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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

05-05-2015 , 10:20 AM
Is it possible that chez is trapped in Hades and being forced to rehash this **** for eternity is his divine punishment for diddling puppies?
05-05-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I'm sure chez is grateful for you answering questions on his behalf but I think this is straightforward enough that there shouldn't be any confusion. Now I have told you on a number of occasions that I have no interest in engaging with you, should you prefer to ignore this fine but don't be expecting further replies.

You are making pointless and needless argumentation about discussing this topic. So far your underly reason chez or anyone else should not discuss this seems to be that you don't want to discuss it. Seems fair to point out how much a waste over nothing you are making.
05-05-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
chez do you think your arguments in favour of Bruce posting are biased?
I'm biased in favour of him posting, I make no bones about that.

Not sure what else you mean by arguments in favour of him posting.

How do you think that prolonging this discussion helps Bruce post again?
This thread doesn't help - that's not it's intention is it? I mostly only come here to respond to stuff. Just like the ATF thread.
05-05-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is it possible that chez is trapped in Hades and being forced to rehash this **** for eternity is his divine punishment for diddling puppies?
I prefer the idea that he is in purgatory and is tasked with getting some guy to post on a poker message board before he can eearn entry into jazz heaven.
05-05-2015 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm biased in favour of him posting, I make no bones about that.

Not sure what else you mean by arguments in favour of him posting.

This thread doesn't help - that's not it's intention is it? I mostly only come here to respond to stuff. Just like the ATF thread.
I just wanted to be clear that there is bias in all of our positions, bias says nothing about whether an argument is correct or not only its motivation

It's a thread chez it doesn't have an intention, but if the thread isn't helping and you would like Bruce posting again surely it makes sense to drop it long enough to see whether it makes a difference.
05-05-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
You are making pointless and needless argumentation about discussing this topic. So far your underly reason chez or anyone else should not discuss this seems to be that you don't want to discuss it. Seems fair to point out how much a waste over nothing you are making.
You've managed to become your own parody congratulations, now I am putting you on ignore, should you choose to reply to me that is your prerogative.
05-05-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
You've managed to become your own parody congratulations, now I am putting you on ignore, should you choose to reply to me that is your prerogative.

Well I am just challenging your ideas and trying to figure out your motives in telling people to stop discussing something they want to talk about.

Wouldn't you be better off criticizing the people using uncommunicative argument devices rather than arguing that people shouldn't discuss this?

The more obvious problem is how some people are not even trying to communicate, but are still generating anti-social noise.
05-05-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I just wanted to be clear that there is bias in all of our positions, bias says nothing about whether an argument is correct or not only its motivation

It's a thread chez it doesn't have an intention, but if the thread isn't helping and you would like Bruce posting again surely it makes sense to drop it long enough to see whether it makes a difference.
The thread was created with an intention and it continues because of that intention. They could drop it any time they wanted to but that's not up to me.

Obviously I don't agree that never responding is best but I don't bother with the trolls anymore as you must know.
05-05-2015 , 10:58 AM
You're trolling right now, so clearly you do still bother with the trolls
05-05-2015 , 10:59 AM
It's my opinion chez and the people who knew bruce have the stronger and better bias in this matter. Why? Their appeals goes along with the over-all implicit appeal that people deserve a new chance if they had made mistakes. That all makes the matter worth discussing in principle from my view. Whether, one chooses to discuss the matter or not.
05-05-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
You're trolling right now, so clearly you do still bother with the trolls
Parallel argument. Making a disruptive, false accussation of trolling towards a polite and thoughtful discusser.
05-05-2015 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The thread was created with an intention and it continues because of that intention. They could drop it any time they wanted to but that's not up to me.

Obviously I don't agree that never responding is best but I don't bother with the trolls anymore as you must know.
Lol, this is the same bull**** from the SMP thread. Chez deciding not to post about Bruce is the necessary and sufficient condition for chez stopping posting about Bruce, but other people have hijacked the decision making process of a grown ass man who purports to be an independent, logical, intellectual such that he cannot decide to stop posting about Bruce unless all the other people stop posting about Bruce.
05-05-2015 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Lol, this is the same bull**** from the SMP thread. Chez deciding not to post about Bruce is the necessary and sufficient condition for chez stopping posting about Bruce
You get confused easily.

I'll stop responding about Bruce if I think that's best. I don't think that's best.

