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*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** *** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) **

02-24-2015 , 10:20 AM
^disaggree with the above. obv 6max is not the more popular format, otherwise most mtts would be 6max and not fr.
the difference between waiting for 3 more instead of 6 more players is significant, but so is the difference between having 3/6 regs instead of 3/9 playing at the same sng.

having said that, i don't see why they shouldn't add 6max steps alongside FRs as another variant.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-24-2015 , 10:28 AM
6 max STT's are significantly more popular than 9max. Is what I meant.

With regards to the fish to reg ratio argument, I did consider it. In the end I decided its not as you would think. It's not like when the 82/215's do run they're filled with "fish", and that's especially true the higher up the steps you'll get.

When they run they're filled with generally good/very good players. This is exactly why they will run on Tuesdays and Sundays only pretty much. What I propose just means they'll run more often.

EDIT: in fact, in the case of the 700 and 2100 level it might mean players can play in softer games. As things stand, if you play on Sunday you've gotta face Chidwick, Smokrok et al to name just 2

Definitely up for having them alongside each otehr,
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 10:31 AM
6 Max Steps is a great idea for 700+ at least. Very often 5-6 people will reg, 2 hours pass and no one else shows interests, everyone slowly leaves and the games don't run.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by newguy89
6 Max Steps is a great idea for 700+ at least. Very often 5-6 people will reg, 2 hours pass and no one else shows interests, everyone slowly leaves and the games don't run.
Agreed that the demand is higher at the higher levels.

Definitely feel like the case for this is strong.

Baard was active yesterday so maybe he can reply to see if it's a possibility at least.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 12:02 PM
Any update on showing all rounds for a satellite path in the lobby? So if you want to reg for "Sat [Rd1]", you can see in the lobby how many rounds total there are until the target tournament? Seems like this shouldn't be that hard and when I asked a long while ago you said you were already working on it.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 05:04 PM
Can you add bb500 and bb1000 to deep turbos? Pls
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Why were the $2.22 2x's to the Sunday Million cancelled?

Next to the 3x sats these were the best consistent offering. As it is most sat grinders play on other sites as well. No need to increase that percentage.
I just heard about this...just terrible...pokerstars is a totally different and much worse company now...

and only one 3x turbo to the mill per hour during the week!?!? or at least that is all i am seeing on there right now...what a shame...couldn't you at least have a few of them an hour? why not try starting 3 or so of them at the same time (or at least during peak hours)? sunday millions have been getting smaller it seems to me and you could make them bigger (and other tourneys too) and make more money if you would just do the right things (hint: like more satellites during peak hours )

Also, why do you only run the $8 sun mill turbo rebuys on Sundays? Why not every day?

Last edited by TheLizardKing; 02-25-2015 at 08:04 PM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G

The 2 dollar 3x needs a reduction in min players and this will run much more consistently. 6 min should be fine and there shouldn't ever be an overlay.
Problem solved. But since the solution is so simple I gather there's more to it than just min players.

I know a lot on here aren't wanting to hear this suggestion but it is best for the game and might allow this sat to come back. Late reg for this tourney should be reduced from 1 hour to 45 min. This will cause more rebuys and give rec players a better chance to qualify based on recs qualifying/proportion of who is rebuying.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 08:12 PM
Yes, please add back the 2.22r 2x to sunday million at least during peak hours. It was extremely popular and would always run. Also agree the 1.5r 3x should run more often there are 200+ players in everyone
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-25-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear47
Yes, please add back the 2.22r 2x to sunday million at least during peak hours. It was extremely popular and would always run.
yep great idea...they definitely did
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-26-2015 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Nofear47
Yes, please add back the 2.22r 2x to sunday million at least during peak hours. It was extremely popular and would always run. Also agree the 1.5r 3x should run more often there are 200+ players in everyone

love this idea, really want the $2.22 back atleast at peak hours, or lower min amount of players required....

more $1.65+R is great idea too I think you will have no problem running them, please add more for hundreds of players that play and want them.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:01 PM
Stars really needs to offer some satty's that aren't turbo. Sure, a lot of people like turbo and hyper sats, but their motto has always been about offering the widest selection of games to suit all needs and they are failing to do this here.

I would guess that the new 'deep turbo' sats were aimed at addressing this, but that's not the right way to go about it IMO. Increasing the size of the starting stack only delays getting to the point of it being a crapshoot, it doesn't prevent it from happening.

My suggestion would be quite the opposite. Start players with only 40-50 BB's but increase the level times from 5 minutes to 8 or 10, and have smooth even blind jumps, not the terrible staggered and uneven ones there are now. Something like this maybe:

Also, the satellite buyin shouldn't be 1/10th of the target's buyin, that's too low IMO, eg. $2.75 satty's to the big $27.50 should be $4.40 instead.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
02-27-2015 , 10:51 AM
Agree some non turbo sats be great. 10% ratio is fine imo and should be the standard, close enough to what regular mtts payout.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-01-2015 , 11:15 AM
Is it me or is PS7, live sats view really broken?
For EPT Grand Final you can'f find any Step Gs if you look under SNG (For EPT GF). If you look under Direct Satellits then you don't find any either, nor do you find the €2100 satellite that runs today.

