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*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** *** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) **

10-15-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Erebgil_bg
I am sure if the prize pool is 3 seats and 4th place taking 180$, there will be no complains either. In fact, it's more likely the player, who takes 180$ to register the target paying himself for 25$ more.
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
email sent
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
emailed. did not realise that emailing stars support was the best way to offer feedback on satellite changes. *checks thread title*
well said and done
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-15-2015 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke

Compared to the performance of $7.50 deep turbos and $1.65 3x-turbos, yes, it was dismal.
On sundays the 8+r/11+r's to the mill were giving away around 10 seats each if I remember correctly? Not sure their performance can be called dismal, if so there are plenty of other game types that are overshadowed by other games that would have to go as well I suppose. Really found it strange to wipe out all 8/11+r's when they had an alright following, maybe get rid of half but all seemed odd. Just seems like there is a big push at the moment to double or triple the rake paid per seat won by decreasing 3x/2x rebuy numbers and replacing normal rebuys with re-entries.

Will send an email about payouts.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-17-2015 , 11:58 AM
maybe i am missing it , there is no last chance hyper today for the 320 sko?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-17-2015 , 12:40 PM
Sundays need more Warm up/Million sats be it more 7.50 re-entrys or 1.5r or adding back the 8r/11r or even the 2r 2x ran really well early in the year. Please consider many pros and recreational players agree.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-17-2015 , 01:09 PM
Maybe remove some 7.50t deep sats and replace it with 11$ regular sats?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-17-2015 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by general_jim3
On sundays the 8+r/11+r's to the mill were giving away around 10 seats each if I remember correctly?
Yeah please bring them back, at least on sundays. Weekdays im with you that they performed poorly.

Why not trying to bring 10c Hyper sats on weekdays. Seems for me worth a shot.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-18-2015 , 02:44 PM
shockingly the deep turbo to the 82 plo pko got 109 runners, while the 2k chip turbos got max 45
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-19-2015 , 02:38 AM
Hey Luke, when is the $700 satty for the PCA main package that has 50 packages? will it be $700 this year??
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-19-2015 , 07:35 PM
3$ 3x PCA-Sat 1 Ticket 2nd to 20th got 33$, i mean i get what you try to achieve here but it sucks bigtimes. I'm gonna stop playing those games, till the old payout structure is back.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-19-2015 , 07:39 PM
avoiding them where I can too. $627 in the above example split between 19 people. that ain't cool imo
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-19-2015 , 07:52 PM
I get the point of view, give 19 recs some money so they can play again and again and again and can produce more rake. Its just completly BS to play 2,5h-3h to get the Buyin (or slightly more) back.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 05:32 AM
I went with a hybrid of the 2 early emails:


I write in regards to the payout structure changes in MTT satellites. After the seats are paid, the remainder money is distributed in very small amounts. I dislike this change and believe it is a mistake. Essentially the bubble payments are often split into tiny pieces, which in my opinion leaves players dissatisfied.

For example, today I witnessed a $1.65 rebuy satellite (tournament #1342809915) to the Sunday Million which had 165 entrants and a total prizepool of $1702.50. The average buyin for this tournament was $10.31. It awarded 7 seats to the Million ($215 each, so a total of $1505) which left a remainder of $197.50. Whereas previously this $197.50 would have been paid to the 8th placed finisher, today I watched with a combination of horror and confusion as places 8-18 received $16.50 each and the 19th placed finisher received $16.

I very much doubt that any of the players who finished between 8th and 19th were particularly happy with their $5 or so profit after 4 hours of play.

I would respectfully ask you to reconsider this recent change to your satellite payout structures.

Best Regards,
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by daddyrnac
I went with a hybrid of the 2 early emails:

Guys, when I said I hadn't received any emails, I was implying that the tens of thousands of players who play satellites on a weekly basis but do not post in this thread had not made a complaint that made its way to me.

