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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-18-2015 , 10:04 PM
What's the difference? The two politics forums are going down faster than Whitney Houston's family members, so who cares?
04-18-2015 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What's the difference? The two politics forums are going down faster than Whitney Houston's family members, so who cares?

You gotta consider an unchained mentality that we are dealing with our own politics here as much as the worlds because the mod is wisely and usually too lazy to ban you for event being rude towards him. True it is smaller in the scope of community as it is mostly anonymous and non-local, but not smaller than people as a product of it's natural existence. A conflict between people is worth solving and that also makes it end. It is tiring to argue endlessly, so it seems reasonable to stop at one point or another. Or change from arguing and making demands into another form of communication.
04-18-2015 , 10:16 PM
Ehh. There's no place for serious discussion here. It's down to insults and personal attacks.

It's best to just bet on college basketball.
04-18-2015 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
start from the beginning, that's where the initial cross post and the response was. Don't make stuff up and you'll be fine.
It would be ever so helpful in preventing me from making stuff up if you could link to a single post you have a problem with and explain the errors in it.
04-18-2015 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Ehh. There's no place for serious discussion here. It's down to insults and personal attacks.

It's best to just bet on college basketball.

Or if we finally realize being argumentative in excess is the problem and pretty much everybody is involved with it, to stop arguing and point out when people are becoming argumentative. You are correct that you do not have to participate.
04-18-2015 , 10:19 PM
It's so cute how cheezelawl sees people pointing out his moronic behavior and eventually decides that he'll start accusing others of the same behavior.

Evasively whine for seven months and get called out on it? Nuh uh! Everyone else is evasive!

I mean, transparent as hell trolling, but when you're such an astounding simpleton what else can you expect?
04-18-2015 , 10:22 PM
Chez is obviously quite open to being reasonable. It is pretty cute.
04-18-2015 , 10:24 PM
Mockery is fairly unreasonable though when it is simply argumentative.
04-18-2015 , 10:28 PM
Would it be out of line for a new comer to state a position on this topic?
04-18-2015 , 10:30 PM
LetsGambool did point out the argument should be settled. A good reason why it is not is people are still being excessively argumentative. We can observe this pretty well right? This is stoppable by anyone who chooses to stop. So persisting with sole argumentation disrupts the logical sounding conclusion by letsgambool that this is at least currently, if not past settleable.
04-18-2015 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
Would it be out of line for a new comer to state a position on this topic?
not at all!
04-19-2015 , 12:14 AM
Nobody needs permission to post in unchained as far as I am concerned. Obviously it has been suggested that people choose to post less argumentatively due to the apparent consequences of unsettle-ability.
04-19-2015 , 03:17 AM
After reading this thread and various other threads on race in this forum, its a moving goal post on what constitutes racism, or racism worth admonishing. It seems to me some forms of racism is tolerated and is largely based on which skin color is involved or who perpetrates it. There is little to no room when it comes to Hispanics and Blacks, the threshold is higher when it comes to stuff about Islam and there is no recourse taken for the privileged race. Obviously its at the discretion of the owners on what they will tolerate or not tolerate but you have a thread with over 2K post arguing about whats racist or not or if someone is racist or not...the rules are ambiguous at best and leave the interpretation of what and who is a racist up to the moderators, who themselves participate in overt racism yet make irrational arguments as to why they are not racist. I've read a few threads from current posters and moderators from sometime in 2008 upwards...

Set a clear standard and abide by it and enforce it, the masses will come on line and either accept the standard or reject it but at least they know the standard and I dont think you will have threads that have over 2K post complaining about who is a racist and who is not. At that point, its simply enforcing the rules and whether or not the person is racist largely becomes irrelevant. That's my take anyways.

Last edited by braves2017; 04-19-2015 at 03:24 AM.
04-19-2015 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
It would be ever so helpful
I think we have played out that section of zigzag's big book of tactics one time too many at least.

If Tom want's to dispute the facts he can and I'll respond to him. I'm reasonably confident he only disputes their significance and like so much else in this fiasco that's never going to be resolved.
04-19-2015 , 06:23 AM
What facts are you even talking about, chez?

Again, thanks to your tireless work in this and also every other thread, I had occasion to re-read the beginning of this "fiasco". There were no "bits" left out.

There was no context that Tom ignored. You tried this **** at the start, people asked you to explain what the **** you were talking about, and you chezbombed them with incoherent non sequitors. But here's the funny part:

Back then, the context that you implied made Bruce's posts acceptable wasn't "bits" that Tom left out. It was like, the history of Bruce and your relationship, the general tenor of SMP, that sort of stuff(this is partly supposition on my part, your English is really bad, or, in the alternative, your writing style is insultingly obtuse). Nothing about "bits". That concept appears to be something you invented like yesterday, so I'm way more than reasonably confident that you're wrong about Tom's understanding of the issue.