If you then go to Event Schedule and open the €13232 entry, then you find them (both Step G and the €2100 euro sat).

Under SNG with variant Steps you also don't find any of the Step's for live tournament (Step F -> EPT Malta, Step G -> EPT Malta….)

With good old PS6 it was very easy to find them all.

Wonder if there are other hidden stats :-)
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-01-2015 , 04:11 PM
6m hyper-sats still not respawning after Sat/Sun MTTs start, how much longer is this going to go on for until you realise it's doing nothing but missing out on rake and pushing people away from hyper-sats?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-02-2015 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
I spent some time discussing this with the manager of the Tournaments Team just yesterday. More than 99% of the seats won in the $74 S&G to the Sunday Million are not used in the Sunday Million... the satellites are simply T$ generators, for the most part. We discussed this for quite a while, and the decision was made to keep the S&G spawning one at a time until Sunday. While I realize that this will upset 'grinders', ultimately the satellites are there to put players in seats, not to generate T$. We certainly don't mind players using S&G satellites (or any satellites) to generate T$, but that's not why they exist, and we certainly aren't in the business of creating extra opportunities to play for the sole purpose of T$ generation. For the time being, the decision has been made to keep the $74 re-spawning the way that it is at this time. I'm not saying that this is permanent, but that it's how it will be for now. We'll see what kind of effect (if any) it has on play in the actual Sunday Million in terms of players coming from the $74s. Given the fact that they're S&G, and that they'll be spawning like mad on Sunday in the hours leading up to the actual target tournament, I tend to expect that in terms of seats used in the Million itself, the effect will be negligible/null.

The ppl who use the T$ are the players who anyway play SM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-02-2015 , 11:25 AM
I say it again; just introduce a hyper 6max triple up sng.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-02-2015 , 02:35 PM
Has Stars stopped offering sats to the $11 1000 seats gtd SM sat? I could swear they were offering them before.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-02-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
Any update on showing all rounds for a satellite path in the lobby? So if you want to reg for "Sat [Rd1]", you can see in the lobby how many rounds total there are until the target tournament? Seems like this shouldn't be that hard and when I asked a long while ago you said you were already working on it.
I'm not sure if this is possible, though I do know that you can follow the path simply by clicking on the 'Satellite to' in the lobby for each round. I will ask our resident PS7 expert about whether or not this is being worked on for the future. Thank you for the reminder.

Originally Posted by keitho1986
Can you add bb500 and bb1000 to deep turbos? Pls
Which ones, specifcally?

Originally Posted by keitho1986
Agree some non turbo sats be great. 10% ratio is fine imo and should be the standard, close enough to what regular mtts payout.
We do run non-turbo satellites. Having said that, turbo satellites are more prevalent on the schedule due to the fact that they're more popular. Non-turbo satellites have tended to become rare on the schedule due to the fact that, over time, they have been demonstrably less popular... often cancelling due to lack of participation.

Originally Posted by Brons
Has Stars stopped offering sats to the $11 1000 seats gtd SM sat? I could swear they were offering them before.
I'll check on this; thanks for the heads-up!
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-02-2015 , 08:32 PM
Don't you just use the same structure for them all, the ones I play and are missing the levels are super tues, thrill, big 162, big 109. Iirc
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-03-2015 , 07:06 AM
Hello, everyday we have x3 turbo satelites to live tournaments in assia region. 22r x3 to macao. 16r x3 to other. but why we dont have more x3 turbo sattelites to Euro live tours. only 1 tourney every evening 11r x3 to ukipt 1100e tourney to UK tour. can you add more x3 turbo to all live tours. eureka, estrela, even to EPT like 55r x3 to 5300 should be really awesome. i think you started 11r x3 to 1100e IPT Malta. but its like 3 weeks till tourney start, and like 2 sattelites in week. Should be nice to play more x3 turbo. satellites to live tourneys who will start after 60-90 days. so we can plan our trips and play more sattelites. We want atleast 1 sattelite to 11r x3 to 1100e Player choise or to next live tour every day.

I agree with ppls that 1.65 x3 to SM have always like 200+ players so you should run 2 or 3 sattelites in hour.

Last edited by Aruniux; 03-03-2015 at 07:31 AM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-03-2015 , 07:30 AM
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-03-2015 , 07:48 AM
Dont make live event sats start earlier, the only reason he wants this is so he can have more shots to win more seats and keep the $t, which will make live event sats tougher for recs to win.

Also dont add more x3 sm sats, this wud shrink the fields in these.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-03-2015 , 08:16 AM
Why Can i even see woman tournaments even I cant play them? Let me at least filter them!

Also I would suggest a filter for live sats. Most of them dont even fill up.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
03-03-2015 , 01:17 PM
I think it would be good to have at least one 3x rebuy sat each for the hot 44/55/75/109. Can time them so they end just as each target mtt starts if you dont want players to unreg (so around 2hrs 30mins before). These mtts just have freezeouts as mtt sats which I dont like much due to the very high rake. Having 3 fo sats (not counting hypers) to the hot 75 doesnt seem anywhere near enough for such a popular but high variance mtt, you have way more for the big 109/162.

Would also be good to have sats to a 109 or 215 turbo during peaktime, although I know you have said sats will only be for red mtts.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
