM USD 5.40 CALLMECAESAR
518668051 2/28/2011 5:34:23 PM USD -5.40 CALLMECAESAR
518696449 2/28/2011 6:32:54 PM USD 5.40 wyldchyld42
518716700 2/28/2011 7:21:52 PM USD 25.00 cannotletgo
518748211 2/28/2011 8:53:13 PM USD -0.70 cannotletgo
518867096 3/1/2011 6:51:03 AM USD 27.00 deke972
518957190 3/1/2011 10:53:51 AM USD -25.00 WestHam14
519216335 3/1/2011 6:41:07 PM USD -27.00 Icallany
519374897 3/2/2011 6:20:05 AM USD 10.00 Icallany
520282488 3/3/2011 11:08:15 PM USD 92.20 NeverScaredB
521112183 3/5/2011 3:06:14 PM USD 4.85 CNotePlaya
521131041 3/5/2011 3:43:36 PM USD 242.50 whynot138
521135024 3/5/2011 3:49:01 PM USD 92.15 PQuest99
521209375 3/5/2011 6:17:36 PM USD 97.00 ezmogee
521214953 3/5/2011 6:28:46 PM USD -485.00 Unreal_Zeal
521265288 3/5/2011 8:39:04 PM USD -150.00 City37
521285081 3/5/2011 9:48:49 PM USD 27.00 WestHam14
521584189 3/6/2011 1:00:43 PM USD 8.10 Rated RK
521584244 3/6/2011 1:00:43 PM USD 2.70 CNotePlaya
521589232 3/6/2011 1:05:39 PM USD -2.70 Rated RK
521928187 3/6/2011 10:43:57 PM USD 49.09 Unreal_Zeal
523552440 3/10/2011 10:52:33 AM USD -165.00 WestHam14
528693565 3/20/2011 10:38:07 PM USD 12.05 WestHam14
531517662 3/26/2011 11:25:43 PM USD -200.00 Unreal_Zeal
535701610 4/4/2011 1:50:35 PM USD 5.00 9dJhQhKhAh
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
