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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-08-2015 , 11:36 PM
If you don't care about Team Age Appropriate Reading Grade Level and their awful awful "lies"* about Bruce and about conservatives and about everything....

Why don't you go back to your little playpen with your moron loser friends where you can sit around saying whatever the **** you want without fear of MrWookie's eye of judgment?

*FoldN thinks that direct quotes are "dishonest", which may explain why he provides them so rarely
04-08-2015 , 11:37 PM
These fools are going to literally drop dead of old age before they get over a racist being called a mean name on the interwebs
04-08-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
If you don't care about Team Age Appropriate Reading Grade Level and their awful awful "lies"* about Bruce and about conservatives and about everything....

Why don't you go back to your little playpen with your moron loser friends where you can sit around saying whatever the **** you want without fear of MrWookie's eye of judgment?

*FoldN thinks that direct quotes are "dishonest", which may explain why he provides them so rarely
Lol what eye of judgement? How many temp bans or deleted posts has team SMP gotten in their thousands of posts about nothing? Compare that to what would happen in SMP with any Bruce is racist posts.

Somehow though, politics regs are the real issue with race relations because something something shut down team Bruce despite the fact these ****ers never ever STFU about it
04-08-2015 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well Duffee, you have a little issue where we have all read your posts.
The issue is what you read into them. For example, in terms of searches the cops search blacks at a higher rate than whites, even though the respective contraband hit rates are similar. From that, you conclude racist pigs. Fine. But they also search men at a higher rate than women, even though the hit rates are similar. They also search younger motorists at a higher rate than older ones, even though the hit rates are similar. I think they’re just profiling based on their job experience, as opposed to any animus, subconscious or not, based on race, gender or age.
04-08-2015 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
**** you back. You're the one being dishonest. That quote was in direct response to someone who had just said the cop was likely to be racist. He just threw the accusation back at him. It's funny how conversations work.
Sorry foldn, this doesn't mean dick. Responding to someone who says something dumb/racist with something equally racist doesn't invalidate your statement. It just means two racists were having a conversation
04-08-2015 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
The issue is what you read into them. For example, in terms of searches the cops search blacks at a higher rate than whites, even though the respective contraband hit rates are similar. From that, you conclude racist pigs. Fine. But they also search men at a higher rate than women, even though the hit rates are similar. They also search younger motorists at a higher rate than older ones, even though the hit rates are similar. I think they’re just profiling based on their job experience, as opposed to any animus, subconscious or not, based on race, gender or age.
If the hit rates are similar (and they're not, they're actually lower for blacks), why on earth would a fair-minded cop's on-the-job experience tell him to search blacks more when they find just as much contraband on whites?
04-09-2015 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If the hit rates are similar (and they're not, they're actually lower for blacks), why on earth would a fair-minded cop's on-the-job experience tell him to search blacks more when they find just as much contraband on whites?
They’re not searching just because of suspicion. They’re doing “crime prevention” or what they’re now calling “goal-oriented policing,” i.e. over-policing. So because they fit the criminal profile the cops are exposed to, they’re profiled for searches more. For example, with Oakland PD last year 8228 robbery suspects are black compared to 107 white. So who do you think they’ll end up searching at a higher rate, older white women or young black males?
04-09-2015 , 01:59 AM
So, cops search more blacks because they search more blacks? Why am I not allowed to call this racist?
04-09-2015 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
The part you bolded was fine, imo.

The other part where he seems to assume that oppressed minorities are either stupid or are subhuman recording machines is a little bit odd.
04-09-2015 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
that's an impersonal "we" (context ftw) and basically says nothing about bruce's personal feelings on the matter. not sure i'd expect you to get the distinction, but w/e.
amazing absolutely ****ing amazing

welcome to team bruce
04-09-2015 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
The part you bolded was fine, imo.

The other part where he seems to assume that oppressed minorities are either stupid or are subhuman recording machines is a little bit odd.
Haha this is a constructive and honest conversation on race, courtesy of SMP. We're all so lucky that 5 or so terrible posters all independently expanded their posting from that forum to this forum at around the same time.

