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02-04-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
White guilt is also not a phrase you just invented, wil, I guess you never encountered it before like last month but racists have been using it to describe white people who are less racist than they are for decades.

I don't personally feel guilty, though, since it wasn't something I did. I feel angry. Angry at people like you, committed defenders of an unjust system. Injustice is bad, wil.
Lol. You're going to be an angry mfer for the next 8 years dog.
02-04-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
I mean whatever majority matters to win whatever vote it is.
So your keen insight is that the side that won got the most votes? ****ing brilliant, how many ****ing youtube videos did it take you to work that **** out?
02-04-2017 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466

How could any person with a brain really believe the above?
wil do you notice like, just on this forum, how often you use this line?

EVERYONE else who is American and capable of forming complete sentences constantly BLOWS YOUR MIND by not being a ****ing dittohead.

What would you know about people with brains?
02-04-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466

The entire world has lost it's ****ing mind.
How many of her tweets did you read Wil?
02-04-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Lol. You're going to be an angry mfer for the next 8 years dog.
I've been angry since before that!

And yes, I am. And that's why you're scared.

You understand like the "u mad" meme only works on people who won't admit that they are mad. Everyone should be mad about this ****! We have a ******ed fat white supremacist as President, and his toadies are going to loot the ****ing Treasury before we can get him out.

But you don't care about **** like "actual policies". That's nerd ****. All you care about is making those smug eggheads who made fun of you for being slow your entire ****ing life upset.
02-04-2017 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil do you notice like, just on this forum, how often you use this line?
No, I actually don't.

EVERYONE else who is American and capable of forming complete sentences constantly BLOWS YOUR MIND by not being a ****ing dittohead.
Your side has more "dittoheads" than mine does.

What would you know about people with brains?
Much more than you, obviously. I'm a better human being than you, Fly. I know that REALLY bothers you, but maybe one day you'll adjust to reality and stop being such an idiot. Your white guilt doesn't make you some sort of martyr, it makes you a moron.
02-04-2017 , 12:14 PM
Good human beings don't advocate punching children in the face.

Agree? Disagree?
02-04-2017 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I've been angry since before that!
If I had your worldview I'd be angry too. You are essentially a broken human being.

And yes, I am. And that's why you're scared.
Scared? Hah. Your side is scared, not mine. In the end, I'll be fine either way. We both know this to be true.

You understand like the "u mad" meme only works on people who won't admit that they are mad. Everyone should be mad about this ****! We have a ******ed fat white supremacist as President, and his toadies are going to loot the ****ing Treasury before we can get him out.
He may actually loot the treasury, I admit that. Hopefully it works out for me, too.

But you don't care about **** like "actual policies". That's nerd ****. All you care about is making those smug eggheads who made fun of you for being slow your entire ****ing life upset.
No one makes fun of me, outside of the internet. It's an actual forum where people like you can talk the way you do. In real life it doesn't happen. We all know why.
02-04-2017 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466

How could any person with a brain really believe the above?
eh, its not really something that could easily or accurately be measured. so, ya, I should have clarified that I think its getting worse for these right wingers in that many ppl have been motivated to actually get involved and maybe they will actually show up to vote.

regardless, not sure how you could be so sure. I mean, theres been country-wide protests and demonstrations for weeks now. not saying that proves anything but it certainly shows that its possible that many ppl have become "woke" and joined the left.
02-04-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya that post just shows how completely delusional some ppl on the right are. by any metric the usa is ruled by a minority of ppl and hes spouting off that they have a majority mandate.

and I think its gonna get bad for them. they are gonna have to gerrymander and suppress like never before. bc there are millions of ppl like me, who never gave a sht or were so completely repulsed by the system that we didnt show up. well, guess what, im gonna vote for the first time in over 10 years and Id imagine theres a ton more like me.
I don't trust anyone who saw Trump for what he is and didn't vote anyway because they were too repulsed by the system to then actually stay angry enough for four years to keep him from getting a second term.

It is up to the left to come up with a sane coherent message to bring these people back into the process. Doubling down on the nonsense seems like a terrible strategy.
02-04-2017 , 12:20 PM
Your side has more "dittoheads" than mine does.
Jesus ****ing Christ you don't even need to read a book to know that "dittohead" is a term Rush Limbaugh fans use to describe themselves. You could've googled that **** if you didn't know what it meant. But "knowing what you're talking about" has been an exclusively liberal value for going on 30 years now.

I'm a better human being than you, Fly.
You're a racist alcoholic wifebeater who throws temper tantrums online whenever anyone disagrees with you, so naw, I'm comfortable there. You might make more money than me, but almost certainly whatever job you do is a scam that doesn't make the world better, so I'm comfortable there too.
02-04-2017 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
eh, its not really something that could easily or accurately be measured. so, ya, I should have clarified that I think its getting worse for these right wingers in that many ppl have been motivated to actually get involved and maybe the will actually show up to vote.

regardless, not sure how you could be so sure. I mean, theres been country-wide protests and demonstrations for weeks now. not saying that proves anything but it certainly shows that its possible that many ppl have become "woke" and joined the left.
lol @ "woke". The term is a ghetto ass street term that isn't even proper Engrish. What are these "woke" people actually demonstrating about? Should we throw out our process and put in whoever they want to be the president? Should we execute Trump and put in Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton because people are butthurt about losing an election, fair and square?

