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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

03-09-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I could post, there's just no reason to. It's not like I could ever learn anything from the people I am arguing with. It's literally a waste of time.

You, jalfrezi, and the rest have never once said a single thing that taught me anything. Why bother?
If you cant learn anything from posting in the context threads the same should go for here.

The reason is you cant without getting banned.
03-09-2017 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by batair
If you cant learn anything from posting in the context threads the same should go for here.

The reason is you cant without getting banned.
I choose not to, at least for now. It makes the mods job harder and its constantly me vs a group.

I won't learn anything here either. But at least I can call aofrantic an idiot.
03-09-2017 , 02:15 PM
I got sleeper cell jimmie rustlage with these dudes.

Can somebody rope wil into an intelligence/moron bet of some kind? Anything from board game Cranium4Rollz to like SAT/ACT/GRE score or something in between, would be max luzl.

Originally Posted by wil318466
You might be more obsessive than he is. You sound like 5ive at this point. Both morons.
03-09-2017 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I choose not to, at least for now. It makes the mods job harder and its constantly me vs a group.

I won't learn anything here either. But at least I can call aofrantic an idiot.
I dont think you have the ability. But i could be wrong.
03-09-2017 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I dont think you have the ability. But i could be wrong.
Oh, I could, but it's just not as fun. Whats the difference between a regular Trump thread here and in P?
03-09-2017 , 02:45 PM
03-09-2017 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by batair
03-09-2017 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, but like that link in no way describes the final, all encompassing data. Perhaps they should amend their opinions to reflect that, no?

Did you want to answer where in the data the kids were asked about political affiliation or are you just going to shirk answering questions that make you look bad?
Originally Posted by wil318466
You literally can't read data. You have no ****ing idea what you are looking at, even after the articles tell you how it came to its conclusions. You then go on post after post spewing nonsense.

You did the same exact thing with the argument of your house being worth 7 million, if it was located in the hottest real estate market in North America.

You are, literally, an idiot. And you have the balls to question if anyone else went to college? Stop posting.
Just saying "no" would be a lot easier Wil! What did I read incorrectly about the data? The right wing think tank sources you've posted are deriving a narrative from the data that isn't at all present. They talk about how young people "lean republican" when political affiliation was never a question posed. That is misleading, no? The articles are terrible. When looking at the data, you reach the conclusion that teenagers aren't hugely politically motivated or fans of either party. Nearly every study on people under 30 in the past few years have shown this. Young people don't like republicans! They don't like democrats! They don't like capitalism! The cognitive dissonance you have in this exact thread, talking about university SJW over and over again, then to post an article showing how right wing those kids now are is simply amazing.

You posted this quote
“Our findings shocked us and clearly state that the Trump effect was not only felt by adults and can have an impact going forward with Generation Z. It’s also an important message that youth can’t be taken for granted as to how they lean politically by either side of the aisle.
Show me in the data, where it discusses political leanings. Please. I'd love for you to point it out since I can't read data. Can you post an actual argument, actual content and not just sheepishly hide behind insults? We know that's why you won't step in content threads, because you are intellectually overwhelmed and have to resort to insults. Can you for once not do such a thing? If there actually was a "trump effect" how would he have gone from in the 40s among the first 50k respondents to dropping all the way down to 32% overall once the study was done, with less than 100k overall respondents? How is that emboldening of a "trump effect?"

All of SE has been laughing at your LG posts over the last two days btw.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 03-09-2017 at 03:26 PM.
03-09-2017 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Hahahaha. Every single thing about you is bull****. Lol at you using that data, exit poll data, and the total showing Trump's votes at 46.68 million total when be received 62.9 million. Lol at me specifically mentioning high school students.

Lololololol. Every single post of yours is total nonsense. You're such a ****ing dildo.

“Our findings shocked us and clearly state that the Trump effect was not only felt by adults and can have an impact going forward with Generation Z. It’s also an important message that youth can’t be taken for granted as to how they lean politically by either side of the aisle.

Lol at your constant lies and straight up bull****. You people are so awful even the kids in high school hate your guts, something I've never seen happen in my adult life.

Millennials are a lost generation. We will have the young ones behind them. Thank God.
Yeah, I've also read through several proprietary materials basically outlining this trend as well, and I actually find this to be somewhat worrisome. It's not surprising that aoFrantic is once again missing the forest for the trees.

People in the 14-18 age group should be mid to far left, or at the very least more left than their parents. It's part of growing up, and also part of the idealism that young people ought to hold. Eventually the normalizing factor kicks in as everyone eventually grows rightward as they get older; just where they settle in will depend on their upbringing, personal experiences and life principles.

