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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-22-2017 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil in a nutshell. "I'm wrong, I don't know but I don't care." Full speed ahead.
Careful ya big success, you work in the morning
I never claimed I was some sort of expert on the history of the alt right. I didn't even know what the ****ing alt right was til a few months ago, if my memory serves me correctly. I've said this multiple times. My timeline may be incorrect, I freely admit it, but I specifically said I don't know or care about it. I assumed they were a response to the idiocy of feminism 3.0 and the SJW movement due to my reading of their history. If that assumption is wrong, fine, who gives a crap? I know I don't and I'll freely admit it.

I'm off tomorrow. Why would you assume I'm working? Like, literally every statement, every guess you make about me is laughably wrong. You say stupid things like I'm 4 feet tall. Why? I'm not mad about it but it makes you look like an idiot. I've even told people how tall I am yet you come up with stupid insults like this. For what reason? It shows how childish you really are. Youre just an idiot.
02-22-2017 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
This is boring, like fighting a man with no arms. I think I'm out. Have a good one everybody.
Good, don't come back.
02-22-2017 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You're a racist dildo on the internet. You left this forum after I embarrassed you in the election thread. For some reason you came back. Why?

Everything you said and every claim you made was laughably proven wrong. You were one of the biggest idiots in that thread. Maybe you forgot how colossally stupid you made yourself look. I'll quote some of your greatest hits later.

A shame you didn't put some money up, since you're a broke ass nobody.

I took time off from reading you and tooth. Also, I have friends and things to do and travel frequently. You drink.

Also, I have plenty of money, but it's a bit tacky to go around like you do, don't you think? Also I hope you making 700k plus, otherwise bragging about making a few multiples of the median family income in your area looks weak. Are you already drunk? And please do quote my posts wil, it will show everyone how wrong I am about everything and how right you are. Also will show how healthy you are psychologically. Off to read a book. Toodles!
02-22-2017 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by samsonh

I took time off from reading you and tooth.
Lol. Yeah we believe that.

Also, I have friends and things to do and travel frequently. You drink.
Yeah, I bet you have lots of "friends". I don't travel, and real men drink. A lot.

Also, I have plenty of money, but it's a bit tacky to go around like you do, don't you think?
I doubt this. And yes, it is tacky, but it's fun to use against people who claim to be superior and then question another person's ability. I'm a pretty modest guy but it's a tool to make fun of you losers. I'm sure it just kills Fly that I smoke him in life. In fact, I'm sure it does.

Also I hope you making 700k plus, otherwise bragging about making a few multiples of the median family income in your area looks weak.
I'd actually agree with this, somewhat. Btw, 700k isn't a few mutliple if you look at median incomes.

Are you already drunk?
Not yet.

And please do quote my posts wil, it will show everyone how wrong I am about everything and how right you are.
Of course I'm right. You even wrote a congratulatory post to me when I was proven so. You don't remember? Lol @ you.
02-22-2017 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I never claimed I was some sort of expert on the history of the alt right. I didn't even know what the ****ing alt right was til a few months ago, if my memory serves me correctly. I've said this multiple times. My timeline may be incorrect, I freely admit it, but I specifically said I don't know or care about it. I assumed they were a response to the idiocy of feminism 3.0 and the SJW movement due to my reading of their history. If that assumption is wrong, fine, who gives a crap? I know I don't and I'll freely admit it.
See? It's okay to not know things and reserve judgment until you understand more about something. For someone who just said that they can disagree with someone about something but still support other parts of their being, you sure have a personal grudge getting in the way of admitting that sometimes people you don't like might be right about something.

This is the most honest post I've ever seen you make. I like it.
02-22-2017 , 12:58 AM
Well, wil is ignorant as **** but in case anybody isn't aware:

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. White nationalist Richard Spencer coined the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[1][2]


The Associated Press stated that the

'alt-right' or 'alternative right' is a name currently embraced by some white supremacists and white nationalists to refer to themselves and their ideology, which emphasizes preserving and protecting the white race in the United States in addition to, or over, other traditional conservative positions such as limited government, low taxes and strict law-and-order. The movement has been described as a mix of racism, white nationalism and populism, ... criticizes "multiculturalism" and more rights for non-whites, women, Jews, Muslims, gays, immigrants and other minorities. Its members reject the American democratic ideal that all should have equality under the law regardless of creed, gender, ethnic origin or race.[1][39]

Originally Posted by wil318466
Without the SJW movement there is no alt right. The reason they exist is to directly oppose the SJW positions. They simply take up the other side of the argument. Most people don't care about these labels. I know I don't.