Did you happen, good sir, to keep reading the thread? Because boy does this comment make you look ****ing stupid. I mean, all of your posts do that, but this one in particular, as you furiously defend Bruce saying that the (black) witnesses in Ferguson are likely to be racist against white people.
04-09-2015 , 07:52 AM
Oh I decided to check FoldN's story out, that "Bruce was just throwing it back" defense? I was so overcome with hilarity at how dumb that defense was I forgot the first rule of SMP is "Never have any ****ing idea what you're talking about". FoldN you know, that thing where you and your idiot colleagues just make **** up is unusual, right? Just because you got away with that **** in your shortbus forum doesn't mean it will fly anywhere else.

BruceZ didn't quote anyone, but the witnesses are likely to be racist post came shortly after a prior post of his. There were, in fact, only 3 posts in between. One of which was, incredibly:
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I am finding a lot of my friends uncomfortable with talking about this frankly. A lot of hand waving.
One of which was DS making a tangential point. The actual post BruceZ was responding to, the thing that FoldN described as
**** you back. You're the one being dishonest. That quote was in direct response to someone who had just said the cop was likely to be racist. He just threw the accusation back at him. It's funny how conversations work.
is quoted, in its entirety, below
Originally Posted by masque de Z
What do you think about the eyewitnesses however saying that he didnt charge him when he turned and one of them actually saying it was Wilson that got closer. I hesitate to trust of course same race eyewitnesses on both sides of the argument but it may be possible to spot inconsistencies and if not then they may be telling the truth. Also what if Brown didnt try to get his gun, it was Wilson who grabbed his neck from inside the car (how did that happen by the way, maybe he had lowered his body talking to him in angry exchanges?) and then there was some fight that resulted in a shot and then Brown started running and Wilson getting out to shoot one more time, then injured Brown turned back and asks not to shoot him and raises hands then lowers hands as if in pain or he stumbles or rushes (which is it ?) and then 4 more shots from 2-3 meters away.

What if the cop paniced in reality and overestimated the danger, didnt believe enough in himself being able to control things and behave like a mature sensible individual. What if one bully met another and they both proved cowards like bullies tend to do when it gets tough.

I am not sure there is racism here. Probably not. Just some lack of respect for a better alternative at all levels of the 3 min confrontation.

I have come to recognize that it will make a difference in this world if all kids age 9 read Les Miserables in their own language, but only after reading first the hunchback of Notre Dame...Illuminate society at its foundation, start at street level and create a better future. Why couldnt there be a world where a white cop is a mentor to black kids or a black grandpa steps out from some home during the fight and asks them to relax and avoid violence. How hard is this really? All the police needs to behave better is to know there are witnesses.
(emphasis mine)
It is funny how conversations works, FoldN.
04-09-2015 , 07:53 AM
Again, Duffee, why do you get aggravated when your viewpoint is described as "the Ferguson and Oakland PDs search more black people because black people are more criminal" when that is your viewpoint?

Also, why are you hung up on this thing where every individual police officer has to burn crosses in order for a department to act in a racist manner. What you describe is, in fact, a police department acting racist and we can take steps to try and remedy that.

Also, Duffee, how many white men where arrested for resisting arrest in Ferguson? Or had dogs set on them? What was the ratio of traffic tickets fixed for black people vs white people? Why were black people charged differently and treated differently for similar violation? Why in a culture where racists emails drew no rebuke from superiors would out default assumption be blacks were treated equally to whites? How many white men were shot dead by police in Oakland and Ferguson recently?

To go back to your earlier point that you didn't elaborate on, who is more subject to police oppression a black citizen or a newly naturalized white citizen?

Feel free to address any and all points instead of just bleating baaaaahhhhhhhh I don't like people criticizing me.

Last edited by LetsGambool; 04-09-2015 at 08:05 AM.
04-09-2015 , 08:44 AM
Nice job Fly, I was wrong. Either that or I was thinking of another conversation where he made a similar statement. Still, I'm having trouble understanding how calling people racist is racist. If so, you have a lot of explaining to do.

Anyway, from the same thread:

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I think we can define racism as an irrational prejudice based on race, leading to mistrust, hatred and the belief one race is inferior to another. We can discuss rationality of individual decisions, but nobody here would dispute that people often think and act irrationally, thus racism remains. The only question is how prevalent is it?

