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*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** *** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) **

09-08-2015 , 07:03 PM
215 turbo for 1050 today showed only 50 players in the rankings while 77 seats, which I find unlikable. It is quite important to see other stacks around bubble.
Also the 215 deep slowed structured the day before had fewer entrants than I imagine would play, is there a way for similar sats for events on the next day to be more visible in the main lobby (with the mtts, the way ME sats are showed)?
Also regular $109 10min ST sats disappeared today, pls bring them back for the next week.

Last edited by Erebgil_bg; 09-08-2015 at 07:12 PM. Reason: ahhhhh pls del this I should have posted in WCOOP thread, sry
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-10-2015 , 11:40 AM
why not switch those 7.50 rd 1 hyper deep satelites to the thrill away from feeding into various overraked reg filled 82/109 turbo deep re-entry satelites

have them feed into another hyper deep obviously? right??
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-11-2015 , 12:38 PM
It's almost as if you guys want the Friday 8-Game to be cancelled every week. Pitiful satellite offerings.

May I suggest some $50-$82 deepstack turbos among others.

*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-12-2015 , 04:23 AM
yesterday the only ept qualifier was the 320 hyper
today the only qualifier is a 320 hyper
this makes no sense at all!
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by keitho1986
Haven't played these Yet but thats a pretty crappy min cash. Players would like to win a ticket or as close as possible to it, in this case $510
The reason he posted the picture was because the number of players paid in the info box of the table doesn't match the actual number of players paid. This is a software bug with all Pokerstars satellites, as far as I can tell.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 12:21 PM
I think it's very misleading for Stars to be labeling this thing as a turbo when it doesn't have 5 minute levels the whole way through.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by CarlosChadha
The reason he posted the picture was because the number of players paid in the info box of the table doesn't match the actual number of players paid. This is a software bug with all Pokerstars satellites, as far as I can tell.
this is by design
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
hi keith. i beleive you are aware of this issue but thought i would let you know it is still happening very frequently

info tab = 4 places paid
reality = 3 tickets and 7 places paid
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
I’m not sure this is much of an issue. The first 3 places win seats to a tournament, the next 4 places (4th through 7th) are paid a cash prize, so only 4 places are “paid”. I don’t think it should say “7 places paid”, as that would promise more cash prizes than it delivers. I agree it might be better if the Info tab said “3 Seats + 4 places paid”. I will check with the team.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 12:56 PM
i still feel like that design is simply misleading and wish they would change it to represent useful information (TOTAL places paid or number of seats + number of places paid remainder).

showing number of places paid minus number of seats is not useful to anybody
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 01:04 PM
yeah it's murder mass-tabling satelites in endgame as the info tab just doesn't give a reliable indication of how many places are paid
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 01:57 PM
ya i agree that for a sat, a seat is a "place paid" and would provide more useful info
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-13-2015 , 04:29 PM
I played a mtt toernie again on stars since a long time. Why, because it was zoom, a lot of fun.

I can understand pokerstars dont want to offer too much zoom toernies as it kills rake because people table a lower amount because of it and the better players gethigher edges in a zoom tournament, but, I still think a sunday zoom turbo(hyper) 215 is a great idea, it was the most fun i had for a while playing the 320 zoom a few days back
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-15-2015 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by stayhighlowe
why is the payouts for the $1.65 3X rebuy to the warm-up different from the $1.65 3X rebuy to the million? in regards to the non seat payouts. the million pays out only one place extra, where the warm-up seems to be paying around 10 players; an amount most likely less than their buy in....feel most player do not enjoy playing for ~3 hours to cash but lose money...
Originally Posted by the_bridler
hey before you ruin all x3 sats can u make the min cashes at least 30x the buy in cost,

u realise how damn tilting it is to play hu for 700 ticket and getting 2nd for 50 bucks wen 9th is paying 50 aswell
Originally Posted by roscoe91
hey luke,
while rewriting SM sats, could you please not ruin the payout structures on them?
i noticed no change on the SWU payout structures and unfortunately saw you changed the payouts at the 320 wednesday sats.

care to explain how paying $18 after 10x rebuys and then mincashing for $15 is a pleasant experience? (for any kind of player)

Originally Posted by Sect7G
Although it's good to see the SWU sats doing well; it certainly isn't because of this payout structure.
Originally Posted by the_bridler
Im not looking foward to the re writing of the sm sat schedule, too many changes have been a negative for the players so expect that to continue

Really idiotic min cash changes when you see 5 320$ tickets then a left over $318 broken into a load of $30 min cashes
Originally Posted by 1gambler
agree with above, if i paly SM sattty and bubbled with 200$ prize i am highly likely to play SM anyways at heat of the moment, cause it only costs me another 15$ on top, but no1 will play with those 18$
Originally Posted by the_bridler
Non professional players like to gamble/punt.You know what the most common sports bet for people like this is? Its called an acca, where one selects 3+ sportsbet selections.The more selections, the bigger the possible win is, but the less likely they will see a return on their money.
Why is it the most common type of bet?Because it gives you the chance to win big for a small investment.