As far as outing people, the left has been doing this for years. I mean, you guys do this to me on this website. This is the internet though, so whatever, but in the real world there are real consequences. People self censor. It's an actual thing, as much as you'd love to think otherwise.

This is why when I tell you people that everyone despises you, I know many of you truly think I'm wrong because you don't see it and you don't hear it. It's because people don't want to get into an argument. Just because they don't come out and tell you they hate you, trust me, they hate you.

Last edited by 5ive; 02-22-2017 at 01:13 AM.
02-22-2017 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
So how much sex gay men have is going to be left to each state to decide?
When they have done that in the past the number is usually zero.
02-22-2017 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Under what metric would you say he has "millions" of supporters? Even if you combined his peak youtube/twitter followers/subscribers, they didn't reach 1 million combined. This was also before most people knew he was a pederast.
Absolutely he has he 1M+ people that support him. If not you guys are wasting a lot of time and energy on bashing and talking about someone that nobody cares about.
02-22-2017 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
coined the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused of doing so to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.]
Just pointing out that this doesn't mean the movement started in 2010, just that they started using the phrase "alt-right" to distance themselves from the negative connotations of all the other labels. I just didn't want wil coming in here saying "See? It just started." thinking that he's somehow proving me and aoFrantic are wrong about the early internet stuff.
02-22-2017 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Absolutely he has he 1M+ people that support him. If not you guys are wasting a lot of time and energy on bashing and talking about someone that nobody cares about.
What number sounds about right for people to start sounding the alarms?
02-22-2017 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
The mistake is expecting Wil to ever hit any kind of consistency aside from his self aggrandising.

Back in spank thread, I pointed this out: Wil doesn't make arguments or have lasting opinions, he has clusters of disorganised thoughts that he expresses at any given moment with no regard for what came before or what will follow.

That's how he can simultaneously disavow his own citation about the number of gay male partners whilst also claiming it to be deadly accurate. They aren't thoughts that ever converge in his mind for him to spot the problem.

I was curious about wil's potential response before I remembered he has us both on ignore.
02-22-2017 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
See? It's okay to not know things and reserve judgment until you understand more about something. For someone who just said that they can disagree with someone about something but still support other parts of their being, you sure have a personal grudge getting in the way of admitting that sometimes people you don't like might be right about something.

This is the most honest post I've ever seen you make. I like it.
I truly don't know what we are discussing this for. I have never claimed to know much about the alt right, I am not alt right and I don't want to be labelled as alt right. I don't care about 4chan, their history, or any of their people. It seems they are a bunch of weirdos who like looking at girls fisting each other. That's fine, whatever floats your boat, but it doesn't interest me.

What interests me is the change that is happening in our society, and that change is coming from the left. The danger is from the left, not the right.

As far as admitting other people can be correct, when have I ever been proven wrong yet I refused to admit it? Give me an example. I've been wrong and I've admitted it. Many things discussed here are opinion so they can never be proven right, but some things we can prove. In most of the cases where I take a position where something can be proven, I usually win.

Just because I'm being a prick about something doesnt make me wrong. My day-long argument with aofrantic was because HE couldn't admit he was wrong. It's obvious he was wrong to anyone who followed it. Laughably so. The issue lies with people like him, not me.
02-22-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
Just pointing out that this doesn't mean the movement started in 2010, just that they started using the phrase "alt-right" to distance themselves from the negative connotations of all the other labels. I just didn't want wil coming in here saying "See? It just started." thinking that he's somehow proving me and aoFrantic are wrong about the early internet stuff.
True, but it still predates the popular usage of 'SJW' by half a decade, as a response to that particular wil point.

Last edited by 5ive; 02-22-2017 at 01:25 AM.
02-22-2017 , 01:16 AM
OK, this is getting downright bizarre, even for lolwil standards.

Literally everybody is supporting the points. That's, like, pretty much the entirety of the last 3 or 4 hundred posts.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Without a doubt my source is better. Now, we would have to put it in some sort of perspective, but it's an obvious example of my claims not being some strange, unbelievably wild description. The users of those sites are telling you, completely honestly, of their sexual history, in very explicit detail. They aren't lying, there is no motive to lie.

You posted no extensive study to anything. Your links are garbage, total trash.