What, exactly, should we change that these morons are protesting? I mean, a million women marched on something something about something something because a dude bragged about being able to grab a vagina.
02-04-2017 , 12:25 PM
Also wil I don't believe you're a college graduate
02-04-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Jesus ****ing Christ you don't even need to read a book to know that "dittohead" is a term Rush Limbaugh fans use to describe themselves. You could've googled that **** if you didn't know what it meant. But "knowing what you're talking about" has been an exclusively liberal value for going on 30 years now.
I don't care to keep up with your idiot terminology.

You're a racist alcoholic wifebeater who throws temper tantrums online whenever anyone disagrees with you, so naw, I'm comfortable there. You might make more money than me, but almost certainly whatever job you do is a scam that doesn't make the world better, so I'm comfortable there too.
I do drink too much. I don't throw temper tantrums, but it seems you are throwing one right now. I make more money than the vast majority of America, but that doesn't mean a thing, since I'm a nothing nobody and it just proves the "system" is broken. My job is not a scam, and I don't see how you could actually believe your job is more "valuable" than mine.

Is there anything else I need to educate you about today?
02-04-2017 , 12:29 PM

lol I just saw this and I'd formally like to ask the mods to delete all my other posts in this thread, this picture makes the same point much better
02-04-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Also wil I don't believe you're a college graduate
I barely graduated college. I graduated with a 2.7 GPA. I think they actually doctored a grade to allow me to graduate, lol.

I'm still the man, though.
02-04-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
lol @ "woke". The term is a ghetto ass street term that isn't even proper Engrish. What are these "woke" people actually demonstrating about? Should we throw out our process and put in whoever they want to be the president? Should we execute Trump and put in Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton because people are butthurt about losing an election, fair and square?

What, exactly, should we change that these morons are protesting? I mean, a million women marched on something something about something something because a dude bragged about being able to grab a vagina.
ya, I dont really think any of that is relevant to the point I made and that you took great issue with.

I just said I think the recent events have motivated a ton of ppl to join the left. you said that bc of that theory, I may lack a brain.

and ya, I think "woke" is pretty poor terminology but its become super popular to use lately. I will use better engerrish next time.
02-04-2017 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya, I dont really think any of that is relevant to the point I made and that you took great issue with.

I just said I think the recent events have motivated a ton of ppl to join the left. you said that bc of that theory, I may lack a brain.

and ya, I think "woke" is pretty poor terminology but its become super popular to use lately. I will use better engerrish next time.
Your side has been wrong about every single thing. What would make you believe that you are correct about the perception of these protests? Do you actually speak to people and ask them what they think? Our views may be biased due to our environments, but do you honestly think a regular joe at work who happens to glance at the news thinks these protestors are righteous people?

02-04-2017 , 12:43 PM
Fly, please stop embarrassing the left, this country has enough problems.
02-04-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Your side has been wrong about every single thing. What would make you believe that you are correct about the perception of these protests? Do you actually speak to people and ask them what they think? Our views may be biased due to our environments, but do you honestly think a regular joe at work who happens to glance at the news thinks these protestors are righteous people?

I think we are discussing different things. I wasnt talking about the protests being righteous or what regular joe thinks.

When i mentioned recent events, i meant trumps election and the promotion of deplorable viewpoints by his administration, along with his horrible policies.

I think many ppl will get involved as a response to trump. The protests are an example of this.
02-04-2017 , 12:52 PM
I mean, it's easy to understand that all of us want our side to be correct, but the lack of objectivity is stunning.
02-04-2017 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I think we are discussing different things. I wasnt talking about the protests being righteous or what regular joe thinks.

When i mentioned recent events, i meant trumps election and the promotion of deplorable viewpoints by his administration, along with his horrible policies.

I think many ppl will get involved as a response to trump. The protests are an example of this.
What, exactly has been deplorable? I mean, the "Muslim ban" isn't even a ban. (unless you are from Syria).
02-04-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What, exactly has been deplorable? I mean, the "Muslim ban" isn't even a ban. (unless you are from Syria).
jfc man really?

bring back torture

kill the families of terrorists

grab em by the pussy

making fun of a handicapped reporter

mexicans are rapists and murders

pence's stance on lgbt

betsy devos in high ranking decision making position

denying legal residents entry

giuliani admited that trump wanted a legal way

bowling green massacre fake news

steve bannon is a legit white supremacist and is a top aide and now on the nsc

and about 100 other things I dont feel like typing.
02-04-2017 , 01:06 PM
and I understand that you, and others will argue on how bad if at all, those things are. but that is not the issue. what matters is that enough ppl, who otherwise, for whatever reason did not get involved and vote, are now so disgusted by those things that they will take part in making a difference. I think they will. I hope they will.
02-04-2017 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Fly, please stop embarrassing the left, this country has enough problems.
Shut the **** up, fascist. Like, are you really going to do this **** again? After you got relentlessly clowned on for an entire thread in Alpha for it? Like this ****ing disingenuous milquetoast centrist take is going to be "oh wow I had no idea I never thought of that".

FoldN your entire career in this forum is posting **** like 3 levels below your interlocutors. You think everyone is as ignorant as you, and like, the existence of boring "Muh Discourse" dip****s is going to blow my mind and make me re-evaluate? I read that article already, and I disagree, because I've grappled with that issue in advance. I knew that those people held those views BEFORE you even started that Safe Space thread that you were constantly on the verge of getting banned for trolling in.

Last edited by FlyWf; 02-04-2017 at 01:35 PM.