Sounds similar to a 1.65r x3 sunday million sat right? where a player can invest under $10 to win $215, not to win $10
Originally Posted by card0
people like to winning experience but even fish knows what he is regging for, if he want winning experince i think he would choose a different game

anyway if recs misses the ticket by 1place and cashing for buyin back is can be very dissapointing. would have been much more a winning experince if they could win bigger even if they misses the ticket
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Luke on this issue of remaining money in satellites lets just call a spade a spade. This change is done to allow under rolled players some leftover money so they can replay the satellite.

This change will annoy nearly everyone (even the guy who gets 50% of his buy in back)

This change will increase Pokerstars profits due to the replay of under rolled players.

Simple as that so just say it for what it is and lets move on.
Originally Posted by insomniac86

virtually no recreational will care for $10
Originally Posted by ignorant0
Have to agree with everyone about sat payouts. If ppl are regging a milli sat they want to win 215 not 15 and that is their only target. Getting some money as the bubble boy would make them feel better, but being the 13th person that gets 15$ would probably annoy them more. It would annoy me. Looks like another rake-grab.

Originally Posted by odGin
+1k to terrible change in satty payout structure...

I think ppl dont like winning experience like win 40 from 27 warm up satelite... Most of them are going for another winning experience...
Even cash 120 here will piss me off, dont want imagine 40...
hey luke, at your last post you didn't say anything about the sats payouts issue, even though i bothered to write a big post about it [u said you were open to counterpoints etc ] and many others posted their opinion about it (gathered some relevant posts for you in case you missed them ). btw, i didn't see any positive responses to the change.

so, as you're silently changing stuff and with everybody's attention to wcoop, i assume you are rewriting SM sats like you said. can you please listen to the feedback and not ruin all the satellite schedule??
these payouts are just terrible.

new wednesday 320 sats with new awful payout already out, what's coming up next?

sorry everyone for the double long post. this is the right thread but luke checks out mtt's thread more
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-16-2015 , 08:11 AM
EPT sats/subsats are inconsistently named eg
EPT-Malta Sat [Qualifier]: €530 NLHE, 1 Package Gtd
EPT-Malta Sat: €109 1R1A Qualifier [1 Seat Gtd]
EPT-Malta Sat: €22 Turbo Rd 1 [1 Seat Gtd] to €109 Qualifier

It would be very helpful for filters if it was standardised, eg at the moment typing in "ept qualifier" brings up all the sub-sats as well as the actual qualifiers and typing in "ept [qualifier]" causes you to miss some like the 1r1a above.
I'd suggest something like make sure that all qualifiers contain "[qualifier]" in the name and all sub sats say "qual" instead of "qualifier".
Potentially making a new tournament category "live qualifier" (for qualifiers) which is separate to "satellite" (for subsats) would work well also.

Obviously would be good to apply this to pca, aussie, local tours, etc etc too
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-16-2015 , 10:02 AM
I see no reason against some good sattelites to next days events, or big weekend events, near the end of most regs their sessions. So inbetween the B162 and H44. Think a lot of players would flick in a 160/320 deep sattelite (turbo or 10 min blinds) to 1/2k events.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-16-2015 , 05:54 PM
I think it's time for Pstars to add phase sats to the PCA.
I know this will take away some butter from the HS regs who play the daily qualifiers and the guys who play the sub sats but something has to give as the player lobby is just too scary for many recs. The good news is rec players will actually qualify and this makes the Live event softer.