Do you notice the lack of people supporting you here? It's not because everyone is busy doing something else, you realize that, right? Enough people despise me here that if you were actually even kinda correct this thread would be flooded with people pointing that out. You are not correct. The silence is deafening.

It's because they know I'm right too, dickhead. They just don't come out and say it.
02-22-2017 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
For the record, I've met and known one gay man that would fit in wil's stereotype, while I've met and known 20-30 other gay men that aren't out banging random dudes they met in clubs every night. I live in a very gay-friendly city. I've had actual real conversations with them, although I don't generally pry into their sex life because when I'm talking to them, I'm not thinking to myself "Aw man, an actual gay dude! I have so many questions!!! So do you guys just like, **** each other all day or do you have time for other stuff?"
02-22-2017 , 01:25 AM

Are we all getting trolled haaarhd, potentially?

Originally Posted by wil318466
Well, I'm not stupid, of course I'm not making an assumption of a group based on one or two peoples perspective. Who would do such a thing?


02-22-2017 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
... Do you notice the lack of people supporting you here?... Enough people despise me here... The silence is deafening... It's because they know I'm right... They just don't come out and say it.
ZOMG. You are epically stupid and unaware. At this point I think everyone despises you. Don't let the "deafening silence" fool you. You are truly odious !!!1!
02-22-2017 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, literally everyone is against you on the "gay men mostly have thousands of partners" thing. Literally everyone. You are either delusional or have some sort of disorder to have gotten the opposite feeling.


Here's more moonwalking pony:

02-22-2017 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
ZOMG. You are epically stupid and unaware. At this point I think everyone despises you. Don't let the "deafening silence" fool you. You are truly odious !!!1!
Lol, no one gives a flying **** what you think, Trolly. You post from a troll account, for god's sake.
02-22-2017 , 01:51 AM
Oh God. WTF is this?


FYI the MSM has a huge ****ing media onslaught that is set to go live Monday to scorch earth Milo and destroy him via the pedophile label.

I'm part of a mailing list (not giving my real name or the name of the list for the sake of protecting my ass from retaliation) but they have been sitting on the story for a while, because they thought Milo was small fries and wanted to wait until he got big enough a thread to go nuclear on.

The journalists are pissed the **** off Maher put him on the air and more so, pissed off his book deal had not been revoked (and some are pissed that Milo got a book deal from the same publisher who dropped Zoe Quinn's book, along with a larger signing bonus than most of the publisher's social justice authors).

There are also those who want to hurt him simply as a proxy to hurt Steve Bannon/Breitbart. since their attempts to attack Bannon have largely failed. Not to mention people on the left being pissed off that most people sided with Milo over the rioters. Rioters, that were paid for by Soros through a variety of fronts and laundered through companies that can't be traced back to him.

Expect a steady drumbeat of "Milo is a pedophile" and "Milo must be dropped from CPAC". The later is especially important, in terms of the divide and conquer long game the press is playing: the press wants a civil war with the McCain/Graham wing of the GOP and the Trump/Ryan wing so as to weaken the Republicans in 2018. The overall plan is to make the Republicans fear social shaming from the media and the left more than they do their actual constituents who love Trump, in hopes of regaining the House and enough Senate seats to pull off an impeachment of Trump.
02-22-2017 , 01:54 AM
I like how wil basically concocts an episode of Family Guy in each of his post.
02-22-2017 , 02:08 AM
Quite a theory Soros paid rioters to **** with milo. Well the whole post has a lot of theory in it. So it must be true.
02-22-2017 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Quite a theory Soros paid rioters to **** with milo. Well the whole post has a lot of theory in it. So it must be true.
You are correct, I don't put much into that sentiment. I agree with you.

The thing I care about is the beginning, the end, and the timing of the post.
02-22-2017 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
To be clear, the bulk of these links are not particularly pertinent to the discussion at hand.

What are the other 6 you keep referencing? I would like to read them.
LOL Danno the Real Progressive going to bat for wil. Not gonna let some uppity ****ing egghead lecture a homophobe without MORE CLEAR CITATIONS.

No, clearer than that.
02-22-2017 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by samsonh

I know you most likely have one or two sexual partners lifetime. There are other ways to deal with that anger than lashing out like this. SAD!
Oh my god this is absolutely it. Wil lost his virginity at 29, immediately knocked up the first girl he ever slept with to "lock her in", and now he's getting older and more delusional and he imagines he could've been a player.
