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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-05-2017 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

our side has always won.



women voting.

civil rights.


lgbt rights.

health care.

it may take 100s of years. but human civilization will continue to evolve. and despite many setbacks the proper side will always prevail.
Yes, liberalism has always won. I agree. You are not liberals. SJWs aren't "liberals" or represent "liberalism". It is fascism disguised as political correctness.

You will lose.
02-05-2017 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No, it's really not. Racist views have been declining for decades. Violence has been declining from decades. It's really NOT a big deal at all.


I've known many white racists. They aren't violent, they just don't really want anything to do with other races. Those people, while pretty crappy people, just aren't a danger to me or my family. I don't care about them, they don't care about me, neither of us will hurt each other. It's not a big deal.

Muslim extremism is actually dangerous because they can hurt people. They will do it if they have the chance.

It's not anywhere close to equal.
dude. this is unreal.

we have evidence of these white supremacists hurting and killing ppl. they have killed quite a few ppl in the last 15 years in america. more than the muslim extremicists.

so just bc the ppl you know wont hurt anyone. as far as you know at least they wont. bc I mean cmon, do you really know whats going on in their heads?

but still, you obv dont know ALL of the racist white supremacists. so just bc the ones that you know wont hurt anyone as far as you think, do you really think that that applies to the rest? how could you think that?

I really think that you need to reassess your logic and reasoning and the way you formulate arguments.
02-05-2017 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Anyone who knows anything about the world realises that even if it was desirable this is unachievable.

But let's say it's possible to 'root out' Islam.
How many Muslim deaths would you accept in order to achieve it?
As human beings, we can't look at the world this way. It may seem impossible at this very moment but it can change. Islam itself went through a crazy transformation a thousand years ago. At one point it was reversed, and Islam was the pinnacle of civilization and learning. It has reversed and now is a backwards, xenophobic, disgusting set of ideas.

How many Muslim deaths would I accept in order to root it out? That's an interesting question. How many Muslims die every year at the hands of other Muslims? I don't know, but I know it's a lot.

So, what would happen if a Nuclear weapon went off in NYC or Tel Aviv? I would say the entire Muslim world would be shaken to the core, and something unthinkable would follow. The US government tends to overreact, so I'm sure we'd wipe out a lot. If the Jews get nuked, they take out a LOT of people, including some payback to the Europeans.

I dunno. I'd have to think about it.
02-05-2017 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
dude. this is unreal.

we have evidence of these white supremacists hurting and killing ppl. they have killed quite a few ppl in the last 15 years in america. more than the muslim extremicists.

so just bc the ppl you know wont hurt anyone. as far as you know at least they wont. bc I mean cmon, do you really know whats going on in their heads?

but still, you obv dont know ALL of the racist white supremacists. so just bc the ones that you know wont hurt anyone as far as you think, do you really think that that applies to the rest? how could you think that?

I really think that you need to reassess your logic and reasoning and the way you formulate arguments.
No, I really don't. I don't fear white racists at all. I walk through many areas where I KNOW people are racist. I keep to myself and they may keep an eye on my but they aren't looking for violence. I walk through black areas like this also. They won't attack me, even if they hate me.

I don't understand how you can't understand this. Are you white? Have you ever met a white racist? How often do they suggest going out and attacking people of other races?

I've never witnessed it, and it sure isn't a wide-spread issue in the news. So yeah, I disagree with your sentiment entirely.
02-05-2017 , 03:57 PM
You all tend to focus on what has happened up to this point. If a guy sits down at a poker table and doesn't play a hand for an hour, is he a nit? Maybe. Or is he just card dead?

The past doesn't predict the future. past stats are irrelevant. Current intelligence is the only thing that matters. Do you think the government is telling us everything regarding the threats against us? I don't know why people who clearly aren't privy to all information are polled on policy issues.

The other thing that is ignored is that it takes just one big attack to cause massive casualties and economic damage. President Trump is doing his job. He is trying to keep us safe. The biggest inconvenience so far is the ones caused by the protests.
02-05-2017 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

our side has always won.



women voting.

civil rights.


lgbt rights.

health care.

it may take 100s of years. but human civilization will continue to evolve. and despite many setbacks the proper side will always prevail.
You do understand that Lincoln was a Republican right? You also understand that the Democrats fought against the abolition of slavery tooth and nail right? You also understand that the Klan was basically formed by the Democrat Party right? You also understand that Jim Crow laws were Democrat Party legislation right? You also understand that the segregation of the armed forces was promoted during the Roosevelt administration right? You also understand that the Japanese-American internment camps occurred as a result of Roosevelt policy right? You also understand that Eisenhauer used his POTUS power to integrate the schools in Little Rock right? You also understand that more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights act in 1964 than Democrats right?

You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
02-05-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No, I really don't. I don't fear white racists at all. I walk through many areas where I KNOW people are racist. I keep to myself and they may keep an eye on my but they aren't looking for violence. I walk through black areas like this also. They won't attack me, even if they hate me.