As far as this particular tournament, it lasted 2 hours and 36 minutes. 12 players received remainder payments. Of those 12, only three did not receive more than their buy-in. Seven received more than double what they spent.

I understand that you doubt the players who received remainder payments were "particularly happy", but I very much doubt that 11 out of 12 of them would prefer to receive nothing, and you face an uphill battle to convince me otherwise.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
I understand that you doubt the players who received remainder payments were "particularly happy", but I very much doubt that 11 out of 12 of them would prefer to receive nothing, and you face an uphill battle to convince me otherwise.
you know I love you Luke, but your reasoning on this one sucks.

The players who mincashed would prefer something to nothing, you say. If we extend this to its logical conclusion, let's award a single $215 seat in every satelite and split the rest of the money up so everyone who makes the addon gets their buyin plus a dollar profit. Something > Nothing, right?

What about the dozens /hundreds of other players settling down to play post-addon who look at the payout structure and feel ripped off when they realise there are more $16 payments than seats awarded? They bought in to a Sunday Million satelite, so they're hoping to win big. The positive / negative experiences are not limited to the players who actually get paid out. Even the occasional players who don't even manage a mincash this time will soon latch on to the fact that the more small payments are awarded, the lower the potential long-term reward for playing a lot of these satelites. It makes the games less attractive to everyone.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:36 AM
Also 2800 people would have been happy, if they cashed $260 in SM. And now only 800 were. I don't know how its prize structure is not changed too.

edit: You could say that it has nothing in common, but the purpose of sats is to arrange seats for a target tournament. If there is x% of a seat left, it should award the exact % of the seat to the spot closest to the seats and sometimes it would be enough to make the player feel he's qualified and register the target himself. Just like the purpose of SM is to change someones life.

Last edited by Erebgil_bg; 10-20-2015 at 08:45 AM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 10:00 AM
Hey, i've got something which you can try.

The 16,5$ R Sats to the B162 got cancelled a lot, whould you mind replace them with 11$+ sats to the B162? I think they would run a bit better. Can give them 2 Seats too and reduce min to 4 players.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 12:58 PM
this is top payout structure ever !!!!

*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 01:21 PM
put early antes in 55r turbo sats they will award more seats and give a better experience
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-20-2015 , 01:28 PM
Maybe there is compromise here- how about making the remainder payouts a little more attractive, one third of the target buy in would be fair so $75 for the milly Sats
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-21-2015 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
.....and you face an uphill battle to convince me otherwise.
Says it all really. No point even trying to persuade him when he's already made up his mind.

Originally Posted by mesacz
this is top payout structure ever !!!!

How this cannot be seen as completely illogical is just beyond ridiculous. Who wants to be returned 44c? It's an insult.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-21-2015 , 02:06 PM
trying to get an answer for the third time...

Why Eureka Prague qualifiers on Sundays start so late? Who's the target for these? Is it Central Europe? Doesn't seem like it.

One of them is at 20:30 GMT+2 and two of them at 22:30 GMT+2. Majority of Europe is in GMT+2.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-21-2015 , 10:37 PM
Does anyone know when is best time to use FPP to convert it to T$? I use to play a bunch of those 235 FPP 6 max sngs where you get 11 T to the sunday storm. I have a good amount of FPP so it would take a while. Does anyone have any suggestions of what satellites to play for the T$ like the 235 FPP 6 max sngs where 1st 2 players get 11 T?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-22-2015 , 03:20 PM
big162 satty selection is super thin during the hour beforehand.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-22-2015 , 07:42 PM

This sat is incorrectly labelled as the target MTT was not a 6-max MTT. It would be nicer if you could use the gtd in the name of the hyper-turbo 6m sats plz?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
10-22-2015 , 09:28 PM
The $1.65+R and $3.33+R PCA scheduled sats that are 3x-Turbos don't get filtered out when I untick turbos and hypers in my game filters, this has been so for weeks at least.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