If many of the 14-18 group already start out as center right to mid right, then something must be very wrong with how the present generation is influencing generation Z. It makes me wonder if they will end up being far right in the future out of spite of the millennial generation. If so, that is not something that I would look forward to, and I say this even as someone who probably falls in the center right side of the spectrum if all my views are summed up and weighed.
03-09-2017 , 03:39 PM
You think the average 15 year old is "far left?" Why would you assert that? The average 15 year old is uninformed about politics and doesn't care about them. In the end, that's what the data ended up saying. The vast, vast majority of teenagers will be apolitical and/or slightly in the same mold as their parents. This is *slightly* skewed because social media is now their main source of info for politics.

Morishita, you know the "people get conservative as they get older" has been debunked over and over again, right?
Dozens of studies in that link, I have many more in my windows. I'd love to see yours though!

Perhaps you should research some facts so you don't get in trouble being wrong like you did in the other thread claiming Trump did better among AA than the average R candidate?

Last edited by aoFrantic; 03-09-2017 at 03:47 PM.
03-09-2017 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Morishita System
Yeah, I've also read through several proprietary materials basically outlining this trend as well, and I actually find this to be somewhat worrisome. It's not surprising that aoFrantic is once again missing the forest for the trees.

People in the 14-18 age group should be mid to far left, or at the very least more left than their parents. It's part of growing up, and also part of the idealism that young people ought to hold. Eventually the normalizing factor kicks in as everyone eventually grows rightward as they get older; just where they settle in will depend on their upbringing, personal experiences and life principles.

If many of the 14-18 group already start out as center right to mid right, then something must be very wrong with how the present generation is influencing generation Z. It makes me wonder if they will end up being far right in the future out of spite of the millennial generation. If so, that is not something that I would look forward to, and I say this even as someone who probably falls in the center right side of the spectrum if all my views are summed up and weighed.
I thought about this myself. I don't think we should look too deeply into it, as I doubt the next generation are Nazi youth. I personally think that the group before them just took things too far. Total rejection of religion, throwing out free speech, and no genders was probably just too strange for the group behind them.

When my wife told me they had a management training course at her company named "how to manage Millenials" I just laughed. They literally had to teach managers how to deal with the new employees, as they were so drastically different than every other group before them.

Millenial behavior is downright bizarre. I blame the generation behind them, but the change in communication and "Fakebook" screwed up their perceptions of life. No other group of people had to adjust to such a drastic change in communication in human history.

Social media made it appear that everyone was living some wonderful, perfect life, and it took time to realize that it simply wasn't accurate. Parents suddenly had access to a window into other people's lives through Facebook and everyone felt guilty for not being as "good" as other parents were. Just Google "mom guilt" or "cut kids sandwiches" and marvel at the idiocy.

Households now mostly require two incomes, so parents felt guilty by the perception of not spending as much time with their children as other super-parents seem to on social media. That, in turn, made them overcompensate. We went through a period where as a country we didn't go through any hardship (and it's no coincidence the most "normal" people in their age range are the ones who actually went through some type of hardship). Children were coddled and brought up in a sanitized bubble, and when they went into the real world they had trouble adjusting because they always had parents up their butt doing everything for them and holding their hands every step of the way. It's no wonder they are so screwed up as people.

I don't want "generation Z" to be conservatives, I just want them to be normal. I think we'll be OK. I hope.

Last edited by wil318466; 03-09-2017 at 04:12 PM.
03-09-2017 , 04:11 PM
Wil attempting psychology is worth chezland still existing.

The mental gymnastics at play to actually think the 15-21 crowd are big C conservatives where the 22-35 crowd are just weirdos is amazing.
03-09-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil attempting psychology is worth chezland still existing.

The mental gymnastics at play to actually think the 15-21 crowd are big C conservatives where the 22-35 crowd are just weirdos is amazing.
It's hard to define "conservatives" at that age. They are simply more conservative than you freaks of nature.

If I had to bet, I'd say the 2008 recession had something to do with it, as they at least faced some economic hardship. The period before them was, for a long time, stress free. Every group of people had hardship, wars, political upheaval, huge racial animosity, crack, etc. Then for a long time things were pretty quiet and peaceful. That peaceful time screwed you people up.
03-09-2017 , 04:29 PM
This is just terrible psychology Wil.

The BEST point you can make here is that Americans become little c conservatives late in life because after they graduate college they have ~200k in debt, few assets and a mediocre job, on average. When they're ~45, they have the ~best job they'll ever have and assets to protect, so they become financially more conservative to protect these assets. As someone who was in University during the financial collapse, the boomers and generations who were losing retirements and houses had it way, way, way worse than your average student who knew things would recover eventually. This is where you can draw a line with OWS to Bernie. It's not a straight line, but it was two movements of predominantly young people and what their issues were.

Do you actually believe the average ~20 year old who is not pro life, respects LGBT, isn't anti marijuana etc will switch those opinions later in life? Really?

