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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-22-2017 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
If you think OKCUPID is a valid data source, you have bigger problems in life. Work on that.
The dude who posted the article has a math degree from Harvard. You have made wrong conclusions about the data now, on three separate occasions without even reading it.
Harvard vs Wil. Wonder who to go with?

Here is the logic Wil is using. Earlier in the thread, when he posted that 28% of gay men have over 1000 partners he was being truthful. Now, when he is asked for more proof it would be harmful to the gay community to post that proof he definitely has. It's laughable at face value. It's embarrassing to anybody with any critical thinking skills.
02-22-2017 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Do you have something to support that statement?
No? I don't think anyone is conducting LGBTQ+ polls in South Sudan.

I mean, if you wanna go meta with this. I'm assuming you have a problem with the religion of islam. Just a wild guess. How much sex do you think the blokes in Iran are having?
02-22-2017 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't need to. I'm pointing out that your "data" may be flawed in the way it's sampled. It could be missing large groups of people, and it only encompasses people of certain demographics, I mean, it's only in the United States, correct?

Stop trying to defend your OKCUPID data. There are gay websites and gay dating apps for a reason. OKCUPID is mainly a hetero site, dildo.

There is an agenda at work. Gay men would like the information to be in line with the general public so people can't use the data against them. I now agree with that. The source is fantastic, as it's giving you honest answers from gay men about their sexual histories, and they are being very specific and very detailed in them. It's hard to quantify it in the general population but there's plenty of other data that can help put the entire picture together.

You are welcome to go look yourself.
The source is fantastic? Great! What is it???
02-22-2017 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
I have an aversion to people who make up stuff about minorities.
No, you're a bigot and exactly the type of people that they are talking about when they say they wouldn't want people to know.

As I've said, you are the problem, not me. I couldn't care less how much sex people have because I'm not judgemental
02-22-2017 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
i believe that gay men... all the weird and personal hate agenda is kind of pathetic...
Why not keep your odious canuck pie-hole shut, luser !!!1! Other than that, and as always reminding Odi Award winner wil318466 to never forget what that "deafening silence" really means, I'd like to point out that, even at the height of this lolwil pederasty-palooza...

Nobody is being "shouted down".
02-22-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
The dude who posted the article has a math degree from Harvard. You have made wrong conclusions about the data now, on three separate occasions without even reading it.
Harvard vs Wil. Wonder who to go with?

Here is the logic Wil is using. Earlier in the thread, when he posted that 28% of gay men have over 1000 partners he was being truthful. Now, when he is asked for more proof it would be harmful to the gay community to post that proof he definitely has. It's laughable at face value. It's embarrassing to anybody with any critical thinking skills.
You are dumb. You're just a dumb human being.
02-22-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Go on the record here Wil:
I've posted about 20 studies showing the average straight male has around ~10 lifetime partners in this current age. If you adjust for age it could be as low as 8, high as 12, but these are minor factors.
How many lifetime partners do you think the average gay male has? Let's go on record.
How likely do you think it is a straight male has 100+ partners vs a gay male? 1000+?
Didn't get an answer to this.
02-22-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You are dumb. You're just a dumb human being.
And here it is yet again - the wil fallback position when he can't address the actual points made.
02-22-2017 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
I am not implying that anyone with 1,500 partners is a sex addict. I am implying that if I find similar anecdotes with straight people then you should accept them as arguments because that's how Wilworld works.
Only if you have the mistaken idea that Wilworld involves consistency. It doesn't. It involves defending whatever Wil is thinking only at that given moment.

Remember, he's saying he used a study to show how outlandish data mining can be whilst also agreeing entirely with that study. Consistency isn't the aim. Defending his ad hoc reckons is the aim.
02-22-2017 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Has Milo's purported black boyfriend ever been photographed? Do we know for sure that wasn't just a fabrication?
It's just something Milo says. Like he says he was born in Greece, when his birth certificate was actually issued in Kent, and he says his name's Yiannopoulos, and previously said it was Wagner, when it's actually Hanrahan (his father's original name was supposedly Yiannopoulos, but it was changed before Milo was born), and he says he's Jewish, when in fact he was brought up as a Catholic and, while his maternal grandmother may have been Jewish, his mother isn't, which breaks the chain.
02-22-2017 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's obvious that Milo actually enjoyed his sexual escapades with older men while he was a teen, as he refused to refer to it in a negative manner. I think many men could picture a similar position if we were talking about heterosexual relationships when we were of similar age. I know I would not be talking of it negatively if I was 14 and had sex with a 25 year old woman twenty years after the fact. I'd have jumped at the chance.
Just so it's still clear, wil says paedophilia rocks and is totally OK because the kids are asking for it.
02-22-2017 , 04:09 PM
So what do you guys make of this study?

