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*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** *** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) **

04-13-2015 , 08:59 PM
Can't unregister from tournies I've satellited to? wtf?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-13-2015 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by scroosko
have we taken away the unregistering of sats once again?
Originally Posted by HorvatH
Can't unregister from tournies I've satellited to? wtf?
is that a thing now or is it by mistake?
i'm not even against such a move, but a post from a rep informing about the change would be good.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-13-2015 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
any plans for sattys to the saturday majors?
6max and turbo still nada

they both deserve them
could remove some of the milly/warmup sats from the hours before hand as a way to make room
both are $215 tickets so it would make alot of sense to me

make saturdays what they deserve to be! starting off with a good satty schedule
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-14-2015 , 12:02 PM
1196947067 1k fpp+ sat

still the same 27min entrants will never reached, reduce it or increase to 2k fpp with min 9 entrants, this one is never running!!

today 20 players wanted to play but was cancelled, so frustrating
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-14-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by schmette
1196947067 1k fpp+ sat

still the same 27min entrants will never reached, reduce it or increase to 2k fpp with min 9 entrants, this one is never running!!

today 20 players wanted to play but was cancelled, so frustrating
+1, 2kr fpp sat would ravage
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-14-2015 , 02:27 PM
can you please add a LAPT panama sat during peak hours
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-14-2015 , 03:20 PM
add daily 8$ 3x to the 700 Sat for the scoop, could run easily 3 at an evening

18:00 20:00 22:00 24:00 CET
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-14-2015 , 03:45 PM
hi bad description this satelite going to 320$ not 215 2nd chanse
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-15-2015 , 03:24 AM
Please consider adding sats to each of the daily bigs starting 2-3 hours before with a structure similar to this and the buyin around 1/8th of the target, eg. $3.30 sat to the big $27.50.

The 8 minute levels and smoother blind jumps will allow for players to utilise more optimal shove/fold ranges and the 50BB starting stack should mean that it won't run for too long.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-16-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
45 min before the big 162 today there was not a single vanilla satty, how is that even possible
what do you mean vanilla? freezout? cause there are a couple of rebuys running at the time you mention.
there are like a couple of FOs open up until an hour earlier approximately, plus another deep turbo fo at 13:40 ET.
if one was starting 45' before it would have to be an hyper and prob on the higher end of buy-in, so i don't see why you'd rather have an expensive hyper and not want to play the 2xT $3.3 for example.
the feeders for b162 are pretty decent imo in comparison to other reds but i surely wouldn't mind more sats available (especially since nowadays the offering sats are only for featured tournaments).

Originally Posted by keitho1986
can we get some feeders to the $700 deep ME satties
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-16-2015 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by yeahm8
Please consider adding sats to each of the daily bigs starting 2-3 hours before with a structure similar to this and the buyin around 1/8th of the target, eg. $3.30 sat to the big $27.50.

The 8 minute levels and smoother blind jumps will allow for players to utilise more optimal shove/fold ranges and the 50BB starting stack should mean that it won't run for too long.
This seems to be the most no brainer thing of all time......
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-16-2015 , 10:11 PM
why cant you just pause any tournaments in the 5 minute break. If i registered for a sit and go and it starts in the break its the only table with no break. Why arent you just consequent?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by roscoe91
is that a thing now or is it by mistake?
i'm not even against such a move, but a post from a rep informing about the change would be good.
Is this true anyone got confirmation im grinding the Sunday million sats to use for scoop as the scoop sats are pretty woeful at the moment pointless if I can't unregister the million??
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:53 AM
Obviously not very successfully :/
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by reraise85
Is this true anyone got confirmation im grinding the Sunday million sats to use for scoop as the scoop sats are pretty woeful at the moment pointless if I can't unregister the million??
Originally Posted by gollyheck
Obviously not very successfully :/

afaik this only applies to the $1m Storm, as I've been able to unreg from everything else I've satted into this week.

