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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-03-2017 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Breitbart is legit. It is not white nationalist just because you disagree with them.
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
They literally describe themselves as that.
Please quote on Breitbart's website where they "literally describe themselves as that".

That's 4 bets.
05-03-2017 , 01:52 AM
That's just from today. I could provide numerous other examples of his lying about me specifically, but I can't access the main P forum.
05-03-2017 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

I am simply saying that I can understand an instinctive response on this issue, as we are human beings.

If I am at the park at a picnic table and my youngest niece walks into the bathroom and I see what appears to be a large man come around the corner and enter behind her, am I supposed to not be on a more heightened alert than if it were a small 70 year old woman who was next in instead?

I get a laugh when you say Bayesian, as you are so statistically ignorant. Maybe take your own advice you love to chirp on so much, and read a book you ****ing uneducated lying homophobic clown.
Look here country boy, you're perpetuating the stereotypes RIGHT HERE. You can't say you understand their ignorant-ass instincts when you reinforce the very sentiments that catalyze said instincts.

Put another way, this is apparently a transgender woman to you all:

05-03-2017 , 02:36 AM
Wrong, get flappin' Chump Change.

Have a key: Oh44v.
05-03-2017 , 02:44 AM
Is it the sperg or what's going on here?

Originally Posted by HastenDan

Rekt. We both know what you call them DoubleBarrelFly, the same thing you call homosexuals, you scumbag pos.
05-03-2017 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Wrong, get flappin' Chump Change.

Have a key: Oh44v.

If I am at the park at a picnic table and my youngest niece walks into the bathroom and I see what appears to be a large man come around the corner and enter behind her, am I supposed to not be on a more heightened alert than if it were a small 70 year old woman who was next in instead?
This applies to her?

Also it should be the wife. Would you stop her from going into the bathroom with your hypothetical wife or girlfriend? Do you think its understandable others would and understand those who would use violence to stop her.

This is not necessarily you wil. She may pass your tests or not idk.
05-03-2017 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is actually an interesting question. I would not allow a known paedophile in my young sons bathroom, no, that would just be silly. I don't consider Milo a paedophile, though.
You're happy for someone who's publicly voiced his support of sex between adults and minors into your hypothetical 13 year old son's bathroom, but would absolutely not let a random transgender person into your daughter's bathroom?

You have some very strange prejudices.
05-03-2017 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
You're happy for someone who's publicly voiced his support of sex between adults and minors into your hypothetical 13 year old son's bathroom, but would absolutely not let a random transgender person into your daughter's bathroom?

You have some very strange prejudices.
That wasn't his position at all, if you listened to the entire exchange, which you won't. Bill Maher say exactly the same thing Milo did. Not a peep.

Trans people have a >40% risk of suicide. That's normal? Of course it's not. I have compassion and I feel bad for them, but don't think I need to accept it. You don't get to infringe on me because you feel bad about something.

Live your life however you wish, but do not think everyone else should have to cater to you.

When I say "never", do you think I'm just joking around? NEVER. I will not accept it and a human with a penis will not enter my daughter's bathroom. NEVER. If they have the surgery? Sure, totally fine with it.

Not difficult. Not unreasonable.
05-03-2017 , 10:55 AM
Live your life however you wish, but do not think everyone else should have to cater to you.
wil literally every single ****ing political opinion you have is because you demand the world cater to you and exclusively to you.

When I say "never", do you think I'm just joking around?
wil, no, we all understand exactly how horrific your parents were at instilling values in you. Nobody doubts how ****ty you are, bro, or how committed you are to being ****ty. It's generational.

NEVER. I will not accept it and a human with a penis will not enter my daughter's bathroom. NEVER.
Your daughter's bathroom is in your house and you can do whatever you want with it. Why do you get to make the rules for other people's bathrooms?
05-03-2017 , 10:56 AM
Here's some food for thought - go read about trans suicide rates. The 40% suicide rate is something that is quoted all the time, which is constantly used as an example of how trans people are "different". Isnt it interesting how there are so many articles doing their best to minimize that 40% rate?

Lol, it's amazing how much liberal bias there is. The suicide rate is why so many on the right argue against trabsgenders. The left knows this, so to normalize trans acceptance, they are doing their best to skew and rework that 40% number. Don't be surprised one day if the trans suicide rate is miraculously the same as everyone else's! The same thing was done with gay male sex rates.

It's a joke and if you can't see the loltastic amount of lying and dishonesty from the left, I feel bad for you
05-03-2017 , 10:57 AM
Dan is the sort of liberal who exclusively reads right wing media, concedes all of their premises about society, and actively loathes every left of center person.

You know, that kind.
05-03-2017 , 11:01 AM
For example, boy, Dan still hasn't ****ing said a ****ing peep about wil. And more interestingly, wil hasn't had anything negative to say about Dan.