I don't understand how you can't understand this. Are you white? Have you ever met a white racist? How often do they suggest going out and attacking people of other races?

I've never witnessed it, and it sure isn't a wide-spread issue in the news. So yeah, I disagree with your sentiment entirely.
well no. Im not scared of either whites, muslims, or blacks. but thats bc I understand statistics.

I think the fear of muslims is completely unfounded in this country bc we have incredible constraints in place that lower this risk.

I use logic, reasoning and evidence to look at things. and the numbers clearly show that white supremacists have killed more ppl in america than muslims in the last 15 years.

I think the racist rhetoric does not incite everyone to violence. but it incites some small number. and the more ppl you convert, the higher the chance is that some crazy gets converted and does what crazies do. the numbers bear this out.
02-05-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by adios
You do understand that Lincoln was a Republican right? You also understand that the Democrats fought against the abolition of slavery tooth and nail right? You also understand that the Klan was basically formed by the Democrat Party right? You also understand that Jim Crow laws were Democrat Party legislation right? You also understand that the segregation of the armed forces was promoted during the Roosevelt administration right? You also understand that the Japanese-American internment camps occurred as a result of Roosevelt policy right? You also understand that Eisenhauer used his POTUS power to integrate the schools in Little Rock right? You also understand that more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights act in 1964 than Democrats right?

You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
yes I am aware of all of that. I am not a democrat tho. I am a SJW first and foremost.
02-05-2017 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No, I really don't. I don't fear white racists at all. I walk through many areas where I KNOW people are racist. I keep to myself and they may keep an eye on my but they aren't looking for violence. I walk through black areas like this also. They won't attack me, even if they hate me.

I don't understand how you can't understand this. Are you white? Have you ever met a white racist? How often do they suggest going out and attacking people of other races?

I've never witnessed it, and it sure isn't a wide-spread issue in the news. So yeah, I disagree with your sentiment entirely.
So, "hate crime since election" brings 6 million hits.

lol Wil. The intellectual curiosity of an old sponge. Adios, can you point out to where victor ever mentioned that he was a "democrat" or why you felt the need to bring any of that up? He clearly never said "democrats always win." He said social justice always does.
02-05-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
The other thing that is ignored is that it takes just one big attack to cause massive casualties and economic damage. President Trump is doing his job. He is trying to keep us safe. The biggest inconvenience so far is the ones caused by the protests.
What steps has he taken to do this? Why do many national security advisors, including most of the bush/obama team feel the ban is a net negative for national security? How is eliminating restrictions on mentally ill people buying guns "keeping you safe?"
02-05-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic

lol Wil. The intellectual curiosity of an old sponge. Adios, can you point out to where victor ever mentioned that he was a "democrat" or why you felt the need to bring any of that up?
ya its really weird. we werent discussing which party has historically been in the right. we werent even discussing anything partisan. he was criticizing "my side" when it was pretty clear my side is the side that supports justice, equality, and rights.
02-05-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
What steps has he taken to do this? Why do many national security advisors, including most of the bush/obama team feel the ban is a net negative for national security? How is eliminating restrictions on mentally ill people buying guns "keeping you safe?"
Those same people have indicated their concern about being able to adequately vet the Syrian refugees. They have acknowledged that terror groups seek to infiltrate and take advantage of the refugee program.

Since this is a new threat it makes sense to pause and take a closer look at the program.
02-05-2017 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Those same people have indicated their concern about being able to adequately vet the Syrian refugees. They have acknowledged that terror groups seek to infiltrate and take advantage of the refugee program.

Since this is a new threat it makes sense to pause and take a closer look at the program.
Can you do a citation on this? It's well known the US takes the longest to vet, if they wanted to come to the USA it would literally be easier any other way.
02-05-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
well no. Im not scared of either whites, muslims, or blacks. but thats bc I understand statistics.

I think the fear of muslims is completely unfounded in this country bc we have incredible constraints in place that lower this risk.

I use logic, reasoning and evidence to look at things. and the numbers clearly show that white supremacists have killed more ppl in america than muslims in the last 15 years.

I think the racist rhetoric does not incite everyone to violence. but it incites some small number. and the more ppl you convert, the higher the chance is that some crazy gets converted and does what crazies do. the numbers bear this out.
We have a natural advantage here in America against Islam. We don't bring in large amounts of them and they integrate into American society pretty well. They seem to be absolutely fine here. That's a good thing.

We can slowly being in Muslims at integrate them here. Large groups of them coming here and creating enclaves like they do in Europe would be disastrous. If America somehow brought in 50 million Muslims today it would be unrecognizable tomorrow.

Personally I don't want them here. No Chinese Muslims, no chechnyan Muslims, no middle Eastern Muslims. None, keep them all out for all I care. Small numbers are OK. Large numbers, absolutely positively not. Look at how the Europeans handled it and look at the Jewish flight out of Europe. No thanks .
02-05-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by adios
You do understand that Lincoln was a Republican right?
Hey, adios. What segment of America HATES Lincoln? Who LOVES the confederate flag. Who LOVES states rights? Lincoln HATED those things. Remember?