Contrary to what System said, it's not an age thing, it's a generational thing. You're ALMOST close to being correct in that the major movements and issues of your youth shape the politics of the rest of your life. That was a good point, that you, Wil made! You just kind of muddled it up trying to fit in your narrative afterwards.
03-09-2017 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
All of SE has been laughing at your LG posts over the last two days btw.
I missed this post. I actually don't know, or care, what SE is. Also, I don't care what people think of me. I speak my mind and I'm honest about my opinions. It's a huge leg up on you and your kind. You are literally a person who says that your house is worth 7 million dollars if it was located in a different area. If that doesn't warrant ridicule, I don't know what does.

You go run and talk about me with other posters in an area which I don't care. Have a blast, and if you wish you can come back and tell me about it again, if it makes you feel better. My child behaves in this manner, but I think she'll grow out of it by the time she's 7 or 8 years old.
03-09-2017 , 04:36 PM
Wil, I didn't comment on nor bring you up in SE. It happened totally without me. Hope that helps your victim narrative! Perhaps you could have looked this up before blaming me for all your ills?

Wil, that bet is still open, if you are so honest and I am so dishonest. Same terms as previously posted.
03-09-2017 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This is just terrible psychology Wil.

The BEST point you can make here is that Americans become little c conservatives late in life because after they graduate college they have ~200k in debt, few assets and a mediocre job, on average. When they're ~45, they have the ~best job they'll ever have and assets to protect, so they become financially more conservative to protect these assets. As someone who was in University during the financial collapse, the boomers and generations who were losing retirements and houses had it way, way, way worse than your average student who knew things would recover eventually. This is where you can draw a line with OWS to Bernie. It's not a straight line, but it was two movements of predominantly young people and what their issues were.
You have no idea what you are talking about. I won't argue with you, but I think you need to google a little more and read up on people's ideas and perceptions and how it changed during that time. It crushed many people's confidence in financial markets and changed their views on investing.

I'm constantly amazed at how ridiculously wrong you are about everything.

Do you actually believe the average ~20 year old who is not pro life, respects LGBT, isn't anti marijuana etc will switch those opinions later in life? Really?
Things change as you get older. You don't have that experience. Again, you don't know what you are talking about.

Contrary to what System said, it's not an age thing, it's a generational thing. You're ALMOST close to being correct in that the major movements and issues of your youth shape the politics of the rest of your life. That was a good point, that you, Wil made! You just kind of muddled it up trying to fit in your narrative afterwards.
I think you should research this a little more.
03-09-2017 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, I didn't comment on nor bring you up in SE. It happened totally without me. Hope that helps your victim narrative! Perhaps you could have looked this up before blaming me for all your ills?

Wil, that bet is still open, if you are so honest and I am so dishonest. Same terms as previously posted.
Again, I don't know, or care, what "SE" is. Those posters can have their fun, I hold no grudges.

I do find it amusing that they don't come discuss things with me directly, but it's to be expected.
03-09-2017 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
You think the average 15 year old is "far left?" Why would you assert that? The average 15 year old is uninformed about politics and doesn't care about them. In the end, that's what the data ended up saying. The vast, vast majority of teenagers will be apolitical and/or slightly in the same mold as their parents. This is *slightly* skewed because social media is now their main source of info for politics.

Mor****a, you know the "people get conservative as they get older" has been debunked over and over again, right?
Dozens of studies in that link, I have many more in my windows. I'd love to see yours though!
It seems reasonably likely people get more "conservative" with a small c as they age - as in the more you grow, the more likely you are to maintain status quo beliefs and institutions from your youth
That is what I'm asserting; when I mean drifting right I mean with respect to your beliefs versus the time that you are presently in, not necessarily as how "C" conservatism may be defined today. Since the past, what is today's left typically ends up being tomorrow's center-left to center right.

Normally, teenagers rebel against the institutions by being leftward of the present, and some of their leftward ideas end up being the center when they get older. This is the first time I have ever seen where the present youth are doing the opposite; being rightward of the present instead. This is also the first time where I've seen them start off rightward from a social point of view, which is just astounding to me.

Of course they are not full blown "C" conservatives, but that they aren't leftward of present, but instead rightward of present should be an indication that something is wrong.

Perhaps you should research some facts so you don't get in trouble being wrong like you did in the other thread claiming Trump did better among AA than the average R candidate?
No, you argued from raw % of total AA votes which is not the correct way to do so because of the third parties taking away a rather large number of AA votes from both sides this time around. Margin is the correct way to look at it. Margin wise Trump's D+80 beat Romney and McCain (for obvious reasons), but also beat out some elections from Reagan, W, etc. So yes, he cleared par as I asserted, in that he did not lose to Clinton as badly as an average republican loses to an average democrat for the AA vote from a margin perspective.