I'd propose keeping the same sats that they have and then in addition add a $10 phase tourney (3x a day 12pm-4pm-8pm) and offer 1 package guaranteed and see how it works. If things are going well then add more lower stake ones.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-17-2015 , 11:01 AM
there ought to be $2.55 6-max hypers awarding 2x step 1 tickets, these would boost steps traffic from the bottom upwards!
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-17-2015 , 07:32 PM
crossposting as requested by Bryan ("Take it up with Luke" :P)

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
bryan could we get 1 or 2 of these 215 reg speed thrill sats in the weekly sched? thnx
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
the $27 mega to the thrill today was enjoyable also. would love to see a similar weekly comp to give the lower guys a chance to get in more frequently
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 12:42 AM
the places paid thing should be changed for sure..
honestly it would be ideal if for satellites it said how many actual full seats/packages there are (in additional to how many places paid = how many places in the money).
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
bryan could we get 1 or 2 of these 215 reg speed thrill sats in the weekly sched? thnx
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
It's almost as if you guys want the Friday 8-Game to be cancelled every week. Pitiful satellite offerings.

May I suggest some $50-$82 deepstack turbos among others.

Sorry I didn't post about this sooner, but there were two $55 deep turbos in the lobby for today. They require five players to start and guarantee one seat. One was schedule for 12:20 and cancelled with one player register and the other is scheduled for 13:00ET.

Originally Posted by Mecastyles
I played a mtt toernie again on stars since a long time. Why, because it was zoom, a lot of fun.

I can understand pokerstars dont want to offer too much zoom toernies as it kills rake because people table a lower amount because of it and the better players gethigher edges in a zoom tournament, but, I still think a sunday zoom turbo(hyper) 215 is a great idea, it was the most fun i had for a while playing the 320 zoom a few days back
I agree, Zoom should be a bigger part of the main tournament schedule; however, I'd rather add them at the micro level to gauge overall player interest.

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
there ought to be $2.55 6-max hypers awarding 2x step 1 tickets, these would boost steps traffic from the bottom upwards!
The steps are quite likely to see changes early next year due to the implementation of VIP Steps. The planning process has not begun, but I'm looking for ideas that:
  • Include more buy-ins
  • Have a smaller entry level
  • Players can understand easily

For some perspective, ~1,200 Step 1 ($7.50) tickets have been used this year. To me, that does not indicate a thriving ticket satellite program.

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
crossposting as requested by Bryan ("Take it up with Luke" :P)
I am unsure about 43:1 for this tournament. While the Thursday Thrill is a popular tournament, I typically prefer $55-$109 for a $1,050 target. Once the Sunday Million satellites have been changed, I'll continue evaluating other satellite systems.

As far as $215, I do not think that ratio is big enough!
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Sorry I didn't post about this sooner, but there were two $55 deep turbos in the lobby for today. They require five players to start and guarantee one seat. One was schedule for 12:20 and cancelled with one player register and the other is scheduled for 13:00ET.

I agree, Zoom should be a bigger part of the main tournament schedule; however, I'd rather add them at the micro level to gauge overall player interest.

The steps are quite likely to see changes early next year due to the implementation of VIP Steps. The planning process has not begun, but I'm looking for ideas that:
  • Include more buy-ins
  • Have a smaller entry level
  • Players can understand easily

For some perspective, ~1,200 Step 1 ($7.50) tickets have been used this year. To me, that does not indicate a thriving ticket satellite program.

I am unsure about 43:1 for this tournament. While the Thursday Thrill is a popular tournament, I typically prefer $55-$109 for a $1,050 target. Once the Sunday Million satellites have been changed, I'll continue evaluating other satellite systems.

As far as $215, I do not think that ratio is big enough!

Can you please elaborate on the upcoming changes to the Sunday Million satellite's 3x-turbo's,

As many of us have posted in this forum, that we do not want them changed.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by lynx9292
Can you please elaborate on the upcoming changes to the Sunday Million satellite's 3x-turbo's,

As many of us have posted in this forum, that we do not want them changed.
Good idea.

Perhaps Luke could post the changes a few days ahead of time on here... and perhaps some people on here can offer suggestions that are somewhat in line with your proposed changes.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-18-2015 , 08:47 PM
Can we have couple more $82 deep turbos for the Sunday 1k 6max earlier tomorrow? 2 or 3 around 215R starting time would be perfect. There's nothing to interfere with and most of the people wouldn't sit so early to play sats on Sunday.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-19-2015 , 06:51 AM
Are the 3x to the million actually changing?? That would be silly...
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-19-2015 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke

I am unsure about 43:1 for this tournament. While the Thursday Thrill is a popular tournament, I typically prefer $55-$109 for a $1,050 target. Once the Sunday Million satellites have been changed, I'll continue evaluating other satellite systems.

As far as $215, I do not think that ratio is big enough!
the structures were the important part for me , not the ratios. maybe you can find room for a nice branded $55 reg speed that was similar in play to the $27 and a couple of $109s with the same structure that those $215s had
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