FoldN tried the same thing a few pages back. It's not just that you're seemingly unwilling to let this go, it's not even that you've been lying about it, you're now LYING ABOUT YOUR PREVIOUS LIES. Jesus Christ, why are you here?
04-19-2015 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What facts are you even talking about, chez?
Thanks for buzzing in Fly.

I'm sure zigzag will see your thoughtful and honest analysis as exactly what he wanted.
04-19-2015 , 06:41 AM
There is little to no room when it comes to Hispanics and Blacks, the threshold is higher when it comes to stuff about Islam and there is no recourse taken for the privileged race.
Just your typical April 2015 reg date, stumbling in here, into a meta-thread about intraforum drama from last year.... to whine about how tough white people have it on the internet.

This username will likely not last much longer than whatever you last one was, buddy. I'll take a stab and guess duffee.
04-19-2015 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Thanks for buzzing in Fly.

I'm sure zigzag will see your thoughtful and honest analysis as exactly what he wanted.
chez, you can't answer that question. It's abundantly obvious you can't. Everyone sees through that. People saw through the "missing bits" fantasy immediately, an obvious fabrication even by SMP standards.

Do you not see how insulting pulling crap like that is to everyone else? Like when you try this bizarre faux consensus thing and pretend Tom and Wookie are conceding things to you, agreeing with you... they're right here! You can't think you'll "get away" with that, Tom will eventually read this thread and respond to your nonsense.
04-19-2015 , 06:51 AM
What? Cheezelawl evasively calling others evasive? Again?

It's like the movie Groundhog Day up in here.
04-19-2015 , 07:04 AM
The weirdest thing about chez, and really all the SMP people, is that they have to imagine in their heads that there's like, a site-wide gaslighting conspiracy, right? They tell themselves that they like to "nerd it up" and talk about stuff in a high minded manner or whatever, but they actually post stream of consciousness gibberish.

For example: I know that I post insults sometimes, so when people call me an ******* I'm like, "yeah, that sounds about right".

But chezlaw and the rest of the merry band of intellectuals... it's not just that people call some of them racist "without reason", it bewilders them except also apparently those posts were intentionally racist, etc. That's a big thing, but whatever. They have to see how often, when out in the wild(like the ATF Bruce thread, the constant Bruce tangents in P and PU) that people are bewildered by their incoherent and nonresponsive writing, that they get called out for tangenting and tone policing and generalized terribleness.

But, to a man, they continue to be relentlessly pointless. Even granting that it appears that many of them have no contact with the outside world besides 2p2, they can read other people's posts. They are choosing to continue to post in this uniquely terrible manner, despite negative feedback, despite numerous examples of how to do it better. So they must think everyone else is in on it, trying to convince them that their posts are bad as some weird conspiracy.

Like, chez, I know we're at the point of the conversation where you "cleverly" dodge questions by focusing on how much you hate the questioner(be it me, LG, zigzag, whoever). But in your head, you have to know that nobody besides you believes that there are missing bits, right?

Last edited by FlyWf; 04-19-2015 at 07:10 AM.
04-19-2015 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Just your typical April 2015 reg date, stumbling in here, into a meta-thread about intraforum drama from last year.... to whine about how tough white people have it on the internet.

This username will likely not last much longer than whatever you last one was, buddy. I'll take a stab and guess duffee.

I've noticed this is your typical straw-man. I think you are one of the more racist posters I've seen on the internet outside of stormfront, like ever and your cognitive dissonance runs rampant and unchecked. You are unequivocally a racist by any reasonable standard of the definition and have spent how ever many years you've been here trying to validate whats essentially a stereotype against all races. I'm not "duffee". You have no idea who I am, neither does anyone else. Your mod buddies will probably come protect you now.

Last edited by braves2017; 04-19-2015 at 07:37 AM.
04-19-2015 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
chez, you can't answer that question.
lol. No engagement with you is your choice.

Your nonsense plays well to the kids. Enjoy it.
04-19-2015 , 08:27 AM
What's nonsense is you having the balls to continue write fairy tales about this whole situation. Other parties escalated the situation? Bruce was being introspective about racism? The twoplustwo powers that be werent bending over backwards to keep Bruce here? Calling any other parties kids when we are seven months past a poster stomping his feet and refusing to post and his buddies refusing to stop whining about it? **** right off with that bull****.

It's been seven months. If you want to talk to or about Bruce go into the scary place outside of twoplustwo, get him and the rest of the mouthbreather few together, and do math and insult minorities to your hearts content.
04-19-2015 , 08:29 AM

Welcome (back) to the forum. Could you link to a single post you have a problem with and explain the errors in it?
04-19-2015 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by braves2017
I've noticed this is your typical straw-man. I think you are one of the more racist posters I've seen on the internet outside of stormfront, like ever and your cognitive dissonance runs rampant and unchecked. You are unequivocally a racist by any reasonable standard of the definition and have spent how ever many years you've been here trying to validate whats essentially a stereotype against all races. I'm not "duffee". You have no idea who I am, neither does anyone else. Your mod buddies will probably come protect you now.
My money is on greatwhite