You'd think that since we're all homophobic centrist liberal fake progressive corporate shills and Dan is the True Progressive with the Dance Parties and the Real Ideals that wil would maybe have more animus for him than he does for us, given how he's violently transphobic and all.

But Dan can't DETEST someone for their natural human instincts
05-03-2017 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Here's some food for thought - go read about trans suicide rates. The 40% suicide rate is something that is quoted all the time, which is constantly used as an example of how trans people are "different". Isnt it interesting how there are so many articles doing their best to minimize that 40% rate?

Lol, it's amazing how much liberal bias there is. The suicide rate is why so many on the right argue against trabsgenders. The left knows this, so to normalize trans acceptance, they are doing their best to skew and rework that 40% number. Don't be surprised one day if the trans suicide rate is miraculously the same as everyone else's! The same thing was done with gay male sex rates.

It's a joke and if you can't see the loltastic amount of lying and dishonesty from the left, I feel bad for you
Wait... What?
05-03-2017 , 11:06 AM
wil doesn't want trans people to top themselves in front of his daughter when she's in the bathroom.

Sounds reasonable?
05-03-2017 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
For example, boy, Dan still hasn't ****ing said a ****ing peep about wil. And more interestingly, wil hasn't had anything negative to say about Dan.

You'd think that since we're all homophobic centrist liberal fake progressive corporate shills and Dan is the True Progressive with the Dance Parties and the Real Ideals that wil would maybe have more animus for him than he does for us, given how he's violently transphobic and all.

But Dan can't DETEST someone for their natural human instincts
I don't speak for Dan but from what I'm reading he seems to understand that I have ONE sticking point that I will not cross. I even said that a trans male can enter my son's bathroom. I'm OK with that. But a transwoman is NOT entering my daughter's bathroom, and he understands that point of view.

YOU are the one who is being unreasonable, not me.
05-03-2017 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil literally every single ****ing political opinion you have is because you demand the world cater to you and exclusively to you.
I don't demand anything. I have a view. We live how we wish, and as long as you don't infringe on MY life, I'm OK with whatever you want to do.

wil, no, we all understand exactly how horrific your parents were at instilling values in you. Nobody doubts how ****ty you are, bro, or how committed you are to being ****ty. It's generational.
Compared to what? Being a victim? Being like you and yours? Lol. We both know the truth, Fly. Thank God I'm not like you. My parents and my wife's parents produced productive, good people. Thank God. Maybe one day I'll start blaming Whitey to see how that works out, but for now I'm going to stick to this hard work thing, as it seems to be working out pretty well.

Your daughter's bathroom is in your house and you can do whatever you want with it. Why do you get to make the rules for other people's bathrooms?
I don't. You can grow alfalfa sprouts in your bathroom and use them to wipe your ass when you're done taking a crap for all I care. I care nothing at all for what YOU do in YOUR bathroom. I care what we ALL do in a SHARED bathroom.
05-03-2017 , 11:33 AM
I guess if you don't like the bathroom policy you can choose not to go there and other patrons will be spared the sight of a short, balding middle-aged guy punching small children in the face.

05-03-2017 , 11:33 AM
Can someone who isn't on Wil's ignore list ask him how he intends to identify who is and is not trans and how he plans to prevent the ones that are from entering a bathroom?
05-03-2017 , 11:34 AM
I'm not short.
05-03-2017 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Can someone who isn't on Wil's ignore list ask him how he intends to identify who is and is not trans and how he plans to prevent the ones that are from entering a bathroom?
05-03-2017 , 11:35 AM
Tell Bladesman to blow me.

Oh, wait, he can read my posts.

Bladesman - blow me.
05-03-2017 , 11:36 AM
The answer we were looking for is "I would have to assault them".
05-03-2017 , 11:38 AM
"But only to protect my daughter you understand, not because I'd enjoy doing it".
05-03-2017 , 11:40 AM
"You liberals have gone so far that now a man can't perform genital inspections and assault any trans people they happen upon."
05-03-2017 , 11:44 AM
I don't demand anything. I have a view. We live how we wish, and as long as you don't infringe on MY life, I'm OK with whatever you want to do.
OK, but then...

I don't. You can grow alfalfa sprouts in your bathroom and use them to wipe your ass when you're done taking a crap for all I care. I care nothing at all for what YOU do in YOUR bathroom. I care what we ALL do in a SHARED bathroom.
This sounds like you infringing on other people. You're demanding that other citizens give up their access to shared bathrooms, right? To make you happy.

Seriously like, setting aside the practical nature of you doing cup checks outside the women's restroom, what the **** can we do to make you stop whining and crying here? What policy, what procedure, what is it that you ****ing WANT here?