I still see it everywhere in MO. From out in the country where people proudly use the N word and I've heard people comparing blacks to animals, praising MLK's death, to the city where I witnessed a crowd at Busch stadium hush/gasp at an interracial couple on the kiss cam, even scattered boos.

I think many people see how far we've come since slavery, even since the 60's and believe racism in the US is largely defeated. This leads them to ignore it and even dispute that it has much effect anymore, focusing more on how blacks can help themselves. I agree the black community has a lot to do to pick themselves up on their own. I disgree racism doesn't still have a large detrimental effect.
Lack of empathy and ignorance is one of problems I see this area and throughout the country, and it's what I see in Bruce on this issue. You call that racist. I don't think it is, but it is something that I hope continues to change.
04-09-2015 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Haha this is a constructive and honest conversation on race, courtesy of SMP. We're all so lucky that 5 or so terrible posters all independently expanded their posting from that forum to this forum at around the same time.

Did you happen, good sir, to keep reading the thread? Because boy does this comment make you look ****ing stupid. I mean, all of your posts do that, but this one in particular, as you furiously defend Bruce saying that the (black) witnesses in Ferguson are likely to be racist against white people.
Try to keep up dumbass. People in a minority group who are discriminated against are capable of noticing that they are being discriminated against.

The alternative is that you think they are too stupid to notice.
04-09-2015 , 09:17 AM
Remember when BruceZ threatened to dox pvn? That was some crazy ****, yo.
04-09-2015 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Try to keep up dumbass. People in a minority group who are discriminated against are capable of noticing that they are being discriminated against.

The alternative is that you think they are too stupid to notice.
When controversial topics like race are discussed openly and academically, there will always be guys like this:

I guess it doesn't make much difference in the long run as long as those discussions don't stop happening.
04-09-2015 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Try to keep up dumbass. People in a minority group who are discriminated against are capable of noticing that they are being discriminated against.

The alternative is that you think they are too stupid to notice.
Hahahahahah. Your reading comprehension sucks, bro.
04-09-2015 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
When controversial topics like race are discussed openly and academically, there will always be guys like this:

Keep on ****ing that chicken.
04-09-2015 , 10:49 AM
does SMP stand for stupid mouthbreathing people?
04-09-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy

The prosecutor knew she wasn't in Ferguson and had her testify because his goal was to prevent a trial.
LOL so have you read the DOJ report on the shooting death of Brown?

There are 6 other witnesses who corroborate Wilson's testimony and 0 witnesses whose testimony is consistent with prior statements and the physical evidence who inculpate Wilson.

The Prosecutor did not need this witness.

Last edited by ogallalabob; 04-09-2015 at 11:24 AM.
04-09-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Just because you got away with that **** in your shortbus forum doesn't mean it will fly anywhere else. .
I guess we all now know with certainty that you are an ******* and a completely insensitive dick with respect to how you view developmentally delayed people given the use of the "short bus" reference above. Interesting how someone who likes to label people bigots and racists all the time would express such a low opinion of people simply because they have a disability.
04-09-2015 , 11:16 AM
it's not just that the SMP crew is developmentally disabled, it's that they also try to assert their intellectual superiority when it comes to rational debate. given the performance itt, you cant blame a man for being somewhat indignant.
04-09-2015 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hahahahahah. Your reading comprehension sucks, bro.
Did you mean to quote Fly when he said that I am defending Bruce?

I am not expecting to learn much new here from the general assembly of yahoos, so I am doing some skimming instead of trying to find the deep kernel of knowledge that I already know I am not going to find.

Black people in Ferguson should be biased against the cops there. The cops are, in fact, really out to get them. It has nothing to do with the black people being racist and it would be quite odd if the black people in Ferguson weren't affected by knowing that the cops are out to get them.
04-09-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
it's not just that the SMP crew is developmentally disabled, it's that they also try to assert their intellectual superiority when it comes to rational debate. given the performance itt, you cant blame a man for being somewhat indignant.
I think it is possible to be indignant without being derogatory to a group of disabled people in a very insensitive way. Wouldn't you agree?