According to this study the older homosexual active men, who where interviewed had on average 251 lifetime sexual partners. Given that parts of the sample live in rural areas, I imagine these numbers might be higher in people living in a more urban setting (e.g. a big US city). Besides, you can add the easier availability of sex nowadays (the study is from 1997 after all), increasingly sexualized advertising, the rise of apps like Grindr, and the increased acceptance of homosexuality in society, which results in more events like gay partys, gay nightclubs.

Wil´s estimation therefore may not be as bad as you guys suggest.

If you want a truly ridiculous and flat out wrong suggestion, look at the estimation of former UKIP politician Lord Christopher Monckton
(even Nigel Farage distanced himself from his homophobic comments)
02-22-2017 , 04:20 PM
Hal, I read the entire thing! It doesn't come close to saying what Wil says is true. It even says the same amount of people report having under 2 partners as over 500.
It's a good data source on older gay men, which is kind of sad and scary that the older population seems to get tested much less for HIV while engaging in the riskier behaviour.

You might note that I said several times ITT there was a lot more risky behaviour among the older generation, before HIV was discovered and that those who have survived from that era are definitely more promiscuous.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 02-22-2017 at 04:26 PM.
02-22-2017 , 04:23 PM
Wil believes in the gayopocalpse. Lol.
02-22-2017 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
If we go worldwide with this then it's surely the opposite of what Wil is claiming - a significant portion of gay men won't ever have sex. Not to say it isn't a massive problem in the Western world still. Instead of digging for promiscuity numbers you might wanna check the depression and suicide rates.
One easy way to reduce suicides in homosexuals is to allow same-sex marriage:

or if you prefer CNN as a source:
02-22-2017 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Anyone who actually knows what they are talking about when it comes to this topic will absolutely agree with me.
Hahaha. You should start a tumblr for this ****.
02-22-2017 , 04:32 PM
Reasonable Guardian report on Milo's 'career' here.
02-22-2017 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Hal, I read the entire thing! It doesn't come close to saying what Wil says is true. It even says the same amount of people report having under 2 partners as over 500.
It's a good data source on older gay men, which is kind of sad and scary that the older population seems to get tested much less for HIV while engaging in the riskier behaviour.

You might note that I said several times ITT there was a lot more risky behaviour among the older generation, before HIV was discovered and that those who have survived from that era are definitely more promiscuous.
I agree with you.

But I think Wil got the general idea right (= homosexuals are far more promiscuous), and just used a poor choice of words by utilizing words like "astronomical".

I have a much newer study from 2010 from Germany (it was funded by the German health ministry):

One of the results was that the interviewed homosexuals reported having 3 sex partners on average within the 12-month period leading up to the interview in addition to being in a relationship.

I don´t think that is a bad thing at all, before someone tries to paint me as homophobe. I just think that in homosexual relationships having some side-action is far more accepted (and I could quote other reliable research from the University of Zürich and other sources in order to back up my claim) than in heterosexual relationships.

Some of you probably have a girlfriend or wife. Now imagine if you would have had 3 sexual partners in addition to being in a relationship in the last year... and then try to imagine her reaction
You will probably end up getting stabbed in your sleep if you´ve got one of these crazy ones or might just end up getting kicked out of your house/apartment and paying for a divorce if you are lucky

If you take this higher acceptance of "side-action" and combine it with the argument of juan valdez, you can easily see, why homosexuals end up having more sexual partners.

Last edited by halcyon229; 02-22-2017 at 04:38 PM. Reason: my spelling sucks ;)
02-22-2017 , 04:36 PM
Wil has a history of misogyny, racism and homophobia though. He argues from ignorance. Your assertions/posting is fine, because they don't come from a place of hate or ignorance.

My basic point has been: The homosexual community was sexual reckless before the 80s, then HIV was discovered and things have normalized since then. The radical christian site's numbers weren't even wrong! They were "normal" for 1970s SF.
02-22-2017 , 04:49 PM
My guess is that confident, attractive, promiscuous gay guys are going to find it somewhat easier (though not 'astronomically' lol) to get laid than their hetero equivalents, while at the other end of the scale introverts will struggle just as badly or perhaps even more so than their hetero equivalents due to the weight of numbers being against them.