If you only look at raw % of total AA votes, then by your logic Hillary Clinton was so bad with AAs that she was worse than Mondale and Dukakis, which is absurd.
03-09-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Do you actually believe the average ~20 year old who is not pro life, respects LGBT, isn't anti marijuana etc will switch those opinions later in life? Really?
Originally Posted by wil318466
Things change as you get older. You don't have that experience. Again, you don't know what you are talking about.
I do have that experience and I can tell you that very few of my generation who had these views as young people have since abandoned them.

It's too easy and lazy to say that all progressive views across the board are prone to the usual rightwards drift with age that is usually driven by changes in personal economics.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 03-09-2017 at 05:10 PM. Reason: grammar
03-09-2017 , 04:54 PM
So, Wil actually believes the average tolerant 20 year old will become a bigot later in life because he cannot understand other people being tolerant.

System, what you're actually arguing in the above post isn't really controversial at all, but it's completely opposite from what Wil is asserting. What you're asserting is, obviously backed up both by data and common sense. Wil is arguing...the opposite.
03-09-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm starting to believe you are ******ed. You keep repeating this dumb ass phrase.

I guess. It's just describing the results. The issue is if the data is good, which I doubt as reliable in the first place. Gives me a little hope though. Honestly your generation is so dumb the people behind you really couldn't possibly be worse.

As I've said, an entire generation of people are lost.

Swing and a miss from wil what else is new.

Keep lying to yourself lol
03-09-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I do have that experience and I can tell you that very few of my generation who had these views as young people have since abandoned them.

It's too easy and lazy to say that all progressive views across the board are prone to the usual rightwards drift with age that are usually driven by changes in personal economics.
It's also supported by literally zero data, with scores and scores of surveys being against it.
03-09-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I thought about this myself. I don't think we should look too deeply into it, as I doubt the next generation are Nazi youth. I personally think that the group before them just took things too far. Total rejection of religion, throwing out free speech, and no genders was probably just too strange for the group behind them.

When my wife told me they had a management training course at her company named "how to manage Millenials" I just laughed. They literally had to teach managers how to deal with the new employees, as they were so drastically different than every other group before them.

Millenial behavior is downright bizarre. I blame the generation behind them, but the change in communication and "Fakebook" screwed up their perceptions of life. No other group of people had to adjust to such a drastic change in communication in human history.

Social media made it appear that everyone was living some wonderful, perfect life, and it took time to realize that it simply wasn't accurate. Parents suddenly had access to a window into other people's lives through Facebook and everyone felt guilty for not being as "good" as other parents were. Just Google "mom guilt" or "cut kids sandwiches" and marvel at the idiocy.

Households now mostly require two incomes, so parents felt guilty by the perception of not spending as much time with their children as other super-parents seem to on social media. That, in turn, made them overcompensate. We went through a period where as a country we didn't go through any hardship (and it's no coincidence the most "normal" people in their age range are the ones who actually went through some type of hardship). Children were coddled and brought up in a sanitized bubble, and when they went into the real world they had trouble adjusting because they always had parents up their butt doing everything for them and holding their hands every step of the way. It's no wonder they are so screwed up as people.

I don't want "generation Z" to be conservatives, I just want them to be normal. I think we'll be OK. I hope.
People have been saying that about the generation that proceeds them for centuries. I was reading a book about the British Empire and back in the around mid 1800s alot of older Brits were worried that the younger generation were going soft ect. People trying to discredit subsequent generations is nothing new.

Millennials im sure will not be without their problems but at the same time they haven't enslaved anyone , havent not given blacks equal rights and not been responsible for illegal wars based on propaganda. Millenials are probably the least sexist least racist generation we have ever had.

Although to be fair they in some cases they have tried to be so progressive they have ended up being regressive, I think they have gone to far left almost towards being authoritarian left. I think the SJW movement will die out though as people realize how ludicrous their movement is at times.

Last edited by superslug; 03-09-2017 at 05:11 PM.
03-09-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I do have that experience and I can tell you that very few of my generation who had these views as young people have since abandoned them.

It's too easy and lazy to say that all progressive views across the board are prone to the usual rightwards drift with age that are usually driven by changes in personal economics.
No one has ever said it's automatic. It's a complex transition, and I agree with you that plenty of people never change. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and for a bunch of different reasons. I've seen both sides of it, but I will tell you I've seen MUCH less conservatives drifting towards liberalism than the reverse. Without question.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, Wil actually believes the average tolerant 20 year old will become a bigot later in life because he cannot understand other people being tolerant.
You do this constantly. Why? It's blatantly obvious to anyone who can just scroll up 6 posts that I've never made this claim or said anything close to this. You tend to do it a lot more when laughed at by other posters in an attempt to "revise" what you said earlier, or an attempt to hide/bury some idiocy you said earlier.

It's really an annoying habit. You should try to break out of it, it would probably help your social life as I can't see it being anything but insufferable to other people in the real world.