You also understand that the Democrats fought against the abolition of slavery tooth and nail right?
Yes. You do understand that LBJ split the democrats and the racists got kicked out? Remember Strom Thurmond splitting and running in 1948? Remember George Wallace and the American Independent Party?

You also understand that the Klan was basically formed by the Democrat Party right?
Yes, shameful. I wonder what party the Klan is more likely to support today? Any guess with all your brilliant historical knowledge?

You also understand that more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights act in 1964 than Democrats right?
No, adios. Because this is a straight up lie. More Democrats voted for the CRA than Republicans.

You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
What you are doing is apologizing for the racist Republicans of today by using an ignorant grasp of history to smear the Democratic party. The democrats had the ****ing guts to kick the racists out of their party. And here you are trying to use that AGAINST them and trying to smear the democratic party of today with a past that they have clearly and consistently rejected. **** you for doing that adios. **** you a million times over.
02-05-2017 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Can you do a citation on this? It's well known the US takes the longest to vet, if they wanted to come to the USA it would literally be easier any other way.
02-05-2017 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, "hate crime since election" brings 6 million hits.

lol Wil. The intellectual curiosity of an old sponge. Adios, can you point out to where victor ever mentioned that he was a "democrat" or why you felt the need to bring any of that up? He clearly never said "democrats always win." He said social justice always does.
How many of them were made up lies? I mean, here in Philadelphia a black dude ran around spray painting swastikas and white racist stuff on cars. They found him though.

It just goes to show how crazy you people are.
02-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
So, Wil when confronted of literally thousands of hate crimes, things you said weren't covered by the news (falsely), you now pivot to them being made up? Good job.
02-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, Wil when confronted of literally thousands of hate crimes, things you said weren't covered by the news (falsely), you now pivot to them being made up? Good job.
I don't believe most of it, yes. I think the way they classify hate crimes is also nonsense. I'm a minority, do you think I don't care about this issue? Really?

The last thing I'm worried about is racists. They have no power and sure aren't harassing me. In fact, everyone I know who voted for Trump hasn't said a peep since he won. They sure aren't running around screaming about it, much less setting my car on fire.
02-05-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
How many of them were made up lies?
You pricks don't care about them when they are real, so why do you care? Don't bother answering. I don't read you stupid posts.
02-05-2017 , 04:41 PM
Btw it's pretty funny that even in the articles you linked they have trouble classifying the crimes. Like, graffiti or claims of harassment are being classified as "hate" and we've seen quite a bit of evidence that they are made up stories or the graffiti actually came from minorities trying to stir up fear.

The church burned in Georgia with the "vote Trump" spray painted on the side was done by a black dude. Anyone with a brain knew it was staged, yet it took weeks for the police to find the guy.

Just a bunch of lies from your side. As usual. Lying, fear mongering bull****. Lol @ demonizing white people are violent racists running around attacking people. It annoys me to have to defend people of another group in this regard. I'm not even white and I have to stand up for them because I'm so sick of you people portraying them as bad people.

You people are truly deplorable.
02-05-2017 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You pricks don't care about them when they are real, so why do you care? Don't bother answering. I don't read you stupid posts.
Apparently you do. So stop reading them. You bring nothing to the table worth discussing, you are one of many morons here. I could use the crowd control, trust me. Be gone.
02-05-2017 , 04:46 PM
wil, all the people you call morons are far more intelligent and knowledgeable than you. Just pause for a moment to consider that, and how you come across as a result.
02-05-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I just wonder why antifa violence isn't the fault of fascists, but like, bog-standard "SJW" racism caused non-fascists to turn to fascism. So weird that only the left wing has agency in this country.

FoldN isn't yelling at Milo to stop doing bizarre racist **** like encouraging his fans to out undocumented students. Almost as if, and sit down guys, he's a dishonest hack just throwing bull**** at the wall to justify what he wants to happen because he's too much of a ****ing coward to own up to his own beliefs.

Y'all notice that's another difference here? Liberals are pretty up front and honest about what they want. I wonder why wil et al. feel the need to lie about it.
Originally Posted by Victor
so anyway, since this is the free speech thread, kinda

are any of the resident free speech warriors gonna stand up for this women that was recently not only silenced but also lost her job due to participating in the womens march and making a speech that called for ppl to come together and putting forth a non-partisan message?
Holy crap wtf is wrong with you two? No eating paint chips from before 1978 from now on guys. Seriously.
02-05-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
The last thing I'm worried about is racists. They have no power and sure aren't harassing me.
That's because you and your little yellow dick don't appear threatening to white men. You're under control and not scary at all. In fact you're on their side! Keep punching down, maybe some day they'll perceive you as equal (spoiler: they won't).