So I think the graphs' shapes are probably somewhat different, making comparisons of raw averages pretty meaningless (though wil's figure of 28% of gay men having 1000 partners is just laughable).
02-22-2017 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
I agree with you.

But I think Wil got the general idea right (= homosexuals are far more promiscuous), and just used a poor choice of words by utilizing words like "astronomical".

Originally Posted by Bladesman87

Specifically, the terms "astronomical" and "completely foreign". This is what Wil actually said. Don't let him wriggle out of it with his memory issues.
One could even argue that guys like Bladesman87 attack Wil for his semantics, because they are fighting a losing battle on the ground of convincing arguments.

Wil probably isn´t going to die on that hill this time
(I had to smile at your Edge of tomorrow reference @aoFrantic )

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil has a history of misogyny, racism and homophobia though. He argues from ignorance. Your assertions/posting is fine, because they don't come from a place of hate or ignorance.

My basic point has been: The homosexual community was sexual reckless before the 80s, then HIV was discovered and things have normalized since then. The radical christian site's numbers weren't even wrong! They were "normal" for 1970s SF.
Look up my recent posts in the LGBTQ thread and the amount of <removed> tags by chezlaw
You may think my posting is fine, but chezlaw had a deviating opinion (I admit to making a very controversial post in this thread though).

I don´t disagree with your basic point and have already known your position by reading your posts in this thread. But don´t you think that variables like:
-the rise of apps like Grindr, which enable easy hook-ups
-increasingly sexualized advertising
-increased acceptance of homosexuality
-specific gay nightclubs (unthinkable 100 years ago)
-gay parties
-the outing of gay celebrities (billionaire Peter Thiel comes to my mind)

and so on have increased the amount of sexual encounters homosexual people have by a magnitude? In addition to the other arguments by juan valdez and my argument of homosexuals having way more "side-action" than heterosexual people in relationships.
02-22-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
The source is fantastic? Great! What is it???
It's a tremendous source! Believe me, it's fantastic. Just a tremendous, tremendous source.
02-22-2017 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Hal, I read the entire thing! It doesn't come close to saying what Wil says is true. It even says the same amount of people report having under 2 partners as over 500.
It's a good data source on older gay men, which is kind of sad and scary that the older population seems to get tested much less for HIV while engaging in the riskier behaviour.

You might note that I said several times ITT there was a lot more risky behaviour among the older generation, before HIV was discovered and that those who have survived from that era are definitely more promiscuous.
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
My guess is that confident, attractive, promiscuous gay guys are going to find it somewhat easier (though not 'astronomically' lol) to get laid than their hetero equivalents, while at the other end of the scale introverts will struggle just as badly or perhaps even more so than their hetero equivalents due to the weight of numbers being against them.

So I think the graphs' shapes are probably somewhat different, making comparisons of raw averages pretty meaningless (though wil's figure of 28% of gay men having 1000 partners is just laughable).
Both of you are prime examples of ignorance and stupidity. You do NOT know what you are talking about when it comes to this subject, you just don't. You don't know much about (if anything) the gay community and you obviously haven't talked to enough of them to get a good idea of what their experiences are like. This is blatantly obvious by the way you speak. Your examples of an "introverted male", regardless of orientation, are absurd. Of course it doesn't matter if you are gay or straight and a dork, you aren't getting laid regardless. I've explained it very easily - when females are taken out of the equation, the rate will go up because in general, straight or gay males want sex more often.

Your arguments are so awfully bad reading them make my head hurt. Go out and talk to gay males, go read gay websites. They have actual opinions about it, they discuss it. Go read it and educate yourself and stop making yourself look like fools.

This isn't an argument. I know, without a doubt, 100%, that I'm right.
02-22-2017 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil has a history of misogyny, racism and homophobia though. He argues from ignorance. Your assertions/posting is fine, because they don't come from a place of hate or ignorance.

My basic point has been: The homosexual community was sexual reckless before the 80s, then HIV was discovered and things have normalized since then. The radical christian site's numbers weren't even wrong! They were "normal" for 1970s SF.
You have the link. Why didn't you post it in the thread so people could read it?

Hint : because you know it proves me correct. I've now asked you multiple times to quote my posts where you made claims against me and I asked you multiple times to share the link with the rest of the forum so they can go decide themselves. You constantly refuse to do either. It's literally a cut/paste. Why won't you do it?
02-22-2017 , 05:13 PM
Tiny, angry, sexually inexperienced wil believes that all men are BSing blabbermouths, based on knowledge of a sample of one.