Others can chose to bring it up or not - that's up to them.
05-05-2015 , 11:33 AM
I'm not sure if this is known outside of the SMP-brain-swamp... but the 'Fiasco' claimed another victim on team #cockroach last Sunday. It seems TomCowley decided to commit 'suicide by mod' in protest of BruceZ deciding all on his own not to post anymore... even though he is welcome to. The following was directed at Mat Sklansky...

Originally Posted by TomCowley
Stop acting like a little bitch in all facets? I mean seriously, my post has content, that you're completely misrepresenting the situation after the fact, with evidence provided, and you just act like you didn't. Bitch move.

You lying bitch.

And yeah, you (and Mason) decided to do nothing, a bunch of colored-name cretins started whining, and then you appeased them (did I mention bitch move?). Do you have an alternative explanation? You know, one where you weren't a bitch, gave 0 ****s what a bunch of irrelevant wankers were going on about, and changed your mind anyway? I'd love to hear it. But we both know I never will. Bitch.
The real question is... where does team #cockroach go from here... considering their delusional dreams have been, again, dashed ??
05-05-2015 , 11:34 AM
Those of you that don't read the Masque walls o' text are missing out.

Originally Posted by masque de Z
Why would i want to be in a place that eg management or their mods dont care that the members treat the other members in a more civilized manner minimizing the trolling, bullying and other pathetic behavior that is taking place for example.


Lets have Bruce back posting again so that among other creative things we can also disagree again in a civilized manner, like people who care for the discussion arriving at the truth and not for scoring individual victories. We can actually all benefit from such approach in how we interact with respect for the process.
Example of civilized manner:

Originally Posted by bruce
This forum is for thinkers. People like David Sklansky. Not for eggheads that couldn't think their way out of a blackjack deck with no tens, and do little but throw out the occasional cryptic comment just to make themselves feel better about themselves. If you can't understand this, then go back to your estrogen laden liberal butt buddies that think with their vaginas and suck at the teet of political correctness you pathetic douchebag.
Masque's post also contains a wonderful logical example of how Bruce might be needed to save someone's life by correcting a chemistry error someone is live streaming to 2+2...
05-05-2015 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'll stop responding about Bruce if I think that's best. I don't think that's best.
How much success have you enjoyed in life where every single person tells you your course of action is wrong?
05-05-2015 , 11:40 AM
Wall de text's life saving hypothetical was amazing
05-05-2015 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
How much success have you enjoyed in life
Done okay thanks as have you I gather.

I'm considering adding the ziggy tactic of ignoring most of reality. I understand that works well too.
05-05-2015 , 11:51 AM
I feel like I trolled masque pretty successfully, although it's hard to tell since he spazzes out normally.
05-05-2015 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Done okay thanks as have you I gather.

I'm considering adding the ziggy tactic of ignoring most of reality. I understand that works well too.
I think you've been on the reality ignorance program for quite some time.
05-05-2015 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
The real question is... where does team #cockroach go from here... considering their delusional dreams have been, again, dashed ??
Tearful heartfelt eulogies?
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Bruce, you made your mark in 2+2 history. Not entirely the way you expected, but anyway. In a way you are the Christ of the forum, sacrificing yourself, after doing much good. Take care, mate! See you over there!
05-05-2015 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I think you've been on the reality ignorance program for quite some time.
your biased 'fair minded' tactic has been a master class.

lets continue this exciting ding-dong until someone manages to say it's just me - my would we laugh
05-05-2015 , 12:11 PM
Hahahaha, the commentary in the SMP thread prior to Mason's post is pretty amazing. I love the theory that Bruce was just a scapegoat who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
05-05-2015 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You get confused easily.

I'll stop responding about Bruce if I think that's best. I don't think that's best.

Others can chose to bring it up or not - that's up to them.

The fact they don't want you to discuss this, while choosing to not discuss it, and still generating the argumentative, noisy, and uninformative behavior is a sign of the reality you have the better appeal. They really can't discuss it because it is rather embarrassing for them to have such weak and criticizable opinions on the matter.

Why they don't just choose to quit, stop, or retreat and rather choose to blame you for communicating is another tragic comedy befitting of the ongoing routine of errors.
05-05-2015 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hahahaha, the commentary in the SMP thread prior to Mason's post is pretty amazing. I love the theory that Bruce was just a scapegoat who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Your opinion does require Bruce's posts be taken out of the setting and context of time they were made, and then diminished and reduced. Look at you scapegoating here in that post!
