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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

01-26-2017 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
I'd say the guy firing gunshots at people is generating the most violent.
And that would be a stupid, stupid fallacious thing to say. Btw, this conversation should be in the punch a nazi thread, because this crap is bound to happen again and again as long as people think it's a good idea to try to stop anyone they think is a fascist from speaking with violence.
01-26-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
"With respect to Wobblies, here are some scary weapons that have nothing to do with the IWW or the fellow who got shot"

Super honest posting!
Guess I should have gone with no-disrespect after all...

I know Shamey is upset about his union brother getting shot, and I wasn't trying to blame him or his organization. But he's trying to blame Milo for one of his fans turning violent, when it seems pretty clear the fan turned violent because he was facing violence from protesters.
01-26-2017 , 04:42 PM
Er, no. Dude strapped himself with a gun long before he encountered any protestors. He didn't suddenly become unhinged bc some doofus took his MAGA hat.
01-26-2017 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Er, no. Dude strapped himself with a gun long before he encountered any protestors.
Err, you should just read the accounts. It looks like he posted on Facebook that he was punched and his MAGA hat was stolen hours before the shooting occured. He may have been strapped the whole time, or he may have gone back to his car and grabbed his gun.

Look, he's a gun nut, and nobody's excusing the shooting. But it's super fallacious to claim Milo incites his fans to violence, when it was very likely the violent protesters who incited this guy.
01-26-2017 , 04:50 PM
I mean, what a nice trick that would be. Claim a speaker you disagree with is a fascist who incites violence. Violently protest against him, inciting his supporters to fight back. Now you have your proof!
01-26-2017 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
With respect to you and your fellow Wobblies, the police confiscated pipes and other fighting instruments from the scene of the protests.

Do you think it was the Milo fans and Trump supporters who brought these?
These were from inauguration protestors I'm pretty sure.
01-26-2017 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
These were from inauguration protestors I'm pretty sure.
I'm sure none of that stuff found it's way over to the Milo protest, where protesters were throwing bricks at police. Everyone dropped their weapons because it was starting to get dark, I guess. Makes sense.
01-26-2017 , 05:15 PM
Stop making **** up *******. If Milo has his thugs escalating violence at his events then who knows who were throwing bricks. Why don't you stick to what we know, someone pro-milo shot someone at the event.
01-26-2017 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Stop making **** up *******. If Milo has his thugs escalating violence at his events then who knows who were throwing bricks. Why don't you stick to what we know, someone pro-milo shot someone at the event.
That is a possibility. But I'm not making anything up. This has all been reported. We can grant that the reports could be made up, sure.

The idea that because a Milo supporter shot someone, that is clear evidence that Milo incited it is ridiculous on it's face. There is a much more likely chain of events based on reports. Anti-Milo protesters were tossing bricks at cops and it's very possible that the Milo supporter got punched. If you haven't figured out by now that is likely after reading the punch a nazi thread, then idk what to say.
01-26-2017 , 05:33 PM
Nice logic. People go see Milo, they are harassed and attacked by liberal thugs. Then one of them gets hurt and all of a sudden it's an example of inciting violence. Lol.
01-26-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Stop making **** up *******. If Milo has his thugs escalating violence at his events then who knows who were throwing bricks. Why don't you stick to what we know, someone pro-milo shot someone at the event.
Let's wait til we get all the facts, right?

01-26-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'm sure none of that stuff found it's way over to the Milo protest, where protesters were throwing bricks at police. Everyone dropped their weapons because it was starting to get dark, I guess. Makes sense.
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
That is a possibility. But I'm not making anything up.
Implying those weapons "made it over" to the protest is, in fact, you making **** up.
01-26-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Why would a Milo fan protest a Milo event?...
Do you think I can read this dudes mind? How am I supposed to know. BTW: it's called "counter protesting".

... Idk if it was your union...
So why did you spew about my union? I linked a IWW GDC press release earlier, it didn't mention our brother was shot at an IWW action. We have websites, you could have researched this fact yourself. Instead you decided to spew more foul calumny. Shame on you !!!1!

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
... But he's trying to blame Milo for one of his fans turning violent, when it seems pretty clear the fan turned violent because he was facing violence from protesters.
This is your main thinking problem... you are obsessed with assigning blame. And for some loltastical reason you think this is some kinda team sport: the "protesters" -vs- the "fans". You really need to stop doing this.

All these peeps, the rock throwers, the shooter, the victim, and the vast majority of everyone else hanging around that part of campus at that time are "the protesters". From all reports a small minority resorted to violence, some throwing rocks, and one shooting someone in the gut. Those are all violent acts. All that violence was incited by this Milo dude. This has nothing to do with assigning blame, or some farcical team sport, or whatever else you are prating on about. It's just a simple statement of fact.

This Milo dude incites violence.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Nice logic. People go see Milo, they are harassed and attacked by liberal thugs. Then one of them gets hurt and all of a sudden it's an example of inciting violence. Lol.
We got those timeline problems again. And why we're taking the word of the shooter as gospel I don't know. But he claimed to take a poke, and get his hat swiped, more than an hour before he discharged his weapon. He isn't claiming it was an exigent reaction to losing his MAGA cap.

And once again, it isn't the job of vigilantes to go around shooting peeps, regardless of losing a cap.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 01-26-2017 at 05:44 PM.
01-26-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Let's wait til we get all the facts, right?

Go punch a child idiot.
01-26-2017 , 05:40 PM
Shamey, you're logic is ridiculous, and it angers me. I suppose I can punch people in the face and claim you incite violence now....
01-26-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Implying those weapons "made it over" to the protest is, in fact, you making **** up.
Nah, it's called not being stupid. Maybe none of the same pipe-toting aholes at the Trump protests made it to the Milo protest, and those who did dropped their weapons because it was getting dark(?). I'm sure the Seattle Times included the Trump protests in their timeline for no reason whatsoever... gmfb.
01-26-2017 , 05:44 PM
Maybe if you tried not being stupid while you drank you wouldn't have raped that woman.
01-26-2017 , 05:48 PM
This is why I'm so afraid for this country. A lunatic like Trump gets elected and I'm almost as worried about elements in the opposition as I am of him and his administration. God help the USA.
01-26-2017 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Shamey, you're logic is ridiculous, and it angers me. I suppose I can punch people in the face and claim you incite violence now....
Well, if you went out and punched somebody because of something I posted it would be a true statement. It's pretty clear that you don't understand what the word "incite" means.
01-26-2017 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Well if you went out and punched somebody because of something I posted it would be a true statement. It's pretty clear that you don't understand what the word "incite" means.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
01-26-2017 , 06:11 PM

Who are the guys wearing the bananas over their faces, and why? Was it really cold in Seattle that day?
01-26-2017 , 06:14 PM
You even going to try and cite a source during this thread?
01-26-2017 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
... Who are the guys wearing the bananas over their faces, and why?...
Man, I know you have access to the interwebs. Maybe try google instead of JAQing off.
01-26-2017 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
You even going to try and cite a source during this thread?
It's from the timeline posted earlier. Read it.
01-26-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Man, I know you have access to the interwebs. Maybe try google instead of JAQing off.
I don't know how to google photos. Do we know they are all Black Bloc?

The clothing is used to conceal marchers' identities and hinder criminal prosecution, by making it difficult to distinguish between participants. It is also used to protect their faces and eyes from items such as pepper-spray which law enforcement often uses.
So, if these guys were there at the Milo protest, why is it that Milo is responsible for inciting violence? Can they just show up anywhere and start throwing bricks and get the target of their protested condemned with that charge?