I (and most MTT regs, I imagine) would be fine with all sats having the "first seat won must be played" policy, but it seems unfair to only apply it occasionally. There are thousands of cash game / SNG players out there who use FPP satelites to the Storm to convert their points to T$, and they won't have all expected to be forced to play the Storm this weekend.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich

afaik this only applies to the $1m Storm, as I've been able to unreg from everything else I've satted into this week.

I (and most MTT regs, I imagine) would be fine with all sats having the "first seat won must be played" policy, but it seems unfair to only apply it occasionally. There are thousands of cash game / SNG players out there who use FPP satelites to the Storm to convert their points to T$, and they won't have all expected to be forced to play the Storm this weekend.
I don't think many would be ok with that. If the schedule remained the exact same I'd expect to see a 10x-30x increase in cancelled tourneys with that policy. Overlays by occurence would probably go up 5x.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 02:42 PM
of course there would be plenty to dislike that, all/most of the T-money grinders.

personally i wouldn't mind it, although i'm not sure what it would do to traffic, it's a legit concern you raise. although i doubt the decline in traffic would be that big.
sat grinders might just adjust by sucking up the fact they'd have to play the first ticket won, rather than change their game of choice drastically (move to other formats or to cash etc).

anyway, this is just a theoretical conversation imo, i am pretty sure stars isn't going to change anything within the near future.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 03:31 PM
lol, we had the "mtt must be played" rule for about 3 weeks like 6 months ago. Don't start it again.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 03:58 PM
I'd prefer the freedom to unregister, but I'd be fine with a clear rule that the first seat must be played. What's definitely not cool is slipping in "must-play" sats without clearly labelling them as such.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
I'd prefer the freedom to unregister, but I'd be fine with a clear rule that the first seat must be played. What's definitely not cool is slipping in "must-play" sats without clearly labelling them as such.
same here on all points
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:56 PM
imo its the cheapest possible way to boost the field, id be totally fine with unregistering for a storm ticket
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Aruniux
hi bad description this satelite going to 320$ not 215 2nd chanse
That's definitely not supposed to be that way. I'll let the appropriate person know about it. (I don't handle live event satellites, myself.)

Originally Posted by schmette
add daily 8$ 3x to the 700 Sat for the scoop, could run easily 3 at an evening

18:00 20:00 22:00 24:00 CET
SCOOP satellites will continue to expand as we get closer to the series. The $700 satellites to the Main [H] have been doing well so far... it's good to see!

Originally Posted by maciejko21
Thanks Poker Stars for great Scoop satellite ofert ! 0.11 3x to 11$ is one of the best satellite which I have ever seen.
I'm glad that you're enjoying them... they've been generating a ton of seats so far!

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
get some sats to the 1k scoop main out around the clock, people will play them
More are coming soon...

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
0823 ET $3.33r to SWU ALL of these need to have their pre registration period opened to line up with every other satellite
I'll take a look at that, thanks for the heads-up!
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:55 PM
1196947809 00:15 CET 11+ Warmup Sat:

This one is never running, allready mentioned it.

1) change it into a Million 11+ Sat, it seems more players are gonna play mio then warmup sats.
2) reduce min players to 6 not 9
3) registrationhas to be open much longer then 50-60minutes like its now.

Add some 8$ 3x to SCOOP at 18:30 CET, there is a huge sathole
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-18-2015 , 07:41 AM
why does the Super Tuesday have 4$ 3x sats and 11$ 2x sats and the Thursday Thrill only has 7.5$ 3x sats ?
a lot of people would really really want to play the Thrill but the 7.5$ 3x sats are too expensive compared to the 4$ 3x sats.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
04-18-2015 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by masterxcvt
why does the Super Tuesday have 4$ 3x sats and 11$ 2x sats and the Thursday Thrill only has 7.5$ 3x sats ?
a lot of people would really really want to play the Thrill but the 7.5$ 3x sats are too expensive compared to the 4$ 3x sats.

That's why I hope the soon to be announced 2 day tourney is a $700 buy in instead of a 1k to make satellites more affordable.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
